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 1608 finds.
3 Leaf Clover

I feel so sad. I could have had four leaves, I really could, but people just ignore me and make a fuss of another clover just because it has ONE extra leaf! Doesn't quality count for anything? We get eaten by the same cows and we taste just the same. I'm not green because I'm a plant, it's because I am full of ENVY!

102958 FULL SIZE.
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Released 17th Mar 2015

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3 Simple Crosses In Silhouette

Three simple crosses, in silhouette, atop a lonely hillside. These crosses may represent the family members, friends, or Pets we have lost. They might also be a stark reminder of whole families or communities lost to the ravages of famine, disease, natural and manmade disasters, senseless violence and war. RIP.

Some may also relate them to their particular religious beliefs. In the Christian religious traditions, three crosses represent Jesus’ crucifixion between two thieves; and an empty cross represents Jesus’ resurrection.

102870 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Aug 2020

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Who would have thought I could grow into a great oak tree? But I can, and I will too if you give me the chance!

100646 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Acorn Top, Flat

If you live where there are oak trees and you have taken a stroll, you will have seen these little seeds on the ground. Acorn seeds are fun to pick up and look at, and some people love to collect them. They look like an oval with a little cap on top, but the little cap or hat top can fall off.
Here is a replacement cap for your acorn seed or a sweet little hat for any small pet. Looked at one way, the acorn top is like a small basket—it can even hold water. What will you do with your acorn tops?

113660 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jun 2022

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Acorn Top, Tilted

If you live where there are oak trees and you have taken a stroll, you will have seen these little seeds on the ground. Acorn seeds are fun to pick up and look at, and some people love to collect them. They look like an oval with a little cap on top, but the little cap or hat top can fall off.
Here is a replacement cap for your acorn seed or a sweet little hat for any small pet. This acorn top is tilted with some of the stem left on top, and it looks like a small tam o’ shanter. What will you do with your acorn tops?

113661 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jun 2022

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AF3500 Bow & Arrow

Well what did you expect? One cannot knock off an apple from 50 paces without a trusty bow and arrow. This sleek and sturdy purple version is guaranteed to do the job when placed in the paws of a skilled archer. With just the right training anyone *might* be as good as Archer Fox.

108248 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Mar 2020

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AF3500 Bow & Arrow Overlay

Just a little something to help you hold your grip a bit better.

108249 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Mar 2020

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Alien Spacecraft Overlay

Is this a true UFO? Or just the latest in NASA (Nature and Space Artistry) Technology? You decide! But if your cows start to disappear, please don’t blame us, we’re not responsible for any misuse of transportation beams by aliens! Just take them to your leader (or adopt them!) and we’re sure everything will be fine…

106712 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2018

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Alien Spacecraft Transportation Beam

The finest in alien technology, this Transportation beam can move the most delicate flora for further analysis, or beam up whole herds large specimens with ease.*

*Please note, PnF does not endorse, promote or condone the removal of pets or their people without their permission, and is in no way responsible for alien abductions of said pets. Please refer to The Alien Abduction Act for further information…

106711 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2018

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Amethyst Curtain

Made from natural fibers and dyed a rich amethyst color right here in PnF land, this fine quality curtain will dress your window in style. Its special weave acts as thermal protection against the chill in winter and the heat in summer.

108910 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2020

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Amethyst Curtain with Tie-back

Made from natural fibers and dyed a rich amethyst color right here in PnF land, this fine quality curtain will dress your window in style. Its special weave acts as thermal protection against the chill in winter and the heat in summer.

108909 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2020

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Ampersand (Arial Black)

I am Ampersand & I stand for "and"! Was that a little redundant & repetitive? Well, I like repeats & lists! I am very inclusive & comprehensive!

110439 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Ampersand (Arial White)

I am Ampersand & I stand for "and"! Was that a little redundant & repetitive? Well, I like repeats & lists! I am very inclusive & comprehensive!

110388 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Ampersand (Storybook Punctuation)

I am Ampersand & I stand for "and"! Was that a little redundant & repetitive? Well, I like repeats & lists! I am very inclusive & comprehensive!

