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 54 finds.
Pagoda Lantern Decoration

Here's a little Japanese-style aid to meditation: a pagoda lantern surrounded by natural stones. It can also aid concentration in the practice of yoga. Whilst creating a mini relaxation garden, it is recommended to stay with neutral and earthy colors, such as like white, cream, grey and beige.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 5th Apr 2024

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This Rare Earth - Metals - Map

In 1842 the number of known rare-earth elements was six: yttrium, cerium, lanthanum, didymium, erbium and terbium. Rare earth elements have become extremely important to our world of technology owing to their unique properties. These elements are critical to technologies ranging from mobile phones and televisions to LED light bulbs and wind turbines.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 23rd Jun 2023

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Feline Trio

Are these cats saying "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"? Dear me, no! I imagine our ginger friend on the left is saying, "Dude, where's my breakfast?" The innocent looking feline in the middle is thinking: "Why doesn't this human put the fire on?" And the grey cat is wishing you would stop whatever pointless activity you're engaged in and set his clockwork mouse going, or dragging a lure across the carpet for him to pounce on.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 21st Jun 2023

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Church in Rural New Hampshire

This rural white church in New Hampshire might be small, but it makes a big impact in the community. The minister shares sermons encouraging its members to show God's love to everyone. It lives that out by having a weekly meal of sharing where anyone can join in bringing nearby residents together for a delicious meal and meaningful connections.

113329 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 7th May 2022

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Stone Pattern

An ancient stone, diamond/flower pattern wall or flooring.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2022

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Leaves And Stones

Autumn is in the air as leaves gather amongst stones on a beach in Bursa, a city in northwest Turkey.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2022

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Stone Wall, Close Up

Stone walls are found in many places in Turkey. In Istanbul, there are remnants of an ancient wall that ringed the old city of Constantinople. In Alanya, there is the Alanya Castle which is also ringed by stone walls.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2022

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Denmark Shell Beach

If you're a driftwood collector or for shells, this beach is a treasure trove. Just remember that you won't be able to get them through customs with them.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2022

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Tram, Gothenburg

A misty winter morning in Gothenburg, as you wait for one of the 263 trams that serve 12 routes to take you to work or an early breakfast.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2022

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Dry Stone Wall, Norway

Dry stone walls are an ancient craft going back thousands of years. By fitting stones tightly together without mortar and choosing slightly smaller stones the higher you go to create a tapering inward wall you can build a stone wall that can withstand an earthquake and can last hundreds of years.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2022

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Stone Heart, Sweden

Rocks and stones can be found in many different shapes, some you have to look very carefully at before their likeness to things familiar are revealed and at other times it is very clear what the stone represents. Would you take this stone if you found it or leave it for others to discover?

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2022

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Stones At Lake Malmö, Sweden

Malmö is the third-largest city in Sweden. If you are a collector of stones you would probably find some interesting specimens on this beach. Sweden does not have just stone beaches, there are plenty of soft sand beaches as well.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Jan 2022

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Winter Everywhere

You called for snow? Everything is covered in the cold stuff. Is the water frozen too? Tread carefully to find out. What this scene needs is some friendly pet houses and some trees and some snowmen. What this scene really needs is for you to put whatever you like and make it your own winter scene.

112586 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Dec 2021

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Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise? Sunset? Which one is it? You decide! Whichever one you think it is, it's a beautiful foggy scene, isn't it?

112173 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Nov 2021

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Wintry Canim Lake, BC

An exhilarating hike on the trail alongside Canim Lake is just what the doctor ordered for the winter doldrums. It's exhilarating for several reasons. One, to enjoy the pristine beauty of the forest and lake, two, to feel the crisp cool air on your face, and, three, to look for animal tracks to see what pets like to live out here. Maybe you will meet a new friend?

112279 FULL SIZE.
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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Sep 2021

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Foggy Foggy Mountain Dew

Is that a violin I hear a-tunin' and feet a-stompin'? Is it time for a classic country music song of doom, gloom, despair and agony?

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Sep 2021

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Bygone Toronto

Toronto was a quieter place in the 1950s. The skyline was made up of a few buildings built twenty years earlier, the brick buildings were defaced with soot from the industry that was the major one on the waterfront, and you couldn't go out for a drink or get your shopping on Sundays. Perhaps this old truck played a part in the construction of the new buildings and the first neon lights of the city?

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Sep 2021

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Night Road with Moon

Many travellers prefer to drive at night because the roads are less busy. The only other pets out at this time are those who may be hauling goods. Traveling at night does have a downside though. You miss what beautiful scenery you may be driving past. It's a good thing there is a full moon to help illuminate the road ahead.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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From Fish to Sheep

After they had breakfast with their risen Lord and Friend, Jesus had a conversation with one of His best friends, Peter, who had denied Him three times when Jesus was arrested and put on trial. Jesus asked Peter if Peter loved Him more than he loved fishing - his life's occupation. He asked this of Peter three times. Peter, each time, affirmed his love for His Master and Savior. Jesus then gave him a new "occupation" - to feed His sheep, His people. He also told Peter that one day Peter would die for being a follower of His. Peter, knowing that there would be dark days ahead, was committed to following the One Who is the Light of the world.

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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"Good" Friday?

The New Testament accounts of Jesus' death aren't pleasant. After having suffered cruelly at the hands of soldiers and from the hearts of His own people, the eyewitness accounts say that the land became dark during His last three hours on the cross. When He breathed His last, under that foreboding sky, the earth quaked and rocks split. Being late in the day, His followers buried Him in a nearby, borrowed tomb. While tragic, something triumphant was about to happen in just a few days!

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Travel Game Prize
First seen 12th Mar 2021

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 54 finds.
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