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Jenni Paske
& Phineas
Your current quester


Phineas has completed the quest of
"Words to Remember" !

17th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 1/27:
Shivering in the cold as he walks through the dense forest, Phineas thinks to himself, I might have travelled a bit too far this time. Taking a break to catch his breath, Phineas sees a truck parked in the forest. Now that could help get me home.

Not seeing a driver around but noticing the truck is filled with wrapped packages, Phineas assumes whomever owns the vehicle will return soon. Phineas climbs into the back of the truck to wait, finding a perfect spot among the many packages to rest. Drifting to sleep, Phineas fails to notice the owner return, or the truck driving out of the forest.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Zippo.

Phineas shook paws with Zippo the Luscious Lilac Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

Zippo gave you 1 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 109 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 440

(size 7)

17th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 2/27:
Thump! Thump! Thump!

Small bumps in the road send packages tumbling from the truck. Phineas tumbles from the back of the truck along with them, dreaming of flying across the sky as his body becomes momentarily weightless. Seeing his home waiting for him, Phineas wakes with a jolt finding himself rolling in the snow.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Getaway.

Phineas shook paws with Getaway the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Getaway gave you 1 "Simple Tan Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 299 Find points today: 62 Hunt total: 473

GetawayPhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

17th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 3/27:
Phineas lies on the ground, his head spinning in confusion and pain. Hearing disembodied voices, Phineas tries to discern if they belong to other pets or not.

"Did you see that?"

"Quite a fall that was."

"Excellent form."

"The landing could use some work."

Phineas shakes his head as his vision starts to focus, seeing a badger and porcupine nearby.

"What do you think these packages are?"

"Whatever they are they belonged to the hooman in that truck. Do you think that pet is okay? Should we check on them?"

"I'm sure they're fine."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Starlight.

Phineas shook paws with Starlight the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

Starlight gave you 1 "Pokey Porcupine (Standing)" size 7

Tries today: 319 Find points today: 66 Hunt total: 477

StarlightPhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

17th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 4/27:
Still groggy from the fall, Phineas stumbles toward the badger and porcupine, who seemed to be arguing about the packages on the ground.

"Hoomans, they don't notice nothin', do they?"

"I'm certain the hooman will notice soon."

"That hooman just left them here."

"That doesn't make them yours."

"If the hooman wanted them, the hooman would have stopped."

"We should get them off the road, or another hooman may crush them."

"This far away from any villages? I'm surprised there even was a hooman at all."

"Look, they have names on the packages, they belong to someone already. Surely they'll return."

"Or they can just be mine now. Finders keepers."

"Leave them alone, Phillipinscal."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Melinda.

Phineas shook paws with Melinda the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Melinda gave you 1 "Long Tan Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 415 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 486

MelindaPhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

17th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 5/27:
Making his way over, Phineas notices something stuck to the quills of the porcupine. "Hey, you've got something there." The badger and porcupine jump startled, staring at Phineas in surprise. Phineas sighs, "You have something stuck on you."

The porcupine turns in a circle trying to see what the item is, the badger laughing. Finally grabbing it off himself, the porcupine looks at the item. "It says 'Hope'."

"'Hope'?" the badger asks incredulously.

Phineas looks back and forth between the two of them, "Why is it carved out like that? Does it mean something?"

"I'm not sure, hoomans are peculiar," the porcupine responds.

"We should take it to someone who knows, maybe Wallace can tell us."

The porcupine smiles wide, "Ahh yes, the gnome gnomes all."

The badger elbows the porcupine getting pricked by his quills, "Ouch!"

The porcupine snickers.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet dragolia.

Phineas shook paws with dragolia the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

dragolia gave you 1 "Hope Ornament" size 7

Tries today: 710 Find points today: 106 Hunt total: 517

dragoliaPhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 6/27:
Phineas follows the badger and porcupine over the snow covered hills, into an icy garden, a boot-shaped house on the far end.

Crossing the garden, the porcupine warns Phineas, "Be careful of the tulips."

What tulips? Phineas thinks to himself.

"Gnomey likes his tulips," the badger adds.

Phineas looks around confused as the porcupine knocks on the door of the gnome.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Baby Snowflake.

Phineas shook paws with Baby Snowflake the Snow Cheerling. They both received one silver mole!

Baby Snowflake gave you 1 "Navy Work Boot Gnome Home" size 7

Tries today: 13 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 529

Baby SnowflakePhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 7/27:
The gnome answers the door, "Balderlang, Phillipinscal! What brings you by this lovely day? And who is this with you?"

