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The Antique Shop
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 2457 finds.
St. George Plush

I am sure many of you know the mythical stories about me. As with all stories—especially mythical ones—they change with time and little remains of the original. So I would like to tell my version insomuch as a plush can tell a story.

There never was a fight or even an angry feeling on my part toward the dragon. I doubt the dragon harboured any ill will toward the villagers, as he and I have discussed many times, he was busy doing dragon stuff, flying around checking on his kingdom, making sure all the other inhabitants were comfortable and no one was stirring up any problems.

The dragon and I have become fast friends over the years and we try to meet monthly to share news. The dragon makes the tea and I bring the luscious cakes for us both to enjoy as we reminisce and enjoy a laugh at how stories change or are made up to begin with.

117529 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 21:28:16

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Sep 2024 03:071 GM on 19 Sep 2024 04:171 GM on 18 Sep 2024 02:45

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 19 Sep 2024 04:1710 SM on 19 Sep 2024 04:1715 SM on 18 Sep 2024 13:43

Dark And Stormy Cocktail On Ice

Shivers up the spine. This drink is like a jolt to the system. If you have ever wandered into a dark forest on a stormy night and felt all your senses go on high alert this is the drink that will bring back the excitement of that feeling all while sitting safely in your cozy chair.

Pumpkin puree for the rich deep flavour and a generous helping of dark coffee. Drink up and energize your senses.

117540 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 21:26:29

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Also in the fruit machine
until 9th Oct 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:411 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:411 GM on 15 Sep 2024 03:23

buy for 40

Silver sales
50 SM on 11 Sep 2024 12:3850 SM on 11 Sep 2024 12:3850 SM on 11 Sep 2024 12:38

St. George Plush

I am sure many of you know the mythical stories about me. As with all stories—especially mythical ones—they change with time and little remains of the original. So I would like to tell my version insomuch as a plush can tell a story.

There never was a fight or even an angry feeling on my part toward the dragon. I doubt the dragon harboured any ill will toward the villagers, as he and I have discussed many times, he was busy doing dragon stuff, flying around checking on his kingdom, making sure all the other inhabitants were comfortable and no one was stirring up any problems.

The dragon and I have become fast friends over the years and we try to meet monthly to share news. The dragon makes the tea and I bring the luscious cakes for us both to enjoy as we reminisce and enjoy a laugh at how stories change or are made up to begin with.

117529 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 20:47:44

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Sep 2024 05:251 GM on 18 Sep 2024 05:251 GM on 18 Sep 2024 05:25

buy for 50

Silver sales
90 SM on 16 Sep 2024 20:1790 SM on 16 Sep 2024 20:1790 SM on 16 Sep 2024 20:17

Egyptian Ewer

What a find! An ancient or maybe new Egyptian ewer, hand painted with camels, lots of camels on a sun-drenched background. The perfect receptacle for your Egyptian coffee, unless this is a true antique; then you may want to keep it safe in a curio cabinet. 

117406 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 19:19:14

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:49

buy for 99

Silver sales
99 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:1099 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:1090 SM on 18 Sep 2024 15:34

Egyptian Earrings (Cleopatra's Favorite)

Almost as beautiful as the Queen herself, these long and sleek earrings are all the rage in Egypt, and aren't you the lucky pet with a pair all your own!

117264 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 19:16:55

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:581 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:581 GM on 8 Sep 2024 03:24

buy for 9

Silver sales
10 SM on 13 Sep 2024 02:5890 SM on 8 Sep 2024 20:1210 SM on 7 Sep 2024 09:15

Embalming Fluid

Oh! What an interesting jar, with a lingering scent of Myrrh. This may be an antique vessel that held precious oils. Other vessels would have contained waxes, resins, tars, and oils. These substances were used for embalming, but we won’t go further into that, as some of the younger pets are looking a little queasy.

117408 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 19:16:09

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Sep 2024 23:071 GM on 7 Sep 2024 04:191 GM on 7 Sep 2024 04:19

buy for 99

Silver sales
100 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:24100 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:24100 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:24

Egyptian Feather Fan

Fan like an Egyptian. Over 4,000 years ago Egyptians invented the fan, thank goodness for that. On a hot day, all the pets love to laze around and have a good pal fan them. Of course, they all take turns. This lovely feather fan—all the feathers are found feathers not plucked—is perfect to create a cooling breeze.

117263 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 19:14:16

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Sep 2024 01:101 GM on 2 Sep 2024 01:101 GM on 1 Sep 2024 16:55

buy for 89

Silver sales
90 SM on 14 Sep 2024 05:4615 SM on 14 Sep 2024 05:4615 SM on 10 Sep 2024 22:18

The Dragon Plush

Hey! The Dragon here. You may have been chatting with good old St. George. Yes, he tells it true. We are the best of friends and we certainly enjoy a spot of tea and some cakes, that St. George brings with him when he comes to visit.

Rumours and old tales are funny things, and it is a good thing we can laugh about them. St. George and I are planning a trip soon. With all our conversations about stories we thought it would be fun to visit other places that have myths written about them. I might find some new teas to try and I am sure St. George would love to discover some new cakes.

117528 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 16:14:06

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Sep 2024 02:451 GM on 17 Sep 2024 02:381 GM on 17 Sep 2024 02:38

buy for 50

Silver sales
12 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:1012 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:1012 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:10

Ballet Dress, Purple

This lovely ballet dress will have the ballet dancer among your pets excited. Delicate purple fabric with glitter and accents of butterflies takes centre stage. When the lights are lowered, this dress will twinkle and float as the dancer leaps and spins around the stage.

117202 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 10:19:19

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
No offers for

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 50000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Elephant Pull Toy

In the wild, the elephant is one of the "big five" animals found on an African safari. But this cute little plush elephant is just another well-loved toy in the toy box. This elephant plushie's adventures are simply to go on walks with its owner all across PnF land. When it is time for a nap, the furry little paws grab it by the trunk and tuck it under their arm and cuddle it as they sleep.

105472 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 10:18:21

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2017
Until 9th Apr 2017
Limited edition
buy for 650

Gold sales
1000 GM on 5 Aug 2024 10:451000 GM on 14 Jun 2023 19:411000 GM on 22 May 2022 16:51

buy for 45000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Pink Jacket

Why that is just the jacket everypet needs! Bold, a fashion statement that harkens back to the Big 80's! Add a little silver glove and you'll be moonwalking in no time! And it's not members only!

117138 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 10:17:59

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2024
Until 9th Jul 2024
Limited edition
No offers for

Gold sales
250 GM on 16 Aug 2024 16:32

buy for 8800

Silver sales
8800 SM on 19 Sep 2024 11:59

Creamsicle Refresher

Creamy yumminess paired with the tang of oranges brings back memories of a delightful frozen treat. Here’s to a drink that looks luscious and completely refreshes.

116365 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 02:29:20

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Fruit machine prize
between 10th Jun 2024
and 9th Jul 2024
Limited edition
buy for 20

Gold sales
12 GM on 3 Aug 2024 20:5811 GM on 15 Jul 2024 21:006 GM on 4 Jul 2024 08:04

buy for 500

Silver sales
1100 SM on 15 Jul 2024 05:591100 SM on 10 Jul 2024 20:34

Queen’s Pick, Orange Morning Blaster

If you are the Queen you can decide what you want to drink and when. This sunrise cocktail is a healthy combination of orange juice, freshly squeezed, and a dash of orange bitters to open those royal peepers and start the day off right.

