One of the most majestic prehistoric Pets in PnF Land, this prince of the sea glides gracefully through the water, weaving in and out of coral and exploring the sunken wrecks that litter the seabed in PnF Land! A loner by nature, yet very tolerant of the dolphins and manatees that buffet it and push it firmly away from their own play grounds, it rises to the surface to soak in a little of the sunshine, before resuming its patrol of the ocean’s depths…dah durn, dah durhn…dah durhn, dah durhn…dah durn, dah durhn, dah durn, dah durhn!
Find FoodYour pet becomes an expert at finding its own food!
Distance swimmingDolphins have always been very playful, proudly showing off their abilities to leap high into the air and pirouette their way into the depths, reminiscent of a chorus line in a famous ballet! But dolphins are also very social, and soon realised that their friends the manatees, sea turtles and fish did not share their grace or dexterity.
So the dolphins conceived of an activity that all of their friends could join in with them and enjoy. Distance swimming races…which the stodgy older turtles secretly refer to as “organised drowning”…
Favorite food:
Charred Fish
See below for your free foods!