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Tripper has completed the quest of
"This Rare Earth" !

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 1/25

@ Magnetic Nuts & Bolts Holder
Tripper begins her exploration of Magnets.

While marveling at science, you meet Squibble.

Tripper shook paws with Squibble the Squooshie. They both received one silver mole!

Squibble gave you 1 "Prized Peridot Gem" size 10

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 1331

SquibbleTripperQUEST REWARD
size 10

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 2/25

@ Computer Hard Disk

White Daisy Egg
My pets are in awe of these beautiful eggs—they would love to try to paint their own one year. Easter and spring are times of joy as the earth awakens, plants are pushing forth from the soil, and the days are becoming warmer. Many baby animals are born in the spring, and life is burgeoning. May these eggs bring you joy and be a reminder of the earth renewing itself.

While marveling at science, you meet Hildegard.

Tripper shook paws with Hildegard the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Hildegard gave you 1 "White Daisy Egg" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 95 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 1343

HildegardTripperQUEST REWARD

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 3/25

Cheerful Magnetic Clips
Keep your noticeboard in order with these colourful clips!

@ Cheerful Magnetic Clips
All magnets produce a magnetic force: this is called a magnetic field. This field travels from a magnet’s north pole to the south pole and is completely invisible to the human eye, however, iron filings can be used to show these fields.

While marveling at science, you meet Silky.

Tripper shook paws with Silky the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Silky gave you 15 "Chocolate-Strawberry Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 127 Find points today: 27 Hunt total: 1346

SilkyTripperQUEST REWARD (edible)

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 4/25

@ Magnetised Metal Spheres
Samarium Cobalt alloys are rare earth magnets, often used in specialist applications such as aerospace.

While marveling at science, you meet Sabrina.

Tripper shook paws with Sabrina the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Sabrina and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 234 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 1361

SabrinaTripperQUEST REWARD
x 5

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 5/25

@ Abstract, Magnetic Energy
The unit used to measure the strength of a magnet is called a tesla.

While marveling at science, you meet Choose a name.

Tripper shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Choose a name and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 262 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 1368

Choose a nameTripperQUEST REWARD
x 75

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 6/25

@ Dutch Fridge Magnets
Scientists have shown that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. Current events have made it less attractive.

While marveling at science, you meet Baile Átha Cliath.

Tripper shook paws with Baile Átha Cliath the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Baile Átha Cliath gave you 15 "Chocolate-Caramel Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 312 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 1374

Baile Átha CliathTripperQUEST REWARD (edible)

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 7/25

@ Aurora Borealis Phenomenon
Electromagnets are used by some high-speed trains. These trains 'float' above the track, which reduces friction, helping the train to go faster.

While marveling at science, you meet Emily.

Tripper shook paws with Emily the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Emily and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 387 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 1382

x 10

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 8/25

Purple and Gold Aurora
Auroras occur when charged particles (electrons and protons) collide with gases in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Those collisions produce tiny flashes that fill the sky with colourful light. As billions of flashes occur in sequence, the auroras appear to move or dance in the sky.

@ Purple and Gold Aurora
Ferrite is a ceramic compound composed of iron oxide and other elements (strontium or barium). Among the applications of ferrites are refrigerator magnets and small electric motors.

While marveling at science, you meet Roxas.

Tripper shook paws with Roxas the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Roxas gave you 1 "Purple Crystal Cluster" size 10

Tries today: 635 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 1415

size 10

2nd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 9/25

@ Magnetic Levitation Traiin
The unit used to measure the strength of a magnet is called a tesla.

While marveling at science, you meet Bailey Bunny.

Tripper shook paws with Bailey Bunny the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Bailey Bunny gave you 15 "Chocolate-Toffee Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 803 Find points today: 112 Hunt total: 1431

Bailey BunnyTripperQUEST REWARD (edible)

3rd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 10/25

@ Abstract Solar System
Electromagnets are used by some high-speed trains. These trains 'float' above the track, which reduces friction, helping the train to go faster.

While marveling at science, you meet Scaredy Cat.

Tripper shook paws with Scaredy Cat the Scared Black Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Scaredy Cat and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 49 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 1453

Scaredy CatTripperQUEST REWARD
x 75

3rd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 11/25

@ Ducks in a Row
I have a talking pig stuck to my fridge. It's a Babe magnet.

While marveling at science, you meet shotzee.

Tripper shook paws with shotzee the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

shotzee and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 245 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 1486

shotzeeTripperQUEST REWARD
x 5

3rd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 12/25

@ Itty Bitty Magnets
The first magnets were discovered by ancient civilisations 2500 years ago. Magnetic compasses were used extensively for navigation in Europe and China during the 12th and 13th centuries CE.

While marveling at science, you meet lilycat.

Tripper shook paws with lilycat the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

lilycat and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 283 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 1490

lilycatTripperQUEST REWARD
x 10

3rd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 13/25

@ Electromagnetic Waves
The unit used to measure the strength of a magnet is called a tesla.

While marveling at science, you meet Nano.

Tripper shook paws with Nano the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Nano gave you 1 "Red Pawesome Stone" size 10

Tries today: 610 Find points today: 87 Hunt total: 1523

size 10

3rd Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 14/25

Turquoise Northern Lights
The aurora can be seen near the poles of both the northern and southern hemisphere. In the north the display is known as the aurora borealis; in the south it is called the aurora australis. What we are seeing in these beautiful displays in the sky are atoms and molecules in our atmosphere colliding with particles from the sun. The aurora's characteristic wavy patterns and curtains of light are caused by the lines of force in the Earth’s magnetic field.

