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Debbie James
& Arwen
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Arwen has completed the quest of
"Benvenuti a tutti" !

19th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 1/30

@ Rocky Sardinian Cove
Arwen begins her tour of "Islands of Italy" by downloading a map of specially chosen locations!
Italy - Islands
We go island-hopping off the "boot" of Italy on Sardinia and Sicily! There is so much for the pets to enjoy here, from the dozens of flawless sandy beaches, vibrant, colourful houses and special flora and fauna. The architecture reflects the melting pot of travellers from ancient empires of Europe, Africa and the Middle East that used the islands as a stopping-off place—the Byzantines, Phoenicians and of course, the Spanish, all of whom have left their mark. The water is perfectly clear, making it ultra-inviting for pets who want to try their paw at snorkling! And there's a banger of a surprise on Sicily, home to Europe's largest volcano, Mount Etna! It's classed as active, but pets need have no fear—that just means it's erupted once since the last Ice Age! Rest assured, your picnics will not be disturbed!
Rocky Sardinian Cove
With a morning spent in happily sailing the ocean blue around the island of Sardinia, the pets can pull in on the coastline wherever they want to explore. Just remember to tie the boat up firmly, chaps and chapesses, for when you're ready to embark again!

While touring Italy, you met Finley.

Arwen shook paws with Finley the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Finley gave you 1 "Italy - Islands"

Tries today: 502 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 934


19th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 2/30

@ La Macchinina Rossa -- Little Red Car
"A bit of trivia here, Nano!" remarked Arwen, reading from their tour brochure. "Can you name two films that popularised the Vespa as the ultimate way to explore Italy?"
"I don't think I can, Arwen!"
"Well, to be fair, they were both from before we were born. The 1953 film, Roman Holiday, and La Dolce Vita in 1960. It says the latter is a particularly good film."
"We'll have to see if we can watch them when we get back," said Nano.
La Macchinina Rossa -- Little Red Car
The Fiat 500 is an iconic Italian design. It's just the job to take a group of pets on a sightseeing tour ending in a picnic in the beautiful Italian countryside!

While touring Italy, you met Nano.

Arwen shook paws with Nano the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Nano and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 584 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 943

x 5

19th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 3/30

@ Deep Blue Sea
"'Bella Italia!'" read out Lady from their tour brochure. " 'A country in which you will be swept off your paws by quaint seaside villages, pastoral countryside, idyllic islands, dramatic mountains and ancient historic cities. It's easy to understand why Bella Italia is one of the most romantic destinations in the world.'"
Arwen settled back in her tour bus seat. "It's certainly been all that so far, Lady!"
Deep Blue Sea
Whether you chose to visit Sardinia to check out Phoenician or Roman ruins, or just to soak up some sun and enjoy some excellent Sardinian wines, you're sure to have a great time.

While touring Italy, you met Lady.

Arwen shook paws with Lady the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Lady and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 639 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 947

x 5

19th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 4/30

@ Cagliari, Sardinia
"It's turned a bit hot, Arwen. I'm going to put my sunhat on," said Thurmy.
"Good scheme! I'll dig mine out as well," said Arwen.
Cagliari, Sardinia
Sardinia is one of the most mysterious places on earth. The oldest landmass in Europe, it has archaeological sites, discovered in the 1970s, that date from between 1900 and 730 BCE (Sardinia’s Stonehenge).

While touring Italy, you met Thurmy.

Arwen shook paws with Thurmy the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Thurmy and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 786 Find points today: 113 Hunt total: 958

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 5/30

@ Sardinian Haven
"The tour guide said we'll be visiting Il Duomo. I asked her what that was and she said it meant 'the cathedral' in Italian. But there are lots of cathedrals in Italy!" remarked Arwen.
"When they say Il Duomo they most often mean the one in Florence, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. It says in our brochure it was first built in the 13th century, with the dome added in the 15th century. It has a pink, white and green exterior in a gothic style with a large dome on top. Sounds beautiful!" remarked Carpe Diem.
Arwen mused for a minute. "I guess it's like when we were touring England last spring, everypet in London would talk about 'The Monument'—to the Great Fire of London of 1666—as if there were only one monument in the whole of London, instead of thousands!"
Sardinian Haven
Sardinia is undoubtedly best known for limpid turquoise sea and exquisite beaches on the Costa Smeralda, but there are plenty of those elsewhere on the island too. Food and wine is just as important here as well – the island is a designated ‘Blue Zone’, a region where the people live longer and healthier lives than anywhere else on the planet.

