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Peggy Campbell
& Sport
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Sport has completed the quest of
"Roamin' Gnomes & Gingerbread Homes" !

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 1/25

Toby Fudgesticks ll is a gnome; named after his grandfather, Toby Fudgesticks l. Toby lives by himself in a nice little cottage in the PnF village. He is friendly, hard-working, and has many friends. Lately, Toby has been thinking about winter, Christmas, and what he would like to do to celebrate the holiday.

Toby, Toby, it is time to go see Santa. You may not remember, but I worked for Santa. Find the ornaments I made. I love you, my grandson.

Toby Fudgesticks ll opened his eyes, That was an odd dream. Granddad wants me to go and see Santa, and what was that about ornaments?

Toby yawned, stretched, and got out of bed. Peeking out the window, Toby saw the sun was rising; it had snowed during the night, and the tree branches looked like they were covered in icing, time to get up and start the day.

Knock, knock.

Oh goodness, it is too early for someone to be visiting. I have not even had my first coffee.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Babadook.

Sport shook paws with Babadook the Baby Gourdee. They both received one silver mole!

Babadook gave you 1 "Bah Humbug (Ornament)" size 10

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

size 10

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 2/25

Toby opened the door and his neighbour Sport barged in, stomping their feet to get rid of the snow.

“Hi, Toby; what are your plans for the day?”

“Why are you here so early? I have not even had breakfast yet. Come on in and sit down while I put the coffee on. Do you want some eggs?”

Toby bustled about the kitchen, all the while thinking about the dream.
Placing a plate of eggs in front of Sport, Toby asked, “Have you ever had a dream that was trying to tell you something?”
With a mouthful of eggs, Sport nodded. “I think so, but then again, maybe not. I thought dreams were just leftover bits of the day.”
Toby considered this. He had been thinking a lot about Christmas this year. Toby related his dream to Sport.
“I think,” said Toby, “I have to see if I can find any of my grandfather's ornaments. I don’t have any, which is odd, but I was so young when my grandfather passed away.

Breakfast was over, and Toby wanted to search for anything that would give him more information about his grandfather.
Toby and Sport raced up to the attic. “Start looking in those boxes over there.” Toby directed Sport.

“Whew!” Toby dusted off his knees and hands. “I should bring a duster up here now and then. All I have found so far is some broken toys, some old recipe books—though the recipe for Gnome Pudding With Carrot Sauce sounds good—and one very wobbly wooden horse that is missing a wheel.”
“Toby,” Sport was holding something, “I found these.”
Toby walked over to Sport and took the items. “These are photographs of my grandfather—and look—he is with Santa. These must have been taken up at the North Pole. Santa is holding something…it looks like a glass ornament.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Elvis.

Sport shook paws with Elvis the Hound Dog. They both received one silver mole!

Elvis gave you 1 "Waving Gnome, Red Stripe Coat" size 7

Tries today: 134 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 32

size 7

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 3/25

Toby and Sport headed downstairs and sat at the kitchen table while Toby decided on a plan of action. Toby slapped his hands on the table. “I’ve got it.”
"Got what?” asked Sport. “Where to go now for more information, hopefully. We should go to the…” A knock on the door interrupted Toby.
Upon opening the door, Toby saw Crissy, his neighbour. “Hi Crissy! What brings you here this morning?”
Crissy smiled and said hello to Sport. “I just wondered if you wanted to go to the Town Hall with me, they are holding a baking class to make gingerbread cookies.”
“Come and sit down,” Toby pulled out a chair for Crissy. “Let me bring you up to speed on what has been happening.”

Toby told Crissy about the dream, and the photographs and that he wanted to look for clues that would lead to the ornaments his grandfather had made. “Just as you knocked on the door, I was telling Sport that the place to start is the Town Hall, so yes, we will go with you, but I won’t be baking cookies.”
Crissy looked at Toby, “I can go with you; to search for clues, I mean. Baking cookies, I can do another day.”

The trio arrived at the Town Hall. Toby stood and admired the building. “I can never get over how edible this looks; of course, it is not edible, but the builders sure did a great job.” Toby, Sport, and Crissy headed inside.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Wawatay.

