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& Dr. Walter Wize


Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... has completed the quest of
"The Pawshake Redemption" !

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 1:
Scary Night
Bob, the scaly monster, is the last of his kind. He makes a living carving decorative pumpkins. Each year he makes a delivery to his biggest customer, Doctor Pawshake, who lives in 'Castle Pawshake'. Pawshake has rented the castle for decades. In this remote location, he can perform his 'scientific' experiments without scaring everyone else to death. He has few visitors, and every time Bob visits him, he wishes he did not have to be one of them! Worst of all, he is running late, and arrives during what looks like being a very scary night.

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Granville.

You shook paws with Granville the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Granville and you found 1 "Scary Night"

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

You get (x1)Granville gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 2:
The Pumpkin Collector
Bob is scared of Pawshake's thunder hound, but he knows how to cover fear; look scary yourself. Bob spends half his life frightened of something or another, but nobody ever notices because they can't tell between a scared monster and a scary monster.

Doctor Pawshake admires Bob's offerings and says he would like to buy all of them. But unfortunately his landlord, Skeezle, has raised the rent, and he has nothing left to pay Bob with.

"What would you accept in payment instead of sweets?" asked Pawshake.

"Nothing you can give me," replied Bob. He only understood payment in sweets.

"Try me," said Pawshake.

Bob looked embarrassed. "I am the last of my kind. I desperately want a wife to live my life with me, but you can't get me what doesn't exist."

Pawshake stroked his chin, then stroked his thunder hound. "I can provide you with a living bride if you can bring me suitable parts from which she might be made."

Bob was at once terrified and strangely excited. This seemed wrong - but this might be the only way he could ever be happy. “But there aren’t any parts in these parts,” he said. “You can’t get parts for parts sake. I would have to scour the whole Forest of Bob to find parts of former Bobs.”

“Were you all called Bob?” asked Pawshake, patting the head of his thunder hound as he asked.

“Well, there was my dad Bob, and my mom Bob, and my father’s brother was Bob, and if any of their ancestors had different names, I never knew.”

“And where is the Forest of Bob?” asked Pawshake. “There aren’t many trees around here.”

“Oh, pretty much everywhere,” replied Bob. “We chopped down most of the trees to grow pumpkins, but all of us lived in what used to be the Forest of Bob when it had trees in it.”

If Bob had owed Pawshake rather than the other way round, Bob would have been out of the door by now, but Pawshake needed a plan. “To redeem my debt,” he said, “I will make you a bride if you can find me the parts. I suggest you put together a team, give them some reason to help you, and bring the parts back to me.”

“I could only pay them in sweets,” said Bob. “But what if you can’t make me a bride?”

“Then I will give you back one pumpkin and you can try again,” said Pawshake.

Bob didn’t think Pawshake could do it, but he had nothing to lose but sweets. “And I’m down to my last million sweets,” he moaned to himself as he left the castle.

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Dumbledore.

You shook paws with Dumbledore the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Dumbledore and you found 50 "Spooky Spider Sour Pucker" size 4.

Tries today: 73 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 25

You get (x1)Dumbledore gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 50 !!!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 3:
Team Bob!
Bob, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the rest of the crew decide that after dinner treats are called for, but unfortunately Teal Bug seems to be suffering from a sugar high, and Aye-Aye has a bit of an ice cream headache. Bob, needing assistance in gathering body parts, knows that he somehow has to convince his pals to help. Ice Cream BAD, Bob tells them. Bob take you to sweets shop, follow Bob this way!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Cheeky.

You shook paws with Cheeky the Brown Funky Monkey. You both received one silver mole!

Cheeky and you found 50 "Zombie Claw Chomper" size 4.

Tries today: 142 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 35

You get (x1)Cheeky gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 50 !!!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 4:
Team Bob on the Move!
Bob is delighted when Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team find a cache of candy eggs strung across a field of rainbow hued webs...but his delight turns to horror when the spiders that wove the webs return...before he has had time to gather up all of the candy eggs...or eat any of them!!!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Whizzy.

You shook paws with Whizzy the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Whizzy and you found 5 "Molecules" size 4.

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 58

You get (x1)Whizzy gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 5:
The Call of Cthulwho!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team thought the abandoned cave system in the Forest of Bob was a logical place to find parts of Bobs. And it may well have been, because the Cthulwho also thought to look for them there! The Cthulwho searched through the tunnels one at a time, calling out for Bob. But Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team hid themselves behind the entry to one of the larger caverns, wondering what the Cthulwho wanted with Bob? No pet seemed to know? Perhaps this was because no pet was brave enough to come out of hiding and actually ask?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met SPIRIT.

You shook paws with SPIRIT the Black Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

SPIRIT and you found 1 "Cthulwho" size 10.

Tries today: 37 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 68

You get (x1)SPIRIT gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 10)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 6:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team search for body parts of former Bobs in the Forest of Bob graveyard, and Bob is horrified to find that sets of undead blue teeth body parts have dug up and begun consuming one of the corpses! As the team backs well away from the grizzly scene, Bob very tentatively reaches out to capture the teeth, checking just to make sure he still has all of his fingers!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Balin Durin.

