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Patricia Hayes
& precious


precious has completed the quest of
"Turkish Delights" !

12th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Kas Bay, Antalya
precious begins her tour of "Turkey: Mediterranean". Merhaba nasılsınız!
Kas Bay, Antalya
Kas is a Unesco world heritage site. Kas means eyebrow in Turkish, Meis Island looks like an eye, and Kas Bay looks like the eyebrow over it. Kas was founded by the Lycians. In Kas, you can visit a Lycian tomb and other ancient ruins. A popular sport in Kas Bay is scuba diving.

While travelling Turkey, you met Rory.

precious shook paws with Rory the Corgi. They both received one silver mole!

Rory and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

RorypreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

13th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Old Fortress Walls, Antalya Old Town
"Did you know the oldest shipwreck in the world was discovered off the shore at Uluburun, Kas Kaş in 1982?" asked precious.
"Really?" responded Phil. "How old was the ship?"
"It is believed that the ship dates back to the late 14th century BCE. It's on display at the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. Just think, the sailors that once navigated this ancient vessel belonged to the Bronze Age!"
Old Fortress Walls, Antalya Old Town
This photograph shows some of the remaining ancient fortress walls. Most of the walls have been torn down as the city expanded. The stunning blue of the water has earned this area the name of The Turquoise Coast, and Turquoise is Old French for Turkish Stone.

While travelling Turkey, you met Phil.

precious shook paws with Phil the Meerkat. They both received one silver mole!

Phil and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 3 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 10

PhilpreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

14th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Eagle And Tazi Canyon, Antalya
"According to our brochure, MUFFE, hundreds of marinas and beaches in Turkey have a blue flag status, to signify the cleanest and best beaches."
"Sounds excellent, precious! I'm looking forward to our next dip in the sea!"
Eagle And Tazi Canyon, Antalya
Considered to be one of the most beautiful canyons in the Mediterranean. Eagle and Tazi Canyon is located in the national park Köprülü Canyon, which is between the districts of Serik and Manavgat. The depth of the Tazi Canyon ranges from 200 to 500 meters, Kopruchay River.

While travelling Turkey, you met MUFFE.

precious shook paws with MUFFE the African Penguin Chick. They both received one silver mole!

MUFFE and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 3 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 17

x 5

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Olympos Beydaglari National Park
İztuzu Beach, just west of Fethiye, is a major breeding ground for the endangered loggerhead sea turtle. The turtles arrive between May and October, climbing ashore at the exact site of their birth to lay a new generation of eggs. The beach sees around 300 nests dug each year.
Olympos Beydaglari National Park
Located southwest of Antalya this national park was established in 1972. Within the park are the ancient ruins of Olympos (Olympus), Phaselis, and Idyros. The park encompasses an area of 34,425 ha (132.92 sq mi). From the coastline to mountains this park is popular with tourists looking to hike, camp, paraglide, or engage in water sports. Pack up a picnic and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

While travelling Turkey, you met Fright.

precious shook paws with Fright the Lil Auk. They both received one silver mole!

Fright and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 75 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 42

FrightpreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Moon And Sea, Antalya
precious and 震震 were entranced on reaching this Mediterranean viewpoint and eagerly posed for a picture standing on either side!
Moon And Sea, Antalya
After a busy day of sightseeing, you and your pets take a few moments to appreciate the splendour that is a moonlit sea. A cooling breeze, gentle light from the moon, the sound of the sea telling you it is time to relax. Goodnight dear pets, tomorrow will be another fun-filled day.

While travelling Turkey, you met 震震.

precious shook paws with 震震 the Brown maned lion. They both received one silver mole!

震震 and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 94 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 47

震震preciousQUEST REWARD
x 75

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Caves, Antalya
"According to our brochure, Baby, hundreds of marinas and beaches in Turkey have a blue flag status, to signify the cleanest and best beaches."
"Sounds excellent, precious! I'm looking forward to our next dip in the sea!"
Caves, Antalya
If you wish to go cave exploring, Antalya is a perfect place to visit. There are many caves, and Antalya has the world's third-longest underwater cave, Altinbesik Cave. Karain Cave, at 500,000 years old, is considered to be the oldest human habitation in Anatolia, inhabited from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age. Blue cave (Mavi Magara) is located in the Kekova region, a small Turkish Island in Antalya province. The Blue Cave has gained its name from the sapphire walls as light bounces off the bright blue water of the sea.

