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Flame has completed the quest of
"Huskies, Hijinks & Hygge" !

5th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 1/27

@ Joyful Sleigh Ride
Flame and zora have been given a free map to help them enjoy their Winter Tour! Before unfolding it, they read the cover:
Glacial Gliding
Your pet is welcomed in the morning by the jingle of sleigh bells, and two trusty brown steeds provide the transport for today's trip. Your pet will need to wrap up warmly for the ride! Along the way to the day's main event, the pets view winter flora transformed and beautified by frost, and they pass snowbound chalets. Today's tour provides an exciting opportunity to go paragliding! What splendid views can be seen while soaring in thermal currents high above the ground! After a safe landing, the day winds to its peaceful close of hot drinks, a log fire and another super house to explore.
Joyful Sleigh Ride
When pioneer Nebraskans wanted to travel somewhere fast, they waited for snowfall. That was the signal for sleighs to appear, making their winter journeys easier and very pleasurable . "The most pleasant of anticipations fill our hearts when we hear the merry jingle of sleighbells," said the Lincoln Evening News on 11 December, 1897, "or when someone tells us that the ice is thick enough to hold a horse." A horse-drawn sleigh, its bed partially filled with hay, was a luxury vehicle. The jingle of the sleigh bells and the merry cries of the occupants could be heard for a long distance over the empty prairie on a still, crisp wintry night. Early newspapers in the files of the Nebraska State Historical Society frequently mentioned sleighing parties in their columns.

While wandering in Winter, you met zora.

Flame shook paws with zora the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

zora gave you 1 "Glacial Gliding"

Tries today: 601 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 2009


5th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 2/27

@ Wintry Scenic Road
"midnught, was that last one we looked at a thorn bush with roses? Or a rose bush with thorns?" asked Flame.
Wintry Scenic Road
The most routine journey by road can be transformed into a beautiful winter wonderland by a fall of snow.

While wandering in Winter, you met midnught.

Flame shook paws with midnught the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

midnught and you found 100 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 662 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 2013

midnughtFlameQUEST REWARD
x 100

6th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 3/27

@ Celebration of Frost
“I’m going to have to spend a lot of time when we get back looking up what all these winter shrubs are!” said Flame to Sephira.
Celebration of Frost
Freezing conditions over a period of several days leads to the growth of the most dramatic hoar frost formations. Fallen leaves and the twigs of trees are coated with beautiful crystalline creations clearly visible in the pale sunshine.

While wandering in Winter, you met Sephira.

Flame shook paws with Sephira the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Sephira and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 25 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 2026

x 5

6th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 4/27

@ Lone Leaf
"It's turned a bit cold, Flame, I'm going to put my beanie hat on," said Mekmek.
"Good scheme! I'll dig my scarf out as well," said Flame.
Lone Leaf
What makes a leaf, a single leaf, cling to
a barren winter-swept tree on a cool
rainy day in late February? Its fellow
friends having fallen months before with
winter’s first blast, swept away and
forgotten. O leaf, why do you cling so,
lonely on a branch,
clinging, vainly, foolishly,
not knowing when it is time
to let go?
Do you know something we don’t?
Is your destiny to be surrounded
by friends again when warmth and glow
return to the world? Are you to serve
a bigger purpose with your resistance
to the way things are or should be?
Or . . . can you just not let go, understanding
your time has come?
Agency, serendipity, resistance, complacency.
We’ll never know why that lone leaf clings so,
why other lone leaves on other trees
share mutual experiences all alone.
cc (C) Ian Hochberg, 2018

While wandering in Winter, you met Mekmek.

Flame shook paws with Mekmek the Red Squirrel. They both received one silver mole!

Mekmek and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 2031

x 5

6th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 5/27

@ Hip Hip Hooray!
Flame opened his rucksack to find his hat. Fyzbana could see Flame had a beret, a balaclava, a cricket cap, a Tam o' Shanter, a woolly bobble hat, a beanie, a deerstalker hat and a Peruvian chullo!
“Did you bring a Stetson too?” Fyzbana asked Flame.
Hip Hip Hooray!
These red berries, or hips come from a large range of wild rose species. They are edible and high in Vitamin C. They can be bunched or solitary, on spiny or, more usually, hook-thorned arching stems. They can be found in hedges and deep woodland.

While wandering in Winter, you met Fyzbana.

Flame shook paws with Fyzbana the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Fyzbana and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 221 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 2064

x 5

6th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 6/27

@ Snowbound Cabins
“Ooh, it's just starting to get a bit cold, Flame!” said Mischief. “Can you hold my map while I dig out my gloves?"
Flame good-naturedly took charge of Mischief's possessions while he emptied his rucksack of a pack of sandwiches, a Thermos flask, a pair of galoshes, a bag of toffees, a paperback novel, a bottle of mineral water, an address book, some postage stamps, an assortment of different coloured biros, a bottle opener, a couple of old train tickets, a handful of golden and silver moles, a door key, some shopping receipts, a screwdriver, a bottle of multivitamins, a lottery ticket and a selection of rather battered sachets of salt, sugar and tomato ketchup before locating the gloves right at the bottom. These he donned and then Flame helped him put everything back in his rucksack.

