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& Owly


Owly has completed the quest of
"Skeezle's Treasure" !

Owly is questing!
Episode 1:
Welcome aboard yer new ship, Owly, it's time to meet yer crew! Quazzle, An Droid, Packrat, Mr. Fox and me - Captain Dawg!

“Tis the terriblest crew I ever saw aboard a lump o'wood with a handkerchief for a sail. Well, I suppose ye'll do as helmsman, ye scurvy - err, I mean, aye aye, Boss!”

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Cole!
Cole and you found 5 "Buccaneer Hat" size 4.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

You get (x1)Cole gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 2:
Tropical storms won't keep the crew from exploring the island and grabbing up the unusual, is it trash or left over yard sale items? Packrat points out that one man's trash is another man's treasure!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with freedom!
freedom and you found 5 "Spyglass" size 4.

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 3

You get (x1)freedom gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 3:
Trilliant Island ahead! After floating away from its magical place of origin, it settled in PnF Sea. The crew gets some shut-eye, but Owly can't sleep! What will they find in the morning? Those guards look rather fierce....

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Roz!
Roz and you found 5 "Purple Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 16 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 6

You get (x1)Roz gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 4:
Searching Trilliant Island, Owly discovers that Cap'n Skeezle has taken every last bit of treasure! Quazzle seems to think the gray key he found is significant, and Rat is just looking for a grape arbor so he can reload...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Sir Oliver the Second!
Sir Oliver the Second and you found 5 "Ship’s Cannon" size 4.

Tries today: 188 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 39

You get (x1)Sir Oliver the Second gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 5:
Owly looks on in alarm as a storm pounds their vessel! Rat bravely mans the crow's nest, and is almost tossed overboard!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with rainbow cookie!
rainbow cookie and you found 5 "Red Bones Bandana" size 4.

Tries today: 245 Find points today: 48 Hunt total: 48

You get (x1)rainbow cookie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 6:
Land HO! A small island appears on the horizon, beckoning the crew to come explore!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Lucky!
Lucky and you found 5 "Grey Skeleton Key" size 4.

Tries today: 409 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 65

You get (x1)Lucky gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 7:
After a full day of exploring the island, the crew gets together to talk about the things they have discovered and decide to take in the local sights and night life.

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Blue Fire!
Blue Fire and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 605 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 90

You get (x1)Blue Fire gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 8:
Having steered their ship down an inlet, Captain Dawg grabs a spade and he and the crew take Owly ashore to see what they can discover. Owly makes a thrilling find!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Coco!
Coco and you found 5 "Message in a Bottle" size 4.

Tries today: 617 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 94

You get (x1)Coco gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 9:
As the sun sets on another exciting day at sea, Owly wonders what tomorrow will hold...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with D - Violetto!
D - Violetto and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 659 Find points today: 97 Hunt total: 97

You get (x1)D - Violetto gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 10:
Passing a mysterious castle at sunrise, An consults a map, while keeping lookout in the crow's nest. Has the crow's nest come loose? Look out!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Sir Anderson Cooper "the coop"!
Sir Anderson Cooper "the coop" and you found 5 "Banana Sword" size 4.

Tries today: 47 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 117

You get (x1)Sir Anderson Cooper "the coop" gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 11:
Beware sailors! There's a fierce storm, and even the trusty lighthouse can't cut through! Any pet thrown overboard has hungry sharks to keep 'em company, so look lively!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Lilly!
Lilly and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 68 Find points today: 27 Hunt total: 124

You get (x1)Lilly gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 12:
Calm seas and dark horizons beckon Owly and crew as they continue their quest for treasure!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Rosie!
Rosie and you found 5 "Galleon" size 4.

Tries today: 77 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 128

You get (x1)Rosie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 13:
While the crew makes dinner, Owly finds a "Golden Candelabrum" , but beware what lurks in the dark!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Otto!
Otto and you found 5 "Golden Candelabrum" size 4.

Tries today: 310 Find points today: 68 Hunt total: 165

You get (x1)Otto gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 14:
"Cap'n, island ahoy!" called Packrat.
"Thank'ee, Mr Helmsman," said Captain Dawg. "Mr Quazzle, look lively and stand by to drop anchor."
"Aye, aye, Cap'n," said Quazzle. "It be a strange, rocky old island, methinks."

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Arthur!
Arthur and you found 5 "Pile of Doubloons" size 4.

Tries today: 375 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 175

You get (x1)Arthur gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 15:
And the rock bespoke the crew... All hands hoay! To me, and fear ye not! For I've been watching ol’ Skeezle’s comings and goings, and tis I alone that knows the secret of where to find ol’ Skeezle’s castle!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Champ!
Champ and you found 1 "Laughing Rock Mountain"

Tries today: 502 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 186

You get (x1)Champ gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Owly is questing!
Episode 16:
Blow me down! What be aglow in dis secret cave? Doubloons aplenty, me thinks! Heave to Owly, for dis booty be your’n now!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Legendary Dragon Slayer!
Legendary Dragon Slayer and you found 1 "Shiny Gold Coins"

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 209

You get (x1)Legendary Dragon Slayer gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Owly is questing!
Episode 17:
Owly admires the scenery of a tropical island on a bright and glorious day - it's good to be a sailor!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Silky!
Silky and you found 5 "Ship’s Wheel" size 4.

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 211

You get (x1)Silky gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 18:
Heave to an' anchors away me hearties, fer surely dis be ol' Skeezle's Cove! An' what 'ave we 'ere? A sight fer sore eyes indeed! Da galleons be ol' Skeezle's plunder, captured on da high seas one an' all! Mighty fast dey be, compared wit' Owly's ol' man-o-war!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Jillie!
Jillie and you found 1 "Skeezle Cove"

Tries today: 262 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 259

You get (x1)Jillie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Owly is questing!
Episode 19:
Land ho! Avast ye mateys! A formidable sight indeed...mayhap ye can stay aboard, while Owly reconnoitres ol' Skeezle's castle on der own...?

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with PI PI!
PI PI and you found 5 "Banana Sword" size 4.

Tries today: 495 Find points today: 79 Hunt total: 284

You get (x1)PI PI gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 5!
(size 4)

Owly is questing!
Episode 20:
Ahoy, me hearties, avast ye! Skeezle’s three sheets to da wind, so fetch up that thar key from Trilliant Island ya scurvy dogs! Wha' be this? Treasure or naught but sand?
Blimey and blow me down! All hand hoay! Heave ho on dat thar big pink beauty, or ye’ll feed da fish afore nightfall!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Blue Fire!
Blue Fire and you found 1 "Pink Crystal Cluster" size 11

Tries today: 599 Find points today: 95 Hunt total: 300

You get (x1)Blue Fire gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 11)

Owly is questing!
Episode 21:
After a well earned rest and supper, Owly decides to commandeer Skeezle's stolen vessel! This black beauty will do nicely...

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Balin Durin!
Balin Durin and you found 1 "Black Ship"

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 309

You get (x1)Balin Durin gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

Owly is questing!
Episode 22:
Cor, Owly an' da crew be 'ome in one piece, wit everythin' shipshape! Dey splice da mainbrace an' share out da booty, mindful of gettin' 3 sails to da wind! For tis da mornin' tide dey be takin', bound for more high seas adventure an' another Quest!

You hunted for Skeezle's Treasure with Barley!
Barley and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 68 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 328

You get (x1)Barley gets (x1)QUEST REWARD x 20