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Joy Gift
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Image 1 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:07

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She devises a plan to get something to eat. She begins to spin a web.

Image 2 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:09

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She spins and weaves her web with care cuz it needs to be just right.

Image 3 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:10

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Spinning and weaving. Spinning and weaving. Gotta make this just so.

Image 4 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:11

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Almost done!! Soon I'll be able to have something to eat!!

Image 5 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:12

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Perfect!! Now I can watch over my unborn babies.

Image 6 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:13

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Miss Spider carefully places her unborn babies out of harm's way, and where she can keep watch over them.

Image 7 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:14

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She places a small berry on the web and then goes to hide while waiting for dinner to arrive.

Image 8 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:15

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Here comes Lady Fly.

Image 9 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:16

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She's enjoying the beautiful spring day.

Image 10 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:17

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She dances with delight in the warm sunny sky.

Image 11 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:18

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Lady Fly spots a nice juicy berry and heads towards it.

Image 12 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:19

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] But wait!! It's a trap!!

Image 13 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:20

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] She can't stop! It's too late!!

Image 14 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:21

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Lady Fly gets caught in Miss Spider's trap!

Image 15 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:22

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Miss Spider slowly descends from her hiding place and begins to cover Lady Fly.

Image 16 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:23

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] Nom nom nom. Oh that was delicious! BURP!!

Image 17 Date: 2014-03-03 20:24:24

~ a P'n'F tale by Lisa Weston ~
[desc=0] With a content sigh, Miss Spider goes to wait for her unborn babies to arrive.

Image 18 Date: 2016-02-17 04:16:19

joy enjoys the early signs of spring

Image 19 Date: 2016-02-23 07:07:18

Joy is collecting I love Joy candy hearts of all sizes
[desc=0] It should be no surprise I am collecting I love Joy Candy Hearts of all sizes

Image 20 Date: 2016-09-21 00:16:37

Joy will be staying on as an NPC.
[desc=0] What's this weird creature in my drink???

Image 21 Date: 2016-09-27 02:37:36


Image 22 Date: 2016-10-30 02:24:12

[desc=0] ...but I thought trick or treating meant going door to door giving out candies????

Image 23 Date: 2016-11-01 22:07:17

Big and Small, Short and Tall, Going Purple is Right for All!
[desc=0] Big and Small, Short and Tall, Going Purple is Right for All!

Joy is kicking off her presidential campaign by having a rally for all the purple pets in her neighborhood. Joy is not one to brag about her achievements, and she didn't really want to be president, but someone told her she was like a purple Santa, and everybody would want a generous bug like that to lead them. Joy admires Santa more than anyone else in PnF land, and she suddenly had a boost of confidence from being compared to him, so she agreed to run

Image 24 Date: 2016-11-01 22:33:15

Purple Santa on the North Pole to gather votes :)
[desc=0] Election Day 3:
Joy's campaign brings her to the Arctic, where she finds all kinds of cool constituents
"I promise that all pets will get a gift every day, if you elect me president!"

But Joy's mind is somewhere else on this day. She just found out from her campaign manager, that Flounder is digging up dirt on the other candidates, and she is afraid he will find the picture of her from when she had a sprained wing and landed in a crystal goblet champagne glass and nearly drowned... Of course, to everyone else, it looked like she was so tanked that she crashed into it and gobbled up all the champagne....

Vote for Purple Santa!

Image 25 Date: 2016-11-01 22:52:31

No Need To Debate, Go Purple Before It's Too Late!
[desc=0] Election day 2: Joy hates that she is running against her friends for this thing, she never talks ill of anyone, let alone her friends. She also hates speaking to large crowds, so she came up with this slogan to get out of a public debate against Cupig:

No need to debate, Go Purple before it's too late!
Instead she is spending her time delivering gifts

Image 26 Date: 2016-11-04 23:47:13

Once you go Purple, you’ll never go turtle!
[desc=0] Election day 4:
The phenomenon “going turtle” is known throughout PnF land as one of the worst things, that can happen to a pet. If a pet goes turtle it means that his mind will suddenly turn stiff like a turtle shell and no one will be able to communicate with him. The only thing the pet will think of and talk about from that moment on is bacon-slug sandwiches, BS in daily speak. The occurrences of pets who have gone turtle, are only seen in Skeezle and Flounder voters, so Joy has come up with a new catchy phrase (and promise):

Once you go Purple, you’ll never go turtle!