Snowbound Cabins
Sometimes record snowfall buries buildings and homes! In some countries, when winter rolls around, the locals hunker down in their wooden cabins with log burners and slow-cooked stews.

While wandering in Winter, you met Mischief.

Flame shook paws with Mischief the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Mischief and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 235 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 2067

x 5

7th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 7/27

@ Heliotrope Winter Tree
Scaredy Cat was distracted by the sounds of loud rustling as Flame unfolded a very large tourist map, in the course of which he succeeded in knocking Scaredy Cat’s hat off. “Put that away, do!” snapped Scaredy Cat. “We’re about to pose beside this amazing scene—the picture will be of your map if you don’t fold it up PDQ!”
Heliotrope Winter Tree
This tree allows the winter landscape to burst into glorious life! The frost does little to diminish the vivid heliotrope hue.

While wandering in Winter, you met Scaredy Cat.

Flame shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 2071

Scaredy CatFlameQUEST REWARD
x 5

7th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 8/27

@ Tree in Wintertime
“What’s this winter shrub called?” asked Grace.
“Er—I only know the Latin name for it,” said Flame and hastily changed the subject.
Tree in Wintertime
Winters may be long and cold, but in the outside world some trees can allay that dullness and transform it into a place of natural beauty with visually arresting textures and colours. Everything combines to make an attractive winter scene.

While wandering in Winter, you met Grace.

Flame shook paws with Grace the Afghan Hound. They both received one silver mole!

Grace and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 41 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 2083

x 15

7th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 9/27

@ Red Berry Branches
Heleena was thinking about comforting hot chocolate drinks and the cosy warmth of log fires. "So do other countries say hygge to mean the same thing, Flame?" she asked.
“I think other countries might have their own words. In Germany they have a word that is a near equivalent. Gemütlichkeit."
"Bless you," said Heleena absently.

Red Berry Branches
Red berries on shrubs and trees look cheerful in the wintertime, gleaming in the sun or accentuated with a dusting of snow. Some flora display beautiful fruits in late summer or autumn, which persist into winter and are a useful food source, attracting hungry birds. In a glorious display of crimson, scarlet or vermilion, their attractive berries adorn their branches in eye-catching clusters, which gleam like jewels in the sunlight.

While wandering in Winter, you met Heleena.

Flame shook paws with Heleena the Fox’Maid (Ariilina) . They both received one silver mole!

Heleena and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 68 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 2090

x 15

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 10/27

@ Frosty Leaves
"How on earth do you identify what this is from the thousands of things it could be?" asked Alexandra.
"Well," said Flame, "you go through a checklist. Like what sort of leaves does it have, how are they arranged on the stem, do they have stalks, what's its habitat; that kind of thing. I'll lend you a book when we get home."
Frosty Leaves
Green leaves rimed with frost give a Christmassy feel to this snapshot of nature in hibernation until the spring.

While wandering in Winter, you met Alexandra.

Flame shook paws with Alexandra the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Alexandra and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 13 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 2107

AlexandraFlameQUEST REWARD
x 10

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 11/27

@ Snowy Pine
“You know, I'd like to spend a whole week here, Flame!” said Amethyst.
"It's very nice indeed—but you never know, the next leg of the tour might be even better!" said Flame.
Snowy Pine
What could be more evocative of the Christmas season than an evergree pine tree in the snow?

While wandering in Winter, you met Amethyst.

Flame shook paws with Amethyst the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Amethyst and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 32 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 2119

x 10

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 12/27

@ Meadow Aglow
"I think I'll take a cutting of the plant over there," said Flame. "The label says it's 'vigorous' and 'fearless'."
Flora sniffed. "That's gardeners' talk for 'an invasive species that will take over your entire garden if permitted'!"
Meadow Aglow
Alpine meadows have a dense carpet of short grass and abound in brightly coloured flowering plants. According to the types of grasses that predominate, there are herbaceous, sedge, cobresia, and mixed-grass meadows. These meadows are used for seasonal grazing.

While wandering in Winter, you met Flora.

Flame shook paws with Flora the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Flora and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 38 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 2122

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 13/27

@ Jingle Bells Sleigh
“Pass me the binoculars, Flame!” said Ladybug. "I think that's a Canada goose just taking off over there!"
Jingle Bells Sleigh
Trotting through the snow on a one-horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go laughing all the way!

While wandering in Winter, you met Ladybug.