While travelling Turkey, you met Baby.

precious shook paws with Baby the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Baby and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 261 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 73

BabypreciousQUEST REWARD
x 15

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Tip Of Alanya Peninsula
"'The Nazar boncuğu, or “evil eye”, is the best-selling souvenir in Turkey. It's a stone made from molten glass, iron and copper. A 3000-year old tradition, it is worn to protect the wearer from evil forces. The belief is that the blue colour of the stone has the power to shield from negative energy,'" read out Jillie from the local brochure.
"I think we need to drop in at the bazaar again!" suggested precious.
Tip Of Alanya Peninsula
Alanya Castle stands atop this peninsula, a Seljuk-era citadel dating from 1226. This area is popular with boaters and partiers who wish to spend the day admiring the lovely views.

While travelling Turkey, you met Jillie.

precious shook paws with Jillie the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Jillie and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 300 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 78

JilliepreciousQUEST REWARD
x 10

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ The Sea, Antalya
Oh look ... you found a picturesque rock!
The Sea, Antalya
As far as the eye can see, nothing but blue ocean, waves and clouds. Maybe you and your pets would like to take a dip in that blue water, or perhaps you would prefer to just sit and read a good book or think your thoughts without any distractions.

While travelling Turkey, you met Chessie.

precious shook paws with Chessie the Manatee (Blue). They both received one silver mole!

Chessie gave you 1 "Rock, Cracked" size 7

Tries today: 381 Find points today: 68 Hunt total: 87

ChessiepreciousQUEST REWARD
size 7

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Palm Trees And Distant Mountains
"'The Nazar boncuğu, or “evil eye”, is the best-selling souvenir in Turkey. It's a stone made from molten glass, iron and copper. A 3000-year old tradition, it is worn to protect the wearer from evil forces. The belief is that the blue colour of the stone has the power to shield from negative energy,'" read out Maggie Moo from the local brochure.
"I think we need to drop in at the bazaar again!" suggested precious.
Palm Trees And Distant Mountains
The Phoenix theophrasti is the only native palm tree to Turkey, other species were introduced. The tree is purely ornamental, but when you see a scene like this you are not thinking about anything other than how relaxing this is.

While travelling Turkey, you met Maggie Moo.

precious shook paws with Maggie Moo the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Maggie Moo and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 686 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 120

Maggie MoopreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

15th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Termessos Theatre, Antalya
"Hey, precious, did you know Santa Claus originated in Turkey? It says: 'Born to wealthy parents, Nicholas was a Christian saint and Greek bishop of Myra, who was born in Patara'—there's an amazing beach there, by the way. Anyway—'he received a large amount of wealth, which he would give away to the poor and needy. Legend has it that he would drop bags of gold coins down the chimneys of houses, and provide fruits to children. His good deeds spread through Europe, and locals began integrating it with their myths and legends.'"
"That's a lovely story about St Nicholas, Flatts!"
Termessos Theatre, Antalya
Termessos is one of the best-preserved ancient cities of Turkey. It lies 34 kilometers to the north-west of Antalya, soaring over 1,000 meters above the sea, and is located in the Güllük Dagi National Park. What thoughts would go through your mind as you sit atop the stone seats?

While travelling Turkey, you met Flatts.

precious shook paws with Flatts the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Flatts and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 769 Find points today: 113 Hunt total: 132

FlattspreciousQUEST REWARD
x 75

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Mountain View, Antalya
"What does our travel brochure recommend for local food, VIOLA?" queried precious.
VIOLA consulted the document. "It recommends a spicy Adana kebab and to accompany it, Şalgam, a popular drink originating from Adana and Mersin. The drink is made from purple carrots, ground bulgur, salt, yeast and water, flavoured with fermented aromatic turnip. The drink is traditionally served cold in glasses with pickled carrots, or tane, cut into long slices, and sometimes a spoonful of red hot pepper relish stirred into the drink just before serving."
"Wow! Sounds great, VIOLA, let's find ourselves a vendor!"
Mountain View, Antalya
Looking out over the rugged mountains. This view is either taken from Falex park 2, a park on the coast of Antalya or overlooking the green space on the other side.
The Beydaglari Mountains, is the western extension of the Taurus Mountains, lie to the west of the Bay of Antalya.

