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Image 1 Date: 2016-09-28 00:31:12

[desc=0] Bob is upset - he sees a sign on the wall that states "Kilroy was here" but he doesn't know who "Kilroy" is. How can he find out who "Kilroy" is? Maybe he needs to pay a visit to The Pets 'n' Friend's Private Detective Agency. He thinks that Skeezle - the agency's top detective - can help him learn who "Kilroy" is.

Image 2 Date: 2016-09-29 02:34:48

Bob meets the Ragdoll Kittens
[desc=0] Bob is getting to spend some time with the neighbor's new Ragdoll Kittens and he thinks he's in love. The kittens are so full of energy and he feels like he could spend hours playing with them.

Image 3 Date: 2016-09-30 05:03:39

Who is Kilroy?
[desc=0] Bob nervously pops a sweet into his mouth as he stands outside the door of the Pets 'n' Friends Detective Agency. He has an appointment with Skeezle, the agency's top private investigator. Bob needs to talk to Skeezle about what he saw a couple of days ago while out for a walk. He passed a notice on a neighborhood wall stating that "Kilroy was here". What Bob needs to know is who is "Kilroy"? Not knowing Kilroy's identity is ruining his appetite. You see, when Bob gets nervous or upset, he eats chocolate sweets - lots of them. Bob is hoping that Skeezle can solve this mystery quickly.

Image 4 Date: 2016-09-30 23:30:20

[desc=0] Bob is so excited! His guardian is going on a little holiday and he gets to go with her! He needs to pack some essentials so that he doesn't get bored (which could potentially lead to getting into some mischief). Going into his closet, he starts to look through some of his favorite things, trying to decide which items he'll take with him. He keeps in mind that it's only for 4 days. Looking at the small travel bag on the floor, he thinks to himself that it should be the right size for his chocolate. Now that that's been taken care of, he starts to pick out the other items he'll be packing for this trip. Oh how much fun he's going to have!!!

Image 5 Date: 2016-10-02 03:31:36

Who is Kilroy?
[desc=0] Bob takes Skeezle to where the trouble all started. Skeezle quickly spots some clues that may lead to learning who Kilroy is, thus solving the case. He spots some paw prints but more importantly, he also finds a bunch of cookie crumbs on the ground. What could this mean? Bob hopes that Skeezle can solve this quickly - he's run out of chocolate and wants to go home for more.

Image 6 Date: 2016-10-03 01:31:00

[desc=0] Bob decides to take a stroll down to Weston Plaza on this sunny afternoon. His favorite sweet shop was having an amazing sale and he knew he just couldn't turn down a sale. After making his selections, he heads back home. Armed with a basket full of delightful petits fours, he takes out one that is chocolate-cherry flavored and takes a bite. Oh, this is so delicious! He promises himself not to eat all the sweets before he gets home.

Image 7 Date: 2016-10-06 19:49:40


Bob runs in an excited state of panic as wind speeds begin to increase. There's a hurricane headed straight for where he lives and he needs to get home with his emergency supply of sweets before the storm makes a complete mess of things. As he screams in fear, he throws a small clawful of choco-nana candy corn in his mouth, completely oblivious to how some of the neighboring pets getting tossed about in the wind. Oh he hopes that he makes it home in time.

Image 8 Date: 2016-10-12 18:25:09

pumpkin decorating
[desc=0] Bob heard that there was a pumpkin decorating contest going on and he thought that he would give it a try. seems that Bob has really gotten the hang of it and has done some serious pumpkin decorating!

Image 9 Date: 2016-10-16 00:29:34

The Hunt is On!
[desc=0] Bob has decided to join the other pets to hunt for treasure. He takes his chances and goes to the Midnight Forest where he is discovering all kinds of shiny pebbles! He piles them into his wheelbarrow as he tries to keep the other pets from stealing his stash. Bob thinks he might be able to bribe Little Red Riding Bunny into handing over the pebble she's got with a Bacon Bomb jawbreaker.