107125 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Sep 2018

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Ampersand (Verdana Black)

I am Ampersand & I stand for "and"! Was that a little redundant & repetitive? Well, I like repeats & lists! I am very inclusive & comprehensive!

107680 FULL SIZE.
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Released 9th Mar 2019

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Ampersand (Verdana Red)

I am Ampersand & I stand for "and"! Was that a little redundant & repetitive? Well, I like repeats & lists! I am very inclusive & comprehensive!

107646 FULL SIZE.
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Released 9th Mar 2019

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Antique Stove Door (Rectangular)

When you got to keep the heat and “food” in this is merely an essential part of your stove. But I guess you could allow the worms to escape.

108531 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Oct 2019

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Antique Stove Door (Square)

The screaming mouthpiece of your stove. A definite must have for all stove owners. It promises to not squeal too loudly when it gets all heated inside. Maybe that is…maybe.

108530 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Oct 2019

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Apostrophe (Arial Black)

I am an apostrophe, and I indicate possession (as opposed to the comma's claim to fame, which is just a slight pause in the conversation!) Double me up and I'm a quotation mark, which is very important for direct quotes! The exclamation point said, "I am far more important!" but if not for me, would you know that the exclamation point said exactly that? Huh? Would you?

110442 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Apostrophe (Arial White)

I am an apostrophe, and I indicate possession (as opposed to the comma's claim to fame, which is just a slight pause in the conversation!) Double me up and I'm a quotation mark, which is very important for direct quotes! The exclamation point said, "I am far more important!" but if not for me, would you know that the exclamation point said exactly that? Huh? Would you?

110391 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Apostrophe (Storybook Punctuation)

I am an apostrophe, and I indicate possession (as opposed to the comma's claim to fame, which is just a slight pause in the conversation!) Double me up and I'm a quotation mark, which is very important for direct quotes! The exclamation point said, "I am far more important!" but if not for me, would you know that the exclamation point said exactly that? Huh? Would you?

107126 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Sep 2018

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Apple Barrel

Collect up the Galas, McIntosh, Jana Gold and all the other crisp apples here, waiting to be turned into apple pie, or a load of laundry!

108403 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Sep 2019

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Apple Barrel (Spilling)

Oops! Spilling out all over, garden harvest or fruit harvest. Of course when it wears out you can always turn it into a lawn ornament with flowers.

108404 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Sep 2019

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Aquarium Anchor

"Travel the world" they said. "See the sights" they said. No one said anything about tumbling violently in frigid temperatures, being a home for algae, nasty salt water, and rust. Rust! The horror...the horror! But with all that, where did an anchor go wrong in life to end up in a fish tank!?

103269 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Arch (Buttressed) (Model 2)

I am an arch designed to give your fish something to play and out, in and out...with extra support on the sides in case a mini-shark tries to crash it down and spoil your fish's fun!

103278 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Arch (Model 1)

A strong sturdy arch for your aquarium so your fishy friends can have something to play under...because swimming in and out of archways is lots of fun!

103277 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Basic) (Model 7)

A basic castle for your fish tank with an open door way for your fish to peek out through!

103271 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Basic With Portcullis) (Model 1)

I am equipped with a strong metal grate that lowers up and down to prevent people from going in or out of my fortress!

What's that -- I'm in a FISH TANK?

103270 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Closed Archway) (Model 2)

This is my fortress! Mine! Can't you see what a lovely aquarium I'm in? That's why I keep my gates closed! So you can't come in!

You're telling me you can get round my sides? I have lost all purpose in life.

103272 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Flanking Walls) (Model 5)

A wide aquarium castle, perfect for any kind of warfare your fish might enjoy. With a pleasant open door space allowing friends to come visit!

103275 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Wide Archway) (Model 3)

A welcoming castle, with a wide open archway to let friends come visit! Smaller fish may think I have two archways. I'm about letting everyone through!

103273 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Aquarium Castle (Wide Archway With Portcullis) (Model 4)

If you want to enter, you'll have to get past my portcullis! Unless you're small. Then you can swim though the top bit. Or around me. Or over the top of me.