The badger and porcupine exchange looks, then stare at Phineas. The porcupine looks back at the gnome. "Well Wallace... We just met by the hooman road, we don't actually know each other. But we found this and were uh - hoping you would know it's purpose." The porcupine laughs at his joke, the badger groans.

"Hmm..." Wallace moves his hat scratching his head. "I've not seen a hooman object such as this before. I don't know why hoomans would carve "hope" like this... Maybe we should go ask Wilferd, he has more experience with hooman objects."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Vinnie.

Phineas shook paws with Vinnie the Midnight Mauve Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Vinnie gave you 1 "Playful Practical Joker Gnome" size 7

Tries today: 39 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 536

(size 7)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 8/27:
Warm inside away from the cold, Phineas admires the decor Wilferd has collected. Wilferd examines the hooman object. "I'm sorry to say I can't tell you anything more than you already know. You found this with some packages the hooman lost?"

The badger nods quickly, "The hooman just left them, surely they're not wanted."

"Hoomans miss the things they lose," Wallace the gnome counters. "The right thing would be to return the items to the hooman."

"How do we do that?" Phineas asks.

"Can't we keep them?" the badger begs.

"Don't be so crude, Phillipinscal."

"I can help," Wilferd offers. "I know my way around hoomans, and I admit my curiosity has peaked over this object."

One by one everyone nods their agreement, except for Phillipinscal the badger. "I'll stay and watch the houses, I'm not going out in the cold if there's no reward."

"Knowledge is it's own reward," Wallace argues.

"So is a comfy chair and a nice warm fire," Phillipinscal replies as he sits beside the fire.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Ms Stinkerbelle.

Phineas shook paws with Ms Stinkerbelle the Baby Skunk. They both received one silver mole!

Ms Stinkerbelle gave you 1 "Jack Puppy (Blue Argyle Sweater)" size 7

Tries today: 197 Find points today: 45 Hunt total: 565

Ms StinkerbellePhineasQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 9/27:
After finding their way back to the hooman road, Wilferd grabs a package putting it into a wooden cart. "Looks like the trail leads out of the woods."

Following the road through the forest, picking up packages they find in the road, a hooman village appears in the distance.

"We need to go in there?"

"Not sure hoomans take kindly to gnomes..."

"They'll just think you're a tiny hooman."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly).

Phineas shook paws with Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly) the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly) and you found 5 "Long Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 279 Find points today: 62 Hunt total: 582

Hansi (Icky Bird Who Can't Fly)PhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 10/27:
Wilferd follows tire tracks in the snow, entering the hooman village. Picking up an occasional wrapped package here and there, adding it to the cart.

Walking up to a building with a sign carved "Nursing Home", Wallace speaks up. "Some of these packages say 'Nursing Home' on them."

Phineas looks at the packages in the wagon. "Should we leave them here?"

Balderlang nods, "We should bring them inside since the hooman meant them for here."

"Yes," Wilferd agrees, "But only the ones labeled for this place, we should still return the rest to the hooman."

Carrying the wrapped packages into the Nursing Home, they look around seeing many elder hoomans, some of them being helped by younger hoomans. Phineas notices some elder pets around as well. "What is this place?" he asks.

"Sometimes when hoomans reach an old age they can no longer care for themselves," Wilferd responds. "They are brought to shelter like this one when that happens."

"Why don't their families help them?"

"Not every hooman family can, and the ones who are able to help, do so. Hoomans here are cared for and receive visitors, and some homes like this one, let them have pet companionship as well."

"Do you think this 'Hope' item belongs here?" Balderlang asks.

Phineas ponders. "There is hope here, but I don't think that item belongs here."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Hermione.

Phineas shook paws with Hermione the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Hermione and you found 5 "Believe Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 349 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 589

HermionePhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 11/27:
Balderlang looks from a package in his hands up at a sign above a building. "I think this belongs here."

Wallace walks over reading the label on the package, looks up at the building sign. "I believe you are right." Wallace turns to Wilferd and Phineas, "Do any of the other packages say 'Orphanage'?"

Phineas nods as he looks through the wagon. "There's a few that say it, should we leave these here?"

Balderlang looks nervously at small hoomans running around the yard beside the building. "Yes but... maybe we shouldn't get close." Phineas and Wallace join him watching the small hoomans running in the snow filled yard.

"There are no pets in this building?" Phineas asks.

Wilferd shakes his head, stacking the packages under a tree. "Young hoomans like these and young pets are often kept in separate buildings while they wait for homes."