You shook paws with Balin Durin the Brown Funky Monkey. You both received one silver mole!

Balin Durin and you found 5 "Jar of Eyeballs" size 4.

Tries today: 94 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 82

You get (x1)Balin Durin gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 7:
Team Bob on the Move!
After searching most of the Forest of Bob, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team are footsore and bone weary, so they hitch a ride in a nearby submersible. However the door seal is leaking and the water level is rising inside the submersible, so Bob asks Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... to lie down on the bottom, so that the other team members can stand on them, and avoid spoiling their beautiful hair do's!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met PHOENIX.

You shook paws with PHOENIX the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

PHOENIX and you found 5 "Hatching Egg" size 4.

Tries today: 74 Find points today: 21 Hunt total: 123

You get (x1)PHOENIX gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 8:
The Call of Cthulwho!
Just as Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team begin searching a magic green pumpkin patch in the Forest of Bob, they espy a Cthulwho with glowing ember red eyes. Hearing the Cthulwho call Bob's name, they duck behind a pile of rocks, and Teal Bug waves his magic wand, attempting to cast a spell of invisibility over the entire team...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met rascal.

You shook paws with rascal the Brown Rustic Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

rascal and you found 1 "Sinister Cthulwho" size 7.

Tries today: 203 Find points today: 47 Hunt total: 149

You get (x1)rascal gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 7)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 9:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
While Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... explored inside the nearby cottage, Bob cast his net into a stream in the Forest of Bob, hoping to catch a gingerbread fish or three for dinner. But Bob caught more than he had bargained for! A net full of charcoal body parts! Not having a net to cast, Aye-Aye used the leaf rake to catch the charcoal tail, before it could escape downstream on the current!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Robby.

You shook paws with Robby the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Robby and you found 5 "Purple Kaboom Cloud" size 4.

Tries today: 386 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 177

You get (x1)Robby gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 10:
Team Bob on the Move!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team search a dilapidated old shack in the Forest of Bob for parts of Bobs, but all they find is Halloween treats. Having cup half full dispositions, they make the most of this disappointing situation - by gleefully consuming all of the treats before moving on with their search!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Granville.

You shook paws with Granville the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Granville and you found 5 "Atoms" size 4.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 205

You get (x1)Granville gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 11:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... knows that crows are attracted to shiny things, the problem is that the moonlight reflecting on the Bob wife parts is making them hang on tight. Bob and the cohorts in crime have formed a human ladder to boost Teal Bug up, to hopefully talk the crows into giving up the parts. Now, where did Bob put that shiny gum wrapper?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Pricilla.

You shook paws with Pricilla the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Pricilla and you found 5 "Ball Lightning" size 4.

Tries today: 8 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 208

You get (x1)Pricilla gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 12:
Team Bob on the Move!
"Oh crap!", squarks Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio...! For Bob has found a sign that he thinks is pointing to more body parts, but it's actually pointing straight at Aye-Aye! Fearing that Bob is going to add their little buddy to his cache of body parts, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... runs away, as fast as their little paws will carry them! The only problem is that Aye-Aye doesn't follow Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... to safety, because he is rooted to the spot in abject fear!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Eli.

You shook paws with Eli the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. You both received one silver mole!

Eli and you found 5 "Venus Fly Trap" size 4.

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 212

You get (x1)Eli gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 13:
Team Bob on the Move!
Harigog, the patriarch of all spiders in the Forest of Bob, is happy to see his 8th cousin, twice removed, Daft Green Spider. Daft is aptly named, as he fails to see the danger he's put Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and friends in by coming to the sacred lair! Bob consults the compass given to him by his friend, Sparrowbird, realizing that they need to move on quickly. Trading sweets for parts, the group makes a hasty retreat!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Bowie Stardust.

You shook paws with Bowie Stardust the Bashful Badger. You both received one silver mole!

Bowie Stardust and you found 5 "Noble Plasma Globe" size 4.

Tries today: 104 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 228

You get (x1)Bowie Stardust gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 14:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... wrinkles their snout in distaste, as Bob and the team find and collect a dismembered orange toot! For a moment there, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... even thought that Bob was going to eat the toot...after all, it wasn't actually a Bob body part... However, Bob remembered Dr Pawshake saying that he might be able to make a bride for Bob from the body parts of other species of monsters, if it was really necessary...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Ugie.

You shook paws with Ugie the Black Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Ugie and you found 5 "Mysterious Purple Egg" size 4.

Tries today: 248 Find points today: 47 Hunt total: 251

You get (x1)Ugie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 15:
Team Bob on the Move!
Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team scour the whole Forest of Bob (most of which is no longer a forest) to find Bob body parts. During their search, they happen upon a verdant green oasis, thriving with carnivorous plant life and toxic green fumes! Bob sees Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... disappear into the mouth of one of the ever smiling carnivorous plants, and calls the rest of the team to come and help him pull Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... from these terrifying jaws of death!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Pyron Toothless.

You shook paws with Pyron Toothless the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Pyron Toothless and you found 5 "Lime Kaboom Cloud" size 4.