It's no good, I can't take it any more. I am having a personality meltdown. I can't keep anyone out of anything.

103274 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Aug 2020

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Aquarium Marbles

You can't have a gorgeous aquarium without a lovely set of marbles. Well, I guess you can, but then it wouldn't be GORGEOUS now, would it? I bet if I wasn't covered in water, some dragon would come and sleep on me as his hoard!

103253 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Aug 2015

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Archery Bow (Straight)

Choosing the perfect bow is something the archer understands well. He must become accustomed to its weight, the way it performs, making it an extension of his own mind and body. The PnF bow has been masterfully crafted to provide the lightweight durability that every archer needs. Expect high grade shooting for years to come no matter if your arrows fly for fun or seek the recognizable bulls-eye of an archery target.

104598 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Archery Bow (Tilted)

Choosing the perfect bow is something the archer understands well. He must become accustomed to its weight, the way it performs, making it an extension of his own mind and body. The PnF bow has been masterfully crafted to provide the lightweight durability that every archer needs. Expect high grade shooting for years to come no matter if your arrows fly for fun or seek the recognizable bulls-eye of an archery target.

104599 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Arial Black Capitals gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110429 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Arial Black Lower Case letters gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110337 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Arial White Capitals gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110341 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Arial White Lower Case letters gift bomb

100 letters in Scrabble quantities! E.g. 13 'E' and 1 'Q'. Save time getting the letters you need!
Plus 3 each of 0 to 9, and 3 each of 14 punctuation symbols. 172 items in total!
To open after buying, visit the Gift Bombs tab.

110338 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Arrow (Brilliant Blue – Straight)

It takes a sharp eye and graceful command of balance and strength to manage a bow and arrow with expertise. Whether you are hitting moving targets with ease and all your mates refer to you as Katniss or you are a world record gold medal pet athlete, our PnF arrows are top shelf, state-of-the-art must-haves. In rocking red or brilliant blue, you’ll master the sport in no time!

104567 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Arrow (Brilliant Blue – Tilted)

It takes a sharp eye and graceful command of balance and strength to manage a bow and arrow with expertise. Whether you are hitting moving targets with ease and all your mates refer to you as Katniss or you are a world record gold medal pet athlete, our PnF arrows are top shelf, state-of-the-art must-haves. In rocking red or brilliant blue, you’ll master the sport in no time!

104566 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Arrow (Rocking Red – Straight)

It takes a sharp eye and graceful command of balance and strength to manage a bow and arrow with expertise. Whether you are hitting moving targets with ease and all your mates refer to you as Katniss or you are a world record gold medal pet athlete, our PnF arrows are top shelf, state-of-the-art must-haves. In rocking red or brilliant blue, you’ll master the sport in no time!

104565 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Arrow (Rocking Red - Tilted)

It takes a sharp eye and graceful command of balance and strength to manage a bow and arrow with expertise. Whether you are hitting moving targets with ease and all your mates refer to you as Katniss or you are a world record gold medal pet athlete, our PnF arrows are top shelf, state-of-the-art must-haves. In rocking red or brilliant blue, you’ll master the sport in no time!

104564 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 16th Aug 2016
Subject to repricing

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Artistry Tool Belt (Hippo)

Well, you can keep your hammers, pliers, wrenches and whatever else you hold in your traditional toolbelt! I prefer mine, with it's colors, and brushes and markers! The tools of my trade are much more fun!

116882 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st May 2024

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Asterisk (Arial Black)

Is there more to be said? Then you need me! Or you may even wish to use me as a star. Yeah, I would be happy to be a star.

110435 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Asterisk (Arial White)

Is there more to be said? Then you need me! Or you may even wish to use me as a star. Yeah, I would be happy to be a star.

110384 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Asterisk (Storybook Black)

Is there more to be said? Then you need me! Or you may even wish to use me as a star. Yeah, I would be happy to be a star.

110444 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Asterisk (Verdana Black)

Is there more to be said? Then you need me! Or you may even wish to use me as a star. Yeah, I would be happy to be a star.

