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& London


London has completed the quest of
"World of Colour" !

18th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Autumn Gold
London enters the gallery and is given a guide to his tour of "World of Gold ". Some wonderful sights lie ahead!
Autumn Gold
When lit by the morning sun where it penetrates through the trees in the forest to the grassy areas, the autumnal colours brighten to a beautiful gold.

While enjoying the show, you met Choose a name.

London shook paws with Choose a name the Panda Cub. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 219 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 767

Choose a nameLondonQUEST REWARD
x 10

18th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Clover
"Oh, Choose a name, this exhibit reminds me of something in the paper today," announced London.
"What's that, London?" asked Choose a name.
"New sarcophagus unearthed in Eqypt! Archaeologists find a mummy wrapped in gold foil. It was the tomb of Pharaoh Rocher!"
Choose a name groaned quietly.
Golden Clover
Nothing is more beautiful than Mother Nature's efforts, and scenes from sunrise and sunset are amongst the most astounding. Here we have a field of grass and clover illuminated to gold by the life-giving sun.

While enjoying the show, you met Choose a name.

London shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 249 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 775

Choose a nameLondonQUEST REWARD
x 10

18th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Hearts of Gold
“Hey, have you seen what the next exhibit is, London?” said Astrid. "It looks fantastic!"
"I'll get my camera ready," said London.
Hearts of Gold
Are they hearts of stone? Surely not! But whatever their composition, they look very beautiful painted gold!

While enjoying the show, you met Astrid.

London shook paws with Astrid the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Astrid and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 278 Find points today: 57 Hunt total: 780

x 5

18th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Night Owl
“So which countries produce the LEAST gold in the world, London?” asked Crocodile Beauty teasingly.
"Well, among the countries that do gold mining, it's New Zealand, with a yield of 5 tonnes a year. Finland and Sweden are just above them, with 8 tonnes a year each," replied London.
Night Owl
The tawny owl or brown owl (Strix aluco) is a stocky, medium-sized owl commonly found in woodlands across much of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Shakespeare used the tawny owl's song in Love's Labour's Lost (Act 5, Scene 2) as Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit; Tu-who, a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot, but this stereotypical call is actually a duet, with the female making the kew-wick sound, and the male responding hooo.

While enjoying the show, you met Crocodile Beauty.

London shook paws with Crocodile Beauty the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Crocodile Beauty and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 474 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 806

Crocodile BeautyLondonQUEST REWARD
x 5

18th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Hoard of Treasure
"Here's a good proverb, Roy!" remarked London. "Speech is silver; silence is golden. It's true, isn't it?"
"I'm going to have that Tremeloes hit going round in my head for the rest of the day now!" groaned Roy.
Hoard of Treasure
Can you imagine coming across a find like this? An amazing hoard of gold coins. Just imagine the excitement!

While enjoying the show, you met Roy.

London shook paws with Roy the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Roy and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 583 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 819

x 75

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Gold Foil
"I'm going to buy that souvenir gold piggy bank, Karma," said London. "It'll go nicely with my painting of the Cliffs of Moher from when we went to the Irish Republic and the set of slate coasters from Wales."
"That sounds like a lovely collection of mementoes, London!"
Gold Foil
You wouldn't want to use this gold foil to wrap your lunch in as this is designed for decorative purposes. The silver foil could be used for decorative purposes as well but who would want to when you have this festive gold foil?

While enjoying the show, you met Karma.

London shook paws with Karma the Chameleon. They both received one silver mole!

Karma and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 5 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 849

x 5

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Sanctuary
"This is an extremely varied set of exhibits, London!" remarked Iris. "We're going from really cosy pictures of pets to amazing scenic landscapes!"
Golden Sanctuary
Morning has broken, casting its golden glow on a group of waterfowl as they swim in their pond, safely hidden from predators' eyes by the nearby brush.

While enjoying the show, you met Iris.

London shook paws with Iris the Nuthatch. They both received one silver mole!

Iris and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 853

x 5

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden North Sea, Denmark
“What country produces the most gold in the world, London?” asked Oscar idly.
"According to this chart, it's China, followed by Russia, then Australia and North America," replied London.
Golden North Sea, Denmark
The North Sea is shared by several countries: Scotland, England, Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and northernmost France. This golden evening scene with its gorgeous sunset and dramatic sky and sea, was taken in Denmark.

While enjoying the show, you met Oscar.

London shook paws with Oscar the Baby otter. They both received one silver mole!

Oscar and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 862

x 5

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Irish Setter
"Let's do another crossword clue, Inga," suggested London. "Two down: 'I’m after gold that’s fake'. Eight letters."
"I know!" said Inga. " 'After' is 'post', 'I'm' is 'IM', then 'Or' is the heraldic name for gold. Imposter!"
Irish Setter
If you want a beautiful, good-natured pet that will be friendly with other animals, the Irish Setter may be for you! However, you must make sure he gets plenty of exercise, and you should be prepared for its habit, when young, of its exuberant jumping up at you. He'll also need a lot of brushing and combing!

While enjoying the show, you met Inga.