Image 10 Date: 2016-10-19 18:12:40

it's autumn in pnf!!
[desc=0] Bob has taken his new friend, Storia Chie, to the park to play in the leaves. Bob exclaims, "It's autumn Storie! And everyone knows that autumn means being able to play in the leaves! Leaves are so much fun! When you throw them in the air, it's like watching colorful butterflies floating back to the ground. And the leaves in the fall make such great crunchy sounds!" Storia Chie is enjoying herself with her new friend and doesn't have the heart to tell Bob that her name isn't "Storie" so instead, she just hangs out under the tree as leaves float down from the branches.

Image 11 Date: 2016-10-26 01:47:04

Halloween 2016
[desc=0] Bob is so excited!! He has hit the mother load while out trick or treating!! He filled lots of bags with candies and now he's trying to find enough bowls to put the sweets into! Hopefully he can make all this candy last!!

Image 12 Date: 2016-11-01 01:18:14

election day
[desc=0] Bob is running for President 'n' Figurehead of PnF and has started his campaigning. He decides to hold a meeting at the PnF Town Hall where he can meet pets from the community in the hopes that he can gain their support. If he gets enough pets to support him, thus ensuring a vote from them, then he's pretty sure that he'll be victorious!
He starts his speech and tells the crowd that one of the things he'll do as PnF of PnF is to guarantee that every time they feed their pet-friends, they will BOTH receive Frank 'n' Cents! (he makes sure to explain clearly that it doesn't apply to those special jawbreakers)

Image 13 Date: 2016-11-02 03:45:37

election day
[desc=0] Bob is on the campaign trail in the first ever PnF Election. He heads to the desert to gather support for his bid to become the first President 'n' Figurehead of PnF. There he speaks to a growing crowd of pets who prefer to live in this hot and dry climate. He was smart in wearing a cool-looking hat that will provide some shade and (hopefully) keep any perspiration from dripping into his eyes. He wishes he had some sunglasses cuz boy oh boy it's really bright out here. While Mr. Packrat looks at the candidate suspiciously, the rest of the pets are anxious and excited to hear Bob speak.
The crowd quiets down as he begins to speak to them about why they should vote for him. One of the things he assures this group is that if they visit and shake paws with their pet-friends often, they BOTH will receive a silver mole! And lots of visiting means lots of silver moles! And as an added bonus - for each visit - they are both given some really cool collector cards with their pet-friend's image on them! The crowd goes crazy at this awesome revelation!! Even Mr. Packrat approves.
Bob grabs his icy cold drink as the crowd cheers loudly. He thinks that this rally has gone well as he prepares to head to his next stop.

Image 14 Date: 2016-11-04 00:01:31

election day
[desc=0] Bob wears his warmest knit cap and scarf as he does some campaigning in the arctic regions to gather support from his icy friends. He's working hard to get the word out that he's running for President 'n' Figurehead of PnF and if he has to freeze his toes off to get the support he needs, he'll do it.

He tells the crowd that he will guarantee that when they spin the fruit machine with their hard earned FnCs, amongst the prizes available, the can get puzzle pieces to use for prizes in mystery boxes in the puzzle game! The crowd goes wild over the thought of getting mystery prizes!!

Image 15 Date: 2016-11-04 04:37:41

Election Day
[desc=0] Day 4 of of the PnF campaigning and we find Bob under the sea to visit the constituents who love to live in wet places. He made sure to be fitted properly with the right underwater apparatus so that he could breathe while talking to and mingling with the sea friends. To make sure every pet can hear him through his sea mask, he uses a waterproof microphone to talk into.
Once the pets have found their spot in this underwater arena, Bob starts to speak. He gains their confidence as he tells them about himself and makes sure to throw in a joke or two to show them his humorous side. Then the attention grabber - Bob assures every-pet there that whenever they use their Frank 'n' Cents to play the fruit machine, they will always win something! It could be anything from a puzzle piece (for the puzzle game) to assorted sized drinks and amazing pets! Every-pet is a winner!! Bob basks in the cheering and adoration and feels that there's a chance of becoming the PnF of PnF!!

