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& Anilla The Blue


Anilla The Blue has completed the quest of
"Skeezle's Treasure" !

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 1:
Welcome aboard yer new ship, Anilla The Blue, it's time to meet yer crew! Quazzle, An Droid, Packrat, Mr. Fox and me - Captain Dawg!

“Tis the terriblest crew I ever saw aboard a lump o'wood with a handkerchief for a sail. Well, I suppose ye'll do as helmsman, ye scurvy - err, I mean, aye aye, Boss!”

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Memo!
Memo and you found 5 "Ship’s Cannon" size 4.

Tries today: 65 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 1902

You get (x1)Memo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 2:
Skeezle attacks your vessel! Fortunately, he gets distracted by the scent of his banana sword, which is getting a little overripe, and you escape. Whew, that was a close one!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with blossom!
blossom and you found 5 "Golden Candelabrum" size 4.

Tries today: 114 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 1914

You get (x1)blossom gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 3:
Land ho! What is this I see? A quick jaunt down the beach and there it is! Claim it quickly, before that croc makes it a meal!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Flicka!
Flicka and you found 5 "Grape Shooter" size 4.

Tries today: 414 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 1955

You get (x1)Flicka gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 4:
"Land, ho!" cries Quazzle from the crow's nest. Captain Dawg directs the crew to make for Trilliant Island (now safely settled in PnF Sea, after floating away from its formerly magical moorings) but Anilla The Blue is wondering what those other ships are doing there, and are they friendly?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Ringo!
Ringo and you found 5 "Green Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 443 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 1960

You get (x1)Ringo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 5:
Finally, Anilla The Blue gets to set foot on Trilliant Island once again! Though the magic is gone, the Island still holds mysteries... like where did that mean ol' Cap'n Skeezle take the treasure? And why does Mr. Fox think that green key is going to be useful? One never knows...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Anwyn!
Anwyn and you found 5 "Grape Shooter" size 4.

Tries today: 488 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 1968

You get (x1)Anwyn gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 6:
It's clear sailing, but Anilla The Blue and Quazzle watch for danger as the lighthouse guides their way past rocks, hungry sharks and the occasional monkey trying to steal their swords!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Stella!
Stella and you found 5 "Grey Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 586 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1975

You get (x1)Stella gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 7:
Anilla The Blue has spotted a small cave! Captain Dawg orders the "Golden Candelabrum" they find to be taken aboard, but Rat better look out, that croc looks hungry!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Whymsical Mysti!
Whymsical Mysti and you found 5 "Golden Candelabrum" size 4.

Tries today: 625 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 1980

You get (x1)Whymsical Mysti gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 8:
Sailing past a grand castle, the crew notices the parrots flying overhead look very familiar...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Ghost!
Ghost and you found 5 "Pile of Doubloons" size 4.

Tries today: 105 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 2021

You get (x1)Ghost gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 9:
Sunrise is a welcome sight for Anilla The Blue as the crew makes ready for another day at sea!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Paws!
Paws and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 275 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 2048

You get (x1)Paws gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 10:
Lulled by the gentle rocking of the open sea, the crew takes a quick nap leaving An to steer to the nearest island.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Carruthers!
Carruthers and you found 5 "Palm Tree of Life" size 4.

Tries today: 512 Find points today: 84 Hunt total: 2071

You get (x1)Carruthers gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 11:
Tropical breezes and treats have been enjoyed on the small island, and the crew gathers to see what everyone found while exploring today.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Sebastian!
Sebastian and you found 5 "Pile of Doubloons" size 4.

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 2103

You get (x1)Sebastian gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 12:
As the ship passes over a trench, the crew spots something very strange.
No wonder manatees are so lazy, Krakens give them a lift whenever they get tired flippers! Anilla The Blue wonders if they will give a sailor a lift...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Barbados!
Barbados and you found 1 "Purple Ink Puffs".