110445 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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Asterisk (Verdana Red)

Is there more to be said? Then you need me! Or you may even wish to use me as a star. Yeah, I would be happy to be a star.

110446 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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I'm a complex and beautiful device for calculating the positions of astronomical bodies. Before there were satnavs or even sextants, I was regularly used for navigation.

101411 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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At (Arial Black)

I'm a symbol commonly known as "at". Before I became super popular and started being used in email addresses, I was used to represent the cost or weight of something.

110440 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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At (Arial White)

I'm a symbol commonly known as "at". Before I became super popular and started being used in email addresses, I was used to represent the cost or weight of something.

110389 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2020

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At Symbol (Storybook Black)

I'm a symbol commonly known as "at". Before I became super popular and started being used in email addresses, I was used to represent the cost or weight of something.

107724 FULL SIZE.
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Released 9th Mar 2019

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At (Verdana Black)

I'm a symbol commonly known as "at". Before I became super popular and started being used in email addresses, I was used to represent the cost or weight of something.

107747 FULL SIZE.
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Released 9th Mar 2019

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At (Verdana Red)

I'm a symbol commonly known as "at". Before I became super popular and started being used in email addresses, I was used to represent the cost or weight of something.

107751 FULL SIZE.
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Released 9th Mar 2019

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Aubergine Purple Dung Ball

Have a ball. Have as many as you like, we've got plenty to spare. What are they made of? Nothing but the most natural ingredients--completely organic, and best of all, entirely biodegradable. Save the planet and all that. They come in two colors to match your garden decor perfectly...just watch where you step!

105531 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Apr 2017

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Autism Infinity Symbol (1)

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month! As the autism movement stretches out beyond awareness to acceptance, the commonly recognized autism puzzle piece is slowly transitioning to include the rainbow-infinity symbol. The symbol represents the diversity of the autism spectrum as well as the greater neurodiversity movement. Advocates of neurodiversity promote support systems that allow neuro-divergent people to live their lives as they are, rather than being forced to fit into the boxes designed for a majority. Do you know and celebrate someone with autism? We do!

106671 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Apr 2018

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Autism Infinity Symbol (2)

April is Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month! As the autism movement stretches out beyond awareness to acceptance, the commonly recognized autism puzzle piece is slowly transitioning to include the rainbow-infinity symbol. The symbol represents the diversity of the autism spectrum as well as the greater neurodiversity movement. Advocates of neurodiversity promote support systems that allow neuro-divergent people to live their lives as they are, rather than being forced to fit into the boxes designed for a majority. Do you know and celebrate someone with autism? We do!

106672 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Apr 2018

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Autonomous Arm

Looking for an arm to help you around the house? Sorry to say this arm won't do that. It has a mind of its own and does what it wants to. It's not a helping hand after all.

108979 FULL SIZE.
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Released 16th Mar 2020

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Autonomous Leg

Looking for a leg to take you where you need to go? Sorry to say this leg won't do that. It has a mind of its own and goes where it wants to go.

108983 FULL SIZE.
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Released 16th Mar 2020

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Azure Blue Heart Card

Am I purple? Am I blue? What does it matter - I still love you!

104001 FULL SIZE.
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Released 8th Feb 2017

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Balloon Bunch

We're a brightly coloured bunch of shiny helium balloons, ideal for birthday party decorations. Mind you tie us down or we'll get stuck to the ceiling!

101556 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2018

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Bamboo Fence

Line them up for privacy, protect your pets if you need, but please don't cage them up and forget them; pandas may eat their way out!

102985 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th May 2015

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Bamboo Wall

Build a house, a bridge, a hut. Bamboo is so versatile, the only limit is your imagination!

102986 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th May 2015

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Banana Lamp (Pink)

The monkeys are so clever! They found a way to preserve a banana skin and turn it into a pretty lampshade, and now here I am. Don't ask exactly how my shade stays in place. That's a trade secret!

101418 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Banana Peel 2

I'm just an ordinary banana skin, though I do have some rather interesting relatives around here. Be careful where you drop me - I'm slippery!

