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Squeaks has completed the quest of
"This Rare Earth" !

21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 1/25

Terracotta Clay Pots
This is an amazing array of Cambodian artisanal clay pots of all shapes, sizes and design.

@ Terracotta Clay Pots
Squeaks begins his exploration of Ceramics.

While marveling at science, you meet Jolly.

Squeaks shook paws with Jolly the Green Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Jolly gave you 1 "Reflected Moonlight" size 9

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

size 9

21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 2/25

Ceramic Wall, Barcelona
A stunning example of Gaudi's work in this Spanish park. What finer place to sit and relax in the sun for a while? Designer and architect Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) was at the forefront of the Art Nouveau movement in Spain. Barcelona saw the creation of some of the city's most notable landmarks. Gaudí was a pioneer in his field using color, texture and movement in ways never before imagined. His works are a testament to his genius.

@ Ceramic Wall, Barcelona

Navy Flower Power Egg
The first painted eggs came from Mesopotamia, and because eggs were forbidden food during Lent, people painted eggs while Lent was being observed—after Lent, they would eat the eggs on Easter Day.

Beautifully decorated eggs “pysanka” are associated with Ukraine, and the oldest painted egg that was unearthed in northern Ukraine is dated to the end of the 17th century.

While marveling at science, you meet Harmony.

Squeaks shook paws with Harmony the Regal Andalusian Horse. They both received one silver mole!

Harmony gave you 1 "Navy Flower Power Egg" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 78 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 23

HarmonySqueaksQUEST REWARD

21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 3/25

Whimsical Fish
This ceramic tile with its foreground of a stunning blue fish with terracotta coloured fins with a background of ornate flowers is a work of art.

@ Whimsical Fish
“You know, I'd love to go to Barcelona to see these works by Gaudi in real life, Squeaks,” pRINCESS said. "It would be amazing!"
“It certainly would, pRINCESS!" said Squeaks. "You'll have to suggest it to Uncle David."

While marveling at science, you meet pRINCESS.

Squeaks shook paws with pRINCESS the Tabby Cat. They both received one silver mole!

pRINCESS gave you 5 "Iridescent Green Candy Drop" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 325 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 56


21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 4/25

Colourful Turkish Lamp
This beautiful lamp bears a pleasing mosaic in violet and red on the front, with an asymmetrical "crazy paving" of glass chips round the sides.

@ Colourful Turkish Lamp
"Did you see this exhibit, Squeaks? It says human beings have been making ceramics for over 20,000 years. A ceramic artefact of a statuette was dated as early as 28,000 BCE!"
"That's amazing, glowy! So they'd worked out all the necessary science-y stuff all that long ago!"

While marveling at science, you meet glowy.

Squeaks shook paws with glowy the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

glowy and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 449 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 71

glowySqueaksQUEST REWARD
x 15

21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 5/25

Jolly Pumpkin
This jolly, chuckling pumpkin looks like he can't wait for Hallowe'en! Adding a candle inside a ceramic pumpkin is a great way to cast a haunting glow and add a spooky atmosphere to any Hallowe'en event! It will look spooktacular on the windowsill as its orange glowing light shines through its cut out details.

@ Jolly Pumpkin
“You know, I'd love to go to Barcelona to see these works by Gaudi in real life, Squeaks,” Rex said. "It would be amazing!"
“It certainly would, Rex!" said Squeaks. "You'll have to suggest it to Uncle David."

While marveling at science, you meet Rex.

Squeaks shook paws with Rex the Brown Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Rex and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 650 Find points today: 93 Hunt total: 93

x 75

21st Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 6/25

Oriental Tiles
These decorative tiles have an artistic design of ornate flowers and gracefully curving leaves, all in shades of blue and red.

@ Oriental Tiles
"Making pottery looks very relaxing, doesn't it, slider?" remarked Squeaks.
"My grandpa told me that the BBC in the 1950s used to have what they called interlude films," responded slider. "Grandpa's favourite one was called The Potter's Wheel. Interlude films would be played in intervals, or if they had to switch studios or if there was a breakdown. The potter's wheel film showed a pot being thrown, accompanied by music."