Tries today: 273 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 255

You get (x1)Pyron Toothless gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 16:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
Daft Green Spider and his family have wrapped Bob up in a web to yank him back from the snapping jaws of the 'gator. Bob and Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... try to barter for the body parts, but gator is fixated on trying to hatch them, confusing them with the nest she made. Teal Bug in true bug fashion stands on the shore shouting directions and rather useless ideas about how it's not going to work. However, Bob is much too determined to fail! All Bob wife parts must be collected!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Henrietta Humperdink.

You shook paws with Henrietta Humperdink the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. You both received one silver mole!

Henrietta Humperdink and you found 5 "Ball Lightning" size 4.

Tries today: 327 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 262

You get (x1)Henrietta Humperdink gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 17:
Team Bob on the Move!
While searching the Forest of Bob for parts of former Bobs, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team come across a sentient monster eating tree. Fortunately the sentient monster eating tree's eyes are light sensitive, so Bob averts potential disaster by shining his torch into its eyes while the team escapes!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Scaredy Cat.

You shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat. You both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 5 "Electric Line" size 4.

Tries today: 2 Find points today: 2 Hunt total: 270

You get (x1)Scaredy Cat gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 18:
Team Bob Makes a Find!
What madness is this! Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and friends are horrified to find a field of parts swimming in a sea of leaves! Bob is convinced that they must all be Bob wife parts, but Teal Bug is put off by the lightening getting closer! After Daft Green Spider and his relatives pull up a few parts to take along, they scamper along quickly before getting struck!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Brown Bobby.

You shook paws with Brown Bobby the Brown Funky Monkey. You both received one silver mole!

Brown Bobby and you found 5 "Molecules" size 4.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 311

You get (x1)Brown Bobby gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 19:
Return to Castle Pawshake
The team returns to Castle Pawshake, with Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... clutching the body parts of former Bobs. Nearing the castle, the hair stands up on the backs of their necks, as they espy two rows of fresh graves, and wonder what sinister experiments Pawshake has been undertaking during their search for body parts?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Visor.

You shook paws with Visor the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Visor and you found 5 "Ball Lightning" size 4.

Tries today: 26 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 319

You get (x1)Visor gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 20:
The parts are laid out.
Bob and the crew finished their climb up to the old musty smelling attic of Dr Pawshake, only to take in all the strange sights and smells coming from the scattered cages and jars. Bob deposited the body parts on the old slab, and Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... added the other parts they'd carried up. Daft Green Spider perched in the window, hoping that, if needed, a hasty retreat could be made. Teal Bug only wishes that window was a little closer, as feeling a little nauseated, it would be tragic for barfing to happen on the body parts. Bob wonders if maybe this was a BAD idea?

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Simon.

You shook paws with Simon the Red Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Simon and you found 5 "Purple Kaboom Cloud" size 4.

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 359

You get (x1)Simon gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 21:
Dr Finkensen, I presume?
With the body parts laid out, Pawshake's thunder hound generates lightning to breathe life into Pawshake's creation. But when the lightening in the air reaches critical mass, Doctor Pawshake transforms into the crazed Dr Rat Finkensen!

Screams fill the laboratory, and the members of Bob's team all run for their lives!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Ekati.

You shook paws with Ekati the Merry Mole. You both received one silver mole!

Ekati and you found 5 "Purple Kaboom Cloud" size 4.

Tries today: 27 Find points today: 11 Hunt total: 367

You get (x1)Ekati gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 22:
Finkensen's Monster!
As the lightening disperses, the body parts transform into Rat Finkensen's latest monster! Oh my, could this wicked experimentation account for the rows of fresh graves in the field below? Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... and the team flee the room, mortified, with Bob vowing never to marry this roly-poly purple monster! But, in their wake, Rat Finkensen transforms back into the gentle Dr Pawshake, who quietly sleeps off the effects of his taxing transformation...

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Supahfly.

You shook paws with Supahfly the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Supahfly and you found 1 "Flummoxed Frazzle" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 140 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 391

You get (x1)Supahfly gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 23:
Pawshake redeems a pumpkin
When Pawshake awakes, Bob reminds the good doctor that he cannot marry a different species of monster, only another Bob! Fortunately, Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... volunteers to foster the adorable little monster! As promised, Pawshake also returns a pumpkin to Bob, and agrees to keep trying to make a bride for Bob, if the team can provide more body parts? Hoping that Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... will forget how many sweets he already owes them, Bob gives Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... the coveted purple pumpkin!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Wrex.

You shook paws with Wrex the Grey Playful Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Wrex and you found 1 "Bat Pumpkin"

Tries today: 155 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 395

You get (x1)Wrex gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio... is questing!
Episode 24:
The madness
Monster parts collected and sewed. Fire in the sky and waterfalls in the road. A river of mustard and thoughts in code. Coins in the wind and a hydrant on the road. So slowly crawling home to their abode. Sending another Pet out on the road... Sure signs Dr. Walter Wize , specializing in wild orchids of ohio...'s sanity did erode!

Whilst seeking monster body parts, you met Venus.

You shook paws with Venus the Ragdoll Kitten. You both received one silver mole!

Venus and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 303 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 420

You get (x1)Venus gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20