@ Turquoise Northern Lights
Magnetic fields can cause paper clips to become temporary magnets attracting other paper clips. In the absence of the permanent magnet, the paper clips lose their magnetic properties.

While marveling at science, you meet Lady Jane.

Tripper shook paws with Lady Jane the Yellow Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Lady Jane gave you 15 "Chocolate-Spearmint Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 862 Find points today: 115 Hunt total: 1551

Lady JaneTripperQUEST REWARD (edible)

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 15/25

@ Fridge Magnet Icons
Oh look ... you found a truly unique little penguin!

While marveling at science, you meet Pearl.

Tripper shook paws with Pearl the Baby Seal. They both received one silver mole!

Pearl gave you 1 "Magnetic Penguin" size 7

Tries today: 52 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 1563

size 7

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 16/25

@ Hiking Compass
"I've bought so many souvenirs from the gift shop already my rucksack's almost full!" said Blinky.
"Me too!" said Tripper. "It's great on this experience, isn't it?"

While marveling at science, you meet Blinky.

Tripper shook paws with Blinky the Mauve Koala. They both received one silver mole!

Blinky and you found 20 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 169 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 1586

x 20

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 17/25

@ Old Fashioned Compass
"I've bought so many souvenirs from the gift shop already my rucksack's almost full!" said Suzie.
"Me too!" said Tripper. "It's great on this experience, isn't it?"

While marveling at science, you meet Suzie.

Tripper shook paws with Suzie the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Suzie and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 365 Find points today: 68 Hunt total: 1619

x 5

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 18/25

@ Happy Fridge Magnet
Alnico is an alloy made up of aluminium, nickel and cobalt. A strong permanent magnet can be made from Alnico alloys. Consumer electronics and industrial applications use them extensively. The material is found for example in large electric motors, microphones, loudspeakers, electric guitar pickups and microwave ovens.

While marveling at science, you meet Midnight Majesty.

Tripper shook paws with Midnight Majesty the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Midnight Majesty gave you 1 "Jeepers Creepers Eye Gem" size 10

Tries today: 426 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 1628

Midnight MajestyTripperQUEST REWARD
size 10

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 19/25

Northern Lights in Green
What causes the different colours in the aurora? Different gases give off different colours when they are heated. The same process is also taking place in the aurora. The two primary gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen, and these elements give off different colours during an aurora display. The green we see in the aurora is characteristic of oxygen, while hints of purple, blue or pink are caused by nitrogen.

@ Northern Lights in Green
The first magnets were discovered by ancient civilisations 2500 years ago. Magnetic compasses were used extensively for navigation in Europe and China during the 12th and 13th centuries CE.

While marveling at science, you meet Dave.

Tripper shook paws with Dave the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Dave gave you 15 "Iridescent Green Candy Drop" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 476 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 1634

DaveTripperQUEST REWARD (edible)

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 20/25

@ Dart Board
Alnico is an alloy made up of aluminium, nickel and cobalt. A strong permanent magnet can be made from Alnico alloys. Consumer electronics and industrial applications use them extensively. The material is found for example in large electric motors, microphones, loudspeakers, electric guitar pickups and microwave ovens.

While marveling at science, you meet Tammie.

Tripper shook paws with Tammie the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Tammie and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 735 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 1661

x 75

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 21/25

Industrial Electromagnet
A scrap yard utilising an industrial strength electromagnet to deal with metal components.

@ Industrial Electromagnet
Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus all have their own magnetic fields.

While marveling at science, you meet Hera.

Tripper shook paws with Hera the Yellow Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Hera and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 777 Find points today: 114 Hunt total: 1665

x 5

4th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 22/25

@ Computer Hard Drive
Rare-earth magnets are the most powerful magnets available today. Strongest among the rare-earth magnets are neodymium magnets. As long as the magnetic circuit is in good condition, samarium cobalt magnets can outperform neo magnets at elevated temperatures (of approximately 150° C and above).

While marveling at science, you meet fancy.

Tripper shook paws with fancy the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

fancy and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 820 Find points today: 118 Hunt total: 1669

fancyTripperQUEST REWARD
x 10

5th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 23/25

Reel to Reel Tape
Some old-fashioned magnetic tape! Do you remember recording the top hits of the day on a reel-to-reel tape recorder?

@ Reel to Reel Tape
Scientists have shown that Earth’s magnetic field is weakening. Current events have made it less attractive.

While marveling at science, you meet Bono.

Tripper shook paws with Bono the Cockatoo. They both received one silver mole!

Bono gave you 1 "Diamond Floating Crystal Gem" size 10

Tries today: 5 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 1680

size 10

5th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 24/25

@ Physics Wallpaper
Samarium Cobalt alloys are rare earth magnets, often used in specialist applications such as aerospace.

While marveling at science, you meet Dash.

Tripper shook paws with Dash the Dashing Cat. They both received one silver mole!

Dash gave you 1 "This Rare Earth Travel Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 22 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 1685

size 7

5th Jul 2023
Tripper views Rare Earth: Magnets!
Sample 25/25

Fridge Magnets from Poland
A variety of fridge magnets from Poland, featuring its capital city, Warsaw, and the red and white Polish flag. You could buy one doubling as a handy bottle opener!

@ Fridge Magnets from Poland
Tripper has now completed her exploration of Magnets. As she prepares to go home, she receives a wonderful gift!

Tripper has enjoyed her tour of Magnets, but it is time to go home now! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy exotic materials!

While marveling at science, you meet River.

Tripper shook paws with River the Pine Marten. They both received one silver mole!

River gave you 1 "Magnetic Penguin" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 47 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 1692