While touring Italy, you met Carpe Diem.

Arwen shook paws with Carpe Diem the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Carpe Diem and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 2 Find points today: 2 Hunt total: 963

x 75

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 6/30

@ Royal Olive Oil
On disembarking from the tour bus, Mama Bear ❤️ surveyed the current stopping place. “Would you fancy living here, Arwen?”
"Well, it's certainly a bit different to where we live," said Arwen. "But I could get used to it, I daresay!"
Royal Olive Oil
There are over 400 varieties of olive in Italy! Each Italian region has its own special cultivars. For example, Ortice from Campania is one of the oldest olive trees in Italy dating back to 539 BCE; spicy and slightly bitter with elegant and well-balanced tones of fresh tomatoes and vegetables.

While touring Italy, you met Mama Bear ❤️.

Arwen shook paws with Mama Bear ❤️ the Brown Bear. They both received one silver mole!

Mama Bear ❤️ and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 21 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 968

Mama Bear ❤️ArwenQUEST REWARD
x 15

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 7/30

@ Sardinian Seaside Delight
“You know, I'd like to spend a whole week in this region here, Arwen!” said Tweety Pi.
"It's very pleasant indeed—but you never know, the next part of the tour might be even better!" replied Arwen.
Sardinian Seaside Delight
About a quarter of the island of Sardinia is designated as either a National Park or other protected reserve territory, so much of the environment is unspoiled. The naturalists in your family can have a great time trying to spot incredibly rare creatures such as the Sardinian Fox or the Mediterranean Monk Seal!

While touring Italy, you met Tweety Pi.

Arwen shook paws with Tweety Pi the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Tweety Pi and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 39 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 973

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 8/30

@ Sea Glass Fragments
“Where are we now, Arwen?” asked C.J.
"If it's Tuesday this must be Tuscany!" joked Arwen. "Only kidding—let me check the map!"
Sea Glass Fragments
Sea glass is essentially pieces of glass ground smooth by the action of the sea. Taking anything from 20 to 100 years to complete the process, the end results can be exquisite. Jewellery made from sea glass will be absolutely unique.

While touring Italy, you met C.J.

Arwen shook paws with C.J the Red Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

C.J and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 86 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 985

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 9/30

@ I saw one ship go sailing by
"Italy—the perfect choice for our travels this summer, Arwen!" enthused DIDI.
"Yup. Pizza, pasta, Prada. I can't wait to get to Milan!"
"Oh! I was thinking more of world famous paintings and architecture, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, the Colosseum of Ancient Rome, Venice's canals, Pompeii, the opera. Italy has given the world so much!" said DIDI.
Arwen unwrapped a torta al cioccolato pastiglia for herself, popped it in her mouth and offered the packet to DIDI. "Sure! You know me, I love a bit of culture. As long as there's a nice gift shop at the end, I'm happy."
I saw one ship go sailing by
Sardinia presents a huge range of activities for a holiday. From the sunbathing perfection of its Mediterranean beaches to the exploration of sites such as Su Nuraxi di Barumini - a building structure dating from the Megalithic period - there is something to interest everypet.

While touring Italy, you met DIDI.

Arwen shook paws with DIDI the Blue Thunder Monster Baby. They both received one silver mole!

DIDI and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 118 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 990

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 10/30

@ Lavender Shop
"I've bought so many souvenirs already my backpack's almost full!" said Choose a name.
"Me too!" said Arwen. "It's great on this tour, isn't it?"
Lavender Shop
While strolling round idyllic Sardinia you may come across this delightful little shop offering all things lavender! You will find plants, bath foam, perfume sprays, fragrant sachets and more!

