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 2457 finds.
Purple Cave Guardian

For countless years, 5 guardian tribes have lived in caves beneath the surface of Trilliant Island. Each Cave Guardian safeguards one rare and precious gem. The Purple Cave Guardians safeguard the largest tanzanite crystal cluster on Trilliant Island! What little the guardians know of the outside world is that which the gryphons that guard the island itself do bespeak. The gryphons have told of an insufficiency of enchanted saplings, required to provide into the future the moon dust that serves to anchor Trilliant Island.
So, venturing forth from their caves for the first time in their lives, the 5 Guardians scatter all of their smaller crystals along the enchanted paths to Trilliant Island, decreeing that not all shall be lost to petkind when Trilliant Island departs forever…

101509 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-05-13 23:55:49

A hunt prize
from 15th Jun 2017
to 9th Jul 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Jun 2017 14:001 GM on 15 Jun 2017 10:40

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Silver sales
1 SM on 22 Apr 2024 21:041 SM on 22 Apr 2024 21:041 SM on 22 Apr 2024 21:04

Yellow Cave Guardian

For countless years, 5 guardian tribes have lived in caves beneath the surface of Trilliant Island. Each Cave Guardian safeguards one rare and precious gem. The Yellow Cave Guardians safeguard the largest sillimanite crystal cluster on Trilliant Island! What little the guardians know of the outside world is that which the gryphons that guard the island itself do bespeak. The gryphons have told of an insufficiency of enchanted saplings, required to provide into the future the moon dust that serves to anchor Trilliant Island.
So, venturing forth from their caves for the first time in their lives, the 5 Guardians scatter all of their smaller crystals along the enchanted paths to Trilliant Island, decreeing that not all shall be lost to petkind when Trilliant Island departs forever…

101510 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-05-13 23:53:42

A hunt prize
from 15th Jun 2017
to 9th Jul 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Jun 2017 20:411 GM on 15 Jun 2017 14:00

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Silver sales
1 SM on 13 May 2024 23:561 SM on 13 May 2024 23:561 SM on 13 May 2024 23:56

Needa Brown ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101512 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-05-13 23:56:52

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:12

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Silver sales
1 SM on 17 May 2024 22:251 SM on 17 May 2024 22:251 SM on 17 May 2024 22:25

Wasa Blue ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101513 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-05-13 23:57:54

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:131 GM on 27 May 2020 17:13

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Silver sales
1 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:251 SM on 17 May 2024 22:25

Benna Lime ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101514 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-09-08 11:34:20

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 26 Sep 2018 16:32

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Silver sales
5 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:121 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:121 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:12

Plum Purple ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101515 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-09-08 11:34:29

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Sep 2022 23:201 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 26 Sep 2018 16:33

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Silver sales
1 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:26

Justa Pink ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101516 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-05-13 23:58:57

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:151 GM on 27 May 2020 17:151 GM on 27 May 2020 17:15

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Silver sales
1 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:261 SM on 17 May 2024 22:26

Raspberry Cream Lemur

Also available as a rare gift from the NPCs!

Our wild cousins in the rainforests of Madagascar are diverse in many ways, but there are none as rare as the never-before-seen raspberry cream lemur. Because of our shy and reclusive habit no human has ever spotted us and we hope they never will. We enjoy raising our little families in peace and quiet, and we hope our secret candy-making business remains just that... a secret. Our favorite candy treat is, of course, raspberry ice cream, and we've eaten so much of it that our fur is a perfect color match to its fruity, creamy deliciousness.

103956 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-07 16:26:02

Sale began 10th Feb 2016
Sale ended 9th Mar 2016
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 Apr 2016 02:18

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Silver sales
1 SM on 31 Jan 2024 01:281 SM on 31 Jan 2024 01:281 SM on 31 Jan 2024 01:28

Walking Swan

“Stop poking fun at your brother! He’ll learn how to fly soon enough!” Oh, hello there. I didn’t realize you were here, as I was tending to my children! Being a parent can be hard work, you know! My mate and I work very hard on making sure our children are raised to be the best that they can be, although many think we are just here to be pretty. That is not true! I am a swan, and although I can be graceful, I will also be very aggressive if you attempt to harm my nest or my young. I can be quite large, and am one of the heaviest birds that can fly. My mate and I met when we were several years old, and have been together ever since. We share the duties of the nest and hunting for food, a true partnership. We have raised a few cygnets so far, and my spouse and I have decided to use the same nest for all the young we choose to raise, like so many of our species! We will mate for life and are so in love with each other! It is why we are often a symbol for love, which is something we don’t at all mind. I’m sorry! I would love to stay and chat more, but I must get the kids out of the water as it’s time for lunch!

103959 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-05 16:32:01

Sale began 1st Feb 2016
Sale ended 29th Feb 2016
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Oct 2020 18:332 GM on 24 Feb 2017 09:40

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Silver sales
11 SM on 19 Jun 2019 16:4811 SM on 19 Jun 2019 16:4811 SM on 19 Jun 2019 16:48

Chocolate Frog

Also available as a rare gift from the NPCs!

It isn’t easy being chocolate brown. Fortunately, the chocolate frog has skin glands that secrete foul-tasting toxins to deter gluttonous animals that are tempted to make a snack of one of his limbs. Mud at the bottom of the pond also offers welcome camouflage from miscreant munchers. Sadly, the chocolate frog has bigger banes than his delicious demeanor.

Because amphibians dwell on land and in water, they feel the impacts of environmental pollution earlier than other species. The chocolate frog and his kin are nerve endings of the ecosystem, harbingers that the earth is screaming, first indicators that something has gone terribly wrong. Not an easy life, but the selfless chocolate frog was determined to preserve future generations of polliwogs. He located a remote, pristine pond far to the north and organized an exodus of frogs.

For now, the chocolate frog’s family and friends are safe in their secret wilderness location. As dawn breaks in the boreal forest, the chocolate frog stretches out on a yellow pond lily and absorbs heat from the rays of the sun. The air above him is darkened with an advancing banquet of flying insects. Each pure day, each precious, pollution-free day, is a good day to be amphibious.

103986 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-07 16:26:56

Sale began 10th Feb 2016
Sale ended 9th Mar 2016
Limited edition
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Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

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Silver sales
20 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:151 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:141 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:14

Apple Blossom Lamb

Apple Blossom Lamb blinks her eyes in wonderment at the apple orchard she was born into. All around her are fragrant blossoms. When she lifts her head, she sees branches of beautiful pink flowers sparkling in the morning sun. In every direction, she sees row upon row of blooming apple trees. Soft pink petals cover the green grass beneath her feet. Her wobbly legs don’t always work as she attempts to explore, but a carpet of sweet smelling petals cushions her falls. Her mother munches on the grass between the trees and talks of delicious feasts of crunchy red fruit, but Apple Blossom Lamb is quite content with her diet of warm milk. Tummy full of warm milk, exciting day of discovery, petal carpet inviting her to lay down. . . . Zzzzzzzz!

104124 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-09-07 16:50:28

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Mar 2016
to 9th Apr 2016.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
2 GM on 2 Jan 2017 02:572 GM on 18 Jul 2016 23:591 GM on 6 Jul 2016 07:51

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Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:051 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:051 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:05

Raccoon Baby

Also available as a rare gift from the NPCs!

Thief? Wha'? Not me! I'm just a wittle kit, I couwdn't steawl anyfink. My witter mates abe wunning awound somewherwe, we neve' stray far fwom our cowzy t'wee home. 'Den' Mama calls it. She saids we gonna start swimmin' lessons soon. I can' wait ta swim! It sounds fun! But Mama saids not ta get too cawwied away, thewe's a wot of scawy monstas awound. She tells me not ta wowwy, she does. Says I'll just steawl theihr heawts away!