Sport shook paws with Wawatay the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Wawatay gave you 1 "2022 Ginger Bread Town Hall" size 7

Tries today: 218 Find points today: 45 Hunt total: 45

size 7

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 4/25

Toby, Sport, and Crissy went straight to the counter. Toby asked the dog wearing a festive snowflake sweater, “This may seem a strange question, but have you ever heard of Toby Fudgesticks?"
The pet behind the counter smiled and said, “You must be the grandson of Toby 1st. Come along with me; I have something to show you.”
The trio followed Jack down a long corridor. They entered a small, windowless room. Jack pointed up at a shelf. Under a glass dome sat an ornament.
“Did you know my grandfather?”
Jack nodded, “I did indeed; he lived here in town, he worked for Santa, and his hobby was making glass ornaments. He learned glass blowing when he was younger, and he would paint scenes on the glass and give them as gifts. As they are glass, I am not sure how many survived, but this one has been here for a long time. Here take a closer look.” Jack took the ornament from under the glass dome and handed it to Toby.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Casper.

Sport shook paws with Casper the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Casper gave you 1 "Lady Keena (Ornament)" size 10

Tries today: 428 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 78

size 10

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 5/25

Toby took the ornament in his hands—it felt warm, and painted on it was the face of a green, grumpy-looking fellow. As Toby was thinking how strange this was, he felt himself beginning to fade, or was it that his mind was going blank?

“Snow! Look at all this snow falling down. I cannot even see my hand in front of my face. I will never be able to get to work at the Toy Shop in Santa Village.” Toby Fudgesticks l stomped around, and his face bore a fierce grimace. “What will Santa do without me?” Toby Fudgesticks l stomped around his house some more. He was feeling angry, and instead of enjoying the falling snow, all he could think about was how he would not be able to get to work.
Toby Fudgesticks l said to himself, “This is silly; I should not be wasting this time. I can’t do anything about the snow; maybe I can make a new ornament to remind myself that I cannot control the weather, and an angry face makes me feel bad.”

Toby Fudgesticks l worked all afternoon on creating his new ornament. When he finished, he was pleased, and he smiled. The first smile of the day. The ornament featured a scowling green fellow wearing a Santa hat. The ornament was a reminder that if you feel angry, it is ok—but you don’t want to stay angry forever. If you think of something funny or something you love, a frown can be turned into a smile, maybe even a laugh.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Serena.

Sport shook paws with Serena the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Serena gave you 1 "Gingerbread Cookie Kid, Join Me For A Chat" size 7

Tries today: 593 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 94

size 7

5th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 6/25

“Wow! What was that just now? Was that a memory?” Toby looked around, he was back in the small room, and all his friends were there too. “I just had a memory, I guess. It was about my grandfather, and he was creating this ornament. There had been a big snowstorm, and he could not get to work, so he made this ornament to remind himself that grumpy was not a good look.” Toby looked at the back of the ornament, “He signed it, see.”

Toby passed the ornament around, and everyone looked at it, then carefully handed it back to Toby. “Can I keep this?” Toby asked Jack.
“Of course,” Jack smiled.

Toby looked at Sport and Crissy, “We can go bake those cookies now if everyone wants to.”
A resounding “Yes.” from the group.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Mini.

Sport shook paws with Mini the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

Mini and you found 5 "Cross-stitch Bunny" size 4.

Tries today: 795 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 119

x 5
(size 4)

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 7/25

“Wow! It smells so good in here.” Crissy said, entering the community kitchen in the Town Hall. Toby, Sport, and Crissy gathered the ingredients for gingerbread cookies, some candies to decorate with, and the cooking utensils needed. As the three worked on making delicious cookies, they discussed where they should head next for clues.

Sport had a great idea about going to all the shops on PnF Main Street and asking the vendors if they had known Toby’s grandfather.

When the cookies were done and pronounced perfect—because you cannot bake cookies without trying a few—the trio head to Main Street.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Rosie.

Sport shook paws with Rosie the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Rosie and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 77 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 152

x 150

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 8/25

PnF Main Street at Christmas time is always a joy to behold. Lights, decorations, trees, the tantalizing smell from bakeries, and the overall glow of cheer spread to each and every pet along the street. Snow started to fall again as the trio stood and admired the shops. “Which shop first?” asked Sport.
“I think we should go in each one, that way we won’t miss asking anyone.” Toby chimed in.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Heidi.