While travelling Turkey, you met VIOLA.

precious shook paws with VIOLA the Purple Panther. They both received one silver mole!

VIOLA and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 42 Find points today: 13 Hunt total: 154

x 5

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Ancient Ruins, Manavgat, Turkey
İztuzu Beach, just west of Fethiye, is a major breeding ground for the endangered loggerhead sea turtle. The turtles arrive between May and October, climbing ashore at the exact site of their birth to lay a new generation of eggs. The beach sees around 300 nests dug each year.
Ancient Ruins, Manavgat, Turkey
Manavgat is famous for the ancient city of Side which has the best known classical sites in the country, some of the ruins are world-famous, such as The Temple of Apollo. There is also a Greek Amphitheater, Side Antik Kenti, Monumental Fountain (Nymphaeum), Seleukia (Lybre) and many more.

While travelling Turkey, you met Mr. Panda.

precious shook paws with Mr. Panda the Panda Cub. They both received one silver mole!

Mr. Panda and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 167 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 179

Mr. PandapreciousQUEST REWARD
x 10

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Düden Waterfalls, Antalya
"It says here that the colour turquoise is from the French word turquois, which represents the amazing colour of Turkey’s Mediterranean sea coast," remarked nellie.
"It certainly is a very beautiful, brightly coloured sea," replied precious.
Düden Waterfalls, Antalya
The Düden Waterfalls are a group of waterfalls that were formed by the recycle station water, 12 kilometers (7.5 mi) northeast of Antalya. A park has been created around the waterfalls.

While travelling Turkey, you met nellie.

precious shook paws with nellie the Graceful Elephant. They both received one silver mole!

nellie and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 197 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 187

nelliepreciousQUEST REWARD
x 10

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Manavgat Waterfall, Antalya, Turkey
İztuzu Beach, just west of Fethiye, is a major breeding ground for the endangered loggerhead sea turtle. The turtles arrive between May and October, climbing ashore at the exact site of their birth to lay a new generation of eggs. The beach sees around 300 nests dug each year.
Manavgat Waterfall, Antalya, Turkey
The Manavgat Waterfall on the Manavgat River is close to the city of Side, a city on the southern Mediterranean coast. Shady tea gardens near the waterfall provide a great place to rest. During the flood season, the waterfall may disappear.

While travelling Turkey, you met Ms Stinkerbelle.

precious shook paws with Ms Stinkerbelle the Baby Skunk. They both received one silver mole!

Ms Stinkerbelle and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 349 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 205

Ms StinkerbellepreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Alanya, Turkey
Oh look ... you found a picturesque rock!
Alanya, Turkey
Alanya is a beach resort city on Turkey’s central Mediterranean coast and a district in the Antalya province. A popular tourist destination spot that accounts for over 9 percent of Turkey’s tourism. Finds in the nearby Karain Cave, 27 km/ 17 miles Northwest of Alanya City, indicate occupation during the Paleolithic era as far back as 20,000 BC.

While travelling Turkey, you met Shamika.

precious shook paws with Shamika the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Shamika gave you 1 "Rock, Upright" size 10

Tries today: 443 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 212

ShamikapreciousQUEST REWARD
size 10

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Kleopatra Plaji, Alanya City
precious and Olivia were entranced on reaching this Mediterranean viewpoint and eagerly posed for a picture standing on either side!
Kleopatra Plaji, Alanya City
Alanya is a resort town featuring Cleopatra Beach (Kleopatra Plaji) on the southern coast of Turkey, which is considered to be one of the best beaches in Turkey. The area also offers Alanya Castle, a giant Seljuk-era fort turned open-air museum.