104183 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-07 16:51:09

Sale began 10th Mar 2016
Sale ended 9th Apr 2016
Limited edition
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Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

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Silver sales
1 SM on 3 Jan 2024 00:001 SM on 3 Jan 2024 00:001 SM on 3 Jan 2024 00:00

Leopard Complex Appaloosa Horse Walking

I am the precious leopard complex mutation of the appaloosa horse breed. You are very lucky to find me in PnF land, because I almost disappeared entirely at the end of the Bronze Age! Historians think this might have been due to my night blindness, which made it more difficult for me to communicate, find food at night, and find a safe place to avoid predators that could easily spot my beautiful white markings.

Ancient cave paintings depict me pulling bronze chariots, but more often I pulled the logs and stones my people used to make roundhouses in stone hut circles.

I'm a happy little horse with a gentle and friendly disposition. Sometimes I feel like galloping and jumping around, but sometimes I just like to take the air and talk to my friends. Occasionally you will find me looking at the ground very carefully. I'm not looking for clover - I'm talking to a butterfly!

104936 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-27 06:25:52

Bronze Age
Directory rewards!
Released 10th Nov 2016
Still on sale!
Limited edition

 Join game to buy!

Leopard Complex Appaloosa Horse Listening

I am the precious leopard complex mutation of the appaloosa horse breed. You are very lucky to find me in PnF land, because I almost disappeared entirely at the end of the Bronze Age! Historians think this might have been due to my night blindness, which made it more difficult for me to communicate, find food at night, and find a safe place to avoid predators that could easily spot my beautiful white markings.

Ancient cave paintings depict me pulling bronze chariots, but more often I pulled the logs and stones my people used to make roundhouses in stone hut circles.

I'm a happy little horse with a gentle and friendly disposition. Sometimes I feel like galloping and jumping around, but sometimes I just like to take the air and talk to my friends. Occasionally you will find me looking at the ground very carefully. I'm not looking for clover - I'm talking to a butterfly!

104939 Size 7.
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Offered: 2020-01-26 01:46:19

Bronze Age
Directory rewards!
Released 10th Nov 2016
Still on sale!
Limited edition

 Join game to buy!

Sparkly-Eyed Chick

Hello there! I’m Miss Featherly, but my friends call me sparkly eyes! You can see why right? I have a wee confession—I’m a corn addict who has been to corn rehab too many times to count—but who’s keeping track? (I prefer counting eggs any way!) I’m here to ensure that you enjoy a hunt that is out of this world exciting. That won’t be difficult at all because I’m friendly and I just loooove watching you search to find the eggs I’ve snuck into my secret hiding places. You’ll find my eggs hiding in some of the most unexpected places!

105525 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-01-27 06:37:20

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 31 Aug 2018 14:161 GM on 5 Apr 2017 01:41

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Silver sales
1 SM on 28 Jan 2024 23:3710 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0410 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:04

Chuckling Chick

Bonjour mon ami! I’m a French chick, I’m young and full of energy and I just love to laugh. My friends tell me I have an infectious laugh but I’m sure you’ll find out for yourself soon. My favourite meal is worm caviar (I hope you’ll join me for dinner today) and my favourite colour is … you guessed it—yellow! I just love a full yellow outfit! I think it is tout ce qu'il y a de chic! I just know that when you find where I’ve hidden my eggs you will burst out into laughter.

105526 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-08 10:47:15

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

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Silver sales
1 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:421 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:421 SM on 6 Feb 2024 22:42

Questing Chick

Hi! One of my favourite things to do is hide things. I get a thrill out of hiding things, like eggs. I also just love a good hunt … like you. But I love hunting for worms. If you are looking for me you’ll often find me clucking away under some cool shrubs, searching for the wriggly earth diggers—I’m always looking for worm holes and I can just imagine that the joy I feel when I finally find one is the same as the joy you’ll feel when you find an Easter egg. So now you know why I’m always looking down on the ground and pecking around down there. Plus there’s the fact that I’m a little shy and secretive, but I’m growing out of it … slowly. Maybe you’ll be the one to finally get me out of my shell?

105527 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:48:51

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Feb 2019 03:221 GM on 27 Feb 2018 04:041 GM on 6 Apr 2017 14:10

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Silver sales
1 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:291 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:291 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:29

Questing Chick

Hi! One of my favourite things to do is hide things. I get a thrill out of hiding things, like eggs. I also just love a good hunt … like you. But I love hunting for worms. If you are looking for me you’ll often find me clucking away under some cool shrubs, searching for the wriggly earth diggers—I’m always looking for worm holes and I can just imagine that the joy I feel when I finally find one is the same as the joy you’ll feel when you find an Easter egg. So now you know why I’m always looking down on the ground and pecking around down there. Plus there’s the fact that I’m a little shy and secretive, but I’m growing out of it … slowly. Maybe you’ll be the one to finally get me out of my shell?

105527 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-01-27 06:36:03

A hunt prize
from 5th Apr 2017
to 30th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

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Silver sales
1 SM on 13 May 2024 23:321 SM on 13 May 2024 23:321 SM on 13 Apr 2024 00:29

Green Ugh Urchin

Did you see it? That Skeezle! He’s up to something, and I just know it’s not going to be good. UGH, I just know it. I have never trusted him, just the thought of watching him slink around, makes my head ache. Where is my roll of antacids? I am getting an ulcer, all the noise of events, and calamity that Skeezle brings. Oh my, what now? What could it possibly be? I don’t think I can put up with the stress. Maybe if I close my eyes? UGH, that just brings on the vertigo. The horrors that are coming, that Skeezle. What am I going to do? GAH!

105917 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-09-08 11:16:42

A hunt prize
from 15th Aug 2017
to 9th Sep 2017.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 May 2020 17:221 GM on 27 May 2020 17:211 GM on 26 Aug 2017 16:08

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Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:311 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:31

Carnivorous Cosmic Crocus (Green)

Here we have a lovely example of intergalactic gardening at its finest. This blue beauty will grace the finest tables, but beware! These predatory posies prefer a solitary setting. Bouquets of these beauties quickly become one (large) bloom… however, for the sake of your dinner guests, you may wish to keep your centerpiece small...

106747 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-09-08 13:20:15

A hunt prize
from 14th May 2018
to 9th Jun 2018.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 27 Mar 2024 16:181 GM on 30 May 2020 18:491 GM on 14 May 2018 08:00

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Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:071 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:07

Pfuzzle Fidget

Yep, laying around, that's my favorite. Stretching near the sofa, cuddling in the chair. Waiting patiently for you to sit down so I can drape you in fur, and mark you as mine. Yawn! All this chatter makes me sleepy. “Night all”!

107940 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-25 06:56:00

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 11 Feb 2023 18:161 GM on 17 Apr 2019 09:591 GM on 17 Apr 2019 09:58

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Silver sales
1 SM on 1 May 2024 14:311 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:191 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:19

Pfuzzle Bean

Yep, that's me, the Bean. As in Calico Bean. A marvelous conglomerate of all different cultures crammed into one. I did my Pet Ancestor Kit and there were more slices on my pie than in Granny Kate's kitchen! I love to blend in wherever I am and take in all my surroundings, learning and enjoying all life has to offer!

107941 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-25 06:58:32

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 11 Feb 2023 18:161 GM on 4 Oct 2019 03:331 GM on 21 Apr 2019 03:59

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Silver sales
1 SM on 11 Mar 2024 23:371 SM on 11 Mar 2024 23:361 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:19

Pfuzzle Furball

Hello, my name is Furball. I do have legs, but they are very, very short, which means I can climb over things that no one else can because I have a very low centre of gravity. The one thing I simply cannot do, is wallow in very long grass. I would get totally lost and despite my ability to hop, I doubt anyone would ever find me. Don’t you think I’m kind of cute? You can actually carry me under your arm. I promise I don’t bite.

