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Scaredy Cat
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Wonderful prizes! Rules in caption, everyone wins!
"I love you, I love you, I love you!"  Scaredy Cat shouted loud enough that Bob was startled to hear it while enjoying his ice cream. They were outside near the park, and it was a very nice afternoon for recreational activities.
"I love you too Scaredy Cat. There's no need to shout it out for everyone to hear" Bob replied
"Ooops! Sorry Bob. Of course I love you but just now I was declaring my love to the tree"
"What?!!!" Bob yelled. "You were saying it to a tree??"
"Yes. National Love A Tree Day is celebrated every year on May 16th,  and it falls right in the middle of Garden for Wildlife Month. And one of the ways to celebrate it is by declaring your love to it", Scaredy Cat explained.
"Did you know trees actually didn’t exist for the first 90% of Earth’s history? Shocking, isn’t it? Before trees, our Earth had fungi that grew 26 feet tall and resembled trees. Trees have played an irreplaceable role in the smooth functioning of our environment and celebrating this special day dedicated to them is the least we can do to appreciate them" Scaredy Cat said proudly.
"Oh...I think I know where this is going. Is this gonna be our art challenge this week? To be honest, though I am a monster, I do love trees. It'll be a great theme for art indeed", Bob replied.
"Yippee!!" Scaredy Cat yelled happily.

Trees are a good thing. They give us shade, comfort, and warmth. They give off oxygen for us to breathe too. Trees have so many benefits — they provide us with lumber, food, nuts, home for wildlife, and much more. So, you have good reason to love a tree or two.
Trees form an essential part of our environment, and, over the years, their importance has been taught to children growing up. Even in recent times, individuals have become so environmentally conscious that a sustainable lifestyle to protect our trees has become the norm. Most people now want to protect and preserve our trees, which make the world a better and safer place to live in.
We also love them because it keeps our streets and homes cooler. It helps to reconnect with Earth. When planting a tree or simply taking care of existing trees, it can evoke a sense of belonging with nature. Trees are nature, after all, and spending time with them can help you reconnect with Earth.

Everyone has a favorite kind of tree. Use National Love a Tree Day to identify a tree you love, and to pamper it. Give it a trim. Eliminate competitors around it. Feed it a dose of fertilizer. Tree spikes work great. And, give the tree some water, if it is thirsty.
Important Note: On Love a Tree Day, your attention must be placed on trees. A bush or a shrub just won’t do.

National Love a Tree Day celebrates the joys of life provided by trees. Reading in the shade or taking a bite out of a fresh fruit pie are but two examples. Show your love of trees in your artwork this week. Be a Dendrophile (a person who loves trees and forests). Show us your favourite trees,  your favorite place filled with your favourite trees and many more art on trees.
By dedicating a day to trees, we honor their vital contribution to the world.
Whether it’s planting a new tree, caring for existing ones, or simply spreading awareness, each person can play a role in keeping our planet green.

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffet

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "TREES" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until May 14, 2024 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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