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& Vincent


Vincent has completed the quest of
"Northern Light" !

20th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 1/25

Mother and Child
Northern sheep need to be hardy - especially if they live in Tideswell, 1100 feet up. On the Buxton plateau, farmers long ago built stone walled shelters where their sheep could huddle in snow storms. Nobody can guarantee when snow will or won't fall, even in June.

@ Mother and Child
Vincent begins his photographic tour of Northern Light: Creatures.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Audra.

Vincent shook paws with Audra the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Audra and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 470 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 768

x 5

20th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 2/25

Natural Framing
Ostensibly this picture is some cows in a field. But the tree trunk, branches and stone wall frame three sides. 'Natural framing' makes simple pictures look grand.

@ Natural Framing

Blue And Gold Egg
The first painted eggs came from Mesopotamia, and because eggs were forbidden food during Lent, people painted eggs while Lent was being observed—after Lent, they would eat the eggs on Easter Day.

Beautifully decorated eggs “pysanka” are associated with Ukraine, and the oldest painted egg that was unearthed in northern Ukraine is dated to the end of the 17th century.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Buzzz.

Vincent shook paws with Buzzz the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Buzzz gave you 1 "Blue And Gold Egg" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 779 Find points today: 111 Hunt total: 801


20th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 3/25

Peter Rabbit's Friends and Relations
At Hill Top, Beatrix Potter's former home, only a wire fence stands between visitors and rabbits at play. They completely ignore humans, because they know they are safe. There is no better place to watch the descendants of Peter Rabbit at play.

@ Peter Rabbit's Friends and Relations
David was brought up on plain British fare (which he still loves) and was very nervous about foreign food. He only bought his first pizza because he worked out he could get money off for late delivery by ordering just before rush hour. The pizza tasted great and he's been eating them ever since.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot DILLIGAS.

Vincent shook paws with DILLIGAS the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

DILLIGAS and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 861 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 809

x 15

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 4/25

Heilan Coo
I don't know when or why these cattle were introduced to Derbyshire, but it certainly has highlands! I think it can not have been before 1990. They wander around the hillsides without hindrance. I cannot imagine they are being milked; farmers would have to travel miles just to round them up for milking. But because of their thick shaggy coats they do not need a layer of fat to keep them warm in winter, and thus their beef is very lean.

@ Heilan Coo
David decided to cycle every road in Derbyshire when he was about 18. By the time he was 24 he had done three quarters of a county road network of 3500 miles. Much of the time he had to cycle thirty miles out and thirty miles back just to find a road he had not cycled before. After he turned 24, he learned to drive and got a life.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Llamageddon.

Vincent shook paws with Llamageddon the White Llama. They both received one silver mole!

Llamageddon and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 62 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 832

LlamageddonVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 5/25

Thinking Backwards
In summer, honey bees and other flying insects are on and off a flower as fast as they can. If you want a great shot on an exotic flower, you cannot chase the insect; focus is critical and you will never get the shot right in time.

Instead, wait by the flower you want an insect to land on; get the focus right, stand as still as you can, and wait for the right insect to come to you. The best place to go is a garden centre or public park, where the right kind of flowers are all around. This bee landed on a flower in Sheffield Botanical Gardens.

@ Thinking Backwards
David used to do his own colour photo printing in the 1980s using equipment he built himself, but he got sick of the smell of the chemicals, the time it took and the cost. He only took up photography again in 2007.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Eton.

Vincent shook paws with Eton the Crow. They both received one silver mole!

Eton and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 248 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 865

x 75

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 6/25

Pollen All Over
I love to do extreme macro work. For this you need a specialist macro lens, or extension rings, or both. I usually use both. A ring flash ensures enough light and thus enough depth of focus. If I can count the grains of pollen, I have got the shot right. Macro work is 90% equipment and the technique to use it properly.

@ Pollen All Over
David's dog taught him not to save. David asked for a block of toffee at the local sweetshop. His mother said he must save some for another day. He had two pieces and left the rest in the middle of the table along with the little hammer. Then he went for a walk to the library with his mother. When they got back, David had a little hammer and the dog had a guilty expression.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Baile Átha Cliath.

Vincent shook paws with Baile Átha Cliath the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Baile Átha Cliath and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 310 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 873

Baile Átha CliathVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 7/25

Roaming Wild
I found these horses near Elton, which is close to the middle of nowhere, but not quite the bullseye. All around are tumbled dry stone walls and derelict agricultural buildings.

