Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baa Baa, well hello there. Spring is here; can you feel the warmth in the sun? Look, the flowers are so happy, and so am I. Do you know what spring brings? I get a haircut. Oh yes! I am so excited. My wool kept me so warm and cozy all winter, but now I want it all gone, so I can feel renewed. I bet you like getting a haircut too. Does it not make you feel terrific? Then I will get my picture taken, and then I will be all ready to star in a new story. Oh, you did not know? Here in PnF land, we have a storyteller, and I hope they can tell a new exciting story about me.
Find FoodYour pet becomes an expert at finding its own food!
The Quarter MileThe Quarter Mile begins with running away from cats. Great big cats with huge teeth and claws that like the taste of anything that can’t run fast enough to get away. Of course when Frank the Pig put an end to killing and eating, that left a lot of fabulous natural athletes with nothing to do all day but graze. Some are happy like that. Others point scornfully at Milky Moo Cows and pour contempt on moon jumping. But the cows reply, “we have our own sport. What have you got that’s so special?”
Big quadrupeds didn’t like the idea of opal tossing or weightlifting, and how could they sail or climb trees? When the cows said they were running away from the idea of sport, the answer was obvious; who can run like a big powerful quadruped? All you need is a start and a finish point, and a crowd.
Favorite food:

Kiwi Fruit
See below for your free foods!