117541 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 02:27:12

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Also in the fruit machine
until 9th Oct 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:411 GM on 14 Sep 2024 13:271 GM on 14 Sep 2024 13:27

buy for 100

Silver sales
50 SM on 17 Sep 2024 22:4550 SM on 17 Sep 2024 22:4550 SM on 17 Sep 2024 22:44

Queen’s Pick, Orange Morning Blaster

If you are the Queen you can decide what you want to drink and when. This sunrise cocktail is a healthy combination of orange juice, freshly squeezed, and a dash of orange bitters to open those royal peepers and start the day off right.

117541 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 02:26:16

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Also in the fruit machine
until 9th Oct 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
6 GM on 19 Sep 2024 21:286 GM on 16 Sep 2024 12:055 GM on 16 Sep 2024 01:09

buy for 900

Silver sales
700 SM on 10 Sep 2024 21:49700 SM on 10 Sep 2024 21:49700 SM on 10 Sep 2024 21:49

Crocodile Shoe

Nom Nom, here I come! You could play some fun pranks with these shoes. Put them on and stand behind a shrub with just the shoes peeking out. Ahhhhh! Run, it’s a crocodile. April Fools!

116733 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 20:40:10

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2024
Until 9th May 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 30 Apr 2024 03:031 GM on 27 Apr 2024 03:031 GM on 27 Apr 2024 03:03

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:561 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:561 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:56

Ballet Dress, Purple

This lovely ballet dress will have the ballet dancer among your pets excited. Delicate purple fabric with glitter and accents of butterflies takes centre stage. When the lights are lowered, this dress will twinkle and float as the dancer leaps and spins around the stage.

117202 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 20:25:28

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 3 Aug 2024 19:071 GM on 2 Aug 2024 20:301 GM on 2 Aug 2024 20:30

buy for 55

Silver sales
50 SM on 19 Aug 2024 23:48150 SM on 9 Aug 2024 23:14125 SM on 9 Aug 2024 23:14

Egyptian Necklace (Cleopatra's Favorite)

Only the best for your pet! Made of semi-precious stones and woven together with gold, this will drape elegantly on you!

117265 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 20:23:34

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:49

buy for 75

Silver sales
98 SM on 18 Sep 2024 21:5898 SM on 10 Sep 2024 03:0695 SM on 9 Sep 2024 23:21

French Bull Dog Plush, Blue Striped Shirt

This little French Bull Dog plush is a great companion. The plush Bull Dog is all dressed up in a blue striped shirt, a blue beret and a red bandana—a sweet gift for a dear pet or yourself.

116567 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:56:07

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Feb 2024
Until 9th Mar 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 24 Feb 2024 01:181 GM on 13 Feb 2024 04:10

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:5410 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:5410 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:54

French Bull Dog Plush, Blue Striped Shirt

This little French Bull Dog plush is a great companion. The plush Bull Dog is all dressed up in a blue striped shirt, a blue beret and a red bandana—a sweet gift for a dear pet or yourself.

116567 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:55:22

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Feb 2024
Until 9th Mar 2024
Limited edition
buy for 45

Gold sales
19 GM on 20 Mar 2024 14:0325 GM on 12 Mar 2024 19:1225 GM on 12 Mar 2024 19:12

buy for 2000

Silver sales
2000 SM on 7 Apr 2024 14:325000 SM on 2 Mar 2024 19:561000 SM on 18 Feb 2024 20:59

Pink Plush Bunny

This floppy, pink, plush bunny may look familiar. Created to resemble a cherished bunny made by a loving grandmother this bunny is completely hand-stitched and stuffed with love and cotton fluff. Be sure to give this bunny lots of hugs.

117148 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:51:26

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2024
Until 9th Jul 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Jul 2024 13:591 GM on 5 Jul 2024 13:591 GM on 2 Jul 2024 17:14

buy for 20

Silver sales
15 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:4815 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:4815 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:48

Pink Plush Bunny

This floppy, pink, plush bunny may look familiar. Created to resemble a cherished bunny made by a loving grandmother this bunny is completely hand-stitched and stuffed with love and cotton fluff. Be sure to give this bunny lots of hugs.

117148 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:50:12

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2024
Until 9th Jul 2024
Limited edition
buy for 46

Gold sales
48 GM on 3 Jul 2024 15:3748 GM on 3 Jul 2024 15:3748 GM on 3 Jul 2024 15:37

buy for 2000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Fantasy Mermaid Ornate Bottle

Does the mermaid live in this beautiful bottle or is it by the hand of some talented artist that this mermaid has been placed? Maybe if you take this bottle home and place it on a sideboard and listen very carefully on some quiet night you may hear the mermaid singing…or not.

117543 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:39:31

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:421 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:421 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:42

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 16:15100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 16:15100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 02:48

Ornate Pink Carriage

My kingdom for a carriage. If you have a kingdom, you probably have a carriage and it looks like the Royal carriage makers worked overtime crafting this splendid carriage.

This elegant carriage, with enough gold trim to please the most flamboyant, will carry you in style to the royal ball or if you don’t mind lots of stares, to the grocery store to pick up the milk you forgot for the rice pudding.

117524 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:37:00

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Sep 2024 02:451 GM on 17 Sep 2024 02:381 GM on 17 Sep 2024 02:38

buy for 120

Silver sales
120 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11

Stuffed Turkey

Wild? Yeah, that's right, I'm wild. But what was that delicious meat we were all eating? I mean the sides were ok, but the point of the sides is to bring out the best in the high spot of the meal. You don't wanna tell me? Boy, I'm bloated now. What did I eat so much of?

You say WHAT!!!!!! Now I'm REALLY wild!

115936 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 05:12:32

One of an ADOPTABLE set!
This was a fruit machine prize
from 10th Jan 2024
to 9th Feb 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 11

Gold sales
12 GM on 10 Mar 2024 01:0013 GM on 10 Feb 2024 00:0512 GM on 5 Feb 2024 19:30

buy for 1500

Silver sales
2000 SM on 23 Feb 2024 15:171000 SM on 10 Feb 2024 00:061000 SM on 10 Feb 2024 00:06

Purple Rhino Plush

This purple rhino plush has a blush. How cute! His skin is purple with an unusual pattern of dots. The dots light up and dance across its skin when the rhino plush is hugged.

117194 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:42:01

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Aug 2024 02:121 GM on 6 Aug 2024 02:121 GM on 6 Aug 2024 02:12

buy for 100

Silver sales
149 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:26149 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:261 SM on 4 Sep 2024 04:34

Pharaoh Dog, Standing

An ancient breed of pup that romped with royals and was a loyal hunting companion to kings. But you don’t need to be a royal to welcome this sleek pup into your home. The Pharaoh dog is super friendly, affectionate and easy to please. The fun antics of this pup will keep you amused and the Pharaoh dog loves to make everyone laugh. What a joyful and pretty friend to have.

117395 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:37:46

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Pharaoh Dog, Jumping

An ancient breed of pup that romped with royals and was a loyal hunting companion to kings. But you don’t need to be a royal to welcome this sleek pup into your home. The Pharaoh dog is super friendly, affectionate and easy to please. The fun antics of this pup will keep you amused and the Pharaoh dog loves to make everyone laugh. What a joyful and pretty friend to have.

