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BOB has completed the quest of
"Joy 2 the world" !

BOB is questing!
Episode 1:
Joy 2 the world!
Joy the purple dragonfly is always busy delivering the mail to pets far and wide. She calls her delivery service "Joy 2 the world". But during December and early January she has more to do than she can cope with! One day BOB found her lying on the ground, surrounded by parcels she could no longer carry.

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Indigo.

You shook paws with Indigo the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Indigo and you found 1 "Red Winter Gift Top View".

Tries today: 2 Find points today: 2 Hunt total: 990

You get (x1)Indigo gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 2:
Collecting the mail
The busy little Purple Cheerlings are out collecting the post from Joy's mail boxes. The Cheerlings visit many different locations to do this, happily collecting all of the Yule gifts for Joy to give out to all of the pets in PnF Land. The Cheerlings are very pleased with themselves, because there will be so many gifts this year!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Tigger.

You shook paws with Tigger the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Tigger and you found 25 "Pretty Proper Teapot" size 4.

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 997

You get (x1)Tigger gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25 !!!
(size 4)

BOB is questing!
Episode 3:
Sorting the mail
The Red and Green Cheerlings are kept very busy this Yule sorting the post for Joy! There are letters, cards and parcels everywhere, and more keep arriving! While the Green Cheerlings focus on sorting the letters and cards, the Red Cheerlings are busy sorting all of the parcels. Fortunately there are just enough Cheerlings here to complete the sorting in time for Yule!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Delphi.

You shook paws with Delphi the Dauntless dolphin. You both received one silver mole!

Delphi and you found 25 "Pretty Proper Teacup" size 4.

Tries today: 41 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 1006

You get (x1)Delphi gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25 !!!
(size 4)

BOB is questing!
Episode 4:
Power Pets to the rescue!
BOB quickly realises that Joy can't possibly deliver all of these gifts on her own! So BOB puts on a thinking cap, and makes a quick visit to the local Power Pets Sports Club, to see what BOB's besties, Captain Sam the Turtle, Archie the Fox, Skipper the Owl and Yap Spaniels are up to...after all, anything is possible...with a little help from our friends...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Nibbles.

You shook paws with Nibbles the Brown Rustic Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

Nibbles and you found 25 "Pretty Proper Teacup" size 4.

Tries today: 231 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 1047

You get (x1)Nibbles gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25 !!!
(size 4)

BOB is questing!
Episode 5:
Joy the Gift Bomber!
Once the gifts have been sorted, Joy flits backwards and forwards, passing them along to BOB and the team for delivering. Joy has a wonderful surprise in store for BOB, but that will have to wait until after Joy has made her second mail drop...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Finley.

You shook paws with Finley the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Finley and you found 1 "Blue Winter Gift Top View".

Tries today: 282 Find points today: 67 Hunt total: 1055

You get (x1)Finley gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 6:
Delivery for Hubert!
BOB and the team make a welcome Yule gift delivery to Hubert Troll, gifting him all manner of wonderful things from the PnF Mall. Hubert beckons them to walk across his bridge, so he can show them all the wonderful edible foods he has bought from Frank for Yule...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Bess.

You shook paws with Bess the Brown Owl. You both received one silver mole!

Bess and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 352 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 1063

You get (x1)Bess gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 3

BOB is questing!
Episode 7:
Delivery for Flounder!
The normally suave and debonaire Flounder is nonplused when BOB and the team turn up in the middle of a blizzard to deliver his Yule pressies? Flounder doesn't like surprises! He needs to know everything. That's why we call him a query fish! Not because one of his eyebrows looks decidedly queer!!!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Sparkles.

You shook paws with Sparkles the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Sparkles and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 542 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1084

You get (x1)Sparkles gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 150

BOB is questing!
Episode 8:
Making deliveries!
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor lightning will stop BOB and the team from delivering gifts to their friend the gryphon this Yule! They deliver their gifts, but they don’t stop to chat, as they still have many more deliveries to make for Yule!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Firefly.

