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Mary Pat Leiby
& Hoot


Hoot has completed the quest of
"Nibbles & Scritch" !

4th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 1:
Hoot is out and about today, and happens upon a curious sight, a magic show! Is it? It is! It's Hoot's old friend Scritch! Scritch is managing for Nibbles the Magician now? Hoot is excited to meet Scritch's new friends. Perhaps they could use some help?

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet George.

You shook paws with George the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

George and you found 25 "Lime-o-Lantern Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 158 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 2230

You get (x1)George gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

4th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 2:
Hoot offers to help out with this fun magic act, and is introduced by old friend Scritch(manager with an attitude!), to Nibbles (Magician of questionable ability) Priscilla (fluffy, feminine, fun and PINK!) and Al (who, frankly, defies description!)

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Patoong.

You shook paws with Patoong the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Patoong and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 191 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 2233

You get (x1)Patoong gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 3

4th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 3:
After a brief bit of coaching by Scritch, Hoot nervously steps up and begins to describe to the small yet attentive audience the amazing trick that Nibbles is about to perform. Turning a toad into a dove is certainly a nice trick, and Hoot can't wait to see it happen! Squeaking a bit, Hoot tries to remember, what were those magic words again?

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Clarice.

You shook paws with Clarice the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. You both received one silver mole!

Clarice and you found 25 "Lime-o-Lantern Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 522 Find points today: 68 Hunt total: 2266

You get (x1)Clarice gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 4:
Oh noes, Hoot said the wrong words!
"Hoot, that's not what I told you to say!" Scritch cries, as a very unhappy skunk appears, knocking poor Al to the ground, while a funky smell sends the audience back a few paces!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Carlton.

You shook paws with Carlton the Magician's Rabbit. You both received one silver mole!

Carlton and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 16 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 2299

You get (x1)Carlton gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 5:
Suddenly Everything goes blurry, lightning flashes, and the bus, the magician, the manager, the helpers, and Hoot all seem to be swirling out of control! BAM they land - in a cornfield? Nibbles says a few magic words and the bus disappears (Whoops! He was only trying to set the parking brake! Oh well...)
Off in the distance they spot what looks like a tornado, and Nibbles and Scritch head for it immediately - "Now I KNOW something is up!" thinks Hoot, "they were expecting this!" as they head into the cornfield, which is looking more and more like a maze! "Oh dear" thinks Hoot, "what is that around the corner???"

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Kikaa.

You shook paws with Kikaa the Kiwi. You both received one silver mole!

Kikaa gave you 1 "Nibbles & Scritch Bewitched Bus (Right)"

Tries today: 48 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 2312

You get (x1)Kikaa gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 6:
As Hoot and the gang are starting to make some headway in this crazy maze, they begin to hear strange, frightening sounds! Giggling, talking and laughing, that must be, no wait, it can't, it... it is! It's HOOMANS!! AHHHHHH!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Bessie.

You shook paws with Bessie the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. You both received one silver mole!

Bessie and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 222 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 2345

You get (x1)Bessie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 7:
Closer and closer the hoomans come, while Hoot and friends tremble in fear! What sorcery is this? Where are they that they would actually see hoomans??? Scritch's hair stands on end as the blonde haired hooman reaches for him!
"Nice kitty" the hooman coos, as Scritch prepares to make a run for it!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Orpheus.

You shook paws with Orpheus the Green Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Orpheus and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 266 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 2351

You get (x1)Orpheus gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 10

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 8:
Nibbles is frantically waving his wand, but alas, he doesn't know any magic that works on hoomans! As the group prepares to be "petted" by these unknown assailants, Hoot hides around the corner and sounds forth a terrific "ROAR" which sends the hoomans running away (although why they are still giggling Hoot can't understand, are they actually here for entertainment?)

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Phimi ツ.

You shook paws with Phimi ツ the Arctic Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Phimi ツ and you found 25 "Lascivious Lemon Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 316 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 2362

You get (x1)Phimi ツ gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 9:
"We'll never find our way out of this corn maze!" Hoot exclaims, but Scritch has an idea, and the friends climb on one another's shoulders to get a better view of the maze, and the way out! Unfortunately, they chose Al to climb to the top, and before he could see much of anything, he was tumbling back down to the ground with a thud! While this didn't hurt much (he was used to being sawed in half in the magic act, after all) it also didn't help them find the path...

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Majestic.

You shook paws with Majestic the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Majestic and you found 25 "Scary Strawberry Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 591 Find points today: 103 Hunt total: 2395

You get (x1)Majestic gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

5th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 10:
Hoot looks on skeptically as Nibbles tries to see the way out with his crystal ball. Scritch is terrified of the "CAT-tastrophe" she sees in the magic ball. Priscilla is even more terrified, thinking that it's a mirror! "Oh dear, do I really look that mussed?" Priscilla cries, frantically searching for her comb...
Al looks hungrily at the crystal ball. Hoot wonders if Al is seeing a nice lunch in the crystal ball, or does the silly gator simply want to eat the crystal ball itself???
Nibbles can't concentrate with all this noise, and the crystal ball just keeps showing him advertisements for liver pills and the latest kitchen gadgets! Sigh...

