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Deedee Saad, Dec 2019
You fed Zoey one Popping Corn Juice!

She rates this food +12.
"Cowabunga! Under the teeth and over the tongue, this is the best moo juice under the sun! It tastes just like a night at the open air movies with my favourite bull! I’ll be producing milk now until the cows come home!"
You score + 12 and so does Zoey.
Steve Cork, Oct 2019
You fed Zoey one Violet Vision Egg!

She rates this food +10.
"The lines are blurry when it comes to where this little egg falls in the realm of taste, but one thing's for certain - it has it's sights set on you."
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 22 and so does Zoey.
Brenda Beineke Phillips, Apr 2019
You fed Zoey one Raw Steak!
She rates this food +7.
"What's black and white and red all over? Me, blushing with delight!"
You get +12 for being the first to feed this to her.
You score + 19 and so does Zoey.