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Random Acts of Kindness
Scaredy Cat and JJ were relaxing at home when suddenly there's a knock on the door calling out "Delivery!". "I didn't order anything for delivery" thought Scaredy Cat to himself. “I wonder who would send me anything at all". As he opens the door, who would be there with a package in his hand but BOB!! "Surprise!! Special delivery for Mr. Scaredy Cat and JJ!" he said out loud with a huge smile on his face. "Wow!! This is indeed a surprise and so random. What's the occasion? It's not either of our birthdays" replied Scaredy Cat. "Just because...,” said Bob. "You've been a great friend, always by my side and always so helpful to me. Since it is Random Acts of Kindness week from the 14th to 20th February, I'm doing my part too". Bob continues on. "Remember when you really looked hard for me when I disappeared last week? And you were letting me watch my movies while you read before that? And when you invited me for tea and snacks before that? And when we went to community center and did our activities together? Well, all those things you did for me was your random acts of kindness and I’ve loved it! The friends give each other a hug and head to the kitchen to see what they could snack on.

Wait - what are random acts of kindness? Well, quite simply, they are unexpected acts or gestures that are helpful or kind to someone else, and they’re done with no expectation of anything in return! Being kind isn’t about the big gestures and extravagant gifts; it’s about those purposeful moments of kindness we bring to everyday life. A random act of kindness is one way we can do our part today.  It’s a celebration of all the ways we can become a positive influence in each other’s lives. Even one small act of kindness can mean a great deal to somebody. The world can be selfish and cruel sometimes and not everyone receives the same kind of support they need. In such a world, it is important for us to constantly be reminded to be kind to one another and to give others hope whenever we can. A small and random gesture of kindness can go a long way. More about it at:
How can we celebrate the week? There are so many random acts of kindness that can be done. Here just a few:
• Buy a stranger a coffee.
• Send a postcard to a military veteran at the local nursing home.
• Volunteer with your favorite charity.
• Take a plate of cookies (baked or bought) to your neighbor.
• Buy flowers and randomly hand them out while taking a walk.
• Take your neighbor out for a meal.
• Saying kind words of gratitude.
• Visit the nearest little library and donate a book.

Scaredy Cat and Bob would love to see Random Acts of Kindness in your artwork this week. Come to think of it, there are so many PnF members who would always do this act in the game especially through Joy Gifters. Even Scaredy Cat and Bob have their own daily giveaway and it is definitely cheering up lots of members.   Let’s not forget the lovely random act of kindness from the weather girls on a daily basis. So, what are you waiting for? Show us your random acts of kindness. Being kind doesn't cost a thing 

Here are the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
* Please submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “Random Acts of Kindness” in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes in the gallery will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you wish.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until February 21, 2023 (around 7:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)
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