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Image 1 Date: 2015-06-23 23:16:14

Nostalgia - my first PnF pet!

Image 2 Date: 2022-07-22 02:26:32

Success! Thank you for all your help, my friends!


Image 3 Date: 2015-10-27 18:27:38

We welcome Esmerelda to Pets 'n' Friends !
[desc=0] A new pet has arrived in the community!

Image 4 Date: 2016-10-23 07:34:04

[desc=0] Esmerelda is celebrating fall in style at a friends house! It's autumn in PnF!

Image 5 Date: 2016-10-26 03:54:11

[desc=0] Esmerelda stays home with a friend on October 31st. If it's clear out, there will be stargazing. Otherwise, snacks and games! Maybe a nice game of marbles?

Image 6 Date: 2016-10-27 00:40:56

Bubbles and friends...
[desc=0] When adding a link to your slide caption, [*url_newtab=PasteYourCompleteLinkHere]WriteYourTextHere[/url_newtab*]

Image 7 Date: 2016-10-27 01:53:19

Ezekiel and Talula don't know they are being watched...
[desc=0] Thank you for visiting!

Image 8 Date: 2016-10-27 02:04:18

Nermal and Sasha love bird watching!
[desc=0] Thank you for visiting!

Image 9 Date: 2016-10-27 02:27:39

Purrrfect Weather
[desc=0] When you're a PnF pet, it's always perfect weather!

Image 10 Date: 2016-10-27 04:02:05

Where will our adventurous teams head next?
[desc=0] Well, we had fun playing "cow wars" and we are all good friends. Good luck to both teams!

Image 11 Date: 2016-10-28 03:30:36

Things That Make You Laugh - Claire the spider says "Hello!"
[desc=0] It's autumn, and the spiders are getting ready to go into hiding for the winter, but here in PnF, everyone is just celebrating fall! It's good to be a PnF pet! :)

Image 12 Date: 2016-11-01 19:35:32

1st Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good...
[desc=0] O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 107:1

Image 13 Date: 2016-11-02 20:47:03

Getting out the rural vote... Election Day is coming!
[desc=0] Esmerelda is hosting meetings to discuss election day, and making sure everyone knows where to vote! We have such a lovely selection of candidates (not even going to mention that other election - that's for elsewhere, not PnF :) )

Image 14 Date: 2016-11-07 14:46:17

1st Timothy 4:4 For every creature of God is good...
In the Burrow
[desc=0] Esmerelda decides to visit Boris for awhile, who is happy to take over greeting visitors! His humble home is well equipped for hospitality, and even gets a little sunshine so his dandelion can grow (it is PnF, after all, so who says you can't have sunshine underground?) Meanwhile, the Snail family is entertaining a caterpillar out land sailing... father snail must show off his land sailing skills as well. He certainly isn't slow now!

Image 15 Date: 2016-11-11 01:37:10

Playing with my new toys :)
[desc=0] Okay, Bronze age is pretty cool :)

Image 16 Date: 2016-11-14 21:31:29

Fall Fun - Enjoying fall, but looking forward to snow!
[desc=0] O give thanks unto the LORD; for ‭he is‭ good; for his mercy ‭endureth‭ for ever.‭ 1Chronicles 16:34

Image 17 Date: 2016-11-17 20:36:37

Al's Party
[desc=0] Esmerelda and the Cow Army are working day and night to make enough delicious milk for Al's big birthday party! The Cow Army has grown, and the other pets are curious to see what they are up to! Besides digging up chocolate from Chocolate Land, they also have to get a good supply of chocolate and strawberry milk... a cows job is never done! *sigh*

Image 18 Date: 2016-11-21 21:58:39

Al's Party
[desc=0] Esmerelda heard of a few critters who might not have gotten an invitation to Al's party, so she sets out to make sure everyone is in on the fun!

Image 19 Date: 2016-11-23 13:40:02

(Who ever thought war could be this much fun?)
[desc=0] Esmerelda is delighted with all the rain and snow (after all, who ever heard of a cow in a bathtub?) but finds the umbrellas unnecessary. Still, not everyone is happy in the rain, so she delights in being able to offer shelter to any friends who happen to be visiting. Her butterfly friends are usually happy to be out of the rain. The tiny green kitty, now she is a mystery. She's so small, she fits in between the raindrops! She's a homely little thing, but Esmerelda is too polite to say so. Then again, how can this much rain come from such tiny clouds? Esmerelda is stumped, but continues to enjoy what rain they provide. Especially when there is such a variety of sunny faces to warm her after her "spring showers"! She is thankful that they are always big enough to warm her all over. All in all, it's a wonderful life for a cow!