While touring Italy, you met Choose a name.

Arwen shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 299 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 1020

Choose a nameArwenQUEST REWARD
x 75

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 11/30

@ Turquoise Surf
"It says in our brochure that Italy has produced many luxury sports cars, such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Alfa Romeo and Maserati. That's impressive, isn't it, SPARKLES?" remarked Arwen.
"Well, they certainly are amazing, Arwen," responded SPARKLES. "But I'd rather own a little Fiat 500! They are terminally cute!"
Turquoise Surf
Enjoy the crystal clear waters of Cala Gonone, Italy. Who'll be the first to get their surf board out?

While touring Italy, you met SPARKLES.

Arwen shook paws with SPARKLES the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

SPARKLES and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 358 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1030

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 12/30

@ Canopied Café
"Here's another bit of trivia for you, Olivia!" called out Arwen. "The Villa del Balbianello on Lake Como has featured in which two well-known films?"
"I don't know, Arwen. Which films were they?"
"The James Bond film Casino Royale and Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones," responded Arwen.
Canopied Café
A romantic setting for an outdoor café terrace area, where one can sip delicious coffee or indulge in an ice cream under a canopy of vine leaves.

While touring Italy, you met Olivia.

Arwen shook paws with Olivia the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Olivia and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 466 Find points today: 88 Hunt total: 1049

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 13/30

@ Cheer Me Up Tiramisu
"Nicole," gulped Arwen apprehensively, "Have you seen this item on the itinerary? We'll be going to see an active volcano, Mount Vesuvius, on the Naples leg!"
"Don't worry, Arwen!" said Nicole reassuringly. "It's not erupted since 79 CE. Admittedly, on that occasion, it did wipe out the Roman city of Pompeii and an estimated three million inhabitants, but today Mount Vesuvius is a large national park that attracts tourists wanting to hike up to the top and take a look inside. The brochure says the trail to the top is beginner-friendly and about a 2½ mile (4km) round trip."
Cheer Me Up Tiramisu
Tiramisu is a coffee-flavoured Italian dessert. The name comes from the Italian tirami sù, meaning "pick me up" or "cheer me up". This luscious pud is made of sponge fingers dipped in coffee, layered with a whipped mixture of eggs, sugar, and mascarpone cheese, flavoured with cocoa. For that finishing touch, sprinkle with chocolate shreds and a sprig of fresh mint!

While touring Italy, you met Nicole.

Arwen shook paws with Nicole the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Nicole and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 727 Find points today: 116 Hunt total: 1077

x 5

20th Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 14/30

@ Cala Gonone
"I think there'll be quite a few tired paws, wings and flippers when we get back to the tour bus," said b-rok, after he and Arwen had spent some time exploring another narrow, winding alleyway to its end.
"Is there a gift shop at the end?" enquired Arwen. "The thought of that generally keeps me going."
Cala Gonone
An Italian seaside town in Sardinia. Due to the quality of its waters, Cala Gonone is a popular tourist venue.

While touring Italy, you met b-rok.

Arwen shook paws with b-rok the Dauntless Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

b-rok and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 750 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 1080

x 5

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 15/30

@ White Peacock
Half way through Arwen's tour of "Islands of Italy", she finds a special prize!
Bulrush Field
If you're needing a place to relax and forget about your troubles, spend an afternoon resting among the bulrushes.
White Peacock
The white peacock fans out its snowy train to display its feathers of cloudy magnificence. The all-white color of a peacock is a trait of beauty among a species of beautiful birds. A white version of an animal can be found in nearly any species, but the white peacock is not an albino.

While touring Italy, you met Bigfoot.

Arwen shook paws with Bigfoot the Bob the Blue Scaly Monster. They both received one silver mole!

Bigfoot gave you 1 "Bulrush Field"

Tries today: 42 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 1103


21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 16/30

@ Let's Go A'Sailing
“Let's just drink in this scene, shall we, Arwen?” suggested Mimi, sinking down on a convenient tree stump.
Arwen agreed it was well worth spending some time there!
Let's Go A'Sailing
Here's a splendid little sailing boat all ready for a group of pets to jump aboard and go for a fun afternoon sailing around the lovely island of Sicily!

