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& Tripper


Tripper has completed the quest of
"Halloween 2020" !

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 1/25

Tripper sighed to herself as she entered the next room of Frank Presents: The Insanely Frightening Haunted House. Once again, the haunted house was leaving a lot to be desired. Obviously fake ghosts hung on strings and one animatronic ghost was malfunctioning, barely rising above the chair it was stationed behind. Tripper thought the only good thing about the haunted house was she hadn't paid to get in, a friend had bought her the ticket.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Spike.

Tripper shook paws with Spike the All Hallow’s Eve Kitty.They both received one silver mole!

Spike gave you 1 "Orange Quint" size 7

Tries today: 36 Find points today: 15 Hunt total: 1098

(size 7)

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 2/25

Continuing onward, Tripper started wondering what she should tell her friend about the haunted house. Tripper didn't want to seem ungrateful for the gift, but the poorly executed display of "haunted" decorations made her wish her friend hadn't spent the moles at all. Tripper was so distracted by her thoughts, she failed to notice she wasn't the only one currently in the obviously-put-together-as-a-monetary-scam haunted house.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Choose a name.

Tripper shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat.They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name gave you 1 "Cyclone (Dragon Misfit)" size 7

Tries today: 246 Find points today: 48 Hunt total: 1131

Choose a nameTripperQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 3/25

"Oh how lovely," Tripper muttered sarcastically. "A room of inflatable, oversized mushrooms."

Tripper vowed never to tell anyone about how she became lost in the inflatable forest of mushrooms for several excruciatingly long minutes. she smacked one of the mushrooms, causing it to let out a low hisssss as it began deflating. Tripper started moving faster to avoid getting caught having accidentally broken one of the props, once again failing to notice she wasn't alone in the haunted house.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Sweetie.

Tripper shook paws with Sweetie the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow.They both received one silver mole!

Sweetie gave you 1 "Stuffed Patchwork Owl (Teal, Sleepy)" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 299 Find points today: 57 Hunt total: 1140

SweetieTripperQUEST REWARD

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 4/25

"Well this room isn't as bad as the others," Tripper grumbled out loud as she entered a section of the house decorated like a graveyard.

"I'm inclined to agree," said an unknown voice making Tripper jump, "But the walls are just covered in printed plastic sheets."

"And the tombstones are obviously styrofoam," added a second unknown voice. Tripper looked around surprised to find she wasn't alone in the room.

"The glowing crystal isn't a bad touch," the first voice, belonging to a strange owl responded. "Not sure why a crystal would be in a graveyard though..."

"Let's find out!" the owner of the second voice said excitedly, racing towards the strange gem.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet CatchThis18.

Tripper shook paws with CatchThis18 the Black Lovable Labrador.They both received one silver mole!

CatchThis18 gave you 1 "All Hallow’s Eve Kitty (Sleeping)" size 7

Tries today: 476 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 1164

CatchThis18TripperQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 5/25

"Don't touch it!" Tripper shouted too late. The peculiar creature barely reached the crystal when the room went black. Tripper lost her baring as there was suddenly no up or down, nothing to be seen, and nothing to be heard. For an undeterminable amount of time, which may have been less than a second or months long, Tripper floated in the vastness (or minuteness?) of nothingness.

With a loud wham!, Tripper thumped onto a cold, gray floor. "Ohhh, my head..." Tripper grumbled as she stood herself up, quickly realizing something was wrong with her body.

"What happened to you?" called the barely familiar sound of the strange owl...only it was coming from a bat?

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," came the voice of the peculiar creature who was now...large and furry instead of small and scaly.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet sammy.

Tripper shook paws with sammy the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

sammy and you found 5 "Dawn Eclipse Blossom" size 4.

Tries today: 531 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 1172

sammyTripperQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 6/25

"What's wrong with me?" shouted Tripper, discovering her limbs were covered in blue scales.

"You? Look at me!" responded the large, furry creature.

"I have to get out of here!" Tripper shouted, running off, the others following behind him.

"Let's calm down, please," said the owl-bat as they reached a large room where it was difficult to tell down from up. "We're all experiencing something strange and getting over-excited will be of no assistance to us."

"Oh! Oh-ho!" came yet another new voice to Tripper. "Seems you three have gotten yourselves into some trouble, haven't ya?" Tripper looked towards the new voice, finding a young Thunder Monster in the room with them. "Oh I've seen this before," the Thunder Monster said as it examined them. "Only way to fix it is to find what caused it."

"And how do we do that?" the furry creature responded with indignity.

