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Shen has completed the quest of
"Exploring Easter" !

4th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 1/25

@ Rejoicing Over an Empty Cave
Shen has just received an unexpected gift; a richly decorated egg! Opening it, he is astonished when the egg fills his mind with a series of themed visions!
2021 Egg of Rejoicing
As you receive this special egg you'll have the opportunity to experience the story of the first Easter when history was forever changed bringing new life and rejoicing to all who take the journey!
Rejoicing Over an Empty Cave
Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, is foundational to the Christian faith. It has been the source of rejoicing to untold numbers who've embraced this faith for the last 2,000 years. Every year hearts are lifted in hope at this time because if Jesus conquered death, then all difficulties of life are able to be faced with courage and conviction, knowing that an eternally better day is coming!

While exploring Easter, you met Angel.

Shen shook paws with Angel the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Angel gave you 1 "2021 Egg of Rejoicing"

Tries today: 759 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 1708


5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 2/25

@ Easter and Springtime!
"Wow! Did you know that before, Shen?" asked Frode.
"No, I didn't, Frode," Shen said. "I'm glad we're doing this experience!"
Easter and Springtime!
Just as God chose to free the Jewish people from hundreds of years of slavery in Egypt, and bring them into a new life at springtime, commemorating it with the Passover holy day; so it is with the Christian faith. It was at the same time of year, spring, and during the same celebration, Passover, that the death and resurrection of Jesus took place, commemorated each year for Christians as Easter.

While exploring Easter, you met Frode.

Shen shook paws with Frode the Starlight Cheerling. They both received one silver mole!

Frode and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 25 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 1731

x 15

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 3/25

@ Winter Has to Give Way!
“What an awesome picture!” exclaimed Shen after shaking paws with Puffy named by Stella, who agreed with him. They both took a moment to admire the amazing image in front of them and to learn more about it.
Winter Has to Give Way!
Each year winter, even with all of its harsh winds, cold temperatures, deep snow, and grey colors, has to give way to spring! It can't last forever. It can't stop the warm sunny days with vivid blue skies. It can't stop the trees from budding, the birds from singing nor the flowers from blooming. In a sense, the "death" of winter has to give way to the "new life" of spring!

While exploring Easter, you met Puffy named by Stella.

Shen shook paws with Puffy named by Stella the Cloud. They both received one silver mole!

Puffy named by Stella and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 34 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 1734

Puffy named by StellaShenQUEST REWARD
x 5

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 4/25

@ An Eternal Springtime!
Shen and Mulle were so interested in the image before them that they almost forgot to shake paws before moving on to the next stage!
An Eternal Springtime!
That's how it is with what Easter commemorates: death ultimately has to give way to life because of Jesus' resurrection! It doesn't have the last word. Easter causes such rejoicing because there is coming a day when the winter of sickness, suffering, sorrow, sin, and death will give way to an eternal time of spring when Jesus returns!

While exploring Easter, you met Mulle.

Shen shook paws with Mulle the Dauntless Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

Mulle and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 59 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 1737

x 5

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 5/25

@ Our Love for New Life
"I'm seeing things in a new light, Shen," mused Scaredy Cat.
Shen agreed. "I like learning new things, Scaredy Cat," he said.
Our Love for New Life
While babies are born all year round, there's something about springtime that speaks of new life peeping up all around us! There's a "magic" when one sees these little ones - a joy - a hope - because of life's freshness as seen in their eyes and on their feathers. Easter, because of the eternal life in Jesus that it speaks of, occurs at just the perfect time each year!

While exploring Easter, you met Scaredy Cat.

Shen shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 100 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 1752

x 5

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 6/25

@ Easter Puts a Spring In Our Step
Shen was very happy to meet gemma here! They shook paws and then spent some time swapping tales of their experience so far!
Easter Puts a Spring In Our Step
When you combine the joys of the season of spring with the joy of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, you can't help but have a spring (or a hop) in your step! There's a freedom that spring brings - free to be outdoors more, free to shed the heavy coats and boots, free from winter's chill. No wonder Easter is a time to rejoice! To rejoice truly at its core means to spring about with joy!

While exploring Easter, you met gemma.

Shen shook paws with gemma the Black Great Dane. They both received one silver mole!

gemma and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 227 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 1766

x 5

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 7/25

@ A Lamb For Life
“This is beautiful, isn't it, moo moo?” whispered Shen.
“It's amazing,” said moo moo. "I wonder what we'll see next?"
A Lamb For Life
When Jesus was here on earth in the land of Israel about 2000 years ago, in the beginning of spring, lambs were being born some of which would soon be offered to commemorate Passover for the Jewish people. So with the joy of new life came the awareness that a life would be sacrificed to remember the beginning of new life for the Jewish people. Soon it would be Jesus' turn to sacrifice His life, commemorated every year during Easter weekend on Good Friday.

