The Canine Crew are we. Wise old Mr. Gizz
heads up our group. Shhh
Dont tell him I called him old. even though he is
. Oh, Dont worry he cant hear us, he is hard of hearing at his age. Anyways... oh where was I?
oh ya. The Canine Crew... Do not let our name fool you, we are not all canines, but Mr. Gizz, well he is, and he picked the name. He was the first. The lone canine.
Loved and cherished for many years. Sixteen years... I told you he was old right? oh okay. Well, Then along came Queen Zora
, she isnt really a queen, but dont tell her I told you so. soon after came Charlie
... so that was the canine crew... but we could not stop there. Our family grew and grew and new friends were added, even a dragonfly
. Mr. Gizz welcomed us all and we are now "The Canine Crew"
even if the name doesn't fit anymore...