Image 20 Date: 2016-11-27 00:22:24

By the breath of God frost is given: Job 37:9a
[desc=0] In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Image 21 Date: 2016-11-27 01:21:09


Image 22 Date: 2016-12-01 03:35:49

Love winter and all things snow!
[desc=0] Esmerelda has no snow on her farm as of yet, so a trip to see the dragons was in order. Dragons don't wait for the snow to fall, they just go get it! Now that they've gotten enough snow for everyone else's snowmen, they are ready to come in for a landing and build their own snow buddy. Fortunately, these snowmen don't need a magic hat, so when Esmerelda and Abigail are finished with their Frosty creation, he can just follow them home! He'll love it on the farm...

Image 23 Date: 2016-12-02 03:04:03


Image 24 Date: 2016-12-07 18:47:12

Thank you! I love him :D
[desc=0] Waiting for snow...

Thank you Veera for the trade

Image 25 Date: 2016-12-09 15:40:51

PnF Family Portrait
[desc=0] All the pets are happy to pose for a picture in their own, cozy little homes, but take the picture quick! They are all waiting to get back to visiting their friends and neighbors, near and far away.

Image 26 Date: 2016-12-13 16:15:42

Unicorn Day
[desc=0] Time for the semi-annual migration of flying unicorns! Never heard of them, you say?

Well, really, all unicorns can fly, and all have that single horn with which they sip moonbeams, however, some are of the opinion that their horn should be prominently displayed for all to see, and their colors bedecked with whatever jewels they take a fancy to, in order to better show off their lovely, varied colors.

Flying unicorns, on the other hand, are satisfied that they HAVE horns, and do not feel the need to display them. Furthermore, they are so delighted with their lovely blue and white color, that no flying unicorn has chosen either to change their colors, or to adorn them in any way (especially with contrasting manes and tails) for many generations. They are simply too dignified for such a thing.

Dignity, however, does NOT come into play when they begin their migration. Since they have no specific destination, and choose their route based on whims of fancy (or the breeze of a passing shooting star) there is much giggling and fluttering while they debate (gently) where they will finally spend their time.
The moon is lovely this time of year, is it not?

Image 27 Date: 2016-12-14 02:00:53

Leafy Sea Dragon waits patiently for Esmerelda and friends. ..
[desc=0] Leafy Sea Dragon is getting ready to take the pets on a nice trip into space. Some people think that dolphins were the first to venture into space, but Sea Dragons know that they taught those dolphins everything they know! (And sea dragons are much better singers)..

Image 28 Date: 2016-12-14 17:32:04

Snowman Decorating
[desc=0] The Pegasus herd has sent their two best representatives to participate in the snowman decorating contest, but they seem to be at a slight disadvantage. Unicorns are so adept at handling snow that they can make their creations gossamer thin - which can be a problem when your snowman is so clear as to be almost invisible! Their preferred materials to work with are precious jewels and metals, so the platinum scarf and opal eyes are a nice touch, if a bit robotic! Ah, well, they are enjoying themselves...

Image 29 Date: 2016-12-18 01:40:18

Pegasus Family Visit...
[desc=0] Esmerelda is confused... with the flying unicorns visiting her farm, she is not sure whether to offer them a place in the barn, or on the roof!

Image 30 Date: 2016-12-18 23:59:26

Collecting these lovelies...
[desc=0] Thanks to Veera for selling me her full size Pegasus, and Anette for loaning me hers - they are having adventures!

Image 31 Date: 2016-12-19 05:20:03

Esmerelda entertains her guests.. though she prefers the barn!
[desc=0] Come on in and have a seat! Comfy? Good! Please stay and chat awhile, we love to have visitors :)

Image 32 Date: 2016-12-20 15:52:57

Pegasus Warp!
[desc=0] Esmerelda loves the flying unicorns!

Image 33 Date: 2016-12-21 06:02:04

Let's Go Caroling
[desc=0] Esmerelda loves to sing, so she invited all of her friends to come and sing with her. Now that they are all together, however, it seems that more of them are interested in leading than in singing! Except Yeti, he just likes to sit and listen to his little friends "make a joyful noise"...