London shook paws with Inga the Screech Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Inga and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 142 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 876

x 15

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Patchwork Piggie
"All that glitters is not gold," declared London.
"Yeah. Like, you know, glitter," replied Bonny.
Patchwork Piggie
Although I'm no wand'ring minstrel, I do seem to be "a thing of shreds and patches"! My coat is a mix of white, gold and caramel. I think it's fair to say I'm quite unique!

While enjoying the show, you met Bonny.

London shook paws with Bonny the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Bonny and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 180 Find points today: 36 Hunt total: 880

x 75

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Lion Tamarin
“Let's just drink in this exhibit, shall we, London?” suggested Eton, sinking down on a convenient chair.
London agreed it was well worth spending some time there!
Golden Lion Tamarin
Lion tamarins take their name from their impressive manes, reminiscent of Africa's great cats. It is also known as the golden marmoset. The golden lion tamarin may be the most beautiful of the four lion tamarin species. Its abundant golden hair frames a cheeky, charismatic little black face and covers its small body and tail. These rare, not to say endangered primates, have far more in common with their monkey relatives than any feline. Sadly, their habitats in Brazil's Atlantic coastal rainforests are disappearing due to ever-expanding logging, agriculture, and industry.

While enjoying the show, you met Eton.

London shook paws with Eton the Crow. They both received one silver mole!

Eton and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 192 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 883

x 10

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Wave of Gold
“What country produces the most gold in the world, London?” asked Sassyfly idly.
"According to this chart, it's China, followed by Russia, then Australia and North America," replied London.
Wave of Gold
A lovely decorative wave of green and gold!

While enjoying the show, you met Sassyfly.

London shook paws with Sassyfly the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Sassyfly and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 421 Find points today: 72 Hunt total: 916

SassyflyLondonQUEST REWARD
x 5

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Gold Piggy Bank
"You see this exhibit here, London?" said Silk. "Our brochure says: 'In 2009 a hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold jewellery, dating to the 7th century, was found by someone just below the surface of a cultivated field in Staffordshire in England using a metal detector. Its value is estimated to be in seven figures.' "
"You know what, Silk? I'm going to buy myself a metal detector when we get back!"
Gold Piggy Bank
This cute little piggy is waiting for your spare change to be fed into him until he is pleasingly heavy and can't hold any more! What will you save up for?

While enjoying the show, you met Silk.

London shook paws with Silk the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Silk and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 529 Find points today: 81 Hunt total: 925

x 5

19th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Geometric Mosaic
“If there's time at the end when we get back to the hotel tonight, I might do some initial sketches for a watercolour painting," Lulu said, offering London a toffee from the bag and then unwrapping one for herself. "All this artwork is inspiring me!"
“That sounds like a good plan, Lulu!" said London.
Geometric Mosaic
A geometrically inspired mosaic wallpaper of a myriad triangles in gold, brown and cream.

While enjoying the show, you met Lulu.

London shook paws with Lulu the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Lulu and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 621 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 934

x 5

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Earth Texture
Oh look ... an appropriately coloured pet!
Earth Texture
It may just be dried mud but we can appreciate the rich earthy tones of brown and bronze with hints of gold.

While enjoying the show, you met Ted.

London shook paws with Ted the Dark Chocolate Bear. They both received one silver mole!

Ted gave you 1 "Giraffe Baby" size 10

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 961

size 10

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Last Breath of Autumn
“So which countries produce the LEAST gold in the world, London?” asked Summer! teasingly.
"Well, among the countries that do gold mining, it's New Zealand, with a yield of 5 tonnes a year. Finland and Sweden are just above them, with 8 tonnes a year each," replied London.
Last Breath of Autumn
The last breath of autumn clings to the branches. Soon these leaves will fall, too, and give way to the winter slumber.

While enjoying the show, you met Summer!.

London shook paws with Summer! the Dauntless Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

Summer! and you found 20 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 110 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 994

x 20

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Gold Hill, Dorset, England
"Quiz question, Choose a name!" announced London. "How much gold does a British pound coin contain?"
Choose a name pondered. "I shouldn't have thought very much, you know. How much gold does it contain?"
"None!" declared London. "The circulating British one pound (£1) coin is minted from a nickel-brass alloy of approximately 70% copper, 24.5% zinc, and 5.5% nickel."
Gold Hill, Dorset, England
One of the most photographed streets in Great Britain - and used in countless calendars of England, Gold Hill is best known for its association with the famous Hovis bread advert that was filmed here in 1973, directed by Sir Ridley Scott. Not so well known, but no less breathtaking, are the far-reaching views across Dorset that can be enjoyed from the wonderful Park Walk which lies immediately to the right of Gold Hill.

While enjoying the show, you met Choose a name.

London shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 137 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 997

Choose a nameLondonQUEST REWARD
x 5

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Agouti Cavy
"Oh, Astrid, this exhibit reminds me of something in the paper today," announced London.
"What's that, London?" asked Astrid.
"New sarcophagus unearthed in Eqypt! Archaeologists find a mummy wrapped in gold foil. It was the tomb of Pharaoh Rocher!"
Astrid groaned quietly.
Golden Agouti Cavy
The Golden Agouti guinea pig has an under colour that is deep black with dark golden ticking. By show standards, its tum should be a rich and even mahogany and not have any brassiness. It has dark eyes and black ears and pads.