107942 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-25 06:56:59

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:201 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:20

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Silver sales
1 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:191 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:18

Pfuzzle Powder Puff

Obviously I am the cutest Pfuzzle in PnF Land, with the longest eyelashes of all! I do pride myself on my modesty, and on my speed at positioning myself front and centre whenever somepet is taking a photograph! Nopet really minds though, because their photographs would be quite insipid, if I neglected to photo-bomb them all!

107943 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-25 06:56:42

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Apr 2019 19:541 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:201 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:20

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Silver sales
1 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:18

Pfuzzle Mr Fudge

Uh hum, I may look a little different, but I have a warm and charming nature. Actually, I am rather timid, despite my appearance. One thing that really puts the fear in me, is water. I have tried to wade, but once my coat gets wet I stay that way for such a very long time. I do like cuddles and just like my name, I am very sweet.

107944 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-01-25 06:56:26

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:201 GM on 16 Apr 2019 09:201 GM on 16 Apr 2019 01:51

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Silver sales
1 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:18

Squeezey Skeezle

Obviously I am the good looking pfuzzle in the Skeezle family, so I don’t take kindly to being confused with my more common cousin, Skeezle! While my cousin is known to be a bit of a sticky nose, I’m more like having chewy stuck on your paw, when there’s a puzzle to be solved or a clue to find! And that is why I, and not my illustrious cousin, was given a lead role in the PnF 2019 Easter Quest!

107945 Size 7.
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Offered: 2024-01-25 06:58:22

A hunt prize
from 16th Apr 2019
to 9th May 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 16 Apr 2019 02:312 GM on 16 Apr 2019 01:51

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Silver sales
1 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:181 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:18

Seastar Ornament

The Seastar Ornament is a perfect way to commemorate your beach vacation on your tree.

116089 Size 4.
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Offered: 2024-09-07 10:10:01

A hunt prize
from 7th Dec 2023
to 6th Jan 2024.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 14 Dec 2023 20:401 GM on 14 Dec 2023 20:38

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Silver sales
1 SM on 13 Sep 2024 23:481 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:111 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:11

Ivanta Ee`t`u (Bad Witch)

Welcome to my home, my dear (Those ropes aren’t too tight, are they?) Well you see, I forgot to mention we must have dinner before our treats and guess what’s on the menu? (You!!) Now, let’s see, shall I carve here or there, boil or bake? (Oh dear, do quit your struggling, I’d hate to see you bruise that tender flesh!). Let’s begin...

104861 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-01-01 23:55:15

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Oct 2016
to 9th Nov 2016.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:421 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:421 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:41

buy for 5

Silver sales
1 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:141 SM on 1 Nov 2023 21:345 SM on 26 Oct 2023 17:21

Starlight Cheerling (Sitting)

Born into the Antarctic summer of perpetual day,
Appears a sunny yellow Cheerling, to lighten your way!

A little bundle of energy, that is never still very long;
Windsurfing the polar vortex, while singing a song!

Perhaps this is the most mischievous Cheerling of all,
Tricking the poor little penguins, by mimicking their call?

But when it comes to exploring, this Cheerling is a one of a kind;
Because hidden lakes and volcanoes, it knows just where to find!

107288 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2021-06-05 12:36:06

A hunt prize
from 12th Dec 2018
to 9th Jan 2019.
Limited edition
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Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Jan 2020 16:291 GM on 17 Nov 2019 04:451 GM on 17 Nov 2019 04:45

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 1 May 2024 14:325 SM on 21 Feb 2024 01:015 SM on 21 Feb 2024 01:01

Starlight Cheerling (Lying)

Born into the Antarctic summer of perpetual day,
Appears a sunny yellow Cheerling, to lighten your way!

A little bundle of energy, that is never still very long;
Windsurfing the polar vortex, while singing a song!

Perhaps this is the most mischievous Cheerling of all,
Tricking the poor little penguins, by mimicking their call?

But when it comes to exploring, this Cheerling is a one of a kind;
Because hidden lakes and volcanoes, it knows just where to find!

107289 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2021-06-05 12:41:33

A hunt prize
from 12th Dec 2018
to 9th Jan 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Jan 2020 16:291 GM on 13 Dec 2018 07:481 GM on 13 Dec 2018 07:48

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 1 May 2024 14:321 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:391 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:39

Starlight Cheerling (Sleeping)

Born into the Antarctic summer of perpetual day,
Appears a sunny yellow Cheerling, to lighten your way!

A little bundle of energy, that is never still very long;
Windsurfing the polar vortex, while singing a song!

Perhaps this is the most mischievous Cheerling of all,
Tricking the poor little penguins, by mimicking their call?

But when it comes to exploring, this Cheerling is a one of a kind;
Because hidden lakes and volcanoes, it knows just where to find!

107290 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2021-06-05 12:43:26

A hunt prize
from 12th Dec 2018
to 9th Jan 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Jan 2020 16:291 GM on 4 Jan 2019 00:351 GM on 13 Dec 2018 09:20

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 1 May 2024 14:325 SM on 21 Feb 2024 01:025 SM on 21 Feb 2024 01:02

Construction Barricade

When you happen upon a construction site, you may see some of these scattered around. They are barricades that signal you should not cross them. There may be danger behind the barricade, such as a big hole or materials strewn around the ground. Take care if you see a barricade like this one.

115210 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 12:38:58

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2023
Until 9th Jun 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 22 Apr 2024 21:085 SM on 22 Apr 2024 21:085 SM on 27 Feb 2024 22:25

Snorkel–You Need A Snorkel To Dive

Look at the pretty coral and sea grasses under the water. I bet you would love to take a closer look, but first, you should prepare. A snorkel and goggles are the things you need. It will help you see underwater and breathe if you don’t dive too far down. Make sure to spit in your goggles so they don’t fog up, and if you don’t want to spit, use some liquid soap.

115604 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-04-06 19:01:43

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2023
Until 9th Sep 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 15 Jun 2024 05:425 SM on 15 Jun 2024 05:425 SM on 15 Jun 2024 05:42

Halloween Birdcage, Black With Purple Accents

This splendid cage, skillfully made of black iron with purple accents and roses reaching up the base, is all set for you to place in a corner, in front of a window or up in the attic along with all the other items that are only used at certain times of the year. A moth has made its home inside; it is up to you if you want to disturb it.

115911 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-01-06 13:59:33

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Oct 2023
Until 9th Nov 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 4 Nov 2023 14:381 GM on 4 Nov 2023 14:381 GM on 29 Oct 2023 00:10

buy for 5

Silver sales
5 SM on 1 Sep 2024 22:545 SM on 1 Sep 2024 22:545 SM on 1 Sep 2024 22:54

Scarab Pendant

This beautiful Cloisonne pendant feels like a trip to ancient Egypt, with it's versatility to wear as the main focus to your outfit or compliment jewelry, you can't go wrong with this lavender love.