While travelling Turkey, you met Olivia.

precious shook paws with Olivia the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Olivia and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 475 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 216

OliviapreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

16th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Turkish Cuisine
"I've bought so many souvenirs already my backpack's almost full!" said Rusty.
"Me too!" said precious. "It's great on this tour, isn't it?"
Turkish Cuisine
Turkish cuisine is based on Ottoman cuisine, a fusion of many different countries such as Egypt, Armenia, Greece. The Turkish people believe eating a heavy breakfast is healthier than eating a heavy lunch or dinner. A selection of foods you may find on a typical Turkish breakfast is bread, cheese, eggs, butter, honey, olives, walnuts, perhaps beginning breakfast with soup. Each area of Turkey has regional food preferences. Around the Black Sea, fish is used extensively, and corn dishes. In the southeast, kebabs, mezes (many small dishes), and baklava.

While travelling Turkey, you met Rusty.

precious shook paws with Rusty the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Rusty and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 597 Find points today: 87 Hunt total: 228

RustypreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

18th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Rainbow On The Water, Alanya
“I can never remember how to spell ‘Mediterranean’, precious,” mused Chantilly, clutching a postcard and sucking the end of her pen. “Is it two ts and one r?”
“Simples,” grinned precious. “You just need to remember it’s got ‘terra’ in the middle, which is Latin for ‘earth’, and the ‘Medi’ bit means ‘middle’. Put the two together and Bob’s your uncle.”
“Middle Earth!” cried Chantilly.
Rainbow On The Water, Alanya
The lights from boats on the Gulf of Antalya form a rainbow of colour across the water at night. You can take a boat tour or just sit on the beach and dream as the sun goes down.

While travelling Turkey, you met Chantilly.

precious shook paws with Chantilly the Arctic Hare. They both received one silver mole!

Chantilly and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 256

ChantillypreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

18th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Red Tower At Night, Alanya
"Hey, precious, it says here that although coffee doesn't come from Turkey, the Turks brought coffee to Europe in the 16th century. 'Try their classic mocha coffee, brewed in a cezve, a small copper pot.'"
"Mmm, I had some for breakfast this morning, Rory!"
Red Tower At Night, Alanya
The Red Tower, a historical tower in Alanya was completed in 1226 and it protects the Tersane shipyard, located south of Kleopatra Beach. The name is derived from the red bricks used in its construction. The tower is a symbol of Alanya and is the best-preserved Seljuk building in the city.

While travelling Turkey, you met Rory.

precious shook paws with Rory the Corgi. They both received one silver mole!

Rory and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 10 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 262

RorypreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

18th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Zeus Temple In Silifke
"Hey, precious, did you know Santa Claus originated in Turkey? It says: 'Born to wealthy parents, Nicholas was a Christian saint and Greek bishop of Myra, who was born in Patara'—there's an amazing beach there, by the way. Anyway—'he received a large amount of wealth, which he would give away to the poor and needy. Legend has it that he would drop bags of gold coins down the chimneys of houses, and provide fruits to children. His good deeds spread through Europe, and locals began integrating it with their myths and legends.'"
"That's a lovely story about St Nicholas, Heleena!"
Zeus Temple In Silifke
In the center of Silifke—a town in south-central Turkey, there are modest remains of an ancient temple, built in the 2nd or 3rd century CE. The temple is thought to be dedicated to Zeus. Now the ruins are known as the Temple of Storks because these birds have built a nest on top of the only remaining standing column.

While travelling Turkey, you met Heleena.

precious shook paws with Heleena the Fox’Maid (Ariilina) . They both received one silver mole!

Heleena and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 96 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 283

HeleenapreciousQUEST REWARD
x 75

18th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Orange Poppy, Atatürk Parki
İztuzu Beach, just west of Fethiye, is a major breeding ground for the endangered loggerhead sea turtle. The turtles arrive between May and October, climbing ashore at the exact site of their birth to lay a new generation of eggs. The beach sees around 300 nests dug each year.
Orange Poppy, Atatürk Parki
Orange poppies, native to Turkey, are one of the many flowers to be found in the Atatürk Park in the city of Adana. A large green space in the city center. A popular place to relax after a day of work, with many varieties of trees, some statues and fountains.