Sport shook paws with Heidi the Black Great Dane. They both received one silver mole!

Heidi and you found 5 "Heavenly Joy (Ornament)" size 4.

Tries today: 331 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 185

x 5
(size 4)

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 9/25

The first shop was the Bakery, and the aroma was mouth-watering. Toby walked up to the counter, “Hi Martha, your shop looks so festive. I have a question. Did you know my grandfather?”
Martha smiled, “I did, but not really well. I had just moved here to start my business the year before he passed away. He would come in for some cakes to take up to Santa Village as a treat for the toy makers. I know Santa Village has a bakery but your grandfather always said he liked my cakes better. I think he was just being kind.”
Toby thanked Martha, while Crissy and Sport each bought some cupcakes to take away.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Shadow.

Sport shook paws with Shadow the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Shadow and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 594 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 218

x 25

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 10/25

The next stop was the Candy Shop, run by Bob, who had been living in PnF Village for a long time; he must have known Toby Fudgesticks ll.
Entering the shop, a cheerful tinkle of brass bells greeted the trio.
“Hi, Bob.” Toby waved.
Crissy and Sport gazed at the selection of candy. There were candy canes, hard candy, gummies, soft fudge, and much more. Crissy had already decided to get some candy canes to decorate her tree at home.
“Bob, if you don’t mind, I have a question. Did you know my grandfather?”
“Oh, you must be here about the ornament. I was wondering when someone would come by to collect it. Follow me to the basement.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met piper.

Sport shook paws with piper the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

piper and you found 5 "Un-Busy Bee Sunflower Clock" size 4.

Tries today: 693 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 233

x 5
(size 4)

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 11/25

Sport, Toby and Crissy followed Bob down into the basement. “It’s here somewhere,” said Bob, opening boxes and moving things around. “I keep many things I should have gotten rid of—-a long time ago. Aha! Found it.” Bob brought a blue box tied with ribbon and set it on the floor. Taking off the box lid revealed an ornament nestled inside— the likes of which Toby had never seen before.

“Toby, this ornament was left in my safekeeping after the pet in whose honor it was made left on a journey. Here, take a look.” Bob handed the ornament to Toby.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Coal.

Sport shook paws with Coal the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Coal and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 717 Find points today: 117 Hunt total: 241

x 25

6th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 12/25

Toby took hold of the ornament—this one felt as warm as the first ornament — and immediately, Toby was transported.

“She does so much for everyone, the children, the pets with no home; she is the most caring pet I know. I must make something to honour her.”
Toby Fudgesticks l bustled about, gathering his glass-blowing materials, and proceeded to create. The ears were a bit tricky, but when the glass ornament was done, it was the perfect likeness of Lady Keena, one of the most beloved pets in PnF land. After Toby Fudgesticks l finished painting the ornament, he looked at it and smiled. “I will present this to Lady Keena herself at the next Town Hall meeting.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Woolly.

Sport shook paws with Woolly the Brown Funky Monkey. They both received one silver mole!

Woolly gave you 1 "Mossy Stones Butterfly (Dipping)" size 7

Tries today: 789 Find points today: 121 Hunt total: 245

size 7

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 13/25

“Another memory of my grandfather; he was making this ornament.” Toby let the others hold the ornament.
“It is a beautiful ornament,” said Crissy.
“I wonder how many ornaments he made. Did he only make them for special occasions?” Sport asked.
Toby shook his head, “I don’t know. I will keep looking for more clues. I am sure to find the answer. We should keep asking others for information about my grandfather.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met BOB.

Sport shook paws with BOB the Bob the Blue Scaly Monster. They both received one silver mole!

BOB and you found 5 "Heavenly Visitor (Ornament)" size 4.

Tries today: 115 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 278

x 5
(size 4)

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 14/25

Holding her bag of candy canes, Crissy asked where they should go next. Sport said, “There is an art gallery over there. That seems like a place that would know.”

Standing in front of the art gallery, the trio admired the displays in the windows. The shop appeared to be featuring Christmas art.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Liam.

Sport shook paws with Liam the Emperor Penguin Chick. They both received one silver mole!