117206 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-09 15:40:09

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2024
Until 9th Aug 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:181 GM on 5 Aug 2024 04:181 GM on 1 Aug 2024 12:47

buy for 5

Silver sales
1 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:121 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:121 SM on 15 Sep 2024 21:12

Isuh Teal ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101511 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-05-13 23:56:17

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 16 Oct 2017 05:23

buy for 9

Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 02:051 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:191 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:19

Haggis Sniffing

Huh? What? Are you talking to me? I can't hear you! Hold on, let me turn down the music! Ah, that's better. Sorry, I really like loud metal music and the hair on my head is just perfect for head banging! Now I need a comb as my hair is a mess! I'm a little haggis, and I love to run up and down the mountains and hilltops in the Scottish Highlands, where I live, in addition to writing rock music. There is not too much factual information on me, as I am a bit shy and don't like to let others see me too often. I prefer to be alone, so that I'm not embarrassed when I rock out to music. Because I'm not seen often, there are many 'myths' about me, such as me having longer legs on one side of my body than the other. They say this is so we can run up the mountains and hills faster, as they are sloped, but I can do this just fine with even legs! As far as I can tell, my friends, family, and I all have the same length legs, but maybe there are others out there who are different than us, and just as shy in public as we are so we have not met yet! Who knows? I do like the drink those two legged creatures have sometimes called Irn-Bru, and that is when I will break my code of shyness to come out and steal it. It's a delicious soft drink that helps me get my creative juices flowing. Not every haggis is a musician, you know. But I love to go to the back of my burrow, turn up the amplifier and write until my little head is rocking out and headbanging! Sorry, no one else allowed!

103887 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2017-02-11 12:08:03

Sold in the prizes shop
from 10th Jan 2016
to 9th Feb 2016.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 9

Silver sales
9 SM on 7 Jun 2024 03:471 SM on 7 Jun 2024 03:471 SM on 7 Jun 2024 03:47

Egyptian Earrings (Cleopatra's Favorite)

Almost as beautiful as the Queen herself, these long and sleek earrings are all the rage in Egypt, and aren't you the lucky pet with a pair all your own!

117264 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-20 19:16:55

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2024
Until 9th Sep 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:581 GM on 9 Sep 2024 02:581 GM on 8 Sep 2024 03:24

buy for 9

Silver sales
10 SM on 13 Sep 2024 02:5890 SM on 8 Sep 2024 20:1210 SM on 7 Sep 2024 09:15

Sheffield Cloudscape (Filtered)

What will you make of this stunning scene of copper clouds? Is the day going down to gold, the evening at approach? Or, is it a rumbling, thunder filled storm on the horizon, promising rain to quench the earth below and mud puddles for eager pets to play in?

100552 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-05-28 23:58:05

Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 25 Aug 2022 22:491 GM on 25 Aug 2022 22:481 GM on 25 Aug 2022 22:48

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:201 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:111 SM on 11 Aug 2023 22:11

Ruby Red Cave Guardian

For countless years, 5 guardian tribes have lived in caves beneath the surface of Trilliant Island. Each Cave Guardian safeguards one rare and precious gem. The Red Cave Guardians safeguard the largest ruby solitaire crystal on Trilliant Island! What little the guardians know of the outside world is that which the gryphons that guard the island itself do bespeak. The gryphons have told of an insufficiency of enchanted saplings, required to provide into the future the moon dust that serves to anchor Trilliant Island.
So, venturing forth from their caves for the first time in their lives, the 5 Guardians scatter all of their smaller crystals along the enchanted paths to Trilliant Island, decreeing that not all shall be lost to petkind when Trilliant Island departs forever…

101508 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2022-08-07 08:59:20

A hunt prize
from 15th Jun 2017
to 9th Jul 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Jun 2017 21:331 GM on 15 Jun 2017 20:391 GM on 15 Jun 2017 00:47

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 5 Feb 2024 00:121 SM on 3 Feb 2024 23:111 SM on 2 Feb 2024 02:20

Justa Pink ROLF

ROLFs were hatched six at a time in Dr. Pawshake’s lab. Curious little critters who may or not be what you get when you cross a cheerling with a little monster and throw in a dash of puff and add a pinch of troll. There’s no telling what the rolfs are up to, but they do think they’re quite funny. There’s no better fun than a pun, seems to be their motto! Watch out for teal, he’s the first to squeal, brown is the biggest clown. Blue likes the zoo, and lime has a penchant for slime. I’d watch that one. Purple loves a good blurple, don’t even ask, and pink is the quickest to drink! (Hiccup!)

101516 Size 10.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2024-05-16 19:56:16

A hunt prize
from 16th Oct 2017
to 9th Nov 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Oct 2022 16:542 GM on 27 May 2020 17:141 GM on 27 May 2020 17:14

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 25 Jul 2024 13:271 SM on 12 Feb 2024 02:381 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:20

Purple Skeleton Key

If it's treasure you seek, don't forget me. A treasure chest is useless if you don't have the key. Excitement is building as you follow your map. Smooth sailing ahead, no time to look back. Will there be rubies or diamonds or pearls? Perhaps golden moles or platinum paws! Only one way to find out what your treasure will be; go on, turn my handle, unlock destiny.

101804 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 12:48:38

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2017
Until 9th Sep 2017
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Feb 2018 21:001 GM on 8 Sep 2017 16:58

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 9 Sep 2024 02:5310 SM on 9 Sep 2024 02:5310 SM on 9 Sep 2024 02:53

Blue Moon Fish

Blue Moon Fish makes his appearance only once in a blue moon. He shelters deep under rocky ledges, until the moon is full, when he makes a spectacular appearance! Firstly as a streak of silver gliding just below the surface of the water, then leaping high into the air to ogle the moon with rapt attention. And as the moon wanes, he may cavort with penguins, turtles or dolphins, before returning to his rocky ledge hideout, to patiently await the next full moon.

102528 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:44:08

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Mar 2017
to 9th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 15 Oct 2021 20:061 GM on 15 Oct 2021 20:061 GM on 29 Dec 2020 02:23

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 3 May 2024 06:5050 SM on 3 May 2024 06:5050 SM on 10 Jul 2023 00:08

Brontosaurus (dinosaur)

Extinct, you say? I don't feel extinct. You might want to rethink that theory. Surely you're mistaken. I may be old, but I'm no fossil, that I can assure you, my friend. Make no bones about it. But no worries, I'm a gentle giant. If you let me stay with you, I promise not to step on you, your house, or anything important. And I promise not to eat your garden. That one neighbor you don't like...their hydrangea bushes are fair game, though, right? Right? *chomp chomp chomp*

102585 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 10:44:28

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Mar 2017
to 9th Apr 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 28 Aug 2019 03:561 GM on 9 Jul 2018 00:221 GM on 6 Apr 2017 01:32

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:4810 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:4810 SM on 8 Aug 2022 18:48

Original Candy Corn

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103475 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 01:50:56

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 22 Oct 2022 17:111 GM on 22 Oct 2022 17:061 GM on 4 Feb 2017 03:43

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Silver sales
1 SM on 19 Jan 2024 00:021 SM on 19 Jan 2024 00:021 SM on 19 Jan 2024 00:02

Yankee Candy Corn

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103476 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 01:32:30

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 30 Oct 2022 20:341 GM on 30 Oct 2022 20:341 GM on 7 Aug 2017 09:57

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Silver sales
1 SM on 31 Oct 2023 22:2510 SM on 29 Oct 2023 01:5510 SM on 29 Oct 2023 01:55

Candy Corn Mix

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103477 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-15 11:51:45

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Feb 2017 18:151 GM on 29 Oct 2016 17:091 GM on 14 Oct 2016 02:57

buy for 10

Silver sales
25 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2625 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2625 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:26

Choco-Nana Candy Corn

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103478 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 01:50:28

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Nov 2021 13:301 GM on 17 Nov 2021 13:301 GM on 17 Nov 2021 13:30

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Silver sales
1 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:121 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:121 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:12

Sour Candy Corn

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103479 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 01:51:23

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Oct 2016 17:091 GM on 12 Nov 2015 01:431 GM on 12 Nov 2015 01:42

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 28 Aug 2024 14:0110 SM on 28 Aug 2024 14:0010 SM on 28 Aug 2024 14:00

Sour Candy Corn Xtreme

A very well known tri-colored Halloween candy, surely to be found in trick-or-treat bags all over the world!