"For families to take them home. Not every young hooman has a family, but they all hope for one."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Stella.

Phineas shook paws with Stella the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Stella and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 515 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 612

x 150

18th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 12/27:
Leaving the sounds of small hoomans playing behind them, a faint singing travels on the air. Coming to an open lot between hooman buildings, Phineas sees hoomans singing, some putting packages into large crates before getting into vehicles to drive away, and pets playing in the snow.

Seeing a sign saying "Toy Drive", Phineas notices some of the packages they've gathered say the same. Phineas carefully moves between hoomans, adding some of the labeled packages to one of the large crates.

"Why are hoomans collecting packages and toys?" Balderlang asks, helping Phineas put packages into the large crate.

"Some hoomans collect these items to give them to others," Wallace answers from behind them.

"Why not just give the packages directly?"

Wallace shakes his head. "The hoomans who give the items don't know the hoomans who will receive them. Most of these look like they will go to young hoomans, probably ones who live far from this village. Young hoomans spend much of this time of year hoping and wishing for certain toys, and others try to fulfill those wishes."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet iddels.

Phineas shook paws with iddels the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

iddels and you found 5 "Octagonal Tan Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 669 Find points today: 105 Hunt total: 625

iddelsPhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

19th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 13/27:
Balderlang notices the building on the far side of the open lot matches the labels of some of the packages; he starts carrying them over, tripping in the snow. Wilferd helps Balderlang back to his feet.

"These are all food!" Wilferd exclaims sniffing a package.

"Who would giveaway food?" Balderlang asks.

Phineas helps gather the fallen packages, noticing the label "Food Bank" written across them. "What is a...'Food Bank'?"

"Our next stop!" Wallace cries pointing to the building near them.

"It's a place hoomans can go to get food," Wilferd explains. "Mainly hoomans who can't afford much food on their own."

Finding himself hoping the hoomans who need food will be able to get it, Phineas takes out the strange object with "Hope" carved into it. Phineas looks at it wondering if anything they are doing is related to the meaning of the object.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Happy Lil Cloud.

Phineas shook paws with Happy Lil Cloud the Cloud. They both received one silver mole!

Happy Lil Cloud and you found 5 "Giving Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 13 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 638

Happy Lil CloudPhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

19th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 14/27:
Following the trail of packages across a bridge, Wallace notices tire tracks off the road at the far end of the bridge. "I think someone stopped here."

"Not just someone," Wilferd says looking at the tracks. "These belong to the hooman we're trying to find."

"Why would they stop here? This isn't beside any buildings."

Wilferd sniffs the air, "I smell smoke."

"I think there are hoomans down here," Balderlang says looking where the ground travels bellow the bridge.

"Some packages are labeled for this bridge, we should take them down."

Despite thinking it strange to give anything to a bridge, Phineas grabs some of the packages following the others down the hill. Phineas fumbles with his package, surprised to see tents and fires under the bridge, hoomans and pets gathered around them. "Why are they here?" Phineas asks.

"Not all hoomans can live in hooman buildings," Wilferd responds setting down his packages. "Hooman life can be expensive and difficult, sometimes it forces hoomans to live in places like this."

Balderlang adds his package to the pile, "I hope these have something useful for these hoomans and pets."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Twitch.

Phineas shook paws with Twitch the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Twitch and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 185 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 669

x 150

19th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 15/27:
Wilferd excitedly picks up a package from the road, "This smells delicious!" He picks up another less excited, "This does not smell delicious..."

Phineas picks up a package, it squeaks.

"Was that a mouse?"

"Doesn't smell like a mouse."

"Hoomans make toy mice that squeak."

"Why would they do that?"

"They make toy bones that squeak, too."

"Why would they do that?"

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Zoe.

Phineas shook paws with Zoe the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Zoe and you found 5 "Simple Tan Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 387 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 691

x 5
(size 4)

19th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 16/27:
The trail of packages leads the group to a building with a sign reading "Animal Shelter".

"Ahhh..." Wilferd says in realization, "This explains the packages we've been finding."

Phineas notices pets in the windows. "What is this?"

"Hoomans don't like pets roaming their villages," Wilferd explains. "The pets gathered in buildings like this one are waiting to be taken into hooman homes."

Balderlang carries some packages up to the building door, one of them squeaking as he sets them down. Phineas adds his packages beside the door. "Why don't they have their own houses?"

"Not all pets want their own homes as we have them, some want the company of hoomans. But not all hoomans can care for a pet, so some of the pets are forced to wait in places like this one."

Phineas watches the pets through the window, glad they are at least safe from the weather.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Pandette.

