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& Scaredy Cat
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Mushroom Lovers

National Mushroom Hunting Day is celebrated on May 17th. It's a day when mushroom lovers and foragers step out into the woods to search for these unique fungi. Bob and Scaredy Cat are taking to the woods to embrace the excitement of a treasure hunt in nature. Bob is enjoying the thrill of discovering these delicate forest wonders, that to him are also a tasty treat. Scaredy Cat felt it was a good time to reconnect with nature and spend quality time with Bob who enjoys finding the edible varieties like morels, chanterelles and porcini, which are prized for their unique flavors and culinary potential. Join Bob and Scaredy Cat by grabbing your sturdy shoes and a basket as you search for mushrooms together to celebrate mushroom lovers worldwide! "Oh Bob, you are such a Fun-gi" exclaimed Scaredy Cat while giggling.

This week, let your creativity run wild with some mushroom inspired arts. Make some whimsical mushroom themed scenes or take your pets out to forage local nature to find mushrooms together. It could be a contest to see who finds the most interesting fungi. There are also guided mushroom hunts led by experts from mushroom clubs or local nature centers where participants can learn from knowledgeable guides and connect with fellow enthusiasts. Perhaps your pet is like Bob and enjoys the delightful aromas of sautéed mushrooms filling the home, or maybe mushroom decorations around the home and garden? Whichever it is, lets show some Mushroom Love in the art gallery this week!

Here's the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put "Mushroom Lovers" in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until May 21, 2024 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA).
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