103480 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 01:27:20

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 5th Oct 2022
Until 2nd Nov 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 4 May 2017 23:221 GM on 4 May 2017 23:221 GM on 29 Oct 2016 17:09

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:131 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:121 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:12

Cherry Chocolate Turtle

Also available as a rare gift from the NPCs!

Cherry Chocolate Turtle Ever since she was a hatchling, the cherry chocolate turtle aspired to make her world a more beautiful place. The pond she grew up in was fringed with green sedges and towering brown cattails, framed with birch and aspen trees. The verdant landscape was sketched again in the pond’s clear crystal waters, so the little turtle didn’t know how she could improve a world that was already so beautiful.

Inspiration came one day when a radiant rainbow arched over the pond. The young turtle realized that, although her pond was beautiful, it lacked the splendid colours she saw in the sky. Armed with a new sense of purpose, she crawled across the landscape in search of ways to bring colour to the pond. After many long, arduous treks, she returned with seeds and bulbs for pink and yellow water lilies, blue flag irises, and orange wood lilies, which she planted and tended with care. In time, the pond exploded with a panoply of colour that rivaled even the rainbow, and the cherry chocolate turtle was filled with joy as she gazed upon a world that she had made more beautiful.

103980 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2022-08-08 02:37:03

Sale began 10th Feb 2016
Sale ended 9th Mar 2016
Limited edition
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Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0210 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0210 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:02

Purple & Blue Umbrella (Open)

Good thing you brought your umbrella! It sure came in handy today when the sky opened up and it rained cats and dogs! And it can also be used as a shelter from the sun in the summer, so it's a multi-season accessory.

104113 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2022-08-07 02:34:52

Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Feb 2022 02:281 GM on 20 Oct 2021 19:141 GM on 20 Oct 2021 19:14

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Silver sales
10 SM on 13 Jun 2024 05:031 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:231 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:23

Red & White Umbrella (Tilted) (Closed)

Be sure to take this handy-dandy umbrella with you if the skies look gray and stormy. It will keep you dry if you get caught in that sudden spring rain shower.

104116 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Offered: 2022-08-07 02:36:25

Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Feb 2022 02:284 GM on 10 Mar 2017 16:301 GM on 5 Feb 2017 23:29

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Silver sales
10 SM on 22 Jan 2024 09:0010 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0310 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:03

Storm Clouds Overlay

The sky is darkening as grey nimbus clouds form overhead. You rush to bring in the clothes that are drying on the line before the first drops begin to fall. Thirsty plants prepare for happy hour where the drinks are free and completely refreshing. The timpani of heaven thunder as the storm clouds release their cargo of rain on the parched earth. Lightning flashes illuminate the sky in a glorious display. The soothing rhythm of raindrops on the rooftop relaxes every muscle in your body. What a perfect opportunity for a nap!

104227 FULL SIZE.
Click to view size in editor.

Shown on:

Offered: 2024-06-25 02:39:01

Retired from the
Weather Game
First seen 24th May 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:071 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:071 GM on 11 Aug 2022 12:07

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Silver sales
10 SM on 11 Sep 2024 09:361 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:241 SM on 20 Jan 2024 00:24

Portmanteau Packrat

Portmanteau Packrat cuts a fine figure as he looks at himself from all angles in his room full of mirrors. “Trendsome!” he exclaims, creating yet another portmanteau word, “Trendy and handsome. Trendsome.”

“Oh, to look this good and to be so clever. It just doesn’t seem fair. Some pets have it all,” he continues, now addressing his many reflections. “Which of my 873 hats should frame this trendsome face today?”

When Portmanteau Packrat is not inventing new coinages or admiring himself, he searches for treank (treasured junk) at garage sales, pawn shops, flea markets, antique stores, rummage sales, and even – sshh! – landfill sites. The rest of his time is spent organizing and maintaining inventory for his trove of treank in numerous warehouses, storage lockers, sheds, bunkers, and basements. Why throw out what you can collect and hoard? Surely, Portmanteau Packrat’s treank will all be useful someday.

104324 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 16:57:25

A fruit machine prize
from 10th May 2016
to 9th Jun 2016.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 18 Jan 2017 23:463 GM on 3 Jan 2017 20:361 GM on 3 Jan 2017 20:36

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0310 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0310 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:03

Rattle Paddle Snake

Hisssss! Rattle! Rattle! If those sounds strike fear in your heart, think again. Rattle Paddle Snake is not a poisonous predator, and he does not bite with venomous fangs. He lives in tropical seas, not deserts; and he eats fresh fruit, not other animals. Who would want to do something so disgusting? No matter how many charities he contributes to or how many pets he helps, poor Rattle Paddle Snake still finds himself guilty by association. He is studying to become an ophidiophobia therapist in hopes that others will love him instead of fear him.

Rattle Paddle Snake is quite an accomplished reptile. Using his long sinuous tail for water propulsion, he has won many swimming races. His underground lair is lined with shelves and shelves of swim tournament trophies, and he has started to coach young aquatic animals in racing techniques. However, Rattle Paddle Snake is most proud of his skill as a percussionist. His versatile rattle can generate many beats and sounds, which make him much sought after as a jazz drummer. His latest band, The Splashing Serpents, plays nightly at beach-front clubs.

Rattle Paddle Snake invites you to join him at the pool for a refreshing bowl of fruit salad and a cool drink. He makes the best fruit salad you have ever tasted because he climbs trees in search of rare tropical fruits and picks them at the peak of ripeness. Want to go for a swim? That story about punctured floaties is not true. It was just the once, and that was an accident. Will you be Rattle Paddle Snake’s friend? Oh, please. Pleeeease!

104418 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 17:27:57

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Jun 2016
to 9th Jul 2016.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 4 Nov 2023 21:121 GM on 4 Nov 2023 21:111 GM on 4 Nov 2023 21:11

buy for 10

Silver sales
100 SM on 4 Nov 2023 21:111 SM on 15 Jan 2022 05:4410 SM on 26 Oct 2021 03:34

Sloth (Playful)

Tell me if you’ve heard this one: What did the grape say when the sloth stood on it? Nothing! It just let out a little wine! I’m here all day, folks! When does a sloth go "moo"? When it is learning a new language! Sloth buddy of mine got jacked by a gang of snails, cop says can you describe the assailants, my buddy says, “I don’t know. It all happened so fast.” Badda bing!

104461 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 17:30:48

Sale began 1st Jul 2016
Sale ended 31st Jul 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 31 Aug 2017 05:424 GM on 21 May 2017 23:131 GM on 28 Aug 2016 23:22

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 27 Jan 2024 06:4415 SM on 25 Mar 2022 10:26100 SM on 25 May 2021 23:53


Boa Tarde! (Good afternoon!) Did you know on average the brown-throated, three-toed sloth from Brazil sleeps between 15 and 18 hours a day? Luckily, this handsome fella (Who can resist that face?) is wide awake, or as awake as sloths get, and ready for his close-up. Diga queijo! (Say cheese!) He’s just a little guy, about as big as your average house cat, but those long, thick claws don’t just aid in climbing, they’re also first rate defense. Quite passive, sloths give great cuddles and live by the motto, “Patience is a virtue.”

104462 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 17:31:05

Sale began 1st Jul 2016
Sale ended 31st Jul 2016
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 31 Aug 2017 05:421 GM on 21 Jul 2017 01:025 GM on 21 May 2017 23:13

buy for 10

Silver sales
100 SM on 7 May 2021 22:31100 SM on 17 Apr 2021 05:3510 SM on 21 Apr 2019 23:55

Inita Sweetreat (Good Witch)

Darling Inita lives in a cozy cottage just off the lane. You’ll see her sometimes outside tending her garden, with flowers in a kaleidoscope of candy colors, humming some enchanting tune as her gaze lifts to meet yours.