While touring Italy, you met Mimi.

Arwen shook paws with Mimi the Meadow's Secret Caterpillar. They both received one silver mole!

Mimi and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 107 Find points today: 26 Hunt total: 1113

x 15

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 17/30

@ Sicilian Town
“Let's practise some of these Italian phrases in our brochure, Arwen. I'll ask you what your name is! Come si chiama, Lei?” asked Mischief.
“No, my name isn't 'Lei'," replied Arwen, somewhat irritated. "Why are you asking that? Anyway—Mi chiamo Arwen."
"It doesn't mean, 'What's your name, Lei?'" responded Mischief indignantly. "The whole thing means 'What is your name?'"
Arwen seized the phrasebook. "Doesn't make sense, going round asking pets if they're called 'Lei'", she grumbled.
Mischief sighed heavily. "Let's try another one instead."
Sicilian Town
A charming jumble of colourful houses is to be found in this Sicilian town.

While touring Italy, you met Mischief.

Arwen shook paws with Mischief the Moondust Squirrel. They both received one silver mole!

Mischief and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 115 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 1118

x 5

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 18/30

@ Sicilian Boating Trip
“If there's time at the end when we get back to the hotel, I might do some initial sketches for a watercolour painting," tigg said, offering Arwen a chestnut biscotto from the bag and then unwrapping one for herself.
“That sounds like a good plan, tigg!" said Arwen.
Sicilian Boating Trip
Hire a sailing boat with a skipper; anchor offshore to take a dip in the clear waters. We suggest to diving pets and those who love to explore the underwater world to be equipped with snorkels so that they can admire the various species of marine life that populate these waters, like scorpion fish, morays or starfishes!

While touring Italy, you met tigg.

Arwen shook paws with tigg the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

tigg and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 262 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 1137

x 5

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 19/30

@ Mural Apricot
"Milan is widely considered to be the fashion capital of the world. Many internationally renowned fashion brands are based in Milan, including Dolce & Gabbana, Armani and Prada. Quadrilatero della Moda is the high-end fashion district in Milan that contains luxury brands and exclusive fashion boutiques. It’s one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world," read out moo moo from the itinerary.
"We'll have to take care not to go too mad there, moo moo!" responded Arwen. "Perhaps a designer T-shirt!"
"Hmm—I think a designer bath cube will be more within my budget!" remarked moo moo.
Mural Apricot
A sun-baked wall in warm apricot where the sage green shutters provide the perfect complementary colour. While the town drowses in the afternoon heat, this house interior looks invitingly cool.

While touring Italy, you met moo moo.

Arwen shook paws with moo moo the Holstein Friesian Calf. They both received one silver mole!

moo moo and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 311 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 1143

moo mooArwenQUEST REWARD
x 5

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 20/30

@ Sicilian Sea Holly
“Wouldn't it be lovely to live in a lighthouse like this one pictured in our itinerary in Genoa? So romantic!" mused Arwen, sipping a leisurely espresso.
"Well, I don't know," said ypmblessed. "It's not all about drinking coffee and gazing at the sea. You have run up and down stairs to operate the light and the foghorn, and there may be no running water or electricity apart from a generator."
Arwen considered this. "Mine would be a luxurious, converted, non-operational lighthouse, then."
Sicilian Sea Holly
This is a fine specimen of sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) found in the Mediterranean. This spiky beauty changes colour from blue, green and brown depending on the season.

While touring Italy, you met ypmblessed.

Arwen shook paws with ypmblessed the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

ypmblessed and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 366 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 1152

ypmblessedArwenQUEST REWARD
x 75

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 21/30

@ Tricolour Pig
Orchid was distracted by the sounds of loud rustling as Arwen unfolded a very large tourist map, in the course of which she succeeded in knocking Orchid’s hat off. “Put that away, do!” said Orchid, irritated. “We’re about to pose on either side of this amazing scene—the picture will all be of your map if you don’t fold it up pronto!”
Tricolour Pig
I'm a tricolour pig, de diddly dee
I'm not very big, de diddly dee
My appearance is trig, de diddly dee
And I'm dancing a jig, de diddly dee!