The only things you can make money out of as a farmer up high are wild flowers. Government subsidies are assigned by bureaucrats with no idea about farming, and the way of life up in the hills depends entirely on what they decide.

When horses can wander onto the road, they are wild. Whether they once had a home, I have no idea; but nobody has the money to mend the walls unless the government decides they make the countryside more picturesque.

@ Roaming Wild
David heard 'Born to run' on the radio and thought Bruce Springsteen was from Birmingham (UK) because the radio station was based there. He went out and bought the album, which convinced him otherwise. Then he went out and bought the other two (there were no more than three then!) Until 'Born in the USA' he barely met anyone who had heard of Bruce. He was most grateful to Lisa for showing him Asbury Park, NJ, and laughed out loud when he saw what ‘Highway 9’ was really like.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Muschi.

Vincent shook paws with Muschi the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Muschi and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 565 Find points today: 97 Hunt total: 906

x 5

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 8/25

Tropical Butterfly
The Tropical Butterfly House at (of all places!) Doncaster gives you the chance to see and photograph exotic insects which could never survive in the British climate. The climate inside the butterfly house is so much warmer and wetter than the world outside, it took twenty minutes for condensation to quit forming on my camera lenses (and spectacles!) But the wait is well worth it.

@ Tropical Butterfly
David got so enthusiastic about cycling he had a regular twenty mile training run over all the biggest hills near his home. One of the hill roads had two mastiffs on the other side of a thin hedge; David used this as an incentive to sprint up the hill instead of taking it easy.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Mulrey.

Vincent shook paws with Mulrey the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Mulrey and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 605 Find points today: 103 Hunt total: 912

x 5

23rd Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 9/25

Middleton of Nowhere
I said Elton was not the bullseye. Middleton, Derbyshire, is well named. It is the middle, the very centre of nowhere. The only inhabitants I saw in the village were this cat and a few chickens. I would love to retire there.

@ Middleton of Nowhere
David got so enthusiastic about cycling he had a regular twenty mile training run over all the biggest hills near his home. One of the hill roads had two mastiffs on the other side of a thin hedge; David used this as an incentive to sprint up the hill instead of taking it easy.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Cutey Purr.

Vincent shook paws with Cutey Purr the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Cutey Purr and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 802 Find points today: 118 Hunt total: 927

Cutey PurrVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 10/25

Snowdonia Pony
Grazing on the undulating lowlands of Anglesey in front of the mountains of Snowdonia, this Welsh pony was probably the first animal of any kind which gave me the impression it wanted to be photographed. It posed more like a human than a horse. Once I had taken a photo it got on with grazing. I prefer the natural shot to the posed one!

@ Snowdonia Pony
As a teen still going to church, David was taunted with questions like "What if God made one very special person for you and then they turned out to be on the other side of an ocean?" When David was in his fifties, he found that woman, crossed that ocean, and married her.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Chloe Rose.

Vincent shook paws with Chloe Rose the Baby Seal. They both received one silver mole!

Chloe Rose and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 934

Chloe RoseVincentQUEST REWARD
x 75

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 11/25

Vivid Dragonfly
I have often seen dragonflies in pastel shades. This just doesn't happen in the Lathkill Valley. Maybe they have all the minerals it takes to be so colourful here? I don't know. But for once the sun was out by the little pool at Monyash, and I caught this one lazing on a rock.

@ Vivid Dragonfly
David was born three doors from the finest fish and chip shop he has ever known. People used to catch a bus eight miles to his village just to come and eat Hilda Harrison's fish and chips. David preferred fishcakes.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Choose a name.

Vincent shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 130 Find points today: 36 Hunt total: 966

Choose a nameVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 12/25

The Compleat River
In later editions of "The Compleat Angler" (first published in 1653), Izaak Walton's young friend Charles Cotton described the "Lathkin" as "the purest and most transparent stream that I ever yet saw … and breeds, it is said, the reddest and the best trouts in England."

However the river often disappears into mines delved beneath it when there is little rain. Then the trout are stunned by electric shocks and transported downstream by dedicated conservationists. If that happens anywhere else in the world but here, I will be amazed.

@ The Compleat River
After school, from ages 5 to 11, David would go 'home' to his grandmother’s toy shop, where his mother helped out. He never got any free toys, he had to save up; but he did get to fix all the broken ones!

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Tiana.