“Come in for a cookie, dear? I’ve just baked some fresh this morning.”

104862 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-16 18:40:12

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Oct 2016
to 9th Nov 2016.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:421 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:421 GM on 10 Oct 2019 03:42

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 5 May 2024 23:541 SM on 29 Jan 2024 11:301 SM on 29 Jan 2024 11:30

Nerdy Bat

Don’t let my glasses fool you. My eyes might not be ideal for daytime sightseeing, but my echo-location gets me where I’m going! My grades are top notch (hence the “nerd” reference) but I have a creative side that no one knows about… so here I go, entering my first year at PnF School of the Arts. I flew in early so I could locate my classes, and I admit I was a little nervous, being the only flying mammal on campus, but every pet has been very helpful!

Since my wings are extremely flexible, I have decided to sign up for sculpting and painting classes, but I’m keeping an open mind… try-outs for the school’s next musical are already under way. When I tried out for singing class, the teacher acted like he couldn’t hear me at all, but the black lab in the next room was getting pretty excited! Maybe I’d better stick to visual arts...

105987 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 11:28:31

A fruit machine prize
from 10th Sep 2017
to 9th Oct 2017.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:241 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:241 GM on 29 Oct 2023 10:24

buy for 10

Silver sales
100 SM on 29 Oct 2023 10:2350 SM on 3 Oct 2021 14:1850 SM on 29 Jan 2021 02:07

Sweet and Sour Toad (2-Tone Green)

Terrible Toad: The terrible toad is found in the deepest bogs and the swampiest bayous, nestled among the muck and the grime of countless whispered incantations and the pluck of a thousand eyeballs from the heads of gators caught mid … snap. Used in various potions and poultices, the terrible toad can bring about any manner of luck … or calamity. Careful now, some of these adorable amphibians are not as cute as their color implies. Something about the slime they secrete, or was it the poison laced around their whiplash tongues? Er, nevermind, carry on.

107112 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 13:31:24

A hunt prize
from 15th Oct 2018
to 9th Nov 2018.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Apr 2020 15:111 GM on 10 Apr 2020 15:111 GM on 15 Oct 2018 21:02

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 9 Feb 2024 01:111 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:341 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:34

Shrimp Stress Sushi (Toy)

Do I look happy to be hanging around with a shrimp on my head? Kudaranai! So silly! Help me out with a proper squish. You can do it. I have no arms. Squish this shrimp right on off of me. Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze! Oh, well. You tried. Jikai wa motto ganbatte!

107393 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-08 14:46:20

A hunt prize
from 12th Jan 2019
to 9th Feb 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 1 May 2024 14:3750 SM on 15 Jan 2023 01:5850 SM on 15 Jan 2023 01:57

Strawberry Muffin Girl

What are little girls made of? Did I hear you say sugar and spice and all things nice? Y-e-e-s-s-s-!! I’m a Strawberry Muffin Girl, packed full of good, honest ingredients like buttermilk and porridge oats to give you protein and energy, plus a couple of pawfuls of succulent fresh strawberries. Hey, who leads all the strawberries to the bakery? The Pie Piper!!

108458 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2020-07-01 10:45:20

A hunt prize
from 14th Oct 2019
to 9th Nov 2019.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Oct 2019 17:221 GM on 14 Oct 2019 20:531 GM on 14 Oct 2019 01:26

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 31 Jan 2024 01:311 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:431 SM on 12 Sep 2023 22:46

Secret Egg

Why did it take so long for the chicken to cross the road? Ssssshhhhh! It’s a secret. Promise you won’t tell? Ok, it’s because there was no eggs-press way.

108928 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-03-15 18:17:36

A hunt prize
from 16th Mar 2020
to 9th Apr 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Mar 2020 06:312 GM on 16 Mar 2020 12:261 GM on 16 Mar 2020 12:25

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 17 Feb 2024 21:011 SM on 16 Jan 2024 23:441 SM on 16 Jan 2024 23:44

Worried Egg

Yup, I’m worried what’s to come. Afterall, some of my friends have told me they regretted being in an omelette. Apparently, it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be!

108929 Size 7.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-03-15 18:18:02

A hunt prize
from 16th Mar 2020
to 9th Apr 2020.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 30 May 2020 17:061 GM on 22 Mar 2020 18:161 GM on 18 Mar 2020 13:09

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 17 Feb 2024 21:011 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:581 SM on 27 Jan 2024 00:58

Holiday Gift Box (Daisy)

Floral. Dynamic. Expensive? One needs only look inside to find out!

110612 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2022-12-21 18:11:51

A hunt prize
from 12th Dec 2020
to 9th Jan 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0710 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:0710 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:07

Lightning Storm (Magic Bean)

Rumours tell the plants which grow from this shocking bean can create their own lightning storms, adding a surprising flash to any garden or hillside.

111468 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 11:41:13

A hunt prize
from 12th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
20 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2320 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2320 SM on 27 Feb 2023 18:53

Rainbow Seed (Magic Bean)

Ever wonder where rainbows come from? Despite what you may think, it isn't the effect of light through water particles, but the result of the sapling of a Rainbow Seed reaching maturity.

111471 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 11:44:32

A hunt prize
from 12th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
35 SM on 1 Aug 2022 06:2535 SM on 1 Aug 2022 06:2535 SM on 1 Aug 2022 06:25

Toxic Vibration (Magic Bean)

Only meant for the most experienced growers, Toxic Vibration can quickly get out of hand and overtake any other plants nearby if not handled properly. What exactly grows from this bean is a tightly kept trade secret.

111472 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 11:45:19

A hunt prize
from 12th May 2021
to 9th Jun 2021.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
25 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2325 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:2325 SM on 8 Jul 2023 20:23

Goose Cradle

Sweet dreams, butterfly kisses, and a comfy bed is all that is needed for resting your head.

111485 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 13:20:05

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2021
Until 9th Jun 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
2 GM on 5 Jun 2021 17:082 GM on 5 Jun 2021 17:072 GM on 5 Jun 2021 17:07

buy for 10

Silver sales
44 SM on 10 Jan 2023 02:2144 SM on 10 Jan 2023 02:211 SM on 9 Jan 2023 18:57

Beanstalk Axe GUC only 3 notches

A bargain! This axe has a proven record of cutting down beanstalks. Next time a giant / ogre / troll / generic fairytale Bad Guy (TM) is on its way down, just add a notch to this only thrice used axe. Buy It Now on Petsy. Save your community!

111488 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 11:47:41

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2021
Until 9th Jun 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
44 SM on 15 Jul 2024 22:1544 SM on 15 Jul 2024 22:1544 SM on 17 Dec 2022 12:26

EFTPOS Machine

For ease of buying at any location, the newest model EDTPOS is the way to go!

111794 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 13:41:50

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2021
Until 9th Sep 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 19 Aug 2021 21:391 GM on 19 Aug 2021 21:391 GM on 19 Aug 2021 21:39

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 26 Dec 2023 00:1510 SM on 1 Aug 2023 16:2710 SM on 1 Aug 2023 16:27

Clothing Storage Rack

When you're out of closet space, pop up one of these easy to assemble (and easier to break) storage racks. Show your taste(less) fashion to all who enter your home!

111801 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 13:28:05

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2021
Until 9th Sep 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 28 Aug 2021 14:181 GM on 10 Aug 2021 14:53

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 10 Apr 2023 19:0910 SM on 10 Apr 2023 19:0910 SM on 10 Apr 2023 19:09

Fisher Bear

Teach a hooman to fish, and it'll spend a small fortune buying gear at the spots store. Bears know how to fish, but pretending to be a hooman, now that might make snagging those fishies out of the brook a little bit harder!