101313 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Banana Phone (Blue)

I'm a phone. Made from a coconut, a banana, and a few other odds and ends. Can you tell I was invented by a monkey?

101419 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Banana Sail Boat

Rainforest rivers are the arteries and veins of the jungle that connect villages and towns. These massive rivers, which are fed by hundreds of tributary streams, flow for thousands of kilometers into vast deltas. Heavy river traffic, with so many water vessels, honking horns, and flashing lights, overwhelms smaller rainforest creatures who want to travel. Fortunately, the clever Mimetic Macaw designed the deft and swiftly moving banana sail boat to float along the river banks and avoid the busy shipping lanes. Fully equipped with a large cargo hold and comfortable seating, the banana sail boat enables little mice, birds, frogs, and insects to safely navigate rainforest rivers.

104449 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Aug 2020

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Some things just can't be done quietly. Hammering nails into place is one. That's where I come in - a handy and vibrant sound effect to make sure everyone knows what is happening.

101244 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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This is a place to store hay, and hay is for horses, and cows and such ... or is this a hotel for farm animals?

102478 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Barren Tree

Here I stand, hanging tenuously on to my one remaining leaf. Is there still life in me? Watch this space!

101288 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Aug 2020

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Basic Styles Gift Bomb

Buy 27 basic styles for a single price!

See the contents!

112588 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Nov 2021

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Basket Of Dreams

I thrive on multi-tasking. I am the multi-taskingest multi-tasker. Laundry day? I’m all yours. Load me up with dirty stinky socks, and then I’m ready to take on your wet soppy laundry. Field trip to the great outdoors, where you can put the fresh sun-dried laundry back in. Not laundry day? You can find me stuffed with all the clutter from the kitchen table in the closet when unexpected company stops by. And I can entertain the kids for hours………

105482 FULL SIZE.
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Released 15th Mar 2017

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Bauble Ornament In Gold

If you want to decorate your tree in gold. Pick up a few gold baubles, add a few bows, and you will have a stunning tree.

114378 FULL SIZE.
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Released 5th Dec 2022

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Beach Bum Jet Ski Overlay

The salty sea breeze whipping through your fur, and kicking up waves of delight! Is that a dolphin riding the bow? Who goes faster? Hang on, let's see!

115534 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jul 2023

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Beechwood Crib/Cot (Side View)

With a simple, classic design and natural beechwood material, this cot provides the perfect canvas for your nursery, ready for you to add some of your own personality to the mix. Personalise your new-born’s crib by adding drawers, felt bumpers, a changing mat or a fun, groovy mobile! The slatted sides ensure that your youngster is visible from all sides allowing you and your young sleepyhead to see each other, perfect for watching over your little treasure during their most peaceful times.
Sleep my little one, sleep
Fond vigil I keep
Lie warm in thy nest
By moonbeams caressed.
When the dawn tints the skies
God will bid thee arise.
When the dawn tints the skies
God will bid thee arise.
Holy angels abide
All night by thy side
In dreams they unfold
Heaven's portals of gold.

“Brahms’ Lullaby”

108776 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2020

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Beechwood Crib/Cot with Heart (End View)

The perfect starter cot for your precious little one. When the ordinary won't do—be bold. This natural beechwood cot combines robust design with an uber-cool heart cut-out helping to create iconic nursery furniture.

108774 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Jan 2020

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Beet Plant

For sale at the local greenhouse, these organic beet plants have been grown from seed and have been nourished with natural fertilizer (there's lots of that to be found on the farm, LOL!). Buy a bunch of them so there will be plenty to can for the winter, and, of course, to sell at the farmer's market. We all love fresh, home-grown produce!

108396 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Sep 2019

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Beige Pillow Pair

These two super-comfy down-filled pillows are perfect for relaxing after a long exhausting day. Plop down with a good book and snuggle with your favorite furry companion. It doesn't get any better than this!

107511 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Feb 2019

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Bench Press Free Weights

Stacked and ready, here they are. Pumping iron!

108203 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2019

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Bench Press Free Weight Sticker

Proudly display that weight you just crushed! Bragging rights for all to see!

