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Many Moods Ghost

Premium pet

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If you adopt this pet, you will receive 100 of its favourite foods, shown below. Your pet's skills will create stories about its adventures and new things to own and use in the editor. Other things you can either buy, trade for, or receive as gifts from other players.

Further game play is being designed. Statements regarding pet 'skills' represent the developer's intentions, but the final design is not guaranteed to be as stated.

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To adopt this "Premium" pet you must first adopt a "Starter" pet. Then you can either replace the "Starter" pet with this one (after buying the necessary poses) or you can keep your first pet and adopt this pet too, by buying a "gourd house".

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

You have -38 size 10 poses.

You have -38 FULL SIZE poses.

Many Moods Ghost

The ghost had been standing in line at the Ghost Job Registration window for simply ages. Finally, the ghost was at the window and able to fill out the form for the job.

Most ghosts were happy to be who they were and many did not take on any job at all, content to float around. But this ghost was different. This ghost wanted to take on many jobs and that required being able to change into many forms, and that meant filling out a form changing form.

The form this ghost was usually in was a slightly spooky form, not too intimidating, just ghostly enough to give a mild fright to anyone near.

With a tug here a pull there and a bit of a shake, the ghost was able to change form into a playful ghost. This ghost had realized long ago that sometimes what was needed with a sad or lonely pet was someone cheerful and playful to spend time with the pet. This was perhaps the ghost's favourite form.

With another few tugs and a pinch of the cheeks, the ghost transformed into the wise form. Sometimes a pet needed advice and did not need to be slightly frightened or played with. The wise form was stately and gave off the distinct aura of great knowledge. Dispensing advice and words of wisdom the ghost felt very satisfied when its help was needed.

Find Food

Your pet becomes an expert at finding its own food!

Distance flying

Many species of butterflies that migrate thousands of miles south in the fall do not return to their previous summer residences. One autumn a few clever butterflies devised a plan to make the long trip back home so they could be reunited with their friends again next year. The butterflies stitched a map of each leg of the journey, updating it whenever they stopped at a rest stop. A single strand of silk from their silkworm cousins kept the map securely attached to their abdomens.

After a long winter in sunny Mexico the butterflies studied the map carefully, took a big sip of nectar from their favorite flower, and off they went. Imagine the surprise of all their friends back home when they returned the following summer! The garden was abuzz with tales of their amazing journey. The butterflies’ stories were so inspirational that they all decided they wanted to experience that kind of epic road trip for themselves. Year after year, they planned destinations further and further away so they could challenge each other to set a new long-distance record.

Favorite food:

Happy Cup (Empty)

See below for your free foods!

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Happy Cup (Empty)
x 100

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