117394 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:37:30

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Pharaoh Dog, Waiting

An ancient breed of pup that romped with royals and was a loyal hunting companion to kings. But you don’t need to be a royal to welcome this sleek pup into your home. The Pharaoh dog is super friendly, affectionate and easy to please. The fun antics of this pup will keep you amused and the Pharaoh dog loves to make everyone laugh. What a joyful and pretty friend to have.

117393 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:37:19

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Regal Egyptian Cat

Egyptians were smarter than other cultures, they immediately recognized that felines were to be worshipped, and treated like spoiled, pampered royalty. Lavish gifts and only the best kibble, and of course, free reign of the kingdom. And we hoarded that worship in our bloodlines, and know without a doubt, that even now, we're the supreme rulers of the universe!

117261 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:36:59

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Regal Egyptian Cat Sitting

Egyptians were smarter than other cultures, they immediately recognized that felines were to be worshipped, and treated like spoiled, pampered royalty. Lavish gifts and only the best kibble, and of course, free reign of the kingdom. And we hoarded that worship in our bloodlines, and know without a doubt, that even now, we're the supreme rulers of the universe!

117260 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:36:46

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Regal Egyptian Cat Prowling

Egyptians were smarter than other cultures, they immediately recognized that felines were to be worshipped, and treated like spoiled, pampered royalty. Lavish gifts and only the best kibble, and of course, free reign of the kingdom. And we hoarded that worship in our bloodlines, and know without a doubt, that even now, we're the supreme rulers of the universe!

117259 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:36:18

Sale began 1st Aug 2024
Sale ended 31st Aug 2024
Limited edition
No offers for

Gold sales
5 GM on 20 Sep 2024 02:175 GM on 9 Sep 2024 22:075 GM on 1 Sep 2024 01:52

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Egyptian Pyramid

Wow! You can have your own pyramid. I am not sure how comfortable it would be to live in. The rooms are small and dark, and though the temperature inside remains a constant 20 degrees Celsius, it may get a bit stuffy as the ventilation shafts are quite small. The pyramid is an unusual structure and was not meant to be lived in. A pyramid would certainly work as a temporary dwelling or a way to escape the intense desert heat for a while and some pets may love the idea of living in a pyramid.

117495 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:35:50

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:591 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:591 GM on 4 Sep 2024 03:45

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:11

Egyptian Tree Of Life

In the hottest and driest areas of Egypt the evergreen Acacia tree, known as the Tree Of Life, provides much-needed shade and a source of wood for building. The Acacia is also a source of emergency fodder for livestock when other food is scarce. The wood of the Acacia is very strong and resistant to water damage, rot and decay.

117492 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:33:18

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Sep 2024 09:561 GM on 10 Sep 2024 09:561 GM on 8 Sep 2024 19:39

buy for 150

Silver sales
150 SM on 18 Sep 2024 10:41150 SM on 18 Sep 2024 10:41150 SM on 18 Sep 2024 10:40

Purple Rhino Plush

This purple rhino plush has a blush. How cute! His skin is purple with an unusual pattern of dots. The dots light up and dance across its skin when the rhino plush is hugged.

117194 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:15:28

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Sep 2024 20:491 GM on 5 Sep 2024 20:491 GM on 22 Aug 2024 18:05

buy for 50

Silver sales
15 SM on 4 Sep 2024 04:3315 SM on 4 Sep 2024 04:3315 SM on 4 Sep 2024 04:33

Purple Watercolour Roses

I wonder if these roses smell like grapes. Soft colours were used to create this stunning bouquet of purple roses and delicate purple butterflies. Perfect for framing, or adding to a garden.

117182 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:14:27

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Sep 2024 03:531 GM on 9 Sep 2024 03:531 GM on 9 Sep 2024 03:53

buy for 50

Silver sales
100 SM on 9 Sep 2024 22:10100 SM on 9 Sep 2024 22:09100 SM on 9 Sep 2024 22:09

Regal Purple Couch

Ah! When your feet are tired or you want to read a good book, the place you choose to sit is important as to how much you can enjoy relaxing. This couch looks super comfortable, not too hard and not too soft with the perfect amount of bounce and space. In regal purple, this couch is sure to become a favourite resting place for you and your pets, if you love purple.

117178 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:13:56

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Aug 2024 02:111 GM on 6 Aug 2024 02:111 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:16

buy for 50

Silver sales
95 SM on 20 Aug 2024 02:2925 SM on 16 Aug 2024 13:5825 SM on 16 Aug 2024 13:58

Regal Purple Couch

Ah! When your feet are tired or you want to read a good book, the place you choose to sit is important as to how much you can enjoy relaxing. This couch looks super comfortable, not too hard and not too soft with the perfect amount of bounce and space. In regal purple, this couch is sure to become a favourite resting place for you and your pets, if you love purple.

117178 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:13:32

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 3

Gold sales
3 GM on 8 Sep 2024 02:313 GM on 8 Sep 2024 02:313 GM on 1 Sep 2024 02:42

buy for 200

Silver sales
200 SM on 31 Jul 2024 23:57200 SM on 31 Jul 2024 23:57

The Elvis

A simple smoothie blended from chocolate, peanut butter and banana. This is a treat fit for a king!

116369 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:12:36

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Fruit machine prize
between 10th Jul 2024
and 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Aug 2024 02:091 GM on 5 Aug 2024 19:061 GM on 5 Aug 2024 19:06

buy for 100

Silver sales
18 SM on 4 Sep 2024 04:3475 SM on 22 Aug 2024 22:0310 SM on 9 Aug 2024 21:26

Embalming Fluid

Oh! What an interesting jar, with a lingering scent of Myrrh. This may be an antique vessel that held precious oils. Other vessels would have contained waxes, resins, tars, and oils. These substances were used for embalming, but we won’t go further into that, as some of the younger pets are looking a little queasy.

117408 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-17 19:11:05

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 3

Gold sales
7 GM on 8 Sep 2024 13:177 GM on 8 Sep 2024 13:175 GM on 8 Sep 2024 12:34

buy for 350

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Short-Beaked Echidna, Roly Poly Bundle Of Cute

Well, hello again. Now that we know each other better, I feel quite outgoing. If you want to play games with me, you will have to be a night owl as I usually prefer the nighttime, but I could be tempted to join you in the day if you have a tasty treat of ants or worms.

I am somewhat of a dirt connoisseur. I eat dirt to help with the digestion of my food. I am sure you don’t eat dirt, but I have to tell you that dirt tastes different depending on which area you find it in, so I would be pleased to sample your dirt, and maybe I can even help you with your soil needs as to growing flowers and crops by letting you know what the dirt may lack or have too much of. We will have a wonderful friendship, I feel.

117519 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-16 17:51:34

One of an ADOPTABLE set!
ONLY in the fruit machine.
Win before 9th Oct 2024!
(Upsize in the fruit machine).
Limited edition
buy for 2

Gold sales
2 GM on 20 Sep 2024 04:362 GM on 19 Sep 2024 23:432 GM on 18 Sep 2024 20:36

buy for 300

Silver sales
300 SM on 18 Sep 2024 01:11300 SM on 14 Sep 2024 10:54200 SM on 11 Sep 2024 23:42

Petz-r-cycle 3500

Spin! Spin! Spin! Harder! Pump it out! You know you got it in you! Come on! You ain’t no quitter! Keep going! Harder! Harder! It’s just a small hill to climb. Keep going! You can do it! Man those spin class instructors can be brutal….but what a work out! Let your pet join you in the fun and get a Petz-r-cycle 3500 for the new year. We don’t have the same delivery delays as a certain popular bike right now.