Image 34 Date: 2016-12-23 04:25:17

[desc=0] Esmerelda loves snow!

Image 35 Date: 2016-12-25 06:44:36

Thank you, JOY Gifter, and Yay, I made it to 1000!
[desc=0] Esmerelda really loves her new toy :)

Image 36 Date: 2016-12-25 16:09:01

Sailing away in a pea green boat...
[desc=0] Esmerelda and friends have decided to take a cruise. It's a good thing they are able to change their size when they wish or they would never all fit in the boat! Pegasus has been chosen as their navigator, so everyone is excited to see where they end up!

Image 37 Date: 2016-12-26 13:14:29

Snakey loves company
[desc=0] Snakey loves her little dragon friends. She would visit Esmerelda more often, but she prefers being a big snakey so she isn't stepped on, and Esmerelda's barn is a little small for everyone. Maybe Esmerelda will get a new barn someday...

Image 38 Date: 2016-12-26 15:53:14

Dog Day
[desc=0] In spite of his gentle demeanor, some of the barn cats are less than thrilled with the new farm dog!

Image 39 Date: 2016-12-26 18:30:43


Image 40 Date: 2016-12-26 22:46:19

[desc=0] First snow of the season!

Image 41 Date: 2016-12-28 02:43:02

New Year 2017
[desc=0] Esmerelda and friends are getting ready to spend New Year's Eve together. They have a tradition of exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve and playing a fun gifting game. Everyone has a good time, with some good natured "stealing" of gifts back and forth. This year they decided to do a regular gift exchange instead of a white elephant gift, but I don't think Foxee got the message! Ah well...

Image 42 Date: 2016-12-30 06:38:08

May 2017 be filled with the wisdom from above...
[desc=0] A wise old owl sat on an oak
The more he saw, the less he spoke
The less he spoke, the more he heard
Why aren't we like that wise old bird?

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, ‭and‭ easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.‭ James 3:17

"Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God" James 1:19-20

Image 43 Date: 2017-01-06 18:54:12

Quote This
[desc=0] Chance: "Whoa, you can see everything from here! Except the house, I don't see the house. Where's the house?"
~Homeward Bound
This is one of my favorite movies!

Image 44 Date: 2017-01-11 00:57:27

Surf boards I am collecting: Aussie Daydream, Beach Belles, Blue Thunder, Cherry Blossom, Ocean Sun, Opera House, Rainbow Serpent, Smiling Shark, Will trade all others for those.
[desc=0] Esmerelda and her friends have joined in Scaredy Cat's adventures in lovely Australia! Not everyone is using a surf board, of course, since they are not all as athletic and coordinated as Esmerelda is. It's lovely to be a cow! Still, Mr. Mole is an excellent swimmer (though he's a little panicked right now, since he just found out about the jellyfish in Australian waters!).

Image 45 Date: 2017-01-13 20:52:13

[desc=0] Talitha is trying to show Billy Bunyip around the dragon's lair, but Ezekiel decided he wanted to take his nap at full size! This is a very inconsiderate thing among dragons, but Talitha is patient with her green friend...

Image 46 Date: 2017-01-15 01:19:02

Pegasus clan, headed for the Unicorn family reunion
[desc=0] Unicorn family reunion

Image 47 Date: 2017-01-15 05:49:14

Esmerelda entertains her guests.. though she prefers the barn!
[desc=0] Come on in and have a seat! Comfy? Good! Please stay and chat awhile, we love to have visitors :)

Image 48 Date: 2017-01-15 19:37:19

Snack time! But for whom?
[desc=0] Esmerelda, ever the gracious hostess, makes sure to provide her guests with snacks.... especially fresh milk!

Image 49 Date: 2017-01-17 23:26:40

What will they do? Will they shake a paw? Leave a snack? Let's go visit them!!
[desc=0] Esmerelda and her friends have been waiting for YOU!

Image 50 Date: 2017-01-18 11:41:13

Mr. Potato Head visits the farm while Esmerelda is away...
[desc=0] Now, now, don't be scared, Mr. Potato Head, they're just friendly here on the farm! Why, even the Yetis and the Nessies are all... um... vegetarians....oh.