112079 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-01-25 15:22:32

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Sep 2021
Until 9th Oct 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 5 Oct 2021 11:451 GM on 2 Oct 2021 18:121 GM on 2 Oct 2021 18:11

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 13 May 2024 23:3410 SM on 1 Aug 2023 13:3410 SM on 1 Aug 2023 13:34

Ticket Booth

Ready to enjoy the day at the fair? Step right up! We've got the right package for you! There's the all day pass, the half day pass! Buy the deluxe and that will include all the rides, one complimentary fair meal and admission to the demolition derby!

112511 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 11:27:21

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Oct 2021
Until 9th Nov 2021
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
33 SM on 26 Apr 2024 00:4933 SM on 19 Apr 2024 14:5433 SM on 16 Dec 2023 12:40

Cat Tunnel, Multicolour

Cats love to hide under couches, chairs, tables, and they love to spring out and scare you. I think they love to hear us squeal when their tiny but very sharp claws pinch our skin. Cats need to play, and this is sure to make your pet cat, or any pet, happy. They can hide inside and peek out from the end, and you can see if there is a cat hiding because there are convenient holes in the top. You can pretend to be surprised and give your cat the thrill of knowing they are great at sneak attacks and caught you off guard.

113184 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 12:50:59

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2022
Until 9th Apr 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 3 Sep 2022 19:031 GM on 3 Sep 2022 19:031 GM on 3 Sep 2022 19:03

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 26 Apr 2024 00:4110 SM on 19 Apr 2024 17:1310 SM on 19 Apr 2024 16:40

Safari Binoculars

You don’t want to forget these state-of-the-art binoculars when you go on your next adventure—or even in your backyard. They bring what is far away close, so you don’t need to risk life and limb while looking at flora and fauna in the great outdoors. Learning about what is around you is one of the fascinating things you can engage in that draws people and pets to explore.

113925 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-03-08 17:15:22

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2022
Until 9th Sep 2022
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 20 Feb 2024 13:17

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 26 Apr 2024 00:3410 SM on 19 Apr 2024 16:4510 SM on 31 Mar 2024 22:45

Gingerbread Smiling Clock

What time is it? I can’t hear you! What time is it? That is right, it is gingerbread time. I am not sure if this clock tells time differently than other clocks, but it always seems to be saying it is time for gingerbread—that is a good thing, right?
Gingerbread decorated with candy, peppermint sticks, and a smiling face. Just don’t eat the clock, or you won’t know when it is gingerbread time again.

114340 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 12:53:17

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Dec 2022
Until 9th Jan 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 23 Dec 2022 19:251 GM on 23 Dec 2022 19:251 GM on 23 Dec 2022 19:25

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 19 Apr 2024 14:3110 SM on 18 Feb 2024 22:1110 SM on 18 Feb 2024 22:11

Cradle in Green

Swaying gently with the motion of the waves on the water, rocking the little one to sleep. I wouldn't suggest putting it in a tree branch though!

115173 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-07-07 14:47:31

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2023
Until 9th May 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 26 Apr 2023 01:201 GM on 26 Apr 2023 01:201 GM on 26 Apr 2023 01:20

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 18 Feb 2024 22:1210 SM on 18 Feb 2024 22:1210 SM on 18 Feb 2024 22:12

Hand Saw, Red Handle

Careful, I am sharp. See those ridges; those are my teeth. I am a hand saw, meant for one pet to use when they need to cut pieces of wood for making furniture or small projects. I bite into the wood firmly, and my handle is easy to grip.

115211 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 13:04:56

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2023
Until 9th Jun 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 4 Apr 2024 22:10100 SM on 19 Jun 2023 06:08100 SM on 19 Jun 2023 06:08

Gravel Truck, Dumping

Beep Beep, dumping in progress. I am a gravel truck. I carry gravel to building sites. Gravel is naturally occurring small rounded rocks, much bigger than sand but not as big as stones. Gravel has many uses, and I am happy to carry gravel around in the big container on my back. I need a strong human or pet to fill my container with gravel. I can do a neat trick; I can raise up and dump all that gravel exactly where you need it. I love feeling important and helpful.

115217 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-04 13:02:57

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2023
Until 9th Jun 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 21 Jul 2024 22:3610 SM on 21 Jul 2024 22:3610 SM on 21 Jul 2024 22:36

Natural Leaf Hammock

Wow! The perfect hiding place to spend a day napping in the great outdoors. This hammock is made of a big sturdy leaf, and it is attached to two strong tree trunks. This hammock will blend in with the surrounding trees, and no one will know you are not out there catching fish, mopping the floor or cleaning out the cupboards.

115339 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-08-01 12:35:18

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2023
Until 9th Jul 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Jul 2023 20:181 GM on 2 Jul 2023 20:181 GM on 26 Jun 2023 17:40

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 15 Apr 2024 11:2010 SM on 10 Apr 2024 21:2210 SM on 1 Apr 2024 16:56

Beach Bum Jet Ski

The salty sea breeze whipping through your fur, and kicking up waves of delight! Is that a dolphin riding the bow? Who goes faster? Hang on, let's see!

115533 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-14 18:34:03

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jul 2023
Until 9th Aug 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 27 Jul 2023 01:131 GM on 27 Jul 2023 01:131 GM on 27 Jul 2023 01:13

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 13 Jun 2024 05:0310 SM on 31 Mar 2024 23:0210 SM on 31 Mar 2024 22:54

Beach Boy Bear, Ready For The Water

Oh boy! I am all ready for a day of fun in the water. See, I have my flippers and my beach ring. I have been waiting for the perfect summer day to enjoy relaxing on the beach. First, I will spend some time floating in the waves. Next, I will dive below the water to see all the pretty fish. When I am hungry, I will visit the food stalls that line up on the beach and treat myself to some tasty summer food. Summer is the time I look forward to all year.

115735 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-09-03 06:35:34

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Aug 2023
Until 9th Sep 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:221 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:221 GM on 2 Sep 2023 00:22

buy for 10

Silver sales
5 SM on 3 Apr 2024 20:515 SM on 1 Apr 2024 20:365 SM on 31 Mar 2024 22:59

Longhorn Steer Wooden Sign

This is a cool sign, even if you don’t have a ranch full of steers. Some pets like to decorate their houses in a Western motif, and this sign, made of local wood and decorated with an iron steer head that a local artist created, is perfect for hanging in any room or outside.

115835 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2023-10-08 14:33:58

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Sep 2023
Until 9th Oct 2023
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Oct 2023 02:101 GM on 30 Sep 2023 02:211 GM on 30 Sep 2023 02:21

buy for 10

Silver sales
9 SM on 1 Jan 2024 18:579 SM on 2 Dec 2023 21:559 SM on 2 Dec 2023 21:55

Dragon Amulet, Warding

PnF Land has dragons, of course, but those dragons are usually very friendly, and some are helpful. But, there is a tale of a dragon from long ago before PnF Land became established, and this dragon was said to fly the skies looking for treasure and burning down anything in its way. It makes one shudder to think about it.

The fairies who have lived in this area since, well, no one knows for sure, but they have been here forever. Well, these fairies worked for many years to create an amulet to keep the destructive dragon at bay. The amulet is buried in a locked chest somewhere in PnF Land.

116080 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-03-08 17:26:29

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Dec 2023
Until 9th Jan 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 13 Dec 2023 22:021 GM on 13 Dec 2023 22:021 GM on 13 Dec 2023 22:02

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:121 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:121 SM on 9 Sep 2024 03:12

Fae Glow Ornament (turquoise)

Here we have an elusive fae-glow commemorated for your very own decoration! What? Of course it's a decoration! We wouldn't trap a poor defenseless fae-glow inside a glass ball.