Image 16 Date: 2016-11-05 22:53:35

Election Day
[desc=0] Bob is on his 5th day of campaigning for the title of President 'n' Figurehead of PnF (the PnF of PnF) and his next stop literally has his head (and the rest of him) in the clouds. So that he fits in with those friendly puffy beings, he finds and wears a cloud on his head - and he found it in a shade of blue that matches his scales! He's hoping that this move will help him gain supporters from this group.
The clouds are ooo-ing and ahhh-ing as he tells them about the really awesome weather game. He confidently shares with the crowd how, if they log into the game daily via the Stand Alone Site (the SAS), one of the Weather Girls (a group of lovely butterflies) will give them a daily report of the weather AND along with that weather report, they are given some Frank 'n' Cents or Silver Moles. AND if they are really lucky, the Weather Girls may hand out some sort of bonus prize such as a weather related decoration or scene or even a pet image in one of several sizes!! The clouds ooooh and ahhhh some more and cheer with great enthusiasm.

Image 17 Date: 2016-11-07 02:28:33

Election Day
[desc=0] On the 6th day of campaigning for PnF of PnF, Bob goes back to where it all started - home. His family gathers around with some of his relatives to hear what their pride and joy has to say about this venture he's on.
Bob looks around and his heart swells as he sees his parents, sister and brother rushing towards him with excitement. He notices that some of his distant cousins have turned up for the family gathering. He spots some strange yellow creature and just as he thinks he has no idea who it could be, he recalls that his Aunt Penelope was adopting a monster from another country.
Bob just knows deep in his heart that no matter the outcome of this presidential race, he will have the love and support of those that matter the most.

Image 18 Date: 2016-11-07 14:11:10

Election Day
[desc=0] It's the last day of the campaign and Bob is more nervous than he's ever been in his life. In fact, he's so nervous that he has eaten one chocolate bar after another and his energy level is at an all-time high for him (or for anyone that has eaten 25 chocolate bars in under 10 minutes).
He's wearing his best hat for this occasion. He wants to look his best when they make the final announcement as to who has been voted the President 'n' Figurehead of PnF. He knows he's going to have to get a damp cloth to wipe the chocolate off of his fingers and face before the rest of the candidates arrive - he doesn't want to give them a reason to make fun of him.
Bob has done his very best to run a great campaign. He's been full of enthusiasm as he has gone to so many regions to gather support. He hasn't made any promises that he can't keep - in fact - the only thing he did do was to present the voters with the facts of what they can expect from him. The only thing he can do now is wait and hope for the best. Whatever happens, he knows that he's done all that he can and that's all anyone can ask for. He does hope that this is over soon - he's almost out of chocolate (and that's not good when you're a nervous monster).

Image 19 Date: 2016-11-09 03:21:30

Tiny Art
[desc=0] Bob has gathered together with all of the NPC candidates to celebrate Presidential 'n' Figurehead elect Joy and there's a huge problem. Bob made sure to get each pet their favorite food and somehow, they've all shrunk!! The food has gotten so tiny that it couldn't be considered a sample! What has happened??? Does this have anything to do with the current tiny art competition going on in the PnF community? Oh how is he supposed to entertain his friends with such tiny food? Bob is about to freak out.

Image 20 Date: 2016-11-24 03:29:22

weather wars
[desc=0] Bob is in a panic!! The weather wars have begun and in his neighborhood, it seems that there's a huge battle going on with the windy weather! Those elusive tornad'ohs have shown up and have done so in full force! Pets and things are getting blown about in all sorts of directions! There are bunnies getting tossed around like they're a bunch of cotton balls. April the teal bug is alarmed as she watches her brothers get caught up on flying objects while the bees are trying to grab onto anything they can so as to not get whipped into outer space. Bob watches his little sister Bobbette's hair get blown all over the place as the wind whips on by.
In the meantime, there's a Mellow Yellow slug just taking his time as he makes his way down the sidewalk.

Image 21 Date: 2016-11-24 05:49:28

Happy Thanksgiving!
[desc=0] April the teal bug cannot believe the scene she is witnessing right now. Bob has a large platter with a fully cooked turkey in his hands and is trying to offer it to a group of wild turkeys. Bob totally misunderstood the phrase of "having turkey for Thanksgiving dinner". He thinks he's supposed to be inviting the turkeys over to have Thanksgiving dinner with him. He doesn't know that the turkeys ARE the dinner!