"The quest is afoot!" a cried the owl-bat before anyone else could respond.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Flare.

Tripper shook paws with Flare the Majestic Monarch Butterfly.They both received one silver mole!

Flare gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 581 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1179

(size 9)

24th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 7/25

Tripper followed the Thunder Monster - whose name Tripper now knew to be "Alder", and that Alder was much older than he looked - out a door and into a foggy wood of bare-branched trees. The owl-bat, Gerald, flew excitedly over the barren trees, seeming to enjoy himself, with the once-not-so-furry creature Eldag following behind them.

"A green crystal you said?" asked Alder the Thunder Monster. "That might be hard to find around these parts."

"Could a different gem help us?" Tripper asked.

"No, other ones will just make things worse for you, we need to find another bright green one. The same exact one if we can."

Tripper huffed, seeing Gerald enjoying himself perhaps a little too much for the current circumstances.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Mrs Wabbit.

Tripper shook paws with Mrs Wabbit the Brown Rustic Rabbit.They both received one silver mole!

Mrs Wabbit and you found 5 "Devil’s Fingers (Tentacle Plant - Red)" size 4.

Tries today: 671 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 1184

Mrs WabbitTripperQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

25th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 8/25

Gerald's over-excitement led to trouble faster than Tripper could have imagined.

"Oh look! A crystal!" Gerald shouted as he divided towards a bright, glittering crystal underneath the river they were travelling along.

"Gerald - don't!" Tripper once again shouted too late.

Gerald barely reached the surface of the river when a bright flash overtook Tripper's body, her limbs aching, stretching, contorting to unnatural shapes and angles. A quick glance revealed the bodies of Gerald and Eldag doing the same.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Spat.

Tripper shook paws with Spat the Blue Thunder Monster Baby.They both received one silver mole!

Spat and you found 5 "Evening Spellbound Rose" size 4.

Tries today: 49 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 1213

x 5
(size 4)

25th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 9/25

"Now you've done it," Alder the Thunder Monster said as Tripper felt her limbs finally begin to settle.

"Eeep!" came Gerald's voice followed quickly by a soft splash!

"I've got 'im," Alder said as he waded into the river, pulling a not-quite-small-but-not-quite-large mouse to the bank.

"I'm still furry!" wailed Eldag. "I miss my beautiful green scales!"

"I did warn yeh," Alder scolded.

Tripper looked at her reflection in the water, sighing as he saw a face which wasn't her own looking back at her.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Penelope.

Tripper shook paws with Penelope the City Rat.They both received one silver mole!

Penelope gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 137 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 1234

PenelopeTripperQUEST REWARD
(size 9)

25th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 10/25

"Arrrgh!" Tripper shouted as she found herself being entangled in some very unruly and unkind vines.

"It's a trap!" screamed Eldag.

"We're going to die!" yelped Gerlad.

"Don't be so dramatic," Alder replied calmly as a set of vines twirled themselves around him. "They're just having a bit of fun."

"This is fun?" Tripper cried as vines hoisted her into the air.

"Not fun at all!" Eldag shrieked in alarm as vines turned her upside-down.

"Actually, I think it's quite relaxing now that I'm used to it," Gerald replied serenely as vines swung him side to side.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Mr Virus.

Tripper shook paws with Mr Virus the Green Slime Virus.They both received one silver mole!

Mr Virus and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 153 Find points today: 41 Hunt total: 1237

x 25

25th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 11/25

"See? They're helpful little things once you stop frightening them," Alder the Thunder Monster said as the somehow conscious vines carried him through the dense trees.

"It is nice not having to walk," Gerald responded, glancing at the bog below them.

Tripper grumbled as she was passed vine to vine, noticing Eldag didn't seem too pleased either.

"Ah, here we go," Alder said as vines set him down on a clearing in the bog. "This seems like a good spot to continue on foot... claw... paw?"

Tripper sighed in relief to feel ground below herself again, even if it wasn't firm ground.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Midnight.

Tripper shook paws with Midnight the Midnight Happy Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Midnight and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 427 Find points today: 74 Hunt total: 1270

MidnightTripperQUEST REWARD
x 25

25th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 12/25

"Which way should we go?" Tripper asked Alder.

"Let's try this way," Eldag said, leading the way.

Tripper glanced at Alder who merely shrugged. "Any way is a good way." Tripper sighed, following behind the others.

"Oh no.. Oh no oh no..." Tripper looked around the others hearing Eldag's worried voice. Eldag started to back up quickly, ramming into Gerald then Alder.