While exploring Easter, you met moo moo.

Shen shook paws with moo moo the Holstein Friesian Calf. They both received one silver mole!

moo moo and you found 100 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 301 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 1778

x 100

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 8/25

@ The Passover Lamb
“That's an amazing image!” said Rascal.
“Yes, it would be great to see it in real life," said Shen.
The Passover Lamb
Easter's season is that of spring; its reason contains elements from Passover. Just as ten-day-old lambs would be set apart for the Jewish people in the beginning of spring to be a memorial of the first Passover sacrifice many years before, so too, in the Christian faith, Jesus would become our "Passover" to set us free from slavery to sin; as well to provide for forgiveness as "the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world."

While exploring Easter, you met Rascal.

Shen shook paws with Rascal the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Rascal and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 448 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 1794

x 5

5th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 9/25

@ A City to Cry For
“What an awesome picture!” exclaimed Shen after shaking paws with Skye, who agreed with him. They both took a moment to admire the amazing image in front of them and to learn more about it.
A City to Cry For
Jesus, as He entered into His final week of life before the cross, made His journey to Jerusalem, the capital city of God's people. As He did, He wept over it knowing what was soon to happen to Him there and what would happen to it forty years later when Jerusalem would be destroyed by Titus in 70AD.

While exploring Easter, you met Skye.

Shen shook paws with Skye the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Skye and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 696 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 1826

x 5

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 10/25

@ Hitching a Ride
“That's incredible, isn't it, Chubb?” murmured Shen.
“I'm going to read up about it later," affirmed Chubb.
Hitching a Ride
As Jesus' earthly life nears its end, He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, on what the Christian faith refers to as "Palm Sunday," fulfilling a prophecy from the Old Testament, which said Israel's King would come to them doing just such. In fact, Jesus' conception, birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension fulfilled over 300 Old Testament prophecies!

While exploring Easter, you met Chubb.

Shen shook paws with Chubb the English Bulldog. They both received one silver mole!

Chubb and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 22 Find points today: 10 Hunt total: 1859

x 10

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 11/25

@ Not His First Donkey
"Wow! Did you know that before, Shen?" asked Frankie.
"No, I didn't, Frankie," Shen said. "I'm glad we're doing this experience!"
Not His First Donkey
While the New Testament doesn't specifically say that Joseph and a very pregnant Mary used a donkey to make the 80-mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem for a mandatory census, the custom of the day allows for such. That being said, Jesus, in His mother's womb, rode on a donkey prior to His birth, and could very well have passed through Jerusalem to reach their destination, a "suburb" of the capitol - Bethlehem!

While exploring Easter, you met Frankie.

Shen shook paws with Frankie the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Frankie and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 148 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 1884

x 5

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 12/25

@ Green Carpet Treatment
Shen and Thumper had shaken paws and took some time to take in the scene before them in a companionable silence!
Green Carpet Treatment
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, which was a sign of "peace" for a "king" to do so, the people cut down branches of trees (leafy branches, palm branches) and laid them on the road as well as waved them in a rejoicing procession, shouting, "Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord!"

While exploring Easter, you met Thumper.

Shen shook paws with Thumper the Eggstravagant Easter Bunny. They both received one silver mole!

Thumper and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 171 Find points today: 41 Hunt total: 1890

x 15

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 13/25

@ Talk of the Town
Shen has seen a lot already, but much more lies ahead. The egg isn't done yet! But guess what - the egg gives him a special prize!
Vibrant Green Background
Simple, stunning, vibrant, green.
Talk of the Town
The whole city was a-buzz at this procession as Jesus rode on the streets of Jerusalem towards the temple. The volume of the voices singing and shouting caught everyone's attention as their sounds bounced off of the surrounding stone structures. Some leaders told Jesus to tell His disciples, the people, and even the children to stand down and be quiet, to which He replied, "If these hold their peace, these stones themselves will cry out!"

While exploring Easter, you met Honey.

Shen shook paws with Honey the Bashful Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Honey gave you 1 "Vibrant Green Background"

Tries today: 258 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 1901


6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 14/25

@ Cleaning House
“It's great to hear this story from the beginning, isn't it, Paxton?” murmured Shen.
“It really is,” said Paxton. "I'm learning a lot today."
Cleaning House
Jesus came to the temple, looked things over, and then went to a nearby town where He would be staying at night during the coming week. The next day He came back into town, and returned to the temple, and proceeded to chase out those who were buying and selling sacrifices and other religious goods, as well as those who were exchanging currencies for the Jewish people who had come from other lands for Passover, saying, "My Father's house is to be a house of prayer for all nations; but you have made it into a den for thieves!"