While travelling Turkey, you met Baile Átha Cliath.

precious shook paws with Baile Átha Cliath the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Baile Átha Cliath and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 281 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 316

Baile Átha CliathpreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

18th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Sabanci Central Mosque, Adana
Oh look ... you found a picturesque rock!
Sabanci Central Mosque, Adana
Sabanci Merkez Camii in Adana is the second largest mosque in Turkey. With six minarets similar to the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, it is built on 52,600 square meters (566,000 square feet) of land.

While travelling Turkey, you met Midnight love.

precious shook paws with Midnight love the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Midnight love gave you 1 "Rock, Standing Around"

Tries today: 528 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 349

Midnight lovepreciousQUEST REWARD

19th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Adana, Old Stone Bridge
"Hey, precious, it says here that although coffee doesn't come from Turkey, the Turks brought coffee to Europe in the 16th century. 'Try their classic mocha coffee, brewed in a cezve, a small copper pot.'"
"Mmm, I had some for breakfast this morning, Jade!"
Adana, Old Stone Bridge
Taskopru, this 16th century Roman stone bridge, with 21 arches spanning the Seyhan River, is known as the oldest bridge in the world that is still in use. The bridge is open to pedestrians and cyclists, and the surrounding park is popular with people wanting to stroll amongst plants and take tea for a relaxing break.

While travelling Turkey, you met Jade.

precious shook paws with Jade the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Jade and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 372

JadepreciousQUEST REWARD
x 5

19th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Kilgen River at Kozan, Adana Province
"Did you know the oldest shipwreck in the world was discovered off the shore at Uluburun, Kas Kaş in 1982?" asked precious.
"Really?" responded Nirvana. "How old was the ship?"
"It is believed that the ship dates back to the late 14th century BCE. It's on display at the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. Just think, the sailors that once navigated this ancient vessel belonged to the Bronze Age!"
Kilgen River at Kozan, Adana Province
The Kozen Dam on the Kilgen River was constructed between 1967 and 1972, and it helps irrigate 10,220 hectares (25,254 acres) of land. The Kilgen River, a tributary of the Ceyhan, flows through Kozan and crosses the plain south into the Mediterranean.

While travelling Turkey, you met Nirvana.

precious shook paws with Nirvana the Nuthatch. They both received one silver mole!

Nirvana gave you 1 "Turkey Travel Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 11 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 379

NirvanapreciousQUEST REWARD
size 7

19th Mar 2022
precious visits Turkey: Mediterranean!
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@ Kozan, Adana Province, Turkey
As precious's tour of "Turkey: Mediterranean" comes to an end, she receives a wonderful gift!
Grey Mountain, Sharp Peak
Jagged, steep, rounded, tree-filled or bare, snow-covered or subject to torrential rains—mountains are an outstanding feature on the landscape, they draw the eye, they inspire artists and climbers. Mountains affect the weather and can enclose an area of land creating valleys that are rich agricultural areas. Poems are written about mountains. Mountains are a haven for eagles and many forms of wildlife.

These marvellous mountain decorations will be perfect in your art slides whether you are making a mountain retreat for yourself or a home for your pets. Perhaps you have a pet who has always dreamed of going on a climbing expedition and making it to the top of the highest mountain. Used singly as a point of interest, or in multiples to create a whole mountain range, let your imagination soar.
Kozan, Adana Province, Turkey
Kozan, formally Sis or Siskia (Armenian) is located 68 km (42 miles) northeast of Adana in the northern Cukurova Plain. From 3000 BC onwards, there were Hittite settlements in these plains behind the Mediterranean coast, based on farming and grazing animals. Today Kozan is a city surrounded by vineyards, gardens and groves of cypress, sycamore, fig, orange and lemon trees.
precious has completed her tour of "Turkey: Mediterranean"! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also tour Scandinavia!

While travelling Turkey, you met Abby.

precious shook paws with Abby the Brown Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Abby gave you 1 "Grey Mountain, Sharp Peak"

Tries today: 24 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 383

AbbypreciousQUEST REWARD