Liam and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 129 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 281

x 2

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 15/25

The three friends entered the art gallery. It was amazing inside, there were sculptures and paintings, and the whole gallery gave off the most festive vibes. Toby spied the curator, Brenda, who Toby knew had been working in the art gallery for as long as he could remember.

"Brenda, hi, the gallery looks fantastic; you have many local artists featured. I am here to ask you about my grandfather if you have any information about him—and in particular, the ornaments he used to make.”

Brenda greeted Sport, Crissy, and Toby, “Thank you, the gallery is happy to feature local artists and your grandfather used to have some of his ornaments displayed in the gallery. Yes, I remember quite well how he used to love making ornaments for special occasions. I am not sure how many he made. There was one I recall for something to do with music. We had it displayed in the gallery for a while, but where it is now, I don’t know. Perhaps you should go to the school; the choir teacher is still there.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Bill.

Sport shook paws with Bill the Bashful Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Bill and you found 5 "Scarebear Pink" size 4.

Tries today: 182 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 292

x 5
(size 4)

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 16/25

"That is good news,” said Sport. “We have a lead on another ornament. Let’s head to the school. I wonder if the choir is practicing Christmas songs, that would be lovely to hear.”

The trio arrived at the school and found the choir teacher, Rodney.
“Hello Rodney, good to see you again. How are the voices this year, and will there be a Christmas concert,” asked Toby.
“Welcome to you all. Are you here to lend us your voices?” Rodney asked the trio.
“Oh, I never thought of that,” Crissy chimed in, “I would love to join the choir.”
Toby shook his head. “I don’t think this year I can, but I have a question for you. My grandfather made ornaments—I am just learning this—and Brenda at the art gallery said you may know something about one he had done.”
Rodney grinned, “I do indeed, come with me to the back room. We keep old music sheets and some instruments for the students there. I think I have something you would like to see.”
Rodney kept talking as he led them across the room and through a door. “There was a country-wide music competition held for Christmas, and choirs from all over PnF land joined. It was a wonderful year for music; on almost every corner of Main Street, you could hear choirs singing. Some were small, with three or four singers, and others were large."

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Shelby.

Sport shook paws with Shelby the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

Shelby and you found 5 "Heavenly Joy (Ornament)" size 4.

Tries today: 302 Find points today: 60 Hunt total: 308

x 5
(size 4)

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 17/25

Rodney rummaged around in a cabinet and withdrew a small box. “Here you go. I believe this is what you are looking for.” Rodney handed Toby an ornament that showed some snowmen. The snowmen looked like they were singing.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met schrute.

Sport shook paws with schrute the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

schrute and you found 5 "Boreal Majesty (Ornament)" size 4.

Tries today: 427 Find points today: 73 Hunt total: 321

schruteSportQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 18/25

Once again, as Toby took hold of the ornament, he felt warmth. Transported in a fog back to his grandfather’s work studio.

Lalala, lalala. Toby Fudgesticks l laughed at himself. He enjoyed singing and music. Toby Fudgesticks l thought a world without music would be a grim place. That is why he was so excited about the contest this Christmas, in PnF Village. Image a small village hosting a country-wide contest! Singers from all over the country were arriving. Soon the village would be filled with the sweet sound of voices raised in joy. He had decided to commemorate this special occasion with an ornament. As he sang, he was happily painting a singing snowman onto the glass ball he had created earlier.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Shadow.

Sport shook paws with Shadow the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Shadow and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 594 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 338

x 150

7th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 19/25

The memory was over. Toby looked at the ornament and smiled. “I am learning a lot about my grandfather. I think it is time to go visit Santa. I have not told you yet, but I want to work for Santa, as my grandfather did.”
Crissy cheered. “That would be great, working for Santa, I mean. Can we come with you?”
Sport seconded that idea.
“Ok, let's go. There is a sleigh waiting outside. It will take us to Santa Village."

As the reindeer pulled the sleigh through the snowy forest, it passed a few small houses. Toby showed off his grandfather's ornaments to any pets that were outside enjoying the sunny winter day. “I am going to work for Santa,” Toby yelled happily.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Badger.

Sport shook paws with Badger the Bashful Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Badger and you found 5 "Boreal Majesty (Ornament)" size 4.