110814 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-16 04:31:27

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jan 2021
Until 9th Feb 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Aug 2024 02:171 GM on 17 Aug 2024 04:161 GM on 17 Aug 2024 04:16

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 23 Nov 2023 00:14100 SM on 23 Nov 2023 00:14100 SM on 31 Aug 2023 20:18

Scared Ghost

Boo! Eeek! Oh, wait, whoops, I think you're the one who's supposed to be scared. I'm not doing this quite right, am I?

100496 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-15 21:25:22

Sale began 20th Oct 2015
Sale ended 9th Nov 2015
Limited edition
buy for 100

Gold sales
5 GM on 11 Feb 2024 09:175 GM on 12 Oct 2023 03:005 GM on 12 Oct 2023 03:00

buy for 4000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Spooky Homes Overlay (Red Brown)

Every pet needs a spooky homes overlay to showcase their midnight hour on Halloween! This overlay darkens your brightest scene, and provides a spooky backdrop for little Pets out trick n treatin’. Beware though, as stealthy Elementals have also been known to creep across this overlay during their hauntings…

103431 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-15 21:24:52

Sale began 20th Oct 2015
Sale ended 9th Nov 2015
Limited edition
buy for 15

Gold sales
1 GM on 3 Sep 2023 21:471 GM on 3 Sep 2023 21:471 GM on 3 Sep 2023 21:47

buy for 1000

Silver sales
2500 SM on 27 Sep 2020 18:31800 SM on 17 Oct 2018 07:107 SM on 21 Oct 2017 08:48

Bitten Purple Heart Sugar Cookie

SNAP! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Wha? Sorry. Did you say something? Cannot hear over the munching of these delightful cookies. They are so tasty! A perfectly balanced blend of sweetness with a hint of almond in the frosting. I cannot resist myself from collecting and devouring them. Now what was it you wanted?

117188 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-15 05:30:39

A hunt prize
from 28th Jun 2024
to 23rd Jul 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 18 Aug 2024 04:2150 SM on 18 Aug 2024 04:2150 SM on 18 Aug 2024 04:21

Egyptian Throne

Thrones are wonderful, with all the details and rich materials used. But they are not wonderful to sit on for long periods. This Egyptian throne is carved from a stone block and decorated with the head of a Pharaoh, the details done in gold and lapis lazuli. An eye-catching piece of furniture for your Egyptian-themed room. Offer this seat to the guest that you don’t want to stay overly long.

117493 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-15 02:35:40

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 60

Gold sales
50 GM on 8 Sep 2024 15:3034 GM on 8 Sep 2024 15:3030 GM on 8 Sep 2024 15:30

buy for 6000

Silver sales
3400 SM on 8 Sep 2024 15:313400 SM on 3 Sep 2024 19:263400 SM on 24 Aug 2024 22:30

Ornate Blue Carriage

My kingdom for a carriage. If you have a kingdom, you probably have a carriage and it looks like the Royal carriage makers worked overtime crafting this splendid carriage.

This elegant carriage, with enough gold trim to please the most flamboyant, will carry you in style to the royal ball or if you don’t mind lots of stares, to the grocery store to pick up the milk you forgot for the rice pudding.

117523 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-14 20:46:25

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Sep 2024 03:071 GM on 20 Sep 2024 03:071 GM on 20 Sep 2024 03:07

buy for 150

Silver sales
100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12

Castle Of Many Turrets, Pink

Are you or your pets in love with turrets? This castle boasts so many turrets that each pet can have their own room in a turret. The views from the windows in the turrets is spectacular, no one is going to sneak up on this castle.

Rooms in turrets are wonderful places to curl up and read books, set up your painting easel or just day dream while looking out the window at the sweeping vistas below you.

Castles hold many secrets and pets of a curious nature will be delighted to explore the many rooms, secret hallways and hidden chambers.

117517 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-14 20:44:09

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:411 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:411 GM on 19 Sep 2024 19:41

buy for 150

Silver sales
100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12

Cozy Blue Castle

Have your pets always wanted to live in a castle? This is your chance to snap up a medium-sized castle. Of course, the more rooms a dwelling has the more cleaning must be done, but we are sure all the extra space will be worth it. There is room for a home theatre, a gaming room, a sewing room and a huge library, you might even fit a bowling alley in the basement. We hear rumours of a secret tunnel leading to, who knows where. Whoever decides to live in this castle can have hours of fun exploring and maybe find some long-forgotten treasure.

117516 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-14 20:27:59

Size 4 (only) in the
fruit machine
Until 9th Oct 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Sep 2024 03:211 GM on 14 Sep 2024 16:111 GM on 14 Sep 2024 16:11

buy for 150

Silver sales
110 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12100 SM on 20 Sep 2024 22:12

Beanstalk in the Clouds

Is that another Beanstalk? Or is that the one you came up? Why didn’t you map this out? Ugh. Well, it’s a good thing it’s Adventure Day!

100991 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-14 09:39:52

A hunt prize
from 12th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 4

Gold sales
4 GM on 14 Sep 2022 05:5418 GM on 5 Feb 2022 18:231 GM on 9 Aug 2021 00:00

buy for 500

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Morning Mushroom Forest

Deep in the forest the mushrooms grow. Are they expected or did they just take over? Will they take you on a magical journey or just be a tasty addition to your feast?

117216 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-14 00:06:09

A hunt prize
from 28th Jun 2024
to 23rd Jul 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 30

Gold sales
30 GM on 28 Jul 2024 21:4530 GM on 27 Jul 2024 00:3930 GM on 23 Jul 2024 09:59

buy for 2000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Egyptian Earrings (Cleopatra's Favorite)

Almost as beautiful as the Queen herself, these long and sleek earrings are all the rage in Egypt, and aren't you the lucky pet with a pair all your own!

117264 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-13 15:05:46

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Sep 2024 14:221 GM on 10 Sep 2024 14:223 GM on 3 Sep 2024 02:53

buy for 100

Silver sales
150 SM on 10 Sep 2024 14:22500 SM on 4 Sep 2024 05:02500 SM on 1 Sep 2024 02:09

Egyptian Throne

Thrones are wonderful, with all the details and rich materials used. But they are not wonderful to sit on for long periods. This Egyptian throne is carved from a stone block and decorated with the head of a Pharaoh, the details done in gold and lapis lazuli. An eye-catching piece of furniture for your Egyptian-themed room. Offer this seat to the guest that you don’t want to stay overly long.

117493 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-13 02:09:17

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 4 Sep 2024 03:441 GM on 4 Sep 2024 03:441 GM on 3 Sep 2024 02:54

buy for 100

Silver sales
50 SM on 20 Sep 2024 19:17150 SM on 9 Sep 2024 23:16150 SM on 9 Sep 2024 23:15

Two-Tone Flower Burst, Pink Shades

A prize for placing in the Pentathlon. Bursting with joy and looking like a mini firework, this flower is a sheer delight to add to your garden or vases. The flower is celebrating with you.

113425 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-13 00:31:25

A Power Pets Pentathlon prize!
Introduced 20th Apr 2023
Limited edition
No offers for

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 5000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Petmune Peach Soda

PnF food blogger Petunia Pickles here. Peach has officially become the must-have flavor of the new year! Petmune, a popular Japetnese soda, has burst onto the scene with a new flavor, packed with peachy, sweet and tart bubbles tingling over the tongue with a refreshing poppity-pop-pop. Run, don’t walk, to your nearest shop and grab yours today!