108204 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2019

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Bench Press Weight Bar

Here it is all assembled and ready for some bench press competitions!

108200 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2019

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Bench Press Weight Bar Partial Back

Here it is all assembled and ready for some bench press competitions!

108201 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2019

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Bench Press Weight Bar Partial Front

Here it is all assembled and ready for some bench press competitions!

108202 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2019

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So much easier to carry around than a telescope!

103094 FULL SIZE.
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Released 12th Jul 2015

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Birdcage (Round)

Whether its home to parrots, finches, or parakeets, this wrought iron birdcage will add elegance to any space. Built to withstand even the roughest weather, you can even sit or hang it outside, leave the door open and watch as wild birds make their homes inside. Imagine the sight of those darling little eggs and wobbling baby birds come spring. You can bird watch in your very own backyard, enjoying the sights, scents, and sounds of nature at its finest and freest.

102590 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th May 2016

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Bird Seed Mix

This wild bird seed mix is designed to attract a variety of different birds to your garden. Simply fill up your bird feeders with these seeds and some dried mealworms and hang up a few fat balls and who knows how many more visitors you'll attract? Your garden will soon become a bird paradise!

110953 FULL SIZE.
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Released 10th Mar 2021

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Black Curved Moustache

For those moments when you need a really luxuriant moustache, I'm the ideal candidate. I come in a range of colours, I'm pre-combed for convenience, and my tips are waxed to perfection so that they keep their shape. Just right for all your theatrical performances!

101393 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Nov 2017

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Black Eye Contacts

What secrets lie in the deep abyss, gaze into my eyes and see if they abyss looks back!

111528 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 20th May 2021
Subject to repricing

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Black Eye Contacts Level

What secrets lie in the deep abyss, gaze into my eyes and see if they abyss looks back!

111520 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 20th May 2021
Subject to repricing

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Black Eye Contacts Tilted

What secrets lie in the deep abyss, gaze into my eyes and see if they abyss looks back!

111536 FULL SIZE.
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or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 20th May 2021
Subject to repricing

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Black Moustache 1

I say, what ho! I'm a jolly old black moustache. Just the thing for the perfect English gentleman.

100468 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Black Moustache 2

I'm just the moustache for operatic tenors, gondoliers and curious red creatures with a bedspring where their legs ought to go.

100220 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Black Moustache 3

I'm the Terry-Thomas moustache, specially designed for cads, bounders, spivs and shysters. But only handsome ones, naturally!

100221 FULL SIZE.
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Released 1st Dec 2014

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Black Web String 1

I'm a piece of finest silk, spun by one of the very cute spiders who live round here. So what if I am a bit sticky?

101857 FULL SIZE.
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Released 20th Oct 2015

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Blank Banner

Blank banner for you to announce whatever it is you are selling, and wherever you are selling it. Comes with a box of nails to affix your banner to any wooden surface.

104311 FULL SIZE.
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Released 6th May 2016

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Blank Sign

Blank sign for you to announce whatever it is you are selling, and wherever you are selling it.

104316 FULL SIZE.
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Released 8th May 2016

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Blank Sign With Tape

Blank sign for you to announce whatever it is you are selling, and wherever you are selling it. Comes with a roll of bright green tape to attach your sign to any smooth surface.

104317 FULL SIZE.
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Released 8th May 2016

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Blaze Orange Scooter

Hotter than the sun on the equator, this bike is perfect for the old school biker! Blazing fast, with the thunder of pipes to announce your arrival, you’ll definitely be the envy of the bikers in your gang sitting on this one!

107587 FULL SIZE.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 28th Feb 2019
Subject to repricing

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Blaze Orange Scooter

Hotter than the sun on the equator, this bike is perfect for the old school biker! Blazing fast, with the thunder of pipes to announce your arrival, you’ll definitely be the envy of the bikers in your gang sitting on this one!

107587 Size 10.
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Buy with "Power Pets" rewards
or bid in the Seasonal Shop!
Introduced 28th Feb 2019
Subject to repricing

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 1608 finds.
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