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Welcome to Pets 'n' Friends ...
... where the pets are virtual, but the friends are real!
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What our users say about Pets 'n' Friends!

These are the actual statements of real PnF users. If they convince you it's time to become a user, just adopt a pet and join our community today! You can also share what they had to say using the Facebook 'share' button, above!



Lillian Cisilia Cauvier

How nice, big smile on my face... I have to say "THIS IS THE BEST APP ON FACEBOOK"! What a great team you all make, I am so grateful for all the help.

I am totally enjoying every aspect of the game, chatting with friends... gifting and of course receiving, and making my art.

Yes it is a fabulous game... I for one love it. Have met so many lovely people here, and everyone is so helpful.... Thanks again David, Lisa and team you are all great. Hugs!



Anu Varis

Having great fun with this new game as you can see!



Cheryl Walsh

This is fantastic! Ty so much David Joshua Knight and the team for such fun again.



Tanya Short

I am so glad I got the event notice to join PnF ... I am loving it here, it is awesome xo



Charmaine White

PnF is definitely a family game!



Sue Brantigan

I just wanted to say how grateful I am that people have given their time and expertise to create this game for us. I'm finding it easy to use, as long as you can read you can find everything you need. There is no need to spend a long time every day, you can just use the amount of free time you have, however limited, to make art and shake paws with a few friends. You can even miss a day and that's no problem. There are no compulsory tasks, the art contests are optional, so there is no need to feel pressurised. Thank you again.

After playing other games



Judy Broersma

I am a computer dweeb - seriously. But I have just kept poking around until I find things. I think ppl want PnF to be instant (fluff). Take your time and explore. There is lots to find. And a wrong click does not seem to destroy anything like in other apps. (Thank you Chief Programmer!!) Plus the editor is awesome!



Lynn McCorry

I didn't come across to this game until just a few months ago. I never realised how the gameplay was set out and how similar (yet different) it was to Fluff. One day I thought I'll give it a go and was thrilled I did. I find it much better than Fluff already.

Within a couple of days I pretty much had everything down pat. Even to today, I still learn little new things now and then. The moderators and the whole community are so helpful and that really makes the game enjoyable. You don't feel silly asking questions. When I started playing I took some time out to just click everything to see what it did. I personally couldn't be happier with the gameplay.

The gameplay is actually very easy. There are more things to do than in fluff and more icons so maybe that *worries* people in the beginning but it's easy to learn and it all becomes second nature within days.

The feeding game and the fruit machine



Evelyn Clinedinst

This is truly a fun game. I enjoy being able to feed and get something from it. Spinning is so fun too. Love the prizes.



Deborah Moya

This game is the best game ever. I had quite a bit of luck today spinning the fruit wheel. Got plenty of size 4 cocktails and 1 size 10 Savannah Sunset.



Tanya Short

Being able to get Limited Edition pets draws me to PnF more than before. In short, LOVE IT!



Yasmeen Daruvala

Love the fruit machine and the randomness! It's great to have the options of the pets spinning around too, love it when Mole pops up, hands in the air! The artists have created very attractive drinks (and pets, Thanks!) and it's hopelessly addictive! Spinning and winning some foodies to supliment the food intake is a bonus too. It's the right balance for me, not too easy and certainly not too hard.

The image editor



Colleen Rose Lovell

The editor is working wonderfully!




Cheryl Walsh

(About the gifting feature). This is fantastic! Ty so much David Joshua Knight and the team for such fun again!



Kris Bowpitt

Thank you David Joshua Knight and Al for making gifting so simple and easy!!!



Jeanetta Knight

Sent my first anonymous gift just now - loving this more and more!



Loretta Fincher

First I would like to say that I am LOVING being able to gift pets again!!!! That's awesome and I am so thankful for all of the hard work you guys have put into this game! You guys rock!

The Directory (in-game zoo)



Jolie Mae Lovett

The directory is awesome, and I agree everyone should add themselves there!




Sina Whipp

A big heartfelt THANK YOU! For all the dedication and hard work your team has done to create this wonderful game, and for creating a game where everyone feels a part of the art contests. I feel the kindness and love from everyone each time I pop in.

Site map



Yasmeen Daruvala

Thanks for the Site Map, so easy to navigate by.




Gaylyn Henninger

Thank you! I love the community coming together. The game is fun too!



Sina Whipp

A big heart felt Thank you to all of my PnF family for enriching my life with your kindness and love. And for all the beautiful works of art that brighten my days.



Jann Wabick

This game is about more than who can buy the things, the ones who can't may shake more paws, and create more art, or just pop in and leave a nice little message that will brighten up a day. We all contribute and we all have an important role to play in how well the game functions. This development team has made sure of this since day one.



Lynn McCorry

I just want to say what a Godsend this game is. I've been obviously worrying sick about my mum. There are down times when I just don't want to do anything but cry. I find I can come to this game and just click away (petting), give out a few gifts here and there (which makes me feel good), receive gifts and messages (which also makes me feel good) and know I am surrounded by friends. What I love about PnF is that although it's a game, it's so much more than that. I doubt people who are not involved with it would understand fully what this community is about. Sure it's a game but it's about friendship and human contact too. And it's all done in such a positive way that you feel you are surrounded by your friends when you are here. I just wanted to say that it's a very special place and in my case it's a healing place. It's somewhere where I can reach out and know there is always someone to talk to, gift to, pet, etc. Thank you to David, Lisa, the team and the players. You are all such special people. Love Lynn xxx

PnF Facebook Group (Game of Pets 'n' Friends)



Danielle Thiele

Here's to an excellent day. Thank you for all the wicked help. This group is fabulous.




Jann Wabick

I have a serious confession to make here. I have never been able to join and participate in any of the forums for any of my games before now. I found them very scary, where everyone knew what was going on but me. So far, I have managed to enter a couple of contests, and I haven't had any of those negative feelings. You guys must be doing something right.

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