"What is it?" Tripper asked anxiously as Alder was rammed into her. Yet no one was able to answer, for as one they fell into the swampy water beside them.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Chipilona.

Tripper shook paws with Chipilona the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

Chipilona gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 702 Find points today: 99 Hunt total: 1295

ChipilonaTripperQUEST REWARD
(size 9)

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 13/25

Tripper gargled wordlessly as she is pulled down into the depths of the marshy water, dragged along by the torrent of a strong whirlpool. Through brief glances from spinning, she sees the rest of her group being dragged down along with her. Slowly the little light available from the world above disappears, leaving Tripper to twirl along the whirlpool in darkness.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet PingPing.

Tripper shook paws with PingPing the Playful Penguin.They both received one silver mole!

PingPing and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 1314

x 150

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 14/25

A loud shuck! and a soft thump leaves Tripper laying on the muddy floor of a dark and expansive cavern. Tripper watches as one by one the whirlpool drops his comrades onto the ground around her. Holding her head, Tripper squints looking around the dark, damp cavern.

"I think I see some light down this way," Gerald says as he starts down a vague path.

Tripper glances in concern at Eldag and Alder before following after Gerald.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Torch.

Tripper shook paws with Torch the Red Dragon.They both received one silver mole!

Torch and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 158 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 1347

x 150

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 15/25

"It's getting rather hot," Gerald pants as the cavern begins to fill with steam.

"Where is it coming from?" Eldag asks, getting her answer much sooner than she expected as a small flame shoots up from the ground beside her.

"Careful, dearies," Alder softly calls. "Lots of dangerous places down here."

"You're telling me," Tripper says sarcastically, not noticing the shining red gem hidden behind the flames before her.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet LoyaLloyd.

Tripper shook paws with LoyaLloyd the Black Great Dane.They both received one silver mole!

LoyaLloyd gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 203 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 1358

LoyaLloydTripperQUEST REWARD
(size 9)

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 16/25

A mighty fwoosh! sends Tripper and her comrades flying up into the cavern. How was Tripper to know there was a dangerous crystal beside her? Tripper screamed in fear between the quickly approaching cavern roof and the feeling of her limbs once again stretching and contorting. Yet Tripper's cries fell on deaf ears, as no one could hear her over their own shrill screams and rushing steam carrying them all upwards through a narrow cavern shaft.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Allegra.

Tripper shook paws with Allegra the Blue Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

Allegra and you found 5 "Dusk Eclipse Blossom" size 4.

Tries today: 227 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 1363

AllegraTripperQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 17/25

Caught in the rising steam fueled by the roaring inferno below, Tripper, Alder, Eldag, and Gerald emerge from a fissure, spit high into the night sky above.

Alder seemed to be enjoying himself as he clasped his hands behind his head, freefalling through the sky. Tripper reached for Alder, fearing for all of their safety, when a breeze caught her wings pulling them open, causing her to glide right past Alder.

Tripper cried out in confusion and alarm as the breeze began to carry her away from the others.

"We're coming, Tripper!" she vaguely heard someone shout behind him.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet ypmblessed.

Tripper shook paws with ypmblessed the Blue Beautiful Unicorn.They both received one silver mole!

ypmblessed and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 330 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 1374

ypmblessedTripperQUEST REWARD
x 3

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 18/25

Tripper sighed in relief as he splashed into a lake high in the nearby mountains. Soft calls from above the water let her know the others had successfully followed her and landed safely. Tripper emerged from the water pulling herself onto the rocky ground, staring wide-eyed at Eldag and Gerald.

"Shut it, Alder!" Eldag said angrily, her transparent body hovering ominously.

Yet this anger didn't phase Alder, who cackled in glee. "Look at yourselves! Such chaos you three create!"

Gerlad perched, preening his long feathers. "At least this is closer to normal for me. Being stuck as a wingless-mouse was terrible."

"Are there winged mice where you're from?" Tripper asked curiously.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Bella.

Tripper shook paws with Bella the Black Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Bella gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 486 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 1390

(size 9)

26th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 19/25

"What is that?" Eldag asks, looking around with alarm.

"What's what?" Tripper asked suspiciously. Yet she didn't wait long for an answer, as the water from the lake began to climb up her legs. Tripper quickly flexed her wings, taking to the air.

Eldag floated grumpily after him, with Gerald taking a moment to grab Alder from the quickly rising water. Alder complained loudly as they flew away from the flooding lake. Tripper spotted a brightly shining crystal beside the lake, causing her to flap her wings faster.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet b-rok.