While marveling at science, you meet slider.

Squeaks shook paws with slider the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

slider gave you 5 "Chocolate-Strawberry Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 852 Find points today: 112 Hunt total: 112

sliderSqueaksQUEST REWARD (edible)

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 7/25

@ Textured Limestone Wall
"Did you see this exhibit, Squeaks? It says human beings have been making ceramics for over 20,000 years. A ceramic artefact of a statuette was dated as early as 28,000 BCE!"
"That's amazing, Floy! So they'd worked out all the necessary science-y stuff all that long ago!"

While marveling at science, you meet Floy.

Squeaks shook paws with Floy the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Floy and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 14 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 118

x 5

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 8/25

Tile Mosaic
This mosaic of small tiles in shades of amber, orange, cream and brown makes the perfect rustic look for bathroom or kitchen!

@ Tile Mosaic
"I'm going to buy a framed print of that amazing optical illusion, Palimpsest," said Squeaks. "It'll go well with my coffee pot from Turkey, and my origami crane from Japan."
"That sounds like a nice collection of mementoes, Squeaks!"

While marveling at science, you meet Palimpsest.

Squeaks shook paws with Palimpsest the Arctic Hare. They both received one silver mole!

Palimpsest gave you 1 "Oyster Eye Gem" size 9

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 121

PalimpsestSqueaksQUEST REWARD
size 9

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 9/25

@ Ceramic Cockatoo
“You know, I'd love to go to Barcelona to see these works by Gaudi in real life, Squeaks,” Hoot said. "It would be amazing!"
“It certainly would, Hoot!" said Squeaks. "You'll have to suggest it to Uncle David."

While marveling at science, you meet Hoot.

Squeaks shook paws with Hoot the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Hoot gave you 5 "Chocolate-Toffee Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 202 Find points today: 40 Hunt total: 153

HootSqueaksQUEST REWARD (edible)

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 10/25

@ Chequered Tiled Floor
"Did you see this exhibit, Squeaks? It says human beings have been making ceramics for over 20,000 years. A ceramic artefact of a statuette was dated as early as 28,000 BCE!"
"That's amazing, Ari! So they'd worked out all the necessary science-y stuff all that long ago!"

While marveling at science, you meet Ari.

Squeaks shook paws with Ari the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Ari and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 458 Find points today: 71 Hunt total: 184

x 75

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 11/25

Feline Trio
Are these cats saying "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"? Dear me, no! I imagine our ginger friend on the left is saying, "Dude, where's my breakfast?" The innocent looking feline in the middle is thinking: "Why doesn't this human put the fire on?" And the grey cat is wishing you would stop whatever pointless activity you're engaged in and set his clockwork mouse going, or dragging a lure across the carpet for him to pounce on.

@ Feline Trio
“You know, I'd love to go to Barcelona to see these works by Gaudi in real life, Squeaks,” Mulrey said. "It would be amazing!"
“It certainly would, Mulrey!" said Squeaks. "You'll have to suggest it to Uncle David."

While marveling at science, you meet Mulrey.

Squeaks shook paws with Mulrey the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

Mulrey and you found 15 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 607 Find points today: 87 Hunt total: 200

x 15

22nd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 12/25

@ Terracotta Pot in Snow
"Making pottery looks very relaxing, doesn't it, Kikianna?" remarked Squeaks.
"My grandpa told me that the BBC in the 1950s used to have what they called interlude films," responded Kikianna. "Grandpa's favourite one was called The Potter's Wheel. Interlude films would be played in intervals, or if they had to switch studios or if there was a breakdown. The potter's wheel film showed a pot being thrown, accompanied by music."

While marveling at science, you meet Kikianna.