You shook paws with Firefly the Green Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Firefly and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 616 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 1092

You get (x1)Firefly gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 25

BOB is questing!
Episode 9:
Rescuing Santa Paws!
BOB and the team were traipsing through the snow making Christmas deliveries when a little head suddenly popped up out of one of Moley's burrows, surprising Archie, who promptly dropped all of the gifts he was carrying! The team moved in for a closer look, wondering why this little abandoned puppy was sheltering from the snow inside a mole hill?

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Munich.

You shook paws with Munich the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Munich and you found 1 "Santa Paws" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 104 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 1128

You get (x1)Munich gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 10:
Rescuing Santa Paws!
BOB and the team were visiting the local animal shelter to make some very special Christmas deliveries to all of the lonely fur babies there. But something went awry as soon as BOB set eyes on the tiniest puppy in the shelter, which also had hugest and most soulful eyes BOB had ever seen. So instead of leaving gifts for this puppy, BOB decided to take it home with them!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Rusty.

You shook paws with Rusty the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Rusty and you found 1 "Santa Paws" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 138 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 1134

You get (x1)Rusty gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 11:
Making deliveries!
BOB and the gang are scaling a castle wall to bring gifts to one faithful guard, who will not leave his post, even on Christmas!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Pricilla.

You shook paws with Pricilla the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Pricilla and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 234 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 1147

You get (x1)Pricilla gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 150

BOB is questing!
Episode 12:
Making deliveries!
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail will stop BOB and the team from delivering gifts to their aardvark friends this Christmas! They deliver their gifts, but they don’t stop to chat, as they still have many more deliveries to make for Christmas!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Sophia.

You shook paws with Sophia the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Sophia and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 535 Find points today: 91 Hunt total: 1188

You get (x1)Sophia gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 150

BOB is questing!
Episode 13:
Making deliveries!
The Duck Family is QUACKING UP with joy over the gifts that BOB and friends are bringing! "Happy Christmas", the gang shouts as they continue on their way, before Papa Duck can ask them to just "put it on his bill..."

Whilst delivering the mail, you met whisper.

You shook paws with whisper the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

whisper and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 590 Find points today: 97 Hunt total: 1194

You get (x1)whisper gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 25

BOB is questing!
Episode 14:
Making deliveries!
Some of our intrepid little puffballs had been feeling a little left out this Christmas! They weren't really expecting BOB and the team to deliver gifts to them, but they had donned their festive fur wear just in case...but wait! Is that BOB and the team hiding behind the doors, with a MOUNTAIN LOAD of gifts? All for the little puffballs? Aw, those sad little faces are sure to perk up when the team wakes up from their nana naps and leaps out to surprise them!!!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Ariella.

You shook paws with Ariella the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Ariella and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 640 Find points today: 106 Hunt total: 1203

You get (x1)Ariella gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 3

BOB is questing!
Episode 15:
Making deliveries!
BOB is amazed to see at the end of the rainbow, not treasure, but the Rainbow Beatle family! As Yap and Skipper slide down the rainbow, Archie and Sam deliver their Christmas Eve gifts and bid them farewell, and a very happy Christmas Eve!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Crocodile Beauty.

You shook paws with Crocodile Beauty the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Crocodile Beauty and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 184 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 1244

You get (x1)Crocodile Beauty gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 150

BOB is questing!
Episode 16:
Making deliveries!
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor fog will stop BOB and the team from delivering gifts to their deer friends this Christmas Eve! They deliver their gifts, but they don’t stop to chat, as they still have many more deliveries to make for Christmas Eve!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Otto.

You shook paws with Otto the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Otto and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 336 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 1270

You get (x1)Otto gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 10

BOB is questing!
Episode 17:
Making deliveries!
Having sailed the seven seas to reach this little Flounder family, BOB and the team deliver a whole boatload of gifts to them! In chorus, they wish the flounder a "Happy Christmas Eve", before sailing on to make their next delivery.

Whilst delivering the mail, you met ****.

You shook paws with **** the Playful Penguin. You both received one silver mole!

