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Jan 16th 2018
22 slides

Jan 17th 2018

Day over

Jan 18th 2018
26 slides

Cat's Questions

Scaredy Cat has taken his service dog with him to a visit to the beach and he's contentedly watching the seagulls flying in the distance. Scaredy Cat leads a very interesting life, full of adventures and events, all being done to help him overcome his many fears. But today, he is just content to having a quiet day. For a moment, he glances over at the dog, who is resting, and he wonders what she is dreaming about. Is she chasing squirrels? Maybe she dreams of being in the meat market, waiting for a bone or perhaps a big juicy steak? These, and other questions come to Scaredy Cat's mind. Like most kitties, Scaredy Cat is a curious kitty. Always wondering about how to have fun or how to get down from the tree once making it to that high branch. There are questions he wants to ask that he doesn't always have the answers to. It's a tough life being a kitty.

If you’re a cat person, you’ll no doubt wonder what your cat is thinking from time to time. What unsolved mysteries does your tabby ponder, hmm? January 22nd is Answers Your Cat’s Questions Day and it's your is a chance to find out, and to answer some of the big questions. Take some time and attempt to work out what questions your cat is asking, and see if you're able to fill in the blanks. Certainly the predominate query is: "Hey, what's on the other side of the door?". Or "Why do you keep petting me when I tell you to stop?". And of course "Can I Fit In That?" as they look at the empty box on the floor. What questions do you think cats have and do you think your answers will satisfy them? Tell us what questions you think cats are asking the hoomans!!

Here's the basics:
Your submission MUST be related to the theme
You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Cat's Questions" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT January 23rd (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).

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