107386 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-13 00:30:03

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Fruit machine prize
between 10th Jan 2019
and 9th Feb 2019
Limited edition
buy for 4

Gold sales
7 GM on 10 Jan 2023 12:555 GM on 5 Sep 2022 13:568 GM on 19 Jul 2021 00:22

buy for 3000

Silver sales
7 SM on 27 Jun 2023 22:427 SM on 27 Jun 2023 22:427 SM on 27 Jun 2023 22:42

Purple Watercolour Roses

I wonder if these roses smell like grapes. Soft colours were used to create this stunning bouquet of purple roses and delicate purple butterflies. Perfect for framing, or adding to a garden.

117182 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 15:40:39

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 10

Gold sales
10 GM on 14 Sep 2024 07:3215 GM on 16 Aug 2024 06:5615 GM on 16 Aug 2024 06:56

buy for 950

Silver sales
1400 SM on 15 Aug 2024 23:441400 SM on 15 Aug 2024 23:441400 SM on 14 Aug 2024 00:11

Scarab Pendant

This beautiful Cloisonne pendant feels like a trip to ancient Egypt, with it's versatility to wear as the main focus to your outfit or compliment jewelry, you can't go wrong with this lavender love.

117206 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 15:40:09

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:181 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:181 GM on 1 Aug 2024 12:47

buy for 5

Silver sales
1 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:121 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:121 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:12

Lovely Lavender Paper Flowers

Paper quilling and delicate paper cuts have been around for quite some time! And those of a seasoned age remember playing with paper dolls and accessories, so you'll be taken back to childhood days when you collect these beautiful decorations!

117207 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 15:39:50

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 8

Gold sales
5 GM on 1 Sep 2024 01:4710 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:055 GM on 2 Aug 2024 21:05

buy for 750

Silver sales
200 SM on 7 Aug 2024 11:22200 SM on 29 Jul 2024 10:34200 SM on 29 Jul 2024 10:34

Bitten Pink Heart Sugar Cookie

SNAP! Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! Wha? Sorry. Did you say something? Cannot hear over the munching of these delightful cookies. They are so tasty! A perfectly balanced blend of sweetness with a hint of almond in the frosting. I cannot resist myself from collecting and devouring them. Now what was it you wanted?

117224 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 15:38:15

A hunt prize
from 28th Jun 2024
to 23rd Jul 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 15

Silver sales
50 SM on 22 Aug 2024 23:1350 SM on 22 Aug 2024 23:1350 SM on 22 Aug 2024 23:13

Corgi Pooch (Grinning)

Who’s a good pooch? Am I a good pooch? Of course I am a good pooch! With a grin from cheek to cheek and eyes that sparkle it is easy to see why I have captured the heart of royalty. Now you have the opportunity to welcome me to your home too. Won’t you take me home? Please?

111436 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:58:07

One of an ADOPTABLE set!
This was a fruit machine prize
from 10th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 71

Gold sales
59 GM on 5 Jun 2024 21:1110 GM on 11 Mar 2024 19:2810 GM on 27 Sep 2023 19:39

buy for 7000

Silver sales
3000 SM on 18 May 2023 18:243000 SM on 14 Jun 2022 18:402000 SM on 16 Jan 2022 20:19

Scarab Pendant

This beautiful Cloisonne pendant feels like a trip to ancient Egypt, with it's versatility to wear as the main focus to your outfit or compliment jewelry, you can't go wrong with this lavender love.

117206 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:57:12

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 2

Gold sales
1 GM on 28 Aug 2024 21:491 GM on 4 Aug 2024 07:092 GM on 3 Aug 2024 04:09

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 9 Sep 2024 08:39100 SM on 28 Aug 2024 21:49100 SM on 28 Aug 2024 21:49

Enchanted Snowbird

Legend has it that when the air turns chilly and the nights grow long, you can hear the song of the Enchanted Snowbird, echoing through the juniper trees, calling the frost and the ice to come nestle under her wings. She soars upon the clouds of December and brings with her the first magical snowfall of the season. The longer she lingers, the colder it gets, so as beautiful as she is, you may not want her to stay too long, or you might not thaw out until next year!

105298 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:55:24

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Dec 2016
to 9th Jan 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 19

Gold sales
5 GM on 14 Oct 2023 20:405 GM on 14 Oct 2023 20:3919 GM on 14 Sep 2021 20:04

buy for 500

Silver sales
500 SM on 14 Sep 2024 19:382000 SM on 3 Oct 2021 14:18150 SM on 4 Mar 2020 02:07

Brown Maned Lion Laughing

I am king of the jungle and proud to say so! Lions are quite social compared to other big cats, and we lions live in prides. Did I say 'pride'? I am vain and I will flaunt my bountiful mane around other males, so that they know I am the one who is King.

I will admit though, I am quite lazy, and while I spend almost 20 hours of the day sleeping, I make sure the females are out hunting for the rest of us! But hey, I’m allowed to be whatever I want, right? I am King, after all!

I may have scary-looking teeth, but they're just for show! I'm the friendliest lion you'll ever meet, and I love to run about and play - when I'm awake!

101159 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:54:50

Sale began 20th Jul 2016
Sale ended 19th Aug 2016
Limited edition
buy for 35

Gold sales
3 GM on 10 Jul 2024 01:5615 GM on 7 Oct 2021 12:5530 GM on 20 Aug 2021 02:57

buy for 1000

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Brown Maned Lion Sitting

I am king of the jungle and proud to say so! Lions are quite social compared to other big cats, and we lions live in prides. Did I say 'pride'? I am vain and I will flaunt my bountiful mane around other males, so that they know I am the one who is King.

I will admit though, I am quite lazy, and while I spend almost 20 hours of the day sleeping, I make sure the females are out hunting for the rest of us! But hey, I’m allowed to be whatever I want, right? I am King, after all!

I may have scary-looking teeth, but they're just for show! I'm the friendliest lion you'll ever meet, and I love to run about and play - when I'm awake!

100134 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:53:49

Sale began 20th Jul 2016
Sale ended 19th Aug 2016
Limited edition
buy for 100

Gold sales
50 GM on 2 Oct 2019 23:5522 GM on 25 Aug 2019 20:1544 GM on 6 Sep 2018 04:48

buy for 5000

Silver sales
2500 SM on 20 Feb 2016 16:52

Dutch Rabbit Sitting

Dutch breed rabbits are surprisingly originally from England. They are a dwarf breed easily identified by their characteristic markings that come in a variety of colours. They have great calm and loving personalities and can make great companions.

117006 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:52:32

A hunt prize
from 28th Jun 2024
to 23rd Jul 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 24

Gold sales
10 GM on 7 Sep 2024 07:4815 GM on 12 Aug 2024 21:1810 GM on 9 Aug 2024 09:53

buy for 2300

Silver sales
No sales have been made for SM.

Ballet Dress, Purple

This lovely ballet dress will have the ballet dancer among your pets excited. Delicate purple fabric with glitter and accents of butterflies takes centre stage. When the lights are lowered, this dress will twinkle and float as the dancer leaps and spins around the stage.