While exploring Easter, you met Paxton.

Shen shook paws with Paxton the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Paxton and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 278 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 1904

x 15

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 15/25

@ Sold-out for Silver
Shen and Draco agreed that the variety of environments and images on this Experience was the best ever! Shen and Draco exchanged opinions on which their favourite thing had been so far.
Sold-out for Silver
The religious leaders became even more upset with Jesus and looked for a way to destroy Him. One of Jesus' disciples, who had been with Jesus for three and half years, hearing His words and seeing His wonders all of this time, agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. He then sought for the right time to have the authorities come and take Jesus without causing an uproar. Judas, who broke bread with Jesus at His last supper, and whose feet Jesus washed prior to that meal, led the authorities to a garden where Jesus was praying later that night.

While exploring Easter, you met Draco.

Shen shook paws with Draco the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Draco and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 310 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 1907

x 5

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 16/25

@ Sunrise Sentencing
"I'm seeing things in a new light, Shen," mused Saphira.
Shen agreed. "I like learning new things, Saphira," he said.
Sunrise Sentencing
Jesus was arrested, deserted by His disciples, falsely accused, and stood trial in the middle of the night before the religious authorities, was denied by Peter, was brutally treated and abused, was convicted and sentenced, delivered to the Roman authorities who flogged, spit upon, beat, and crucified Him - all before 9 AM.

While exploring Easter, you met Saphira.

Shen shook paws with Saphira the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Saphira and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 383 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 1916

x 5

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 17/25

@ Christ Crucified
“Oh wow!" said Shen, awestruck. "Isn't that interesting, Shadow?"
“Yes, I never knew that before, Shen," responded Shadow.
Christ Crucified
Jesus was crucified as a common criminal, in between criminals. He didn't shout insults down at the soldiers who nailed Him to the cross and were now rolling dice for His clothing. He didn't shout back at the religious leaders or people who were hurling insults at Him. In fact, He prayed for all of them, asking for God to forgive them. He cried out words from Psalm 22, another prophecy that He was fulfilling right before their eyes. And He promised one of the thieves, who confessed that he as a thief deserved to be on a cross, but not Jesus Himself; and who called Him "Lord," believing in His coming kingdom, that he would be with Him in paradise.

While exploring Easter, you met Shadow.

Shen shook paws with Shadow the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Shadow and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 389 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 1919

x 15

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 18/25

@ A Dark Day
“What an awesome picture!” exclaimed Shen after shaking paws with Rianna, who agreed with him. They both took a moment to admire the amazing image in front of them and to learn more about it.
A Dark Day
The Bible says that in the middle of the day, for the last three hours of the six that Jesus was on the cross, that there was darkness over the whole land and that the veil in God's temple was split in two from the top to the bottom. When the time was right, and, as the Christian faith says, all of our sins were placed on Him, Jesus breathed His last. Surprised that He died so "quickly," and needing to be sure that He was truly dead, His side was pierced (fulfilling yet another prophecy), which revealed that He had already diad from a burst heart.

While exploring Easter, you met Rianna.

Shen shook paws with Rianna the Bashful Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Rianna and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 406 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 1924

x 5

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 19/25

@ "Good" Friday?
Shen was very happy to meet Pika here! They shook paws and then spent some time swapping tales of their experience so far!
"Good" Friday?
The New Testament accounts of Jesus' death aren't pleasant. After having suffered cruelly at the hands of soldiers and from the hearts of His own people, the eyewitness accounts say that the land became dark during His last three hours on the cross. When He breathed His last, under that foreboding sky, the earth quaked and rocks split. Being late in the day, His followers buried Him in a nearby, borrowed tomb. While tragic, something triumphant was about to happen in just a few days!

While exploring Easter, you met Pika.

Shen shook paws with Pika the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Pika and you found 100 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 647 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 1953

x 100

6th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 20/25

@ Day of Discovery
Shen was very happy to meet VV here! They shook paws and then spent some time swapping tales of their experience so far!
Day of Discovery
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the foundation of the Christian faith. If it didn't really happen, then the whole faith is null and void. That Sunday morning after Jesus' death and burial, an angel came down, rolled away the stone covering the opening of the tomb being guarded by soldiers, to reveal to the women who came to finish "burying" Jesus properly that He wasn't there - He was risen! Later that day He proved He was alive to His disciples, and He continued to provide such proof again and again for forty days, until He rose up to heaven.