An Italian pig, de diddly dee
I don't give a fig, de diddly dee
For truffles I dig, de diddly dee
As blythe as a grig, de diddly dee!

While touring Italy, you met Orchid.

Arwen shook paws with Orchid the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Orchid and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 413 Find points today: 72 Hunt total: 1159

x 10

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 22/30

@ Land Ahoy!
Arwen flicked through the phrasebook. “The tour guide at the door of the museum this morning said Prego! as she ushered us all in. She said it meant ‛After you'. I asked her especially.”
“It's one of those terms that mean a number of things: ‛you're welcome', ‛don't mention it', ‛not at all', ‛after you!'. For example, if I reached for your bottle of orange juice you'd say, “Prego!—meaning ‛Please! Help yourself!”
“No, I wouldn't. I'd jolly well tell you to get your paws off it,” grumbled Arwen. “It's very confusing, having just one word covering half a dozen situations.”
“Would you rather have to learn half a dozen different phrases, like you'd have in English, to cover each one?”
Arwen thought about it for a while. “You may have a point there, Frankie!” she said.
Land Ahoy!
Such fun for everypet to take a sailing boat on a trip round Sicily in Italy!

While touring Italy, you met Frankie.

Arwen shook paws with Frankie the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Frankie and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 468 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 1168

x 10

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 23/30

@ Couture Boutique
Snipsnap was distracted by the sounds of loud rustling as Arwen unfolded a very large tourist map, in the course of which she succeeded in knocking Snipsnap’s hat off. “Put that away, do!” said Snipsnap, irritated. “We’re about to pose on either side of this amazing scene—the picture will all be of your map if you don’t fold it up pronto!”
Couture Boutique
This modest Sicilian frontage conceals the fact that behind its walls is an amazing ladies' fashion establishment. Check out their Facebook page!

While touring Italy, you met Snipsnap.

Arwen shook paws with Snipsnap the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Snipsnap and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 563 Find points today: 93 Hunt total: 1180

x 5

21st Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 24/30

@ Strombolicchio, Sicily
“Let's practise some Italian phrases, Arwen!" said Starla. "Tell you what, hand me that postcard, will you? Grazie!”
Clutching the postcard, she looked at her friend expectantly. “That's your cue to say Prego—which means ‛you're welcome!'”
Arwen looked puzzled. "Why do I have to say anything at all, Starla? If I've performed a very minor service and you've said 'Thank you', do I need to say anything back? It's not like I made you a cake or mowed your lawn. I just handed you a postcard. You said 'thank you'. Couldn't I just smile slightly or something?"
Starla mused for some minutes. "The English language lacks the exact equivalent of prego or bitte schön and similar phrases in use in Continental Europe. Still, when in Rome ...!"
Strombolicchio, Sicily
Strombolicchio is a sea stack of volcanic origin 2 km (1.2 miles) to the northeast of the island of Stromboli in the Aeolian Islands of Italy. Its name in the Sicilian language means Little Stromboli.

While touring Italy, you met Starla.

Arwen shook paws with Starla the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Starla and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 615 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1183

x 15

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 25/30

@ Italy
"I'm going to have me a hazelnut gelato at the hotel tonight, Velcro!" announced Arwen.
"I can never decide what my favourite flavour is! I love the pistachio, also the chocolate mint, and the vanilla is fabulous, too!" responded Velcro.
Italy, southern Europe, is a boot-shaped country is one of the world's most popular travel destinations for a number of reasons that include art treasures, trendy fashion, stunning landscapes, passionate people and top class cuisine.

While touring Italy, you met Velcro.

Arwen shook paws with Velcro the Brown Bear. They both received one silver mole!