Image 27 Date: 2016-11-05 22:00:59

Keep your trousers on and vote Purple!
[desc=0] Election Day 5:
Joy has noticed that the inhabitants of PnF Land have been spending a lot of currency on feeding each other and spinning on some kind of machine that is giving weird pumpkins in return. She is afraid that all the pets are going broke, so they can’t gift any more :O
And Joy doesn’t want anyone to lose their shirt (or mouse trousers), so she is giving silver moles to everyone she meets on her campaign tour around PnF Land.
Keep your trousers on and vote Purple!

Image 28 Date: 2016-11-05 22:17:59

Purple Santa for President! Simply Vote for Joy!
[desc=0] Election Day 6:
Santa is joy
Joy is purple
Purple is Santa
Vote now!

Image 29 Date: 2016-11-07 18:26:46

Vote Purple and the Joy of PnF comes full circle!
[desc=0] Election Day 7:
Joy is exhausted from flying around PnF Land gifting and campaigning, so she takes a small break in her favorite glass. Mind you, she’s not drinking the cocktail, she’s merely resting her wings and head before going back on the trail to secure some last minute votes :D

Vote Purple and the Joy of PnF comes full circle!

Image 30 Date: 2016-11-07 19:27:27

Welcome to the page of the PnF of PnF :)
[desc=0] Joy is happy, that the pets voted for the pretty pebbles to be sold in the department store, this way Joy herself can always buy some to gift to all of her friends :)

Image 31 Date: 2016-11-07 20:01:13

Presenting the first PnF of PnF: The cool, purple gifting bug, Joy!
[desc=0] Joy can hardly believe she won the election. She didn’t even want to run initially as she usually doesn’t enjoy getting a lot of attention and being put in the spotlight. But during the course of the campaign, Joy got to think up fun slogans and fly to all corners of PnF land to talk to the constituents, and she loved that. But the best of it all was, that she was able to gift a lot of pets, and that her fellow candidates and voters could do so in her name too, because as she says: Gifting is what it’s all about!

So now Joy wants to thank all the pets who voted for her, it goes to show that the PnF community loves generosity, kindness and the color purple! Of course some shady creatures voted for Flounder, but there is room for everyone in PnF Land, so Joy doesn’t mind, in fact she is very happy that all her wonderful NPC friends got lots and lots of votes.

“Thank you all for participating and voting! I promise to do my best to be a good PnF for you!”

Image 32 Date: 2016-11-14 21:18:15

It's a bug party...
[desc=0] Joy is enjoying spending time with her old and new friends :)

Image 33 Date: 2016-11-23 23:02:30

... come on December.....
[desc=0] Joy can hardly wait for December to arrive. She loves all the generosity among her friends and everyone else during this time and she is looking forward to go Purple Santa all month

Image 34 Date: 2016-12-05 09:52:11

Joy wishes you all a Happy December!
[desc=0] Looks like this December will be the best ever for Joy. She heard whispers about amazing things coming out, and she just knows that fun things are going to happen!

Image 35 Date: 2016-12-13 09:17:51

Welcome to Joy's :)
[desc=0] Joy is happy to learn, that there is a secret cheerling game going on in the PnF community :) She is enjoying all the other gifting too, secret or not, and wants to say thank you to everyone in PnF for their generosity and December spirit :D

Image 36 Date: 2016-12-21 18:05:07

Welcome to Joy's :)
[desc=0] Not long to Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Yule and lots of other "excuses" for extreme gifting now :O Joy is in a great mood, and she is having everyone she knows over for drinks and gifts (in shifts of course, because Joy knows everyone in PnF Land)

Image 37 Date: 2016-12-27 17:33:26

Joy Wishes Everyone an Early "Happy New Year :D"
[desc=0] "I hope everyone in PnF is having a wonderful time this December, and as the PnF of PnF I wish you all a happy 2017, and I promise to keep gifting and to let you all keep using my name to do the same!"

(FYI Flounder (and others who might wonder): Joy is NEVER drunk, she just likes to mix a lot of drinks for fun!)

Image 38 Date: 2016-12-31 00:39:10

PnF New Year's Party :)
[desc=0] Joy is on her way to the annual PnF New Year’s party.

As usual they put her in charge of the drinks and party favors. But Joy is puzzled why they all laugh so much, when they appoint her Drink Master.

Every year it’s the same: Storia and Scaredy cat giggle and can hardly look at her, Bob almost gets his chocolate bar down the wrong pipe because he is laughing so hard, Skeezle obviously thinks he’s the king of comedy saying: “Careful now, Joy, you might drown this year!”.

What does he take her for? It’s not like she would ever take more than a couple of sips of the beautiful cocktails she makes!

And that Flounder dude is so rude, always bringing up the unfortunate incident, when Joy had a sprained wing and landed in a crystal goblet champagne glass and nearly drowned, it’s not her fault, that to everyone else, it looked like she was so tanked that she crashed into it and gobbled up all the champagne!

