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Silly Food and Drinks
As spring is approaching (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), the community centre becomes bustling with so many great activities. For Scaredy Cat and Bob, it would be their new art class session. Of course, JJ will always tag along to accompany them and sometimes just chasing the little squirrels in the community centre yards, as well as be there for Scaredy Cat if he needs her for emotional support.
Upon entering the art room, they’ve noticed  post-it notes filling their notice board under the "Weekly Art Challenge" column. The notes on each post-it were quite peculiar, and they were wondering what it is all about. Once they've settled into their seats, the art project coordinator of the community centre began the briefing.
"Welcome back everyone. I hope everyone has had a nice winter break. This will be our first art project class for this year, and I would like everyone to read the post-it notes on the board. Some may have already read them, and might be wondering what they are, right? Well, those notes will be our guide for our art project this week. The theme is ‘Silly Food and Drinks’ and I hope it will spark everyone's imagination in creating something fun, wacky, silly and whimsical by using the image of foods and drinks!!”
Scaredy Cat and Bob went to the notice board and look through the post-it notes again to get some inspirations. "This will be fun" said Scaredy Cat and Bob agreed. What is there to complain about? Anything with foods and drinks is fun for Bob!!
Here are some notes taken from the board:
• A piece of fruit in outer space.
• Pop Tart lifting weights.
• Loaf of bread at a disco.
• Rainstorm of sprinkles.
• French fries on a rollercoaster.
• Food eating another food.
• Walking taco.
• Chicken wings flying.
• Silly straws attending class
• Fruit juice in fruit jar
• Pineapple rollerblading.
• A donut riding a skateboard.
• A lemon making orange juice.
• An ice cream cone eating a Popsicle.
This week we are excited to see what you can create using the images from foods and drinks. Will it be silly? A masterpiece worthy of a museum exhibit? A whimsical creation? Surprise us!!

Here are the basics:
* Your submission MUST be related to the theme.
* Please submit your art to the PnF art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* Put “Silly Food and Drinks”in the title or description
* The entry with the most votes in the gallery will be declared the winner.
* To vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you wish.
* Voting will be open immediately.
* This challenge will be open from now until March 21, 2023 (around 8:00pm Tuesday night in the USA)
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