**** and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 403 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 1280

You get (x1)**** gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 25

BOB is questing!
Episode 18:
Making deliveries!
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail will stop BOB and the team from delivering gifts to their horse and fox friends this Christmas Eve! They deliver their gifts, but they don’t stop to chat, as they still have many more deliveries to make for Joy!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Balthazar.

You shook paws with Balthazar the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Balthazar and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 673 Find points today: 106 Hunt total: 1311

You get (x1)Balthazar gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 10

BOB is questing!
Episode 19:
Delivery for Torpedo!
After a long and arduous journey trudging through the sand, as evidenced by Archie's exhaustion, BOB and the team arrive at their rendezvous point with Torpedo. The team places all manner of wondrous gifts under Torpedo's gifting tree, and wish her a "Happy Christmas Day", before cooling off in the invigorating surf, then moving right along to make their next delivery...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Firefly.

You shook paws with Firefly the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Firefly and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 191 Find points today: 40 Hunt total: 1351

You get (x1)Firefly gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 150

BOB is questing!
Episode 20:
Rescuing Santa Paws!
While making their Christmas Day deliveries, BOB and the team stopped to drink from a crystal clear river. As they were about to move on, a little head popped up from behind the opposite river bank, to see what they were doing. Skipper went to investigate, but there was no sign of the puppy's mother or a hooman, even though it was much too young to be left on it's own...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met xiaolu.

You shook paws with xiaolu the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

xiaolu and you found 1 "Santa Paws" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 235 Find points today: 48 Hunt total: 1359

You get (x1)xiaolu gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 21:
Rescuing Santa Paws!
BOB and the team were traipsing through the snow making Christmas Day deliveries when the letterbox they were delivering to suddenly yipped at them! As they drew closer, a little abandoned puppy popped out of the letterbox, beseeching the team to help him to find his forever home...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Anniah.

You shook paws with Anniah the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Anniah and you found 1 "Santa Paws" FULL SIZE.

Tries today: 334 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 1374

You get (x1)Anniah gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 22:
Joy's final Gift Bomb
What is Joy up to now? That looks like a hooman town that Joy is heading towards? Does Joy also have gifts for hoomans? Joy tells BOB that once the team delivers these parcels to the hoomans, BOB's reward will become clear...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Miss Flicka.

You shook paws with Miss Flicka the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Miss Flicka and you found 1 "Blue Winter Gift Box Offset".

Tries today: 434 Find points today: 73 Hunt total: 1384

You get (x1)Miss Flicka gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 23:
Meeting the hoomans
BOB and the team deliver several car loads of gifts to the hoomans! They wish one and all a Joyful Boxing Day, before moving right along to make a VERY special delivery!

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Roxy Stingray.

You shook paws with Roxy Stingray the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Roxy Stingray and you found 1 "Ye Olde Village Church"

Tries today: 103 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 1425

You get (x1)Roxy Stingray gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 24:
Wondrous Day!
BOB and the team make a very special delivery. This is the delivery that BOB has been looking forward to most of all, because it is to BOB's hooman, Scorpio#1! Scorpio#1 is overcome with emotion, and gives BOB a HUGE hug, reminding BOB to return soon, so that they can celebrate Boxing Day together...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met fresh.

You shook paws with fresh the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. You both received one silver mole!

fresh and you found 1 "Ye Olde English Pub in the Snow"

Tries today: 340 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1462

You get (x1)fresh gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

BOB is questing!
Episode 25:
There really is a Santa!
BOB invites all their friends from the Power Pets sports club to a party thrown by BOB's hooman. As they arrive, Santa delivers a special present! This enables Scorpio#1 to purchase a new Gourd House, or simply splurge on something special they have wanted all year!

BOB reminds Scorpio#1 to choose another pet to take their place in the gift delivery team, so the next round of deliveries can commence...

Whilst delivering the mail, you met Abby.

You shook paws with Abby the Black Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

Abby and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 436 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 1476

You get (x1)Abby gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20