Image 22 Date: 2016-11-30 01:36:02

winter things
[desc=0] Bob and his sister Barb are outside playing in the snow as winter has made it to where they live. They're both excited as winter means creating snow people, ice forts and snow!! Bob works hard on his snowman, trying it get it just right, while in the meantime, Barb carefully builds an ice fort in preparation for a snowball fight with her friends later. While having lots of fun outside, Bob was anticipating going back inside where he knew his mom would have a mug of hot cocoa with marshmallow creme waiting for him.

Image 23 Date: 2016-12-02 23:25:49

We welcome sophie to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 24 Date: 2016-12-02 23:57:18

We welcome Bunbun to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 25 Date: 2016-12-03 17:49:55

We welcome I'm so purty to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 26 Date: 2016-12-04 19:51:44

We welcome Stuart to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 27 Date: 2016-12-04 19:53:53

We welcome Stuart to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 28 Date: 2016-12-04 19:55:00

We welcome Stewart to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 29 Date: 2016-12-04 19:56:54

We welcome Stewart to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 30 Date: 2016-12-08 04:00:56

12 Days of Christmas
[desc=0] 11 monsters yelling

Image 31 Date: 2016-12-12 03:22:32

12 Days of Christmas
[desc=0] 12 Carolers Caroling
Bob is excited because he's been given the honor of directing the PnF Choir for the annual Christmas Concert. The choir has practiced many hours and now they are singing their hearts out, performing the difficult "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's "The Messiah". The audience sits in complete silence as they enjoy this masterpiece being sung by the talented choir.

Image 32 Date: 2016-12-20 23:19:01

Snowman Decorating
[desc=0] Bob has been working hard on decorating what he considers the best snowman ever when a huge gust of wind blows the hat off the snowman's head! Bob screams in horror, and starts to run after the hat. He's been building this snowman carefully because the top prize for the snowman decorating contest is a large basket of Christmas sweets from the local bake shop. He just has to win this!! Will he be able the hat back in time for the upcoming snowman decorating contest? Will he win the coveted basket of sweets?

Image 33 Date: 2016-12-29 19:44:49

New Years 2017
[desc=0] The New Year's party is in full swing and it appears most of the NPCs are in the partying mood.
It's pretty apparent that the MIT may have had a few too many bottles of the red fizzy stuff he's been drinking.
Flounder is still trying to figure out what he's supposed to do with that bicycle he received as a Christmas gift - doesn't anyone realize fish don't ride bikes?
Trai'zari practices his break-dancing moves as Billy shows off his own dancing skills to the gang.
Boris and Storia continue discussing small creature issues and Della stays off to the side just watching the action.
Joy seems to be into (both literally and figuratively) her drink.
In the meantime, Gwinn hangs out on the chandelier and Isla and Cupig have indulged in things that have them hanging from the rafters.
N2P2C2, Basil and Skeezle do their best to show off their handmade party hats and hope that they look really cool in them.
Hubert and Dexter have somehow managed to get separated and with all the ruckus, can't seem to get their way back to each other.
Scaredy Cat really wishes he'd stayed home - the noise is just too much for him to bear.
And Bob - he's in a major tizzy - there's no more chocolate!! How is he supposed to have a proper party when there's no chocolate????? This is not how the New Year is supposed to start!!!

Image 34 Date: 2016-12-29 21:00:41

Bob's Resolution Dilemma
[desc=0] Bob is facing one of the biggest dilemmas of his life. It's New Year's and they say that one should make some New Year's resolutions. A resolution is about making positive changes in your life. Bob wonders what he should change. He's an all-around nice guy but people do tend to a bit fearful of him because of his expression. While that expression is one of total excitement (at least most of the time), but everyone thinks he's about to scream and bite their heads off. Maybe he can work on the impression he gives - try not to look so scary. That's probably not too hard.
The other thing he could probably work on is his incredible appetite for sweets. As he noshes on some Christmas puddings, he thinks that maybe he can resolve to eat less sweets. Instead of a bowl of candies a day, he could attempt to only have half a bowl. But then there's all those other sweet treats he adores. The chocolates - oh how he loves chocolate - especially the ones with the fruity fillings! And he can't forget the wonderful cakes and pastries from the local bake shop. How will he give those up? Is it even possible to give up all those sweets and treats?

