Dwarf Hamster
Excuse me? Do you happen to be in the market for a ridiculously cute hamster? I’m especially itty-bitty and soft, and mama said my manners are impeccable. My favorite colors are any color that highlights my pink hands and feet, and my adorable face. I will only chew on approved toys and I definitely will not pop the lid on my hamster ball and run under the oven and scare you half to death by making you think you’ve baked me along with the Sunday roast. I will only squeak my wheel when I know you’re fast asleep, and I will nap when you are awake just to make sure I’m not a fuss. May I share that broccoli stalk? Oh, and a bit of that salted cracker. A peanut!? You have a peanut, too. I’m yours.
Ahem, hello, might you have any Grey Pou-pet-on? I do love a dab of spicy mustard on with my cheese. Not that it’s required. I love cheese, in general, on principle. I also love veggies, especially veggies ladled with hot, savory cheese. Nom, nom, nom, I could go on. Food is my favorite past-time. Well, other than the wheel, and that clear, tumbling ball I sometimes find myself trapped in. Oh, where was I? Yes, cheese. Well, ahem, do you?
Runnin’, Runnin’ that’s what I do, if you want a fit booty, you should, too! Runnin’ Runnin’ all through the town, from when the sun is comin’ up, til’ when it’s goin’ down! Run me in a race, I’ll leave you runnin’ in place. Because runnin’s what I do, I do it better than you! I can beat the dog, and I can be the rat, I couldn’t beat a cheetah, well, how about that? Still, I’m runnin’, I’m gunnin’ for the gold, and when they made these dashing feet, they really broke the mold!
Find FoodYour pet becomes an expert at finding its own food!
Wheel racingWhen you are small enough that major predators just take pity on you, and you can’t see as far as the mirror you are trying to recognise yourself in, familiar well-worn paths are all you ever venture on, and then you go as fast as you can to make sure nobody spots you before you spot them, because you can’t see them anyway …
The only safe way for tiny rodents and other miniature four-legged creatures to compete with one another is to go nowhere fast. Once the word leaked out about hamster wheels, everypet from geckos to beavers liked the idea. So now the big event for small creatures is wheel racing. If you have never heard about it, that’s because you were too big to notice!
Favorite food:
Bag Of Seeds
See below for your free foods!