Phineas shook paws with Pandette the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Pandette and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 637 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 724

PandettePhineasQUEST REWARD
x 25

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 17/27:
Phineas shakes some of the snow off himself as it falls faster through the sky. Grabbing another package off the ground, he almost bumps into Wallace.

"Is that the truck?"

"It's driving away!"

"Don't waste your energy, we won't catch it running after it."

Phineas sighs looking around, surprised to see a large building in front of them. "Where are we?"

"I'm not certain," Wilferd responds. "It says 'Veteran'... We have collected packages for here, we should take them inside."

Phineas follows the others inside nervously, seeing a large dog sitting in a window watching them enter.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Hewie.

Phineas shook paws with Hewie the Cupig. They both received one silver mole!

Hewie and you found 5 "Joy Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 19 Find points today: 10 Hunt total: 750

x 5
(size 4)

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 18/27:
Entering into the building they walk down a hallway, the walls covered in medals, flags, pictures of groups of hoomans. Phineas looks at the pictures curiously, some of them containing large ships and aircraft.

Together they walk into a large room, a big decorated tree in the center of the room. Mortals and pets scattered around the room, some using crutches or wheelchairs. Phineas stares nervously as the large dog from the window approaches them.

"You with the lady?" The dog's voice was unusually gruff.

"The who?"

"The hooman lady, in the truck. Those packages are the same wrapping she always brings."

"We'vebeentryingtofindher," Phineas spoke quickly, fumbling over his words. "To.. to return them."

"And we've been delivering the ones we can as well," Wilferd adds. "If I might ask... I know of many hooman dwellings, but I've not seen one like this."

"Humph." The large dog sits. "Hoomans aren't always kind to each other, sometimes they fight. Sometimes we pets join them in these fights. When the fights are over, not all hoomans can return to a 'normal' life, some lose pieces of themselves...not always physical ones. Not every pet can return, either. Some of us have to be here, some of us choose to be here - to provide some comfort to the only other creatures who know what we have witnessed."

Balderlang holds out the Hope object, "Do you know if this belongs here? The hooman lost it with some packages."

The dog stares at the word for a long, quiet moment.

"While that object may have some meaning to a lot of the hoomans and pets in the building, I do not believe it was meant for here."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Mooooochie.

Phineas shook paws with Mooooochie the Squooshie. They both received one silver mole!

Mooooochie and you found 5 "Giving Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 162 Find points today: 43 Hunt total: 783

MooooochiePhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 19/27:
Venturing once more into the cold, the tire tracks are hidden in the snowfall, no lost packages in sight.

"What do we do?"

"Which way do we go?"

"This way," Wilferd calls, sniffing along the road.

Phineas hesitates wondering how Wilferd could sniff his way in all the snow, but is pleasantly surprised when they come across another package.

"Oh, the truck!" Phineas looks where Balderlang points, barely sees the truck through the snow as it drives away. "It looks almost empty. We must hurry before we lose the trail completely."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Arty.

Phineas shook paws with Arty the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Arty and you found 5 "Holiday Wreath Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 211 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 792

x 5
(size 4)

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 20/27:
Leaving the hooman village, they start traversing up snow covered hills, the truck's tracks quickly disappearing in the falling snow.

"It's getting colder."

"The snow is falling faster."

"I can't see."

"Don't slow down now, we must be nearly caught up."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Mia.

Phineas shook paws with Mia the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Mia and you found 5 "Peace Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 366 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 811

x 5
(size 4)

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 21/27:
"Is that the truck?"

"It's empty!"

"Is this the hooman's house?"

"What a lovely garden."

"What do we do now?"

"We have to return the other packages."

"What if they ask about the ones we don't have?"

"We tell them the truth."

"I hear music."

"There's lots of voices, maybe we shouldn't disturb them..."

"Oh come on already."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Asparagus.

Phineas shook paws with Asparagus the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Asparagus and you found 5 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 536 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 832

AsparagusPhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

20th Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 22/27:
Knock! Knock! Knock!

Huddled together waiting on the porch of the hooman house, they stare at the door nervously as it opens. An older hooman woman smiles at them kindly, speaking in a strange accent none of them recognize.

"Oh my! You have my missing packages. Come inside, come inside!" She steps aside letting them enter her home, the entrance way bright and cheerful. "Thank you for returning them, I simply must get that old truck fixed. Do you happen to have the rest?"

"We delivered some of them," Wilferd explains. "The ones we recognized the labels for, we delivered. The rest we brought here."

