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Joy Gift, May 2018
Hi Katrina! Welcome to Pets 'n' Friends! My name is Joy Gift and I run the Welcome Wagon where I give new players and their pet all sorts of goodies to help them get started in playing the game. If you would like me to send you a package containing a variety of decos, backgrounds etc. including a little gold and silver, you can leave me a note below and I will get a pack to you as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy it here. It's a great game with wonderful people who will help you out and answer any questions you may have.
Have a lovely day!

Joy click here to visit my page

Katrina, May 2018
oh yes please that would be grt ..thank you so much joy xxo
Sue Smaling, May 2018
pretty xoxo
Katrina, May 2018
eeek ty