Vincent shook paws with Tiana the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Tiana and you found 20 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 223 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 981

x 20

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 13/25

It's an Upside-down World
Ladybirds, or lady bugs as they are known in the USA, are the gardener's friend, because they eat aphids. They can eat as many as fifty a day! My father taught me never to kill one. If you can't find one on top of a leaf during summer, try looking underneath it.

@ It's an Upside-down World
David's dog taught him not to save. David asked for a block of toffee at the local sweetshop. His mother said he must save some for another day. He had two pieces and left the rest in the middle of the table along with the little hammer. Then he went for a walk to the library with his mother. When they got back, David had a little hammer and the dog had a guilty expression.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Auntie Mame.

Vincent shook paws with Auntie Mame the Black Happy Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Auntie Mame and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 466 Find points today: 80 Hunt total: 1010

Auntie MameVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 14/25

Ravenous Caterpillar
If it's ragwort for dinner, then this must be the caterpillar of the cinnabar moth. Anyone can get a picture of a caterpillar. But why not try to see the world from its point of view?

I like to show them with a sense of purpose, going somewhere or doing something, not just being looked at from far above. Their lives are filled with purpose. Eat!

@ Ravenous Caterpillar
As a small boy, David read Winston Churchill's account of the Second World War, and concluded if you want anything done, ask an American.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Khisanth.

Vincent shook paws with Khisanth the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Khisanth and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 596 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 1032

KhisanthVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 15/25

Cat's Eye
Taking a picture of a cat's eye is easy with macro gear. But it is almost impossible to do so from the front without getting a reflection. Ring flashes can be dialled down to very low intensities - this ginger tom was not the least bit bothered when I shot this picture with a ring flash.

@ Cat's Eye
Oh look ... you won a little pet!

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Skye.

Vincent shook paws with Skye the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Skye gave you 1 "Mama Brown Bear" size 7

Tries today: 725 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 1040

size 7

24th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 16/25

Carsington Fly
I went out for the day to Carsington Water, a manmade reservoir that takes water from the rivers in winter and gives it back in summer. There are plenty of things to do there, but as usual the sky went iron grey as soon as I got near to it. So following my own advice, I looked for insects. Just look at the colours in those wings in an enlarged version of this picture! When you meet the very small on its own terms, there is so much to see.

@ Carsington Fly
David's uncle Walter used to ride a motorcycle out to Matlock thirty miles away and take pictures of the Derbyshire countryside. David took this as inspiration and rode to the same places on a bicycle, commonly clocking up sixty to ninety miles in a day.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Moon.

Vincent shook paws with Moon the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Moon and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 765 Find points today: 116 Hunt total: 1046

x 5

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 17/25

Water Dog
There are so many breeds of dog, I cannot keep track! I think this one is an English Setter. It was playing in and around the River Bradford with its owner.

@ Water Dog
For David, colour TV began with the Mexico world cup (1970), but he was allowed to stay up late to watch England win the previous one in 1966.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Cookie.

Vincent shook paws with Cookie the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Cookie and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 12 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 1058

x 5

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 18/25

Doncaster Meerkat
The Doncaster Butterfly House is home to far more than butterflies. For meerkats, community is everything. This one appears to be making political judgments about who it should suck up to and whose beetles it can get away with stealing. They are very expressive creatures, and a lot of fun to watch.

@ Doncaster Meerkat
David's dog followed him to school one day, over a mile away, just by following his trail. Perhaps he should have changed his socks more often?

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Talos.

Vincent shook paws with Talos the Snow Leopard. They both received one silver mole!

Talos and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 142 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 1091

x 15

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 19/25

Border Collie
I have a deep affection for this breed. They want a lot of exercise, but are very entertaining. My father owned one; it would be tied up on a rope so it could go inside the barn or lie outside. When there was rain, it invariably stayed outside because it could.

This one was playing in the River Bradford, and I got the camera set to a fast shutter speed ready for the inevitable shake!

@ Border Collie
David has been living by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ since 1990. This has meant something entirely new almost every five years or so. In that whole period he has never had a job for anyone else and has often had no idea where the money was coming from. If he had not trusted the Lord to provide, PnF would never have existed. After 33 years he still doesn't know what happens next, but for all 33 years, the Lord has provided him with what he needs.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Corgalicious.

Vincent shook paws with Corgalicious the Corgi. They both received one silver mole!

Corgalicious and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 220 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 1109

CorgaliciousVincentQUEST REWARD
x 5

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 20/25

Bull in the Sun
What a magnificent coat this bull has. The rare sun has picked out so many subtle shades.