Tripper shook paws with b-rok the Dauntless Dolphin.They both received one silver mole!

b-rok and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 724 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 1413

b-rokTripperQUEST REWARD
x 150

27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 20/25

"You lot are no fun," Alder continued to complain as they rose higher and higher among the mountainside.

"We're not here for fun," Tripper hissed.

"Aren't you?" Alder countered, causing Tripper to pause.

"Do you see that?" Eldag questioned, pointing towards a shining object on the mountainside. Tripper's eyes widened spotting a bright green gem nestled on a rocky ledge. "This is it!" Eldag shouted in excitement, doing her best to hover towards the crystal. Gerald sympathetically flew behind Eldag, flapping his wings to push her along faster.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Boo!.

Tripper shook paws with Boo! the All Hallow’s Eve Kitty.They both received one silver mole!

Boo! and you found 5 "Blue Magic Flowers" size 4.

Tries today: 42 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 1438

x 5
(size 4)

27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 21/25

Tripper reached the rocky ledge first, landing beside the glowing crystal. It did appear the same as the type they had encountered in the haunted house. Approaching carefully, Tripper squawked in alarm as her limbs began to stretch and contort once again.

"It worked!" she heard Gerald call landing beside her. Tripper watched as the bodies of Gerald and Eldag both began to change, noticing Alder smiling mischievously behind them.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet FINN.

Tripper shook paws with FINN the Emperor Penguin Chick.They both received one silver mole!

FINN gave you 1 "Mint Release (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 75 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 1449

(size 9)

27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 22/25

"Okay, we're back to normal," Tripper said in relief. "But how do we get back home?"

"The crystal brought us here, could it take us back?" Eldag asked, now happily back in her scaly form.

"The crystal only transports one way," Alder cackles.

Tripper narrowed her eyes at Alder, "So how do we get home?"

Alder smiled wide, "It's no fun if I tell you."

Tripper sighed in frustration, she looked around them, trying to find something, anything. "What about...that?" she asked, signaling towards a set of branches creating an archway.

"Let's find out," Gerald said taking the lead.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet dora.

Tripper shook paws with dora the Grey Playful Kitten.They both received one silver mole!

dora gave you 1 "Call of the Twisted Amethyst Archway"

Tries today: 285 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 1480


27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 23/25

"Oh very good eyes you have there, Tripper!" Alder called as he climbed the twisting branches of the archway, perching himself at the top.

"How does this work?" Gerald asked, landing on a branch.

Tripper approached the archway cautiously, "Will this really get us home?"

"Or at least back to the haunted house?" Eldag asked.

"Only one way to find out," Alder smiled. Tripper took a deep breath, closing her eyes, quickly entering the archway, Gerald and Eldag following. Tripper heard Alder's voice calling after them, "Thanks for visiting Frank's Insanely Frightening Haunted House!"

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Firefly.

Tripper shook paws with Firefly the Green Rapid Dragonfly.They both received one silver mole!

Firefly gave you 1 "Twisted Amethyst Archway"

Tries today: 395 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1490

FireflyTripperQUEST REWARD

27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 24/25

Tripper blinked in surprise, finding himself suddenly back inside the obviously-fake graveyard filled with styrofoam tombstones. Eldag quickly raced to the only door on the far side of the room, wailing in surprise as a giant inflatable vampire swung down in front of her. Even Gerald let out a hoot! of surprise.

Tripper took one last look around the room, spotting the troublesome gem near the entrance, and shot out the door after Gerald and Eldag.

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Dani.

Tripper shook paws with Dani the Green Rapid Dragonfly.They both received one silver mole!

Dani gave you 1 "Dracula Bat" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 630 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1517


27th Oct 2020
Tripper is questing!
Episode 25/25

Tripper paused outside the haunted house with Gerald and Eldag, looking back at the half-hearted decorations marking the building. Eldag and Gerald shared their relief of finally being back home, and were talking of telling their friends of the crazy adventure they went on.

Turns out Frank's Insanely Frightening Haunted House had a lot more to offer than first appearances revealed. Tripper wasn't so certain anypet would believe her though unless they witnessed it themselves... Was that why Tripper's friend bought her the ticket and sent her alone?
Tripper has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

Whilst enjoying Halloween 2020, you meet Foxy Sir.

Tripper shook paws with Foxy Sir the Red Feisty Fox.They both received one silver mole!

Foxy Sir and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 812 Find points today: 111 Hunt total: 1532

x 20