Cupig is helping Joy haul all the party favors to the party, where all the pets have started to arrive, and at least no one laughs at her generosity.

Image 39 Date: 2016-12-31 13:06:08

Happy New Year 2017 from Joy!
[desc=0] As New Year's Eve reaches its end and Joy is back (what did they put in the small sip of blue cosmo she had?) from the crazy PnF party, she starts to think about what she can do better in 2017.

She wants to make a new year's resolution. Did she get a little chubby during the holidays? Sure, but so what, no need to waste a resolution on dieting...

Was she stingy with gifts in 2016? Nope! Of course she can always give more, but that will happen anyway, so also a waste of resolution.

Did she crash into or take a nap in too many cocktails, so the community falsely thinks she is a drunk? Perhaps, but Joy can't help it, it's not her fault she sometimes has a sprained wing or gets really tired while sitting on a glass...

So, Joy's resolution will just be to stay herself, and maybe to visit that Flounder fish more, after all he is often clueless and needs help!

Happy New Year to all of PnF

Image 40 Date: 2017-01-10 10:43:56

Joy & Storia visit a strange land....
[desc=0] Joy and Storia took a trip Down Under. They wanted to visit the strange land where the puffins and penguins dance all day and all night.... On the way down, they dropped off Joy's leftover New Year's party favors in the Eiffel Tower where a family of Kangaroos were living because they grew tired of the heat Down Under....

Image 41 Date: 2017-01-22 15:21:16

Joy goes to the opera in Sydney to celebrate Australia Day :)
[desc=0] On Australia Day, Joy decided to go to the opera so everyone would know that she is also a sophisticated bug. When she arrived (a little late) at the Sydney Opera House, she saw that the Aussies were celebrating by sending up beautiful flower lanterns and hot air balloons with koalas :)

Image 42 Date: 2017-02-02 10:25:11

[desc=0] This week Joy is surrounding herself with red creatures and red things, she has even wrapped all her gifts in red :) Joy is supporting heart disease awareness like the rest of PnF land! Go Hearts!

Image 43 Date: 2017-02-09 18:15:46

Valentine's Day, 2017
[desc=0] Joy is delivering thousands of Valentine's cards this year. On her way over the candy hills, she accidentally dropped her bag and a very surprising card fell out. The card was from Bob to Aera. Bob had put photos of the two of them on the front and drawn a lot of blue hearts... When Joy put the card back in her mail bag, she couldn't help but read the back of the card too, it said: I guess I kinda like you more than sweets!…. No, I like you just as much as sweets!... No, I like you almost as much as sweets! Be my valentine? “Aw!” Joy thought, “those are really big words coming from Bob, he must be very smitten with Aera.” Joy giggled a little, she just couldn’t imagine Bob and Aera as a couple….

Image 44 Date: 2017-02-18 07:50:16

Joy joins the treasure hunt....
[desc=0] Joy likes a good treasure hunt just as much as the next bug, and with her tracking skills and super fast flying she believes she will win this race for sure... Of course that Holy Moley dude has a very good nose for anything shiny and valuable....

Image 45 Date: 2017-03-03 13:24:38

Spring Time :D
[desc=0] Joy is preparing to do some spring cleaning....

Image 46 Date: 2017-03-08 08:00:44

[desc=0] ... AAARGH! WHAT'S THAT???? Something scary jumped out of a pretty purple box.....

Image 47 Date: 2017-03-08 08:02:46

[desc=0] Joy is looking for old things in the attic to decorate her house...What's that yellow thing hiding behind Grandma's old chair?

Image 48 Date: 2017-04-04 15:03:40

Is it Easter Soon?
[desc=0] Joy is excited. She is waiting for Easter and hoping there will be a lot of gifting and new things to collect. Her old friend Beenny and his cranky buddy Beell, who always tries to leave again right away, have come for a visit. Beenny and Joy are imagining that all sorts of fun games will take place in April....

Image 49 Date: 2017-04-10 14:35:02

[desc=0] Joy has heard rumors that two weird birds are planning to take over her presidency by holding an election... She's not sure how to react to that, but she figures they won't really get the necessary seal of approval from the rest of the government, so she decides to join the fun :D

Image 50 Date: 2017-04-18 09:05:41

New Friends :)
[desc=0] Joy is happy to welcome a new friend :) She thought it took forever for the mommy giraffe to let her baby come for a visit, but now it's here (and Bob is apparently also very excited :O)... Scaredy Cat doesn't quite know if he is comfortable coming inside, so he watches the giraffe from the doorway :D