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Scaredy Cat
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Egg Day
Scaredy Cat was invited for breakfast at Bob's place and as soon as he sat down at the table, Bob served him a half boiled egg in a cup and hot tea with milk and sugar to go with it. Bob was having his egg sunny side up and hot chocolate. Before Scaredy Cat could ask him about his guests surrounding the table, Bob went into full force in introducing them. "This is my friend Humpty from EggLand who's here for a visit and brought me a gift", as he pointed at the framed imaged of a cracked egg with 'Egg day' painted on it. "Humpty didn't come alone as he also brought some of his friends from EggLand too" said Bob. Scaredy Cat noticed from the corner of his eyes that one of the other guests was staring at him. As soon as the introductions were over, Mr. Humpty started to tell both Bob and Scaredy Cat about National Egg Day, which is observed annually on June 3rd. One of the facts he mentioned was that a hen’s diet determines the color of the yolk. And most of today’s white egg egg-laying hens are White Leghorns (no - not Foghorn Leghorn from the Bugs Bunny cartoons). Mr. Humpty went on and on, spewing a bucket load of facts about eggs and Egg Day. Scaredy Cat thought he'd fall asleep if Mr. Humpty went on any longer. He reached for his tea and was disappointed to find that it was no longer hot. In fact, it was pretty much ice cold. Drat. In the meantime, Bob was stuffing his face with more eggs, washing each bite down with more hot chocolate, refilling his cup as he emptied it.
*** Want to read more fun facts about eggs? Copy and paste the url into your browser to check them out!!

National Egg Day is on June 3 and eggs are finally breaking out of their shell!! Did you know that one egg provides an excellent source of protein and vitamin D? What comes to mind when you think of eggs? Do you like to eat them only for breakfast or can you eat eggs any time of the day? How do you and your pet think you can celebrate one of nature's most versatile foods? Maybe you'll hard boil them and then dunk them into a variety of colored dyes to create decorative masterpieces. You can carefully poke a hole in each end of a raw egg, and just as carefully, blow the inner contents out before hand-painting exquisite patterns on the shell. Are you more of the practical type and will come up with many food offerings that contain eggs? Maybe bake cakes and cookies? Spaghetti carbonara is a pasta dish that contains eggs in the sauce. Egg salad sandwiches are always popular. Here's a fun activity - visit a farm that has chickens, geese and other egg-laying fowl where you can learn the differences between each animal's eggs. Take a cooking class where you can learn of the many ways eggs can be used in dishes - both as the main ingredient and as one of many ingredients in a dish. Build a birdhouse with a transparent plastic back so you can see the eggs and the hatchlings as they develop. Whether the egg comes from chickens, ducks, or even fish (Scaredy Cat is actually quite fond of fish eggs), it can be quite interesting to see what you can do using these oval-shaped items! This week's entries ought to be egg-cellent!!

Here's the basics:

* Your submission MUST be related to the theme .
* You must submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “EGG DAY” in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* Voting will be open immediately
* This challenge will be open from now until around 12:00am GMT June 7, 2022 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)
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