117202 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:52:03

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 2

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Aug 2024 04:541 GM on 11 Aug 2024 02:531 GM on 11 Aug 2024 02:53

buy for 150

Silver sales
1 SM on 22 Aug 2024 22:10150 SM on 7 Aug 2024 11:23150 SM on 7 Aug 2024 11:23

Alaska Stamp

Alaska is a breathtaking wilderness from the volcanic region that forms the northern part of the Pacific Ring of Fire to the valley of the 10,000 smokes in Katmai, with glaciers and astounding views of the Aroura Borealis, not forgetting that Alaska is home to the largest salmon run in the world.

117397 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 03:50:24

A hunt prize
from 26th Jul 2024
to 25th Aug 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 2

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Sep 2024 20:541 GM on 5 Sep 2024 20:541 GM on 5 Sep 2024 20:54

buy for 100

Silver sales
50 SM on 5 Sep 2024 20:5450 SM on 5 Sep 2024 20:54100 SM on 31 Aug 2024 01:45

Mug of Green Ale

Don't ask how I got to be this color,you might not want to drink me if you found out!

102226 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:54:45

Sale began 16th Mar 2017
Sale ended 31st Mar 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Mar 2018 15:062 GM on 21 Nov 2015 08:571 GM on 11 Nov 2015 19:59

buy for 100

Silver sales
10 SM on 3 May 2018 14:081 SM on 7 Apr 2017 03:021 SM on 7 Apr 2017 03:02

Blueberry Tree

Blueberry Trees Come along with me deep in the forest of PnF, where the wild and strangely fun things grow! Dazzling colors and glitzy glamorous things can be found stashed in the secret canyons and glades. There you’ll find the old growth trees of the bursting blueberries. Blueberries everywhere everyone can see, dripping juices, try some, you’ll see why these trees have been declared a national PnF treasure!

101928 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:53:49

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2018
Until 9th Apr 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 25 Sep 2021 18:381 GM on 25 Sep 2021 18:381 GM on 20 Mar 2020 19:33

buy for 100

Silver sales
1 SM on 7 Aug 2022 00:341 SM on 7 Aug 2022 00:341 SM on 7 Aug 2022 00:28

Sour Cherry-n-Lime Razzmatazz (Candy Tree)

Woooowee! Hope you’re sitting down when you pop one of these tasty treasures in your mouth. Take your every sense on a joyride of flavor. Inhale the rich scent of cherry just before that sour power punches your jaws with a one-two hit of shivery sensation. Then, enjoy the sweet kiss of pure cherry before you crunch in to discover the cherry-lime fizzy secret treasure filling the inside.

101677 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:51:53

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2018
Until 9th Apr 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 8 Oct 2022 20:241 GM on 8 Oct 2022 20:241 GM on 8 Oct 2022 20:23

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 2 Feb 2022 17:05100 SM on 29 Jan 2022 23:18100 SM on 29 Jan 2022 23:18

Butterscotch Razzmatazz (Candy Tree)

Delicious, buttery goodness, wrapped up in a sweet candy disc. This is the candy your grandma grew up on and you always begged for every time you saw her. Nostalgic perfection. The perfect candy for when you’re curled up on a crisp autumn night, snug by the fire, hot cocoa on the table, a delightful book in your hands.

101675 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:51:34

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2018
Until 9th Apr 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Oct 2019 03:371 GM on 20 Oct 2019 03:371 GM on 20 Oct 2019 03:37

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 22 Oct 2019 22:53100 SM on 22 Oct 2019 22:53100 SM on 22 Oct 2019 22:53

Sour Blueberry Razzmatazz (Candy Tree)

The candy from this tree promises a tongue-tingling, jaw tickling, taste bud extravaganza. At first taste, prepare yourself for a hit of sour power packed fruit flavor explosion, only to be followed by the lingering satisfaction of fruity blueberry taste. One final crunch and you’ll experience the river of juicy blueberry filling inside. Mm. Mm. There’s nothing like it!

101674 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:51:16

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2018
Until 9th Apr 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 14 Jan 2022 00:171 GM on 27 Apr 2019 16:011 GM on 27 Apr 2019 16:01

buy for 100

Silver sales
10 SM on 9 Jan 2022 00:2210 SM on 9 Jan 2022 00:2210 SM on 9 Jan 2022 00:22

Layer Cake

I'm a slice of multi-layered sponge cake with a rich chocolate topping. Yummy!

101636 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:50:38

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2016
Until 9th Jun 2016
Garage Sale
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Aug 2018 03:551 GM on 17 Aug 2018 03:551 GM on 17 Aug 2018 03:55

buy for 150

Silver sales
1 SM on 1 Aug 2022 10:001 SM on 1 Aug 2022 10:001 SM on 1 Aug 2022 10:00

Compass With Dark Paw

Are you lost? I can point you in the right direction. Of course, what I can't do is tell you how far you need to go. You'll have to work that out for yourself!

101432 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:49:06

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2017
Until 9th Sep 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Feb 2021 00:091 GM on 3 Feb 2019 10:271 GM on 1 Aug 2018 19:36

buy for 150

Silver sales
1 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:401 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:401 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:40

Tree of Plenty

On a sunny hillock, deep within PnF’s enchanted forests, exists a solitary tree bearing fruits of many kinds. The legend of the Tree of Plenty is the closely guarded secret of the NPC Cupig, so few outside of PnF Land have ever heard it! However, the story is one of the many legends recorded by Cupig’s fellow NPC, Storia Chie, ensuring it is preserved for and shared with successive generations of little pets…

101289 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:47:47

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2018
Until 9th Apr 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 3 Sep 2022 14:591 GM on 9 Oct 2018 21:551 GM on 9 Oct 2018 21:55

buy for 150

Silver sales
100 SM on 24 Aug 2022 00:32100 SM on 24 Aug 2022 00:31100 SM on 24 Aug 2022 00:31

Strawberry Drizzle Cheesecake

I'm a slice of vanilla cheesecake drizzled with delicious strawberry coulis - wonderful for a special occasion!

101112 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 02:47:20

Sale began 10th Dec 2015
Sale ended 9th Jan 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Nov 2017 05:04

buy for 100

Silver sales
25 SM on 23 Feb 2024 03:5625 SM on 23 Feb 2024 03:5620 SM on 20 Feb 2020 09:30

Empty Treasure Chest

Arr, me hearties! I'm a really solidly built oaken sea chest, brass-bound for additional strength, with a lock and two convenient carry handles. Just the place to stash away all your pirate treasure securely. Remember where you put the key, though!

101070 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 23:11:50

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2017
Until 9th Sep 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 150

Silver sales
1 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:411 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:411 SM on 9 Dec 2022 21:41

Ordinary Treasure Chest, Shut

If you were walking in the woods or a dungeon—what possessed you to enter a dungeon—and found this treasure chest, would you expect a fantastic treasure—if you could get it open? Maybe it is not locked, or maybe you found a key in your travels. Perhaps you would find something useful like a health potion or a small handful of coins. I don’t think it looks promising— as far as it containing jewels or magical items.

A sturdy, everyday sort of chest you could carry home and use to store your treasures. Made of iron and wood and, though it has a slightly menacing appearance about it, I think you will be fine.