Flame shook paws with Ladybug the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Ladybug and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 54 Find points today: 26 Hunt total: 2125

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 14/27

@ Winter Plant
“What have you got in your tote bag, Flutterbye?” asked Tweety Pi. “It looks very full!”
“I’ve come prepared for anything snowy, Tweety Pi,” responded Flutterbye. “There’s snowshoes, snow boots, Wellington boots, ear muffs, a pair of grippy things—you name it, I’ve got it!”
Winter Plant
Autumn has its own glory, with brilliant foliage and golden grasses. However, winter shrubs can appear skeletal as deciduous shrubs drop their leaves in preparation for winter dormancy. But come the spring, buds will appear and unfurl.

While wandering in Winter, you met Pekoe.

Flame shook paws with Pekoe the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Pekoe and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 68 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 2129

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 15/27

@ Snowy Conifer
"Wasn’t it worth coming all this way, Flame," said Gendry, "for this experience alone?"
Flame, admiring the scene they were now in, heartily agreed!
Snowy Conifer
Coniferous trees typically do not lose their greenery in winter. Their leaves, often called “needles,” stay on the trees year round. Because of this, they are often called “evergreens.” These trees are well adapted to survive cold temperatures!

While wandering in Winter, you met Gendry.

Flame shook paws with Gendry the Tapir. They both received one silver mole!

Gendry and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 201 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 2150

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 16/27

@ Soar and Explore
“I could stay here forever, Flame,” said Scaredy Cat. “This is an amazing place!”
“Well, you never know what lies ahead, Scaredy Cat. I wouldn't be surprised if the next stop is even better!” said Flame.
Soar and Explore
Give paragliding a go and experience the thrill of unpowered flight! Enjoy the weightless feeling of soaring through the skies with beautiful views at your feet on an unforgettable experience.

While wandering in Winter, you met Scaredy Cat.

Flame shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 222 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 2153

Scaredy CatFlameQUEST REWARD
x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 17/27

@ Gliding Galore
“Seeing these places makes me want to spend a week or two, Flame,” remarked Flicka. "You know, experience in full what it's like to live here."
"Well, I guess that's the point of travel, isn't it?" said Flame. "To broaden your horizons and so on."
Gliding Galore
To dip your toe into the exciting world of paragliding, you can take a "tandem" ride with an instructor. While you revel in the stunning aerial views, the guide will launch your trip, expertly navigate invisible thermals and bring you safely back down to land.

While wandering in Winter, you met Flicka.

Flame shook paws with Flicka the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Flicka and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 353 Find points today: 66 Hunt total: 2165

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 18/27

@ Joyride Paraglide
“Oh my goodness!” cried Cookie. "Have you seen what's in store for us on this trip?"
Flame looked mildly alarmed. “It's not Granny Violet playing the spoons again, is it?"
"No! This looks really dangerous!"
Flame perked up, interested. "Is Fresco going to saw a pet in half? It's okay, it's just an illusion."
A snowball hit him in the face.
Joyride Paraglide
Experience the thrill of unpowered flight, enjoying breathtaking bird’s-eye views of the scenery below!

While wandering in Winter, you met Cookie.

Flame shook paws with Cookie the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Cookie and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 384 Find points today: 74 Hunt total: 2173

x 10

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 19/27

@ Tangerine Sunset
“Pass me the binoculars, Flame!” said Slushie. "I think that's a Canada goose just taking off over there!"
Tangerine Sunset
Just drink in this beautiful vista of the sun setting across a range of snowy mountain peaks! What an incredible view, whether you are on snowshoes, skis or are paragliding, to see the sky awash with pink and orange hues as the daylight fades.

While wandering in Winter, you met Slushie.

Flame shook paws with Slushie the Blushing Koala. They both received one silver mole!

Slushie and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 440 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 2177

x 10

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 20/27

@ Bashful Bear
"I think I'll take a cutting of the plant over there," said Flame. "The label says it's 'vigorous' and 'fearless'."
Catalina sniffed. "That's gardeners' talk for 'an invasive species that will take over your entire garden if permitted'!"
Bashful Bear
Aw, who can resist the pleading face of this forlorn little ted? He just wants to be picked up for a cuddle, and will be your friend for life.

While wandering in Winter, you met Catalina.

Flame shook paws with Catalina the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Catalina and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 559 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 2188

x 10

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 21/27

@ Club Hub
“Oh my goodness!” cried Olivia. "Have you seen what's in store for us on this trip?"
Flame looked mildly alarmed. “It's not Granny Violet playing the spoons again, is it?"
"No! This looks really dangerous!"
Flame perked up, interested. "Is Fresco going to saw a pet in half? It's okay, it's just an illusion."
A snowball hit him in the face.
Club Hub
The dark earth tones of this room provide a warm, club-like interior and plenty of space to spread out, eat a hot meal and then pass under the graceful archway to congregate by the fireplace at the far end of the room.