The hooman woman smiles kindly, "I'm certain every single package is where it needs to be."

"We also.. found this." Phineas holds out the object with "Hope" carved into it.

The woman's face brightens.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Foxy Sir.

Phineas shook paws with Foxy Sir the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Foxy Sir and you found 12 "Pine Tree Christmas Cookie" (edible).

Tries today: 754 Find points today: 117 Hunt total: 857

x 12 (edible)

21st Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 23/27:
The woman leads the group into a room filled with hoomans and pets, a large tree in the center of the room.

"This time of year is very special to us," the woman tells them. "The holidays remind us of family, friends - togetherness. Though not all of us are able to be with the ones we love on the holidays. Some live far away, others are no longer with us. I once had no one to share my holidays with, so I started hosting this gathering to give others like me somewhere to come to - to celebrate - and to create new bonds."

She sighs happily watching those gathered in her home. "I have been granted more in my life than I need, so I return what I can to others who hope for more, for better, who need more than just hope."

"Is that why this says 'hope'?" Phineas asks.

The woman smiles kindly. "Hope is different to every one of us, and this item is especially important today. Every year I have gifts made for those who gather in my home, each one has special meaning. I think you should return this to the people it was meant for."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Garfunkel.

Phineas shook paws with Garfunkel the Little Pink Monster. They both received one silver mole!

Garfunkel and you found 5 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 108 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 885

GarfunkelPhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

21st Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 24/27:
Phineas makes his way across the room to the hoomans the old woman directed him to, handing them the object. Surprised, Phineas watches as their eyes brim with tears. They thank Phineas for bringing their daughter back to them.

The old woman announces to the room, "It's time."

Phineas joins Balderlang, Wallace, and Wilferd, watching as the old woman passes out gifts to each hooman and pet in the room. One by one, each opens their gift, tears filling their eyes. Taking turns walking to the large tree in the center of the room, each one hangs their gift on the tree.

Phineas watches as the tree slowly fills with ornaments. Each ornament containing a name - printed, carved, or painted with care. With each one hung, soft voices carry through the room.

"My daughter."

"My mother."

"My son."

"My brother."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Maybelle.

Phineas shook paws with Maybelle the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Maybelle and you found 5 "Simple Tan Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 379 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 918

MaybellePhineasQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

21st Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 25/27:
Thanking them for taking the time and effort to deliver the gifts she lost, the old woman surprises them with gifts to take home.

"A small thank you," she tells them, "for what you did today. You helped and gave hope to more people than you realize."

Filling their wagon, the old woman wishes them a well journey home. Phineas is extremely grateful of the hospitality and gifts, though he isn't thrilled about walking through even more snow.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Josie.

Phineas shook paws with Josie the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Josie and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 412 Find points today: 66 Hunt total: 923

x 20

21st Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 26/27:
After trekking back through the hooman village and forest, the garden of Wallace's home is finally in view. Phillipinscal watches them pull a wagon of gifts up to the boot-shaped house, he quickly runs out of Wilferd's home to meet them.

"Oh? Did you bring me something?"

"Bring you something?" Balderlang asks in disbelief. "Why would... well, I suppose we may have."

Wallace looks at Phineas. "Why don't you join us and stay a night or two? There's no easy way for you to get home while this snowstorm keeps up."

Phineas watches Balderlang and Phillipinscal bickering and teasing each other over gifts, house sitting, and hunting trucks. "I think that sounds wonderful, Wallace."

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Splodge.

Phineas shook paws with Splodge the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Splodge gave you 1 "Playful Practical Joker Gnome" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 598 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 939

SplodgePhineasQUEST REWARD

22nd Dec 2019

Phineas is questing!
Episode 27/27:
Crowded, but cozy inside Wallace's home, they work together decorating a tree to commemorate their trip. Passing the gifts around, everyone takes turns opening bags and boxes.

"Oh! It squeaks."

"Beard oil - how wonderful!"

"This is my favourite candy! How did she know?"

"I love the new sweater-vest."

"Is this...?" Phineas stares in surprise, opening a box finding a replica of the ornament they returned to the hoomans.

The others fall silent seeing "Hope" elegantly carved into the wood, Phineas hangs it carefully on their tree.

"I should invite my sister for a visit," Balderlang says quietly.

Phineas nods, thinking of the friends and family waiting for him at home.
Phineas has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet swinger.

Phineas shook paws with swinger the Brown Funky Monkey. They both received one silver mole!

swinger gave you 1 "Navy Work Boot Gnome Home"

Tries today: 53 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 972

swingerPhineasQUEST REWARD