Tries today: 707 Find points today: 105 Hunt total: 353

x 5
(size 4)

9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 20/25

“We are nearly there; this is the lane that leads to Santa Village. I have only been here once before, a long time ago. It is a magical place. You are both going to love it.”
“I love it already,” said Sport, “The trees, the lights, the snow falling, it is beautiful.” Crissy was too busy looking at the twinkling lights on the trees, which took her back to her childhood and the feelings of sheer joy—to say anything.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met ~smiggle~.

Sport shook paws with ~smiggle~ the Kindergarten Bunny. They both received one silver mole!

~smiggle~ and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 78 Find points today: 21 Hunt total: 386

~smiggle~SportQUEST REWARD
x 3

9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 21/25

When the trio arrived in Santa Village, they were greeted by non-other than Santa himself and his wife. “Ho ho ho! Welcome to Santa Village. It is good to see you all, and Toby, I have been expecting you. Let's go to my house and have some hot chocolate to warm you up after that chilly trip.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Chica.

Sport shook paws with Chica the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Chica gave you 1 "Snowman Quartet (Ornament)" size 10

Tries today: 125 Find points today: 36 Hunt total: 401

size 10

9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 22/25

Sport and Crissy could not believe they were actually in Santa’s house drinking hot chocolate with him. This was the best Christmas surprise ever. The house was cozy, with the fireplace giving off a warm glow.
Toby showed Santa the decorations he had collected thus far. “I have decided I want to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps and work for you and make ornaments.”
Santa chucked, “I thought you would. When you have finished the hot chocolate, I want you to come with me; I have something to show you in the workshop.”

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met jonny.

Sport shook paws with jonny the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

jonny gave you 1 "Waving Gnome, Red Stripe Coat" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 224 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 416


9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 23/25

“Is this the workshop? It looks just like the Town Hall in the PnF village.”Crissy asked.
“Yes,” said Santa, “That Town hall was copied from my workshop. It is a cheerful design, don’t you think?”
Crissy and Sport nodded, “We love the design.”
“Toby, I want you to stay here. I don’t want to bother the workers inside. I know you want to work here, and you will. After this Christmas, you can start to learn the trade of making toys—and if you want to learn to blow glass and paint it, there are classes in PnF Village at the Town Hall. I will be right back. Ho Ho Ho.”

Santa emerged from the toyshop and handed Toby an ornament. This one was simple in design, with trees, falling snow, and a landscape that evoked a feeling of peace.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Sadie.

Sport shook paws with Sadie the Pearl White Peacock. They both received one silver mole!

Sadie gave you 1 "2022 Ginger Bread Town Hall"

Tries today: 316 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 424


9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 24/25

Toby was once again transported, only this time he was not alone within the memory; Santa, Crissy, and Sport were there with him. It must be because Santa is here too.

Toby Fudgesticks ll was walking around his studio, thinking. Christmas is a special time of year. It has different meanings for everyone that celebrates it. What does it mean to me; what do I wish for most of all on Christmas? I don't want presents: fancy food, shopping, or lights and decorations. I want, most of all, on Christmas, to be with my family and friends, and if I could, I would be with all the pets in the world, and I would wish them all peace and joy.

Toby Fudgesticks ll created the simplest ornament he had ever done. He wanted anyone that looked at it to feel peace. To know what that felt like—and to want that for the whole world.

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Choose a name.

Sport shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name gave you 1 "Peace On Earth (Ornament)" size 10

Tries today: 332 Find points today: 62 Hunt total: 427

Choose a nameSportQUEST REWARD
size 10

9th Dec 2022
Sport is questing!
Episode 25/25

The memory ended. Toby looked around at all the smiling faces. Crissy, Sport, and Santa. “Thank you, everyone. With your help, I have had wonderful memories of my grandfather, and I feel I know him better now. I can’t wait to start to work for Santa and make some ornaments of my own.”

Merry Christmas to you, your family, and all your pets, from Toby, Crissy, Jack, Martha, Bob, Brenda, Rodney, Santa, and Toby Fudgesticks ll.
Sport has got more decorations than he can carry! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

While nibbling on ginger treats, you met Casper.

Sport shook paws with Casper the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Casper gave you 1 "Navy Flower Power Egg" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 428 Find points today: 74 Hunt total: 439