While exploring Easter, you met VV.

Shen shook paws with VV the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

VV and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 742 Find points today: 114 Hunt total: 1963

x 5

7th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 21/25

@ Fish for Breakfast!
"Wow! Did you know that before, Shen?" asked Zig.
"No, I didn't, Zig," Shen said. "I'm glad we're doing this experience!"
Fish for Breakfast!
One such appearance, of the many, was on a quiet morning along the seashore. Seven of Jesus' disciples, some of them who were fishermen by trade, went fishing all night and had caught nothing. From the shore a figure asked them about how the fishing was, and then encouraged them to cast their net from the other side of the boat. They then caught a boat-load of fish! Peter, now knowing that it was Jesus on the shore, dove into the water and swam to Him. The others sailed to shore, dragging the net completely full of fish, with them. When all of them came to shore, Jesus had already cooked some fish and bread over an open fire for them and invited them to have breakfast with Him.

While exploring Easter, you met Zig.

Shen shook paws with Zig the Multi-Functional Robot. They both received one silver mole!

Zig and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 56 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 1996

x 10

7th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 22/25

@ From Fish to Sheep
“That's incredible, isn't it, Eton?” murmured Shen.
“I'm going to read up about it later," affirmed Eton.
From Fish to Sheep
After they had breakfast with their risen Lord and Friend, Jesus had a conversation with one of His best friends, Peter, who had denied Him three times when Jesus was arrested and put on trial. Jesus asked Peter if Peter loved Him more than he loved fishing - his life's occupation. He asked this of Peter three times. Peter, each time, affirmed his love for His Master and Savior. Jesus then gave him a new "occupation" - to feed His sheep, His people. He also told Peter that one day Peter would die for being a follower of His. Peter, knowing that there would be dark days ahead, was committed to following the One Who is the Light of the world.

While exploring Easter, you met Eton.

Shen shook paws with Eton the Crow. They both received one silver mole!

Eton and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 134 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 2014

x 5

7th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 23/25

@ Contemplating the Cross
"I'm seeing things in a new light, Shen," mused Choose a name.
Shen agreed. "I like learning new things, Choose a name," he said.
Contemplating the Cross
Two thousand years later, for the tens of millions who hold to the Christian faith, Easter, much like Passover, is indeed a time to remember: to look back and ponder the events of Jesus' death on the cross on what is traditionally called "Good Friday." Only by knowing the "why" for Jesus to die does the "good" of that Friday truly become real.

While exploring Easter, you met Choose a name.

Shen shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 285 Find points today: 66 Hunt total: 2042

Choose a nameShenQUEST REWARD
x 5

7th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 24/25

@ Rejoicing in the Resurrection
The quiet and serenity of the last scene had made Shen and Auntie Mame feel like they were the only pets left in PnF Land ...
Rejoicing in the Resurrection
The Christian faith conveys a message, not of a dead martyr, but of a risen Savior! It was such a profound event that impacted the lives of His followers as they were eyewitnesses of Jesus being alive, not just on that Sunday morning nor just later that evening, but for forty days following, which radically changed their lives and has since impacted the world in many ways. That's something to remember and to rejoice about!

While exploring Easter, you met Auntie Mame.

Shen shook paws with Auntie Mame the Black Happy Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Auntie Mame gave you 1 "Exploring Easter Stamp"

Tries today: 430 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 2053


7th Apr 2021
Shen experiences "Rejoice"!
Episode 25/25

@ From An Empty Tomb to Open Doors
At last the egg ceases to fill Shen's mind with visions. As the last one fades, the egg disappears. In it's place, Shen finds he now has a wonderful prize!
Decorated Eggs Cluster (Cool)
Hidden in the grass, waiting to be found, the treasure trove of painted eggs. What mysteries await inside these colourful shells?
From An Empty Tomb to Open Doors
These eyewitnesses, starting with Jesus' disciples and other close friends, spread the news of rejoicing that Jesus was raised from the dead. This good news of His death for our sins and His resurrection for our salvation has been spread around the world ever since! Jesus' empty tomb has led for many to open their hearts to Him and to open the doors of their gatherings to any and all, from the curious to the committed.
Shen has completed the quest! "Exploring Easter" is now over, but PnF will hold a new event again soon!

While exploring Easter, you met Twiggy.

Shen shook paws with Twiggy the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Twiggy gave you 1 "Decorated Eggs Cluster (Cool)"

Tries today: 569 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 2074