Tries today: 11 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 2144

You get (x1)Barbados gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 13:
Having steered their ship down an inlet, Captain Dawg grabs a spade and he and the crew take Anilla The Blue ashore to see what they can discover. Anilla The Blue makes a thrilling find!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Mystic!
Mystic and you found 5 "Green Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 62 Find points today: 22 Hunt total: 2162

You get (x1)Mystic gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 14:
"Mr Fox!" roared the Captain. "Belay that last order and move this pesky candelabra afore it sets fire to yon rigging and sheets. What landlubber put it there? Into the brig wi' them!"
Anilla The Blue was quaking, but at that moment there was a cry of "Land ahoy!" as a weird looking rocky island hove into view!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Lilly!
Lilly and you found 5 "Full Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 77 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 2165

You get (x1)Lilly gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 15:
And the rock bespoke the crew... All hands hoay! To me, and fear ye not! For I've been watching ol’ Skeezle’s comings and goings, and tis I alone that knows the secret of where to find ol’ Skeezle’s castle!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Kia!
Kia and you found 5 "Grey Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 141 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 2174

You get (x1)Kia gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 16:
As their ship approaches a reef, Captain Dawg shouts, "Shiver me timbers, it's the Kraken!"
Fearsome creature! Terrifying! Anilla The Blue quickly rushes over to it and borrows some ink to write a letter home about it...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Julius!
Julius and you found 1 "Klutzy Kraken" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 194 Find points today: 43 Hunt total: 2183

You get (x1)Julius gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 17:
Blow me down! What be aglow in dis secret cave? Doubloons aplenty, me thinks! Heave to Anilla The Blue, for dis booty be your’n now!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Doctor Hoo!
Doctor Hoo and you found 1 "Shiny Gold Coins"

Tries today: 398 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 2216

You get (x1)Doctor Hoo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 18:
Heave to an' anchors away me hearties, fer surely dis be ol' Skeezle's Cove! An' what 'ave we 'ere? A sight fer sore eyes indeed! Da galleons be ol' Skeezle's plunder, captured on da high seas one an' all! Mighty fast dey be, compared wit' Anilla The Blue's ol' man-o-war!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Bandit!
Bandit and you found 5 "Full Treasure Chest" size 4.

Tries today: 458 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 2222

You get (x1)Bandit gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 19:
Land ho! Avast ye mateys! A formidable sight indeed...mayhap ye can stay aboard, while Anilla The Blue reconnoitres ol' Skeezle's castle on der own...?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Badger!
Badger and you found 5 "Purple Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 478 Find points today: 86 Hunt total: 2226

You get (x1)Badger gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 20:
Ahoy, me hearties, avast ye! Skeezle’s three sheets to da wind, so fetch up dat thar key from Trilliant Island ya scurvy dogs! Wha' be this? Treasure or naught but sand?
Yo ho ho! To me! Heave ho on dat thar big purple beauty, or ye’ll feed da fish afore nightfall! Put some shoulder into it Anilla The Blue, ya landlubber, or ye’ll not be sharin’ da booty!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Splodge!
Splodge and you found 1 "Violet Solitaire Crystal" size 11

Tries today: 493 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 2229

You get (x1)Splodge gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 11)

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 21:
As Anilla The Blue and crew prepare to flee with their prize, Captain Dawg notices a lovely Purple Galleon among the ships that Skeezle has stolen. Thinking quickly, he sends Anilla The Blue and crew aboard, knowing Skeezle will never catch them now!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Tallulah!
Tallulah and you found 1 "Purple Ship"

Tries today: 638 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 2244

You get (x1)Tallulah gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Anilla The Blue is questing!
Episode 22:
Home sweet home! What a relief for Anilla The Blue and the crew, after such a long and harrowing voyage! There's very little time to wet the whistle and divvy up the treasure though, because their next voyage is about to begin!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Maisy!
Maisy and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 14 Find points today: 10 Hunt total: 2260

You get (x1)Maisy gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20