Image 35 Date: 2016-12-31 00:03:23

New Year's 2017
[desc=0] The New Year's party is in full swing and it appears most of the NPCs are in the partying mood.
It's pretty apparent that the MIT may have had a few too many bottles of the red fizzy stuff he's been drinking.
Flounder is still trying to figure out what he's supposed to do with that bicycle he received as a Christmas gift - doesn't anyone realize fish don't ride bikes?
Trai'zari practices his break-dancing moves as Billy shows off his own dancing skills to the gang.
Boris and Storia continue discussing small creature issues and Della stays off to the side just watching the action.
Joy seems to be into (both literally and figuratively) into her drink.
In the meantime, Gwinn hangs out on the chandelier and Isla and Cupig have indulged in things that have them hanging from the rafters.
N2P2C2, Basil and Skeezle do their best to show off their handmade party hats and hope that they look really cool in them.
Hubert and Dexter have somehow managed to get separated and with all the ruckus, can't seem to get their way back to each other.
Scaredy Cat really wishes he'd stayed home - the noise is just too much for him to bear.
And Bob - he's in a major tizzy - there's no more chocolate!! How is he supposed to have a proper party when there's no chocolate????? This is not how the New Year is supposed to start!!!

Image 36 Date: 2017-01-14 06:16:55

Surf's Up!!
[desc=0] Bob and Billy have decided that it was a great day to hit the beach with their boards and do a bit of surfing. Billy, being a starfish, couldn't wait to get in the water and see if he could tame some of those waves. Bob - while he was excited to go - there was one definite problem - he's never gone surfing before. He only hoped that he wouldn't wipe out too many times.
After some practice, Bob got the hang of it and was having the time of his life. He's a natural!! On this current run, he spots a dolphin leaping above the waves. Bob excitedly calls out "COWABUNGA DUDE!!!"

Image 37 Date: 2017-01-25 04:15:32

Bob Visits a Australian Beach for a Barbie on Australia Day
[desc=0] Bob is visiting a local beach in Australia to have a real "Barbie" with some of his new Aussie friends. Until one of the pets explained what an Aussie "Barbie" was, he honestly thought that they were a bit loony wanting to have fish and steak on a girl's doll. As soon as he found out that a "Barbie" was what he knew to be a "barbecue", he got really excited - food! Cooked over an open flame!! What a way to experience life down under!!

Image 38 Date: 2017-02-05 05:24:08

Wear Red Day
[desc=0] While just for this occasion, Bob has made some changes in his diet to show his support for heart health awareness. He's borrowed one of his mom's red curly wigs and instead of his usual blue cap, he's wearing a red one that he rarely wears (his blue one matches his scales much better). And in the red wheelbarrow that was in the shed out in the back garden, he's filled it with fresh, crisp red apples that Farmer Pete allowed him to pick from the apple orchard. He normally would be feasting on his favorite sweets, but for this week, he'll give them up for the apples, which provide a natural sweetness. He's doing all he can to participate in "Wear Red Day". He'll actually be glad when it's over so that he can go back to his normal routine. But it IS for a good cause.

Image 39 Date: 2017-02-12 01:47:41

Is This Love?
[desc=0] Bob received a card in the mail telling him there was a special surprise waiting for him at the PnF Cafe over in Weston Plaza and that he was to be there at 2:00pm on Valentine's Day. The card didn't say who it was from. All it said was when and where to go and that he'd find a table for two set up outside the cafe. What is going on? Is there a secret admirer that he didn't know even existed? While he never really thought about it, it would be nice to have someone to be with and share his love of life with. Is this love that awaits him at this arranged meeting? He puts on a fancy crown that he'd had stashed in the back of his closet, hoping it didn't make him look silly. With the card in his hands, he goes to the cafe, and waits to see who it will be to join him. He wishes he'd thought to bring a couple of small sweets to help calm his nerves.

Image 40 Date: 2017-03-10 04:18:04

Open Umbrella
[desc=0] Bob was up in his grandma's attic looking for treasure when it started to rain - really hard. There's a big hole in the roof and he is getting drenched as he searches frantically for a way to stay dry. Sloshing through the puddle forming on the floor, he spots an old umbrella and taking a chance that he won't have a million years of bad luck, he opens it. It's so old that there are small moth-eaten holes and water is leaking through it, making him even wetter than he already was. He's screaming for help!!