Velcro and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1203

x 75

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 26/30

@ Tuscan Delicacy
On disembarking from the tour bus, Elias surveyed the current stopping place. “Would you fancy living here, Arwen?”
"Well, it's certainly a bit different to where we live," said Arwen. "But I could get used to it, I daresay!"
Tuscan Delicacy
Figs have been in Tuscany for centuries and the town of Carmignano, just outside Florence, is famous for its desiccated figs. Only available from September to October, the delicious fruit is still sought after in modern-day Italy. In fact, so entrenched it is in the Italian language that it originated many sayings and proverbs.

While touring Italy, you met Elias.

Arwen shook paws with Elias the Graceful Elephant. They both received one silver mole!

Elias and you found 20 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 35 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 1216

x 20

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 27/30

@ Mediterranean Diet
"The tour guide said we'll be visiting Il Duomo. I asked her what that was and she said it meant 'the cathedral' in Italian. But there are lots of cathedrals in Italy!" remarked Arwen.
"When they say Il Duomo they most often mean the one in Florence, the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. It says in our brochure it was first built in the 13th century, with the dome added in the 15th century. It has a pink, white and green exterior in a gothic style with a large dome on top. Sounds beautiful!" remarked Billy goat bruff.
Arwen mused for a minute. "I guess it's like when we were touring England last spring, everypet in London would talk about 'The Monument'—to the Great Fire of London of 1666—as if there were only one monument in the whole of London, instead of thousands!"
Mediterranean Diet
This delicious looking snack contains cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil leaves. The colours echo those of the tricolor, the Italian flag.

While touring Italy, you met Billy goat bruff.

Arwen shook paws with Billy goat bruff the Tan Happy Goat. They both received one silver mole!

Billy goat bruff and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 54 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 1220

Billy goat bruffArwenQUEST REWARD
x 5

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 28/30

@ Heavenly Hibiscus
"I'm going to have me a hazelnut gelato at the hotel tonight, Finn!" announced Arwen.
"I can never decide what my favourite flavour is! I love the pistachio, also the chocolate mint, and the vanilla is fabulous, too!" responded Finn.
Heavenly Hibiscus
This gorgeous hibiscus with its large, showy yellow petals and crimson centre is found on the isle of Sicily. The hibiscus flourishes in warm and tropical climates.

While touring Italy, you met Finn.

Arwen shook paws with Finn the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Finn and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 252 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 1253

x 15

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 29/30

@ Cream Terrace
"It would be great to live on a houseboat in Italy!" said Lucifer enthusiastically. "You can sail round most of the country, and when you get tired, just moor the boat and hop in a bunk!"
Arwen considered this carefully. "I don’t think houseboats are designed to go on the sea, Lucifer. You’d have to get a proper yacht, or something.”
Cream Terrace
This Sicilian terrace, drowsing in the sun, offers an ideal spot to rest and relax over ice cream at a café or to sample the local cuisine at a cosy restaurant. Time to get those holiday postcards home written, perhaps!

While touring Italy, you met Lucifer.

Arwen shook paws with Lucifer the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Lucifer gave you 1 "Italy Passport Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 342 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 1265

size 7

22nd Jul 2021
Arwen visits "Islands of Italy"!
Episodio 30/30

@ Salina Islands, Sicily
As Arwen's tour of "Islands of Italy" comes to an end, she rests under a shady tree and looks back on a perfect day.
False Harvest Floral Display
It's not time for the autumn season yet, is it? These flowers may make you second-guess yourself as their hues are more commonly associated with the changing of seasons. Don't let that turn you away, these full blossoms thrive in any environment.
Salina Islands, Sicily
Salina is an Aeolian island, where small vineyards produce white wine, a riot of colourful flowers climb joyously among picturesque village houses, and visiting pets enjoy laid-back holidays away from tourist hubbub, underneath the island's twin green peaks—extinct volcanoes! This is the island for losing oneself in authentic island life, for strolling through village lanes, eating delicious meals made from local produce as well as sampling the sweet Malvasia wine.
Arwen has completed their tour of "Islands of Italy"! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also tour part of Italy!

While touring Italy, you met Stingray Mulder.

Arwen shook paws with Stingray Mulder the Merry Mole. They both received one silver mole!

Stingray Mulder gave you 1 "False Harvest Floral Display"

Tries today: 425 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 1279

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