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Pekoe.

You shook paws with Pekoe the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Pekoe and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 655 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 2401

You get (x1)Pekoe gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 11:
Hoot is wondering if they will ever get going again, when Nibbles remembers he has a map! Scritch (who is the navigator on their tour bus) quickly consults the map and they head off in the direction indicated.
Hoot thinks maybe they shouldn't put too much faith in a map with such odd symbols on it. Wasn't that a picture of a ferris wheel in the lower left corner? And why did it say, "This way to the big top" on the other side? Oh well, better keep up, no sense getting lost all alone!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Bill Oddie.

You shook paws with Bill Oddie the Happy Dragon Hatchling. You both received one silver mole!

Bill Oddie and you found 25 "Blubbering Blueberry Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 8 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 2412

You get (x1)Bill Oddie gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 12:
Hoot hangs back as the group comes upon some rather creepy looking scarecrows... Nibbles is playing it cool (Al is simply hungry) while Priscilla and Scritch glance nervously at the stick figures
Perhaps they should have been more concerned about the crows peering out at them from the corn... Those crows don't seem to be afraid of them OR the scarecrows!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Sikandar.

You shook paws with Sikandar the Green Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Sikandar and you found 25 "Orange-o-Lantern Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 167 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 2445

You get (x1)Sikandar gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 13:
"Caw, caw, caw!!" scream the crows as they swoop in to attack the unsuspecting group!
Hiding behind a cornstalk, Priscilla shrieks in fear as a crow nibbles her toe! Al doesn't seem too distressed. Having heard the story of "four and twenty black birds baked in a pie" poor Al starts counting the swooping birds, hoping there's enough to make a nice dessert (fortunately for the crows, Al has no idea how to cook).
Nibbles is trying to protect his ears from the mischievous crows, while Hoot wonders what the magic word for "shoo" is?

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Serena.

You shook paws with Serena the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

Serena and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 443 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 2478

You get (x1)Serena gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 14:
As Hoot and friends are being harassed by the fiendish flock, a helpful toad has some advice, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" he whispers mysteriously...
Hoot has had enough and shouts, "What does that mean???" and the toad croaks, "Grab a scarecrow, silly!"
So Hoot and friends each grab a scarecrow and the raucous ravens finally head for the hills, leaving a very shaky group of friends to gingerly put back the (still creepy) scarecrows, who are looking at them just a little too intensely for inanimate objects...

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Miss Flicka.

You shook paws with Miss Flicka the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Miss Flicka and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 509 Find points today: 79 Hunt total: 2487

You get (x1)Miss Flicka gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 15:
As Hoot, Nibbles and Scritch are asking directions from a frantic toad, Al and Priscilla notice that this crazy corn maze they find themselves in seems to have even crazier critters in it!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Bandit.

You shook paws with Bandit the Black Feisty Fox. You both received one silver mole!

Bandit and you found 25 "Sour Grape Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 544 Find points today: 85 Hunt total: 2493

You get (x1)Bandit gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 16:
Ewwww! Hoot and friends are running away from these batty bovines, and stepping in something terribly nasty - Nibbles says some magic words and suddenly the nasty substance turns to grape jelly!
Hoot doesn't even want to think about what they just stepped in... gross!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet princess ♥ sparkles.

You shook paws with princess ♥ sparkles the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. You both received one silver mole!

princess ♥ sparkles and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 626 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 2506

You get (x1)princess ♥ sparkles gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25

6th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 17:
"Quick, Nibbles, do something besides clean-up, these cows are crazy!" Hoot shouts at the clumsy magician.
While Nibbles frantically searches for a "cow-whisperer" spell, Scritch, in a very un-cat-like maneuver, grabs some bales of hay and starts tossing them at the bonkers beasties! Hoot quickly joins in, and soon the peculiar herd is happily munching. Hoot and friends slip away and continue exploring this crazy corn maze!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Ginny.

You shook paws with Ginny the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Ginny and you found 25 "Lascivious Lemon Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 653 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 2510

You get (x1)Ginny gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 18:
Nibbles has decided that the best way to get through this corn maze is to just make it disappear! Hoot looks on nervously as he waves his wand and mutters his magic words, when suddenly the sky gets dark and lightning flashes with a loud CRASH! As the bolts of electricity hit the ears of corn, it starts to pop, and the friends are now being pelted by hot popping corn! Al begins eating happily as the rest of the crew duck for cover...

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet BUMSE.

You shook paws with BUMSE the Brown bear. You both received one silver mole!