Image 41 Date: 2017-04-12 04:01:48

World Art Day
[desc=0] Bob heard about this artist guy named Andy Warhol who created some very interesting paintings of popular food products and after seeing one with cans of soup, he decided that he had to try it himself. Bob was slightly dismayed when he discovered that he only had black and white paint, but he figured he could make it work. He got his brush out, loaded some blobs of paint onto his paint palette and with some hard work and determination, his masterpiece was on its way. His painting, "Popping Corn Juice" was almost complete! When it's done, it will become as famous as the ones with those soup cans and his name will be known all over the world!

Image 42 Date: 2017-04-24 19:02:23

Which Came First?
[desc=0] Which came first - the chicken or the egg? This is a question that has plagued many pets for ages. Well - for Bob - it's a no brainer. The egg came first because you eat eggs for breakfast. That's the first meal of the day! Then came the chicken - you eat chickens for dinner. Bob doesn't understand how this question can baffle so many!!

Image 43 Date: 2017-06-10 17:30:03

View From My Window
[desc=0] Bob pops a chocolate-cherry sweet into his mouth as he longingly looks through the window of the PnF Sweet Shop. They have so many wonderfully made sweets and treats and he can never decide what to purchase when he goes inside. If ever there was a view from a window to be seen, Bob will tell you that this IS the BEST view from a window.

Image 44 Date: 2017-06-24 17:31:08

On A Quest
[desc=0] Bob's ultimate quest - to find a place where he is surrounded by an unlimited supply of sweets and treats of every variety he can ever imagine.

Image 45 Date: 2017-06-30 04:26:18

PnF Billboards
[desc=0] We ALL know where Bob is going after seeing this billboard!!

Image 46 Date: 2017-08-20 03:45:26

Bob Hunts for Treasure
[desc=0] Bob is hunting for Skeezle's Treasure and he found this Purple What-In-The-World?-Urchin hiding in an old empty chest. He knew that this was a rare occurance and he wanted to make sure he had proof that these urchins really do exist. He runs to his stateroom, grabs his camera and heads back on deck, relieved that the urchin is still there. He starts taking lots of photos to document this amazing occasion. Wait til everyone back home see these!!

Image 47 Date: 2017-10-01 03:57:36


Image 48 Date: 2017-10-05 00:20:23

Movie Quotes - What About Bob?
[desc=0] "Bob: Dr. Marvin, I'M SAILING!
Dr. Leo Marvin: That's good, KEEP SAILING BOB!

What About Bob? - 1991

Image 49 Date: 2017-10-16 18:03:44

The Pawshake Redemption
[desc=0] Bob and his team are in Dr. Pawshake's laboratory delivering body parts when chaos breaks out. As bolts of lightning crackle in the dark sky, there is a loud crash of thunder, causing one of the large beakers to erupt with a cloud of purplish smoke. Another one loudly explodes, not only sending green puffs of smoke into the air, but there is a neon green ooze that has splattered all over the lab. Lightening is cracking out in the dark sky as body parts and all of Bob's candies have scattered everywhere. The Aye-Aye is startled as bits of glittles shower over his head and just as Teal Bug starts to scream in terror, a wad of ooze flies into her open mouth. The Daft Green Spider scrambles to safety in a nearby web but gets tangled up with some glittles and ooze that flew upwards. All Bob wants right now is his sweets back!!

Image 50 Date: 2017-10-28 17:26:04

The Pawshake Redemption
[desc=0] Bob has gathered his friends to admire the wonderful things that have been awarded for their efforts in the quest to find a wife for Bob. Scaredy Cat was brave to be the first to go with Bob - it only made sense since they are bestest buddies. His awards were a Finkensen's Monster - Green Frankenbear and a Turquoise Turtle Pumpkin. Missy was the next to go with Bob and she was a brave pup. For her efforts, she was awarded a Blue Horned Stomper and a Golden Butterfly Pumpkin. Joy was the most recent pet to take on the challenge and she received Finkensen's Monster - White Frankenbear and the beautiful purple Bat Pumpkin. Aye-Aye and Joy both admire the rare paintings that now hang on the wall and the Daft Green Spider admires that purple pumpkin Bob is putting on a display shelf. Teal Bug just wants to know who else is going to be daring enough to join them.