116085 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 10:08:19

A hunt prize
from 7th Dec 2023
to 6th Jan 2024.
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
No sales have been made for GM.

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 17 Apr 2024 22:4650 SM on 17 Apr 2024 22:4650 SM on 17 Apr 2024 22:46

Snow And Branches, Snowcat

Oh my! The pets of PnF land are so excited. They were out playing in the snow, and deep in the woods, they found a most unusual snowman. They chatted about what they had discovered and decided it looked like a cat. A snowcat with sturdy branches for legs and green branches for the ears and tail, the snowcat even has whiskers. A bright pink ribbon was used as a scarf.

They did not know who had left this clever snowcat statue, but they studied the details well—so they could go home and create a snowcat of their own.

116302 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 10:02:22

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jan 2024
Until 9th Feb 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 17 Jan 2024 01:461 GM on 10 Jan 2024 14:421 GM on 10 Jan 2024 14:42

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 18 May 2024 16:1050 SM on 18 May 2024 16:1020 SM on 18 May 2024 16:10

A Stack Of Gifts From Paris

How exciting. Look at this stack of round boxes, all straight from Paris. The best part of a box is that you can spend time imagining what might be inside. It could be hats, or that small box may be filled with macarons. One might hold the latest fragrance from Paris, a beautiful bottle nestled in paper just waiting for you to take a whiff.

Who are these gifts for? Did you treat yourself to something special, or are they filled with the perfect gifts to delight a treasured friend?

116550 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:56:29

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Feb 2024
Until 9th Mar 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 14 Feb 2024 04:291 GM on 14 Feb 2024 04:291 GM on 12 Feb 2024 23:15

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:1110 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:1110 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:11

French Bull Dog Plush, Blue Striped Shirt

This little French Bull Dog plush is a great companion. The plush Bull Dog is all dressed up in a blue striped shirt, a blue beret and a red bandana—a sweet gift for a dear pet or yourself.

116567 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 06:56:07

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Feb 2024
Until 9th Mar 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 24 Feb 2024 01:181 GM on 13 Feb 2024 04:10

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:5410 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:5410 SM on 19 Sep 2024 09:54

Bob’s First Designer Bag

A little bird told us that there is something new in the town of PnF. A designer. This is exciting news. You know how things happen; someone catches sight of something and starts to investigate and ask questions. Before you know it, the whole town is abuzz with rumours.

This delightful and stylish new bag is large enough to carry all your snacks and needfuls, and it is the first item to be offered to the pets of PnF by the talented Bob écailleux, designer. I am sure we are all excited to see what other items Bob will tempt us with.

116569 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:58:15

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Feb 2024
Until 9th Mar 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 24 Feb 2024 01:47

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:2110 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:2110 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:21

Spring Rabbit Egg Plushie

As you walk along the main street in PnF, stores display their finest new spring items, and one shop has a whole window devoted to the new plushies.

This sweet pink with blue polka dots rabbit plushie is the perfect gift to add to an Easter basket. Spring is the time of new beginnings and a new toy to cuddle is a great way to celebrate.

116695 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:47:14

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2024
Until 9th Apr 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 14 Mar 2024 20:111 GM on 14 Mar 2024 20:101 GM on 14 Mar 2024 20:10

buy for 10

Silver sales
5 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:475 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:475 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:47

Purple Easter Egg Basket

A traditional woven Easter egg basket filled with paper grass, ready to cradle any Easter eggs your pets find. A bow matching the basket colour is tied to the handle. This basket is pretty enough to give as a gift, filled with eggs, of course.

116709 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:48:33

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2024
Until 9th Apr 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 13 Apr 2024 16:031 GM on 13 Apr 2024 16:031 GM on 13 Apr 2024 16:03

buy for 10

Silver sales
5 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:245 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:245 SM on 17 Sep 2024 03:24

High Hopes Easter Egg Wagon

Your pets have been having such great success finding hidden Easter eggs that they have filled baskets and buckets and are out of both. Now what? A little wagon in the backyard has been used for taking plants to the garden to be planted, but now it is empty.

This pretty wagon will be perfect, not too heavy to pull, and much larger than a basket or bucket. Your pets are already finding eggs to fill it with.

116712 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-06-01 14:22:18

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Mar 2024
Until 9th Apr 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 10 Mar 2024 20:09

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 21 Jun 2024 23:5910 SM on 21 Jun 2024 23:5910 SM on 21 Jun 2024 23:59

Crocodile Shoe

Nom Nom, here I come! You could play some fun pranks with these shoes. Put them on and stand behind a shrub with just the shoes peeking out. Ahhhhh! Run, it’s a crocodile. April Fools!

116733 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-19 20:40:10

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2024
Until 9th May 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 30 Apr 2024 03:031 GM on 27 Apr 2024 03:031 GM on 27 Apr 2024 03:03

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:561 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:561 SM on 10 Jun 2024 22:56

Bob’s Designer Sunglasses

Wow! Who put the spring bling into these amazing sunglasses? Why, Bob did, of course. These delicious sunglasses are the newest offering from Bob PnF’s creative genius.

There has been a lot of buzz around town about what Bob may have been working on, and now it has been unveiled. I would not wait too long to scoop up a pair or two of these delightful sunglasses. All your pets will be clamouring to wear them to celebrate the coming of spring.

116737 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:43:47

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2024
Until 9th May 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 29 Apr 2024 04:161 GM on 29 Apr 2024 04:161 GM on 29 Apr 2024 04:16

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:2210 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:2210 SM on 9 Sep 2024 18:22

Giggling Flower

Walking through the early morning garden, you hear a giggle. It was probably one of your pets out romping amongst the flowers. You hear the giggle again, but it does not sound like one of your pet’s voices. Peering closer at the flower bed, you see an unusual bloom. A flower waving in the breeze with a tiny mouth wide open, making the cutest giggle. It is so funny that you start laughing as well.

116755 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:44:27

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2024
Until 9th May 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 30 Apr 2024 03:34

buy for 10

Silver sales
1 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:481 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:481 SM on 16 Sep 2024 10:48

Flower Monkey

Clinging to green stems is this flower with the face of a monkey. A barrel of cuteness. If you observe it closely, you may see the flower move from stem to stem. What a fascinating flower to find in the garden.

116756 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-09-07 09:44:42

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Apr 2024
Until 9th May 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 8 May 2024 04:35

buy for 10

Silver sales
10 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:1310 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:1310 SM on 7 Sep 2024 10:13

Cute Lady Bug Umbrella

With an umbrella this cute you and your pets will wish for rain every day. This vibrant red umbrella with black dots and eyes on top is perfect to add cheer to a gloomy, rainy day and have everyone you come across smiling.

116886 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-08-04 11:28:01

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th May 2024
Until 9th Jun 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 9 Jun 2024 02:551 GM on 7 Jun 2024 02:391 GM on 5 Jun 2024 03:27

buy for 10

Silver sales
50 SM on 12 Jun 2024 10:0550 SM on 12 Jun 2024 10:0550 SM on 12 Jun 2024 10:05

Pink Jacket

Why that is just the jacket everypet needs! Bold, a fashion statement that harkens back to the Big 80's! Add a little silver glove and you'll be moonwalking in no time! And it's not members only!

117138 Size 4.
This size in editor.

Offered: 2024-08-04 11:24:39

Size 4 was in the fruit machine
From 10th Jun 2024
Until 9th Jul 2024
Limited edition
buy for 1

Gold sales
1 GM on 7 Jul 2024 03:241 GM on 7 Jul 2024 03:241 GM on 7 Jul 2024 03:24

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