BUMSE and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 78 Find points today: 19 Hunt total: 2536

You get (x1)BUMSE gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 150

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 19:
Hoot watches in horror as most of her friends begin to shrink from eating the popcorn that Nibbles' magic produced! Nibbles (who does NOT eat food from his own magic tricks, Hoot noticed) is trying frantically to remember his anti-shrinking spell, especially since those toads suddenly seem a little too interested in the tiny companions!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Midnight.

You shook paws with Midnight the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Midnight and you found 25 "Lime-o-Lantern Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 106 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 2542

You get (x1)Midnight gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 20:
"Shazzam!" Nibbles shouts, and waving his magic wand, he causes his friends to grow back to normal size. Unfortunately, this (and the rain) also caused the corn to grow, so now the maze is even more difficult!! Still, Hoot can't help but smile at the happily hopping toads, as they splashed about in the unexpected rain shower.

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Cherry.

You shook paws with Cherry the Yellow Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

Cherry and you found 25 "Scaredy Bubblegum Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 127 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 2546

You get (x1)Cherry gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 21:
Finally Hoot can stand it no longer, and demands an explanation from the recalcitrant bunny.
"Why are we chasing a tornado??" Hoot demands to know, "and how did you even know what was going to happen?"
Nibbles sighs and replies, "Okay, you're right, we knew this might happen! We've been through this before, and the only way to get back is to follow the tornado until we can get close enough to hitch a ride home!"
Hoot isn't too happy with this news, but it gets even worse!
"The thing is" Nibbles continues, "We need to be all together in a structure of some kind. The bus worked great last time, but I accidentally sent it home without us." "WHAT!!" Hoot cried, "Now what do we do???"
Hoot shudders as the crew looks toward the creepy house... Al just wonders if there might be snacks in there...

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Zoe.

You shook paws with Zoe the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Zoe and you found 1 "Dusty Tornad’oh" size 7.

Tries today: 357 Find points today: 62 Hunt total: 2579

You get (x1)Zoe gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
(size 7)

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 22:
Hoot lets the Magician's crew go in first, since they (hopefully) know what they are doing... and bumps into them as they stop in shock at the HUGE bat they find inside!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Champ.

You shook paws with Champ the Black Lovable Labrador. You both received one silver mole!

Champ and you found 25 "Sour Grape Lollipop" size 4.

Tries today: 578 Find points today: 95 Hunt total: 2612

You get (x1)Champ gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 25
(size 4)

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 23:
Just as Hoot thinks they may catch a break, the huge bat wakes up! As the frantic friends start singing a lullaby, the creature becomes even more agitated at their off-key performance.
Nibbles knows there is no way to make THOSE voices any better, so instead he quickly casts a spell on the bat's ears, who now hears a lovely harmony and dozes off again, dreaming of music and his favorite snack (which happens to be lizard - if Al only knew!)

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Tiara Maxwell.

You shook paws with Tiara Maxwell the Midnight Happy Dragon. You both received one silver mole!

Tiara Maxwell gave you 1 "Yellow Spell"

Tries today: 625 Find points today: 99 Hunt total: 2616

You get (x1)Tiara Maxwell gets (x1)QUEST REWARD

7th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 24:
"Now I can get to work!" Nibbles mutters, rubbing his paws together. Being a mediocre magician, Nibbles enjoys using the tornado to make real magic, and begins the process of transporting them home, while Al rummages through the cupboards for a snack... oh noes, Al, don't eat the leftovers!

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Whymsical Mysti.

You shook paws with Whymsical Mysti the Green Rapid Dragonfly. You both received one silver mole!

Whymsical Mysti and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 700 Find points today: 106 Hunt total: 2623

You get (x1)Whymsical Mysti gets (x1)QUEST REWARD
x 20

8th Nov 2018

Hoot is questing!
Episode 25:
Safely at home (sort of, where are we exactly? Hoot wonders) Nibbles asks Hoot about coming to the next show to help out again.
"No!" shouts Hoot, backing away, "I'm finished with magic!"
"Fair enough" Scritch replies, "but the house is yours, we've been to so many of these dimensions, we have more houses than we can ever use!"
Hoot looks in panic at the spooky house, but Nibbles tries to be reassuring, "Don't worry, the mega-bat isn't in there... I don't think..."
Hoot isn't reassured... but after an adventure like this one, even a bat seems a bit tame!
Now to go change visitor pets, so some other pet can help with their magic act! (Maybe Hoot should warn the next pet about what might happen? Nah...)

Please change over your pet now

Touring with Nibbles & Scritch, you meet Gammel Dansk.

You shook paws with Gammel Dansk the Great Dane. You both received one silver mole!

Gammel Dansk gave you 1 "The Haunted House"

Tries today: 12 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 2633

You get (x1)Gammel Dansk gets (x1)QUEST REWARD