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Humpback Whale

Premium pet

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If you adopt this pet, you will receive 100 of its favourite foods, shown below. Your pet's skills will create stories about its adventures and new things to own and use in the editor. Other things you can either buy, trade for, or receive as gifts from other players.

Further game play is being designed. Statements regarding pet 'skills' represent the developer's intentions, but the final design is not guaranteed to be as stated.

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To adopt this "Premium" pet you must first adopt a "Starter" pet. Then you can either replace the "Starter" pet with this one (after buying the necessary poses) or you can keep your first pet and adopt this pet too, by buying a "gourd house".

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

Humpback Whale

Is there any greater excitement than to be watching as a Humpback gracefully jumps out of the water, arching in the air and landing back into the depths of the ocean? Nope, I didn't think so either.

Grab your binoculars and watch closely at the ocean surface! Barely causing a ripple, you'll find this giant swimming under the surface, in a moment, popping up for a breath of air and a playful slap at the water, spraying anypet who's near by.

The song of the sea, once believed to only be sung by Mer-pets, is gently sung by these water giants! Turning on their heads and tail toward the sky, the song of the Humpback travels the ocean for miles. What are they singing about? Does anyone know other than the Humpbacks? No, but just keep listening, someday you might have to travel back in time to save the species!


From the beginning of time penguins have been a diving bunch and rather competitive about it. This nonsense about bringing their mates pebbles? NOPE! Only the finest fish and krill will do. It has always been every ‘guin for themself, diving and swimming as deep as possible to find the newest and best treats. Every penguin learns early on in the crèche how important these lessons will be.

Boys being boys it was made into an annual competition to crown the deep sea diver of the year. Training was always fierce and very intense. Chicks would line the beach to see who would come out the champion in hopes of scoring a new strong mate.

Find Food

Your pet becomes an expert at finding its own food!

Favorite food:

Tempura Shrimp

See below for your free foods!

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Tempura Shrimp
x 100

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