While wandering in Winter, you met Olivia.

Flame shook paws with Olivia the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Olivia and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 673 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 2203

x 5

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 22/27

@ Superior Interior
“Ooh, it's just starting to get a bit cold, Flame!” said Josie. “Can you hold my map while I dig out my gloves?"
Flame good-naturedly took charge of Josie's possessions while she emptied her rucksack of a pack of sandwiches, a Thermos flask, a pair of galoshes, a bag of toffees, a paperback novel, a bottle of mineral water, an address book, some postage stamps, an assortment of different coloured biros, a bottle opener, a couple of old train tickets, a handful of golden and silver moles, a door key, some shopping receipts, a screwdriver, a bottle of multivitamins, a lottery ticket and a selection of rather battered sachets of salt, sugar and tomato ketchup before locating the gloves right at the bottom. These she donned and then Flame helped her put everything back in her rucksack.

Superior Interior
The more uncluttered the environment, the more restful it can be. This formal interior in shades of cream and brown, provides a haven to relax in front of the fire, while the greenery "brings the outside in" and purifies the air.

While wandering in Winter, you met Josie.

Flame shook paws with Josie the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Josie and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 710 Find points today: 108 Hunt total: 2207

x 15

8th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 23/27

@ Cosy Log Fire
Flame opened his rucksack to find his hat. Jake could see Flame had a beret, a balaclava, a cricket cap, a Tam o' Shanter, a woolly bobble hat, a beanie, a deerstalker hat and a Peruvian chullo!
“Did you bring a Stetson too?” Jake asked Flame.
Cosy Log Fire
What bliss! Draw your chair up to the fireside and toast your paws in the glow of a real fire.

While wandering in Winter, you met Jake.

Flame shook paws with Jake the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Jake and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 801 Find points today: 120 Hunt total: 2219

x 15

9th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 24/27

@ Hyggekrog
"Kady, was that last one we looked at a thorn bush with roses? Or a rose bush with thorns?" asked Flame.
Curl up in an armchair in a nook of this cosy book-room with a novel or biography selected from the ample choice and while away a cold winter evening by the fire. Or just relax in the warmth with hot chocolate and watch through the window as the rain or snow falls outside.

While wandering in Winter, you met Kady.

Flame shook paws with Kady the Sparkling Snow Foxee. They both received one silver mole!

Kady and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 35 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 2235

x 5

9th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 25/27

@ Mellow Violin
“I’m going to have to spend a lot of time when we get back looking up what all these winter shrubs are!” said Flame to Flo og Fjære.
Mellow Violin
In the dimly lit quiet corner of the book-lined study lies a violin, a beautiful shade of varnished red brown, an hour-glass shape with graceful, intricate curvature. Put a sheet of music on the stand and draw the bow across the strings of this rich instrument resonating its high yet warm, mellow tones.

While wandering in Winter, you met Flo og Fjære.

Flame shook paws with Flo og Fjære the African Penguin Chick. They both received one silver mole!

Flo og Fjære and you found 100 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 72 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 2243

Flo og FjæreFlameQUEST REWARD
x 100

9th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 26/27

@ Prink that Drink
Flame is tired out and ready to go home when Mikey comes along. "Wow! You find a special prize!" says Mikey. Flame turns round and found it was just behind them!
Frosty & Floral
The graceful petals of these winter blooms reaching up towards the sky complement the teal leaves with their pale mauve hue.
Prink that Drink
At the end of a tiring day, what can be better than relaxing with a hot, milky drink to help you unwind and send you off to sleep?

While wandering in Winter, you met Mikey.

Flame shook paws with Mikey the Miner's Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Mikey gave you 1 "Frosty & Floral"

Tries today: 108 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 2251


9th Feb 2021
Flame visits Glacial Gliding!
Episode 27/27

@ Glacial Gliding
Flame has enjoyed his winter tour and is now ready to go to his own snug, warm home. Steak Sauce feels just the same!!
Glacial Gliding
Your pet is welcomed in the morning by the jingle of sleigh bells, and two trusty brown steeds provide the transport for today's trip. Your pet will need to wrap up warmly for the ride! Along the way to the day's main event, the pets view winter flora transformed and beautified by frost, and they pass snowbound chalets. Today's tour provides an exciting opportunity to go paragliding! What splendid views can be seen while soaring in thermal currents high above the ground! After a safe landing, the day winds to its peaceful close of hot drinks, a log fire and another super house to explore.
Flame has completed the quest! "Huskies, Hijinks and Hygge" is now over, but PnF will hold a new event again soon!

While wandering in Winter, you met Steak Sauce.

Flame shook paws with Steak Sauce the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Steak Sauce gave you 1 "Winter Wanderings Stamp"

Tries today: 137 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 2256

Steak SauceFlameQUEST REWARD