113656 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 23:10:48

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2022
Until 9th Jul 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 1 Jan 2023 11:271 GM on 1 Jan 2023 11:271 GM on 1 Jan 2023 11:27

buy for 100

Silver sales
50 SM on 3 Sep 2022 14:1350 SM on 3 Sep 2022 14:13150 SM on 9 Jul 2022 01:50

Solar Flare Bead

Bead making is one of the most ancient art forms, prevalent throughout the Early, Middle and Late Bronze Ages. The artistry of this unique handcrafted core-formed glass bead captured the imagination of discerning Pets across the lands, who used it to create jewellery, to adorn ceremonial clothing, and to embellish their most precious artefacts! A derivative of the traditional sun symbols of the Bronze Era, the Solar Flare Bead was believed to bestow on its Bronze Age Pet wearer great wisdom or prosperity…

104960 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 23:01:53

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Nov 2016
Until 9th Dec 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 13 Mar 2021 19:211 GM on 13 Mar 2021 19:201 GM on 22 Jun 2020 22:33

buy for 150

Silver sales
1 SM on 25 Mar 2022 10:251 SM on 25 Mar 2022 10:251 SM on 25 Mar 2022 10:25

Fairy Strawberry Love Wine

Concealed within this fine-cut crystal decanter is a rare and special liquid. Strawberry wine, but not just any strawberries. The fruits used to make this wine are tiny and contain the sweetest strawberry essence. There is only one place these strawberries grow, on the hills under the care of the fairies. The fairies call this Love Wine; whether you fall in love after drinking this or simply fall in love with the sublime taste…who is to say.

114857 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 22:49:53

Sale began 10th Feb 2023
Sale ended 9th Mar 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 22 Nov 2023 23:211 GM on 22 Nov 2023 23:21

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 8 Sep 2024 22:47100 SM on 8 Sep 2024 22:471 SM on 28 Jun 2023 00:08

Bear Sphinx

The sphinx with the head of a human, wings of an eagle and body of a lion represented royalty and sacred status. A sphinx would stand guard by tombs as the image is quite terrifying.

This bear sphinx is not scary, it is playful, with a brilliant Egyptian headdress and a smiling face, welcoming all pets. 

117268 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 18:18:15

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:491 GM on 6 Sep 2024 03:49

buy for 96

Silver sales
96 SM on 13 Sep 2024 02:581 SM on 13 Sep 2024 01:141 SM on 13 Sep 2024 01:14

B&W Lil Stinker Egg

I found one! I found one! I haz this cute little eggy and it's all mine! What do you mean you don't want it because it's stinky? Hey, that's not nice! I don't smell anything stinky. My mama always told me if you don't have nuffin' nice to say then don't say nuffin' at all, so I'm just gonna luv this little eggy and ignore all the stinky stuff in the world.

107906 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 14:54:17

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Mar 2024 20:451 GM on 20 Mar 2024 20:451 GM on 20 Mar 2024 20:45

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:01700 SM on 9 May 2019 16:31

Shrimp Stress Sushi (Toy)

Do I look happy to be hanging around with a shrimp on my head? Kudaranai! So silly! Help me out with a proper squish. You can do it. I have no arms. Squish this shrimp right on off of me. Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze! Oh, well. You tried. Jikai wa motto ganbatte!

107393 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 14:46:20

A hunt prize
from 12th Jan 2019
to 9th Feb 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 1 May 2024 14:3750 SM on 15 Jan 2023 01:5850 SM on 15 Jan 2023 01:57

Sweet and Sour Toad (2-Tone Green)

Terrible Toad: The terrible toad is found in the deepest bogs and the swampiest bayous, nestled among the muck and the grime of countless whispered incantations and the pluck of a thousand eyeballs from the heads of gators caught mid … snap. Used in various potions and poultices, the terrible toad can bring about any manner of luck … or calamity. Careful now, some of these adorable amphibians are not as cute as their color implies. Something about the slime they secrete, or was it the poison laced around their whiplash tongues? Er, nevermind, carry on.

107112 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 13:31:24

A hunt prize
from 15th Oct 2018
to 9th Nov 2018.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Apr 2020 15:111 GM on 10 Apr 2020 15:111 GM on 15 Oct 2018 21:02

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 9 Feb 2024 01:111 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:341 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:34

Team Butterfly Shirt

Fluttering by and looking pretty, sure. Winning the whole thing, YEAH BABY!

106818 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 13:24:06

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2018
Until 9th Aug 2018
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
2 GM on 12 Oct 2021 04:132 GM on 23 Apr 2021 00:065 GM on 27 May 2019 00:39

buy for 100

Silver sales
400 SM on 9 Oct 2018 16:18400 SM on 27 Sep 2018 18:13300 SM on 25 Aug 2018 15:48

Carnivorous Cosmic Crocus (Green)

Here we have a lovely example of intergalactic gardening at its finest. This blue beauty will grace the finest tables, but beware! These predatory posies prefer a solitary setting. Bouquets of these beauties quickly become one (large) bloom… however, for the sake of your dinner guests, you may wish to keep your centerpiece small...

106747 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 13:20:15

A hunt prize
from 14th May 2018
to 9th Jun 2018.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 27 Mar 2024 16:181 GM on 30 May 2020 18:491 GM on 14 May 2018 08:00

buy for 1

Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:07

Plum Purple ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101515 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:34:29

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Sep 2022 23:201 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 26 Sep 2018 16:33

buy for 1

Silver sales
1 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:26

Benna Lime ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101514 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:34:20

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 26 Sep 2018 16:32

buy for 1

Silver sales
5 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:121 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:121 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:12

Nerdy Bat

Don’t let my glasses fool you. My eyes might not be ideal for daytime sightseeing, but my echo-location gets me where I’m going! My grades are top notch (hence the “nerd” reference) but I have a creative side that no one knows about… so here I go, entering my first year at PnF School of the Arts. I flew in early so I could locate my classes, and I admit I was a little nervous, being the only flying mammal on campus, but every pet has been very helpful!

Since my wings are extremely flexible, I have decided to sign up for sculpting and painting classes, but I’m keeping an open mind… try-outs for the school’s next musical are already under way. When I tried out for singing class, the teacher acted like he couldn’t hear me at all, but the black lab in the next room was getting pretty excited! Maybe I’d better stick to visual arts...

105987 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:28:31

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Sep 2017
to 9th Oct 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:241 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:241 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:24

buy for 10

Silver sales
100 SM on 29 Oct 2023 10:2350 SM on 3 Oct 2021 14:1850 SM on 29 Jan 2021 02:07

Lilac Fancy Unicorn (Saxophonist)

Music has always been instrumental to my magical, mystical life. Recently however, I have been giving my vocal cords a rest and exploring the amazing beauty that can be created with three really cool instruments. I've been taking lessons at this little School of the Arts in my neighborhood. My teacher and I have been trying out different instruments to see what I like the best. So far, I have tried the drums, saxophone, and violin. They are all so much fun and so different from each other. I am having trouble deciding on which one to specialize in. Maybe you can help me decide. Of course, I could always work towards becoming a one unicorn, Celtic, punk rock band. That could work, right?

105979 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:19:18

Sale began 1st Sep 2017
Sale ended 30th Sep 2017
Limited edition
buy for 5

Gold sales
10 GM on 3 Dec 2022 11:141 GM on 3 Jul 2020 10:209 GM on 14 Apr 2020 14:33

buy for 400

Silver sales
300 SM on 29 May 2022 06:21300 SM on 17 Mar 2021 18:37500 SM on 19 Apr 2020 19:37

Lilac Fancy Unicorn (Violinist)

Music has always been instrumental to my magical, mystical life. Recently however, I have been giving my vocal cords a rest and exploring the amazing beauty that can be created with three really cool instruments. I've been taking lessons at this little School of the Arts in my neighborhood. My teacher and I have been trying out different instruments to see what I like the best. So far, I have tried the drums, saxophone, and violin. They are all so much fun and so different from each other. I am having trouble deciding on which one to specialize in. Maybe you can help me decide. Of course, I could always work towards becoming a one unicorn, Celtic, punk rock band. That could work, right?

