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Rewards for payments remain DOUBLE their pre-COVID value!

Golden Moles, Frank 'n' Cents and Platinum Paws!

Golden Moles (GMs) are the premium currency of "Pets 'n' Friends". Frank 'n' Cents are a special currency with which to play our fruit machine. Buy them using PayPal! Just click the "Buy Now" button, below. If you are not used to Paypal, "How to get Golden Moles", a document in our Facebook group, may help you. If you want to set up a monthly payment to us, this is how!
Acceptance Mark





You can also put golden moles and platinum paws in your wish list! Just click the icon:

Each $10 payment gets you: 400 GM and 2 PP.

Each $10.01 payment gets you: 100k FnC and 2 PP.

Example: $30.02 gets you 400 GM, 200k FnC, 6 PP.

Mix and match GM and FnC however you want!
Donor rewards: the more you pay, the bigger they get! See below.

Celebrating double rewards!

Donor Reward!

With your March payment you will get an additional bonus - Opossum, Sitting!
In March 2025 if you pay $50 you will get one FULL SIZE and one size 7!

Size: Full
Free with: $40

Size: 10
Free with: $20

Size: 7
Free with: $10

Size: 4
Free with: $5

EXTRA Donor Reward!

With your March payment you will get an EXTRA bonus - Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Hovering!
You will get exactly as many Extra Donor Rewards as you get Donor Rewards.
In March 2025 if you pay $50 you will get one FULL SIZE and one size 7!

Size: Full
Free with: $40

Size: 10
Free with: $20

Size: 7
Free with: $10

Size: 4
Free with: $5

Scaredy Cat meets new pets!

White Lion Cub

Rawr! As a cub, my paws are huge, and my attitude is even bigger—like all cats. I have a rough tongue and a long, ropy tail, which I love to chase. My tail is also a good barometer of my mood. If it swishes from side to side, I may not be the happiest kitty.

Running, jumping, pouncing, chasing, stalking and taking long naps are how I spend my days.

White Kid Goat

Baa! Are you ready? First I give you the look, then I run, then I head-butt you. Are you having fun? I sure am. Young goats like myself are all about running, leaping, awkward head-butting and standing on mom. I don’t know why we stand on Mom. Perhaps because we are curious and short, and we want to see what our mom can see from her great height.

Opossum, Sitting

Opossum, possum, what’s in a name? An Opossum is the only marsupial found in North America and has a non-furry tail and pointed snout. They also give birth to many young at a time.

The brushtail Possum is found in Australia and has a furry tail and short, less pointed snout. The Possum gives birth to one baby.

Ruby Throated Hummingbird, Hovering

A flash of red and green zips past you. Maybe you hear a buzzing sound or short squeaks. Hummingbirds don’t sing songs like many other birds but are very vocal. Squeaks may mean “Go away, this is my flower.”

These beautiful jewels of the bird world have significant meaning in many cultures. They are seen as the bringers of joy, healing messages and love.


We currently handle payments manually. When we receive a payment, we update your account as soon as we can, subject to staff availability. A tiny golden coin appears in the user's toolbar. Hover this to see your currency balances (Golden Moles, Silver Moles, Frank 'n' Cents and Platinum Paws), or click the coin to see your payment history.

We will move to an integrated payment system as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, if your balance has not been updated after 24 hours, please inquire about the delay in the Pets 'n' Friends Facebook group.

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