My aunt kept cattle. My cousin showed me how to bring an entire herd in for milking with little effort. You need to know which is the 'boss cow', get her attention, and she knows what comes next. She starts moving and the rest of the herd follow her.

@ Bull in the Sun
David comes from a very long-lived family. Every man born in his patrilineal line since 1800 has lived to at least 84 years of age. His grandfather was born in 1864 and died taking the cows to market on foot. Has anyone in PnF got a grandfather born earlier? David says no-one ever does things in a rush in his family!

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot shotzee.

Vincent shook paws with shotzee the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

shotzee and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 242 Find points today: 60 Hunt total: 1113

shotzeeVincentQUEST REWARD
x 75

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 21/25

Bradgate Stag
One of the first brick built mansions in England, Bradgate Park was once the home of the De Grey family. They are best known for Lady Jane Grey, the nine day Queen, unwilling centre of a plot to prevent Queen Mary from taking the throne.

Bradgate Park is now preserved forever as a gift to the city of Leicester. It is a deer park where you can encounter red deer and fallow deer. The fallow deer are a gentle lot which like the woods. The red deer have a very strong sense of territory. If one of them gets up and looks at you, you go round it. After taking a picture, perhaps.

How big are they? I once walked out of the toilet block and nearly walked clean underneath one.

@ Bradgate Stag
At the age of eight, David drove a massive steam locomotive for about five yards when his dad sneaked him onto the footplate whilst no-one was looking.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Baby.

Vincent shook paws with Baby the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Baby and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 291 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1122

x 10

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 22/25

Fish Flash
The River Wye at Bakewell runs fast and furious under the bridge. As a result it is very hard to see the large fish which swim beneath. But for the duration of a flash, a ten thousandth of a second, the water is almost perfectly still. Then the camera can see right through it, and all is revealed. You will need a powerful flash to get a result like this; not the midget mounted on your camera by the makers.

@ Fish Flash
David says he has learned more about Christianity from the local rabbi than from any Christian minister in the last 25 years, and the rabbi isn't even trying.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Emily.

Vincent shook paws with Emily the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Emily and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 385 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 1131

x 15

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 23/25

Might is Right
I have followed wild red deer round swamps and into them. After trying long enough, you realise it would be better to go to a deer park and watch them where they do not run away.

Once you do, you will be doing the running. This stag and many others could look down at me with their neck raised. When they get to their feet and hold their ground, you go where they want you to, not vice versa. But when they are solely concerned with one another, you can take all the shots you want.

@ Might is Right
David's favourite place is Lathkill Dale in Derbyshire, England.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Helga.

Vincent shook paws with Helga the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Helga and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 488 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 1143

x 10

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 24/25

Winner Takes All
Even more interested in the stags than the cameraman, the rest of the herd watches inter-stag conflicts attentively. Who wins, rules. Who rules, breeds.

@ Winner Takes All
David has been living by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ since 1990. This has meant something entirely new almost every five years or so. In that whole period he has never had a job for anyone else and has often had no idea where the money was coming from. If he had not trusted the Lord to provide, PnF would never have existed. After 33 years he still doesn't know what happens next, but for all 33 years, the Lord has provided him with what he needs.

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Ugie.

Vincent shook paws with Ugie the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Ugie gave you 1 "'Northern Light' Travel Token" size 7

Tries today: 514 Find points today: 93 Hunt total: 1146

size 7

25th Apr 2023
Vincent views : Creatures!
Photo 25/25

Pole Dancer
Times were hard. I struggled over whether to buy a second hand macro lens on the internet. When it arrived, I thanked the Lord for it. That night, this strange beauty flew in through my barely open window. She then settled down for an hour, just twiddling with her feelers.

Those little balls are a sixth of an inch apart. I have never seen anything like her before or since.

@ Pole Dancer
Vincent has now completed his viewing of Northern Light: Creatures. As he prepares to go home, he receives a wonderful gift!

Vincent has enjoyed his photographic tour of Northern Light: Creatures, but it is time to go home now! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy a photographic tour of "Northern Light!"

While peeking through the viewfinder, you spot Lady Aelfgifu.

Vincent shook paws with Lady Aelfgifu the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Lady Aelfgifu gave you 1 "Mama Brown Bear" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 869 Find points today: 126 Hunt total: 1179

Lady AelfgifuVincentQUEST REWARD