105977 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:18:55

Sale began 1st Sep 2017
Sale ended 30th Sep 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 24 Nov 2021 22:509 GM on 14 Apr 2020 14:335 GM on 14 Apr 2020 14:33

buy for 100

Silver sales
500 SM on 25 Mar 2021 19:14500 SM on 18 Oct 2017 05:40500 SM on 4 Oct 2017 18:34

Green Ugh Urchin

Did you see it? That Skeezle! He’s up to something, and I just know it’s not going to be good. UGH, I just know it. I have never trusted him, just the thought of watching him slink around, makes my head ache. Where is my roll of antacids? I am getting an ulcer, all the noise of events, and calamity that Skeezle brings. Oh my, what now? What could it possibly be? I don’t think I can put up with the stress. Maybe if I close my eyes? UGH, that just brings on the vertigo. The horrors that are coming, that Skeezle. What am I going to do? GAH!

105917 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:16:42

A hunt prize
from 15th Aug 2017
to 9th Sep 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:221 GM on 27 May 2020 17:211 GM on 26 Aug 2017 16:08

buy for 1

Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:311 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:31

Snowy Owl (Side Stance)

Well young seeker, if it's advice you came to seek from the wise old owl, I'm afraid you'll have to settle for the young hipster of me. I'm fashionable, up to date on trends and out to party the night away. I won't disappoint you with long winded parables, I can sum up the best advice I have to offer in just three words "Love One Another". Take that advice to heart and I know you'll have a great day!

105703 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:01:05

Sale began 1st Jul 2017
Sale ended 31st Jul 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 4 Jun 2020 20:091 GM on 27 May 2020 17:271 GM on 27 May 2020 17:27

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 28 May 2022 05:41100 SM on 8 Feb 2022 11:00500 SM on 24 Sep 2018 09:38

Questing Chick

Hi! One of my favourite things to do is hide things. I get a thrill out of hiding things, like eggs. I also just love a good hunt … like you. But I love hunting for worms. If you are looking for me you’ll often find me clucking away under some cool shrubs, searching for the wriggly earth diggers—I’m always looking for worm holes and I can just imagine that the joy I feel when I finally find one is the same as the joy you’ll feel when you find an Easter egg. So now you know why I’m always looking down on the ground and pecking around down there. Plus there’s the fact that I’m a little shy and secretive, but I’m growing out of it … slowly. Maybe you’ll be the one to finally get me out of my shell?

105527 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:48:51

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Feb 2019 03:221 GM on 27 Feb 2018 04:041 GM on 6 Apr 2017 14:10

buy for 1

Silver sales
1 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:291 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:291 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:29

Chuckling Chick

Bonjour mon ami! I’m a French chick, I’m young and full of energy and I just love to laugh. My friends tell me I have an infectious laugh but I’m sure you’ll find out for yourself soon. My favourite meal is worm caviar (I hope you’ll join me for dinner today) and my favourite colour is … you guessed it—yellow! I just love a full yellow outfit! I think it is tout ce qu'il y a de chic! I just know that when you find where I’ve hidden my eggs you will burst out into laughter.

105526 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:47:15

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 1

Silver sales
1 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:421 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:421 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:42

Brontosaurus (dinosaur)

Extinct, you say? I don't feel extinct. You might want to rethink that theory. Surely you're mistaken. I may be old, but I'm no fossil, that I can assure you, my friend. Make no bones about it. But no worries, I'm a gentle giant. If you let me stay with you, I promise not to step on you, your house, or anything important. And I promise not to eat your garden. That one neighbor you don't like...their hydrangea bushes are fair game, though, right? Right? *chomp chomp chomp*

102585 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:44:28

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Mar 2017
to 9th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 28 Aug 2019 03:561 GM on 9 Jul 2018 00:221 GM on 6 Apr 2017 01:32

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:4810 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:4810 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:48

Blue Moon Fish

Blue Moon Fish makes his appearance only once in a blue moon. He shelters deep under rocky ledges, until the moon is full, when he makes a spectacular appearance! Firstly as a streak of silver gliding just below the surface of the water, then leaping high into the air to ogle the moon with rapt attention. And as the moon wanes, he may cavort with penguins, turtles or dolphins, before returning to his rocky ledge hideout, to patiently await the next full moon.

102528 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:44:08

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Mar 2017
to 9th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Oct 2021 20:061 GM on 15 Oct 2021 20:061 GM on 29 Dec 2020 02:23

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 3 May 2024 06:5050 SM on 3 May 2024 06:5050 SM on 10 Jul 2023 00:08

Sparkling Snow Foxee Sleeping

I’m a very rare and special foxee, neither young nor old
But I’m not often seen, because I’m not very bold;
I am swift and elusive, only materialising briefly I am told
In the most extreme weather, when it’s painfully cold!

I nap throughout the day, in my cool dark den
Until the moon rises high, over the arctic fen;
Then I come out to play in the snow again (ah-gen)
Catching snowflakes in my coat, but avoiding men!

105153 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:31:25

A hunt prize
from 15th Dec 2016
to 9th Jan 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 25 Nov 2023 22:051 GM on 15 Feb 2022 10:431 GM on 1 Jul 2021 21:47

buy for 100

Silver sales
100 SM on 26 Oct 2021 04:09500 SM on 22 Feb 2021 19:1299 SM on 30 Dec 2019 01:32

Alaska State Quarter

The quarter piece of the state of Alaska features an iconic brown bear catching a salmon. The quarter also displays the north star.

114798 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 03:03:38

A hunt prize
until 20th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 8

Gold sales
8 GM on 15 Sep 2024 21:274 GM on 15 Sep 2024 21:271 GM on 13 Sep 2024 22:09

buy for 1000

Silver sales
800 SM on 8 Sep 2024 23:45

Amber Bee

If I flap my wings really hard, I can get out of this thing!!!!

Hold on - where did my wings go??

105202 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 17:45:41

Can be made in the Swap Shop
Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Nov 2016
Until 9th Dec 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
2 GM on 2 Feb 2022 10:092 GM on 2 Feb 2022 10:092 GM on 2 Feb 2022 10:09

buy for 100

Silver sales
150 SM on 1 Apr 2024 22:34150 SM on 5 Jan 2023 04:38300 SM on 31 Jul 2021 02:06

Ectoplasmic Mesmerising Eyes

The eyes have it, and these hauntingly spooky retinal rattlers are the perfect Halloween fashion accessory for any pet! Ectoplasmic and radioactive, they will stand out against any dark background, and they will make all the other Pets “green with envy”…Muahahahaha…

104870 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 17:40:44

Sale began 10th Oct 2016
Sale ended 9th Nov 2016
Limited edition
buy for 3

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Jul 2024 14:381 GM on 20 Jan 2024 00:1614 GM on 6 Oct 2022 03:03

buy for 200

Silver sales
200 SM on 14 Sep 2024 19:36200 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:13200 SM on 7 Sep 2024 19:13

 2457 finds.
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