While enjoying the show, you met Astrid.

London shook paws with Astrid the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Astrid and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 278 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 1012

x 5

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Agouti Beauty
“Hey, have you seen what the next exhibit is, London?” said Casper. "It looks fantastic!"
"I'll get my camera ready," said London.
Golden Agouti Beauty
This handsome little chap or chapess is enjoying tucking into one of the guinea pig's staple foods -- grass! The other of course is hay -- dried grass! They also enjoy dandelion leaves and a variety of vegetables and fruit.

While enjoying the show, you met Casper.

London shook paws with Casper the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Casper and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 378 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 1024

x 10

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Owl Be Watchin' You
"All that glitters is not gold," declared London.
"Yeah. Like, you know, glitter," replied Dave.
Owl Be Watchin' You
Did you know that the color of an owl's eyes can help identify its species and what time of day it prefers to hunt? Owls with black eyes are nocturnal. The black color helps them to camouflage in the darkness. Owls with yellow eyes are diurnal, which means they prefer to hunt in the daytime and sleep at night. And owls with orange eyes are crepuscular, meaning they’re active during low light periods such as dusk and dawn, and prefer hunting for their meal during those times of the day.

While enjoying the show, you met Dave.

London shook paws with Dave the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Dave and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 450 Find points today: 73 Hunt total: 1033

x 75

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Retro Gift Paper
“Ooh, I think I need my reading glasses to make out the fine detail of this exhibit, London!” said Bluey~*. “Can you hold my itinerary and art gallery guide while I dig them out?”
London good-naturedly took charge of Bluey~*'s possessions while he emptied his rucksack of a pack of sandwiches, a Thermos flask, a pair of galoshes, a bag of toffees, a paperback novel, a bottle of mineral water, an address book, some postage stamps, an assortment of different coloured biros, a bottle opener, a couple of old train tickets, a handful of golden and silver moles, a hotel key, some shopping receipts and a selection of rather battered sachets of salt, sugar and tomato ketchup before locating his reading glasses in their case right at the bottom. These he donned and then London helped him put everything back in his rucksack.
Retro Gift Paper
This pleasing design in gold and violet -- would you say it was Art Deco or Art Nouveau? -- is just the job for wrapping Christmas gifts! Lord Byron penned some memorable lines about this colour combination: "cohorts ... gleaming in purple and gold."

While enjoying the show, you met Bluey~*.

London shook paws with Bluey~* the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Bluey~* and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 570 Find points today: 86 Hunt total: 1046

x 5

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Lion King and Queen
"Quiz question, Rusty!" announced London. "How much gold does a British pound coin contain?"
Rusty pondered. "I shouldn't have thought very much, you know. How much gold does it contain?"
"None!" declared London. "The circulating British one pound (£1) coin is minted from a nickel-brass alloy of approximately 70% copper, 24.5% zinc, and 5.5% nickel."
Lion King and Queen
A magnificent scene of two powerful beasts, king and queen respectively of all they survey in the golden sunset!

While enjoying the show, you met Rusty.

London shook paws with Rusty the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Rusty and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 592 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 1052

x 10

20th Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Filey Sea, Yorkshire
“If there's time at the end when we get back to the hotel tonight, I might do some initial sketches for a watercolour painting," Aki said, offering London a toffee from the bag and then unwrapping one for himself. "All this artwork is inspiring me!"
“That sounds like a good plan, Aki!" said London.
Filey Sea, Yorkshire
Located on the coast at Filey, England, a seaside town in North Yorkshire. A golden sunset captured by the sea!

While enjoying the show, you met Aki.

London shook paws with Aki the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Aki and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 701 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 1062

x 5

21st Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Golden Pampas Grass
"Oh, Stardust, this exhibit reminds me of something in the paper today," announced London.
"What's that, London?" asked Stardust.
"New sarcophagus unearthed in Eqypt! Archaeologists find a mummy wrapped in gold foil. It was the tomb of Pharaoh Rocher!"
Stardust groaned quietly.
Golden Pampas Grass
Golden pampas grass.

While enjoying the show, you met Stardust.

London shook paws with Stardust the Sparkling Snow Foxee. They both received one silver mole!

Stardust gave you 1 "World of Color Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 44 Find points today: 19 Hunt total: 1095

StardustLondonQUEST REWARD
size 7

21st Nov 2021
London visits "World of Gold "!
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@ Ocean Sunrise
As London's tour of "World of Gold " comes to an end, he receives a seasonally appropriate gift!
Autumn's Paintbrush
Cool breezes paint the landscape in soft hues of orange and brown, signalling the end of summer and ushering in the glorious season of autumn.
Ocean Sunrise
The sun rises to start a new day at this beautiful ocean scene.
London has completed him tour of "World of Gold "! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also tour an art gallery!

While enjoying the show, you met Lucifer.

London shook paws with Lucifer the Forest Snail. They both received one silver mole!

Lucifer gave you 1 "Autumn's Paintbrush"

Tries today: 118 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 1108