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Congratulations to Nukhet's Team of Pets!
While most pets would covet a trophy made of titanium or platinum, Everdeen was excited to win a beautiful trophy made from green gold on behalf of her proud owner. Beating all comers across 19 events, including Chewbie, Snookums, Fluffy, Ally, Idea, Moriarty, Swinger, Sir W, Scaredy and Rolf, Nukhet sent Everdeen to receive the award for the rest of her team when Everdeen won the last full size trophy in the set from Chirrup.

But our story doesn’t end there, because Sam had diligently polished this special trophy, every single day, never really believing he’d ever be able to award it. He scratched his scaly head and wondered if he had super-glued it to hands. But finally, with great joy, he was able to award one of his special trophies for the first time. To Sam, this is proof that his Center of Excellence has raised other pets to the same levels as his own team of Champions!

These days Sam delights in the greater good of sport. The first thing he did after awarding the trophy was to thank the Mouse in Trousers for financing the Center of Excellence and making his dream of sporting exceptionalism for pets a reality!
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