Squeaks shook paws with Kikianna the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Kikianna and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 817 Find points today: 111 Hunt total: 224

KikiannaSqueaksQUEST REWARD
x 10

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 13/25

@ Ornate Ceramic Tiling
"I'm going to buy that ceramic plantpot for my Granny, Bridget," said Squeaks.
"That sounds like a great idea, Squeaks—she’ll love it!" replied Bridget. "I'm really liking this gift shop!"

While marveling at science, you meet Bridget.

Squeaks shook paws with Bridget the Silly Old Bear. They both received one silver mole!

Bridget gave you 1 "Green Crystal Cluster" size 9

Tries today: 13 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 233

BridgetSqueaksQUEST REWARD
size 9

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 14/25

Delftware Box in Blue and White
An exquisite egg-shaped glazed ceramic Delftware box with its neat little clasp stands ready to guard your treasure! Delftware, also known as Delft Blue is mostly blue and white pottery made in Delft, the Netherlands. Delftware is one of the types of tin-glazed earthenware in which a white glaze is applied, usually decorated with metal oxides, in particular the cobalt oxide that gives the usual blue, and can withstand high firing temperatures, allowing it to be applied under the glaze.

@ Delftware Box in Blue and White
“Wow, just look at that ceramic cat, Squeaks!” Cupcake said. "If I bought two, I could put one each side of the fireplace. That would be great!"
“It certainly would, Cupcake!" said Squeaks.

While marveling at science, you meet Cupcake.

Squeaks shook paws with Cupcake the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Cupcake gave you 5 "Chocolate-Strawberry Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 140 Find points today: 40 Hunt total: 266

CupcakeSqueaksQUEST REWARD (edible)

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 15/25

Fan-Shaped Mosaic Tiling
This is a stunning example of a mosaic of geometrically arranged ceramic tiles making a unique and extremely hard wearing flooring. The word mosaic comes from the Greek mousa, meaning a muse. Mousa is the root for the Late Latin word musivum, signifying "decorations with small set stones”, which relates to the Medieval Latin word musaicum. The word was adapted to the French mosaïque, which means “mosaic work,” before becoming the Middle English word “mosaic” at some stage in the fifteenth century. Phew!

@ Fan-Shaped Mosaic Tiling
Oh look ... you found a truly unique little penguin!

While marveling at science, you meet Sabrina.

Squeaks shook paws with Sabrina the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Sabrina gave you 1 "Ceramic Mosaic Penguin" size 7

Tries today: 234 Find points today: 60 Hunt total: 286

SabrinaSqueaksQUEST REWARD
size 7

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 16/25

Bright Mosaic
Mosaic art has been made for a very long time. The earliest known mosaic is from Mesopotamia in the third millennium BCE. It featured stones, shells and ivory. Mosaic work became more complex in Ancient Greece and during the Roman Empire—the Ancient Greeks and Romans created images and patterns as wall art and floor mosaics for large public structures.

@ Bright Mosaic
"I'm going to buy a framed print of that amazing optical illusion, Nightlight," said Squeaks. "It'll go well with my coffee pot from Turkey, and my origami crane from Japan."
"That sounds like a nice collection of mementoes, Squeaks!"

While marveling at science, you meet Nightlight.

Squeaks shook paws with Nightlight the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Nightlight and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 380 Find points today: 78 Hunt total: 304

NightlightSqueaksQUEST REWARD
x 5

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 17/25

Ceramic Pizza Plate
This is just the ticket for when enjoying Italy's iconic dish—a splendidly colourful ceramic plate decorated with a generous slice of tomato and mozzarella pizza, black and green olives, fresh basil leaves, cherry tomatoes and peppers. Buon appetito!

@ Ceramic Pizza Plate
“Wow, just look at that ceramic cat, Squeaks!” Stella said. "If I bought two, I could put one each side of the fireplace. That would be great!"
“It certainly would, Stella!" said Squeaks.

While marveling at science, you meet Stella.

Squeaks shook paws with Stella the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Stella and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 637 Find points today: 111 Hunt total: 337

x 5

23rd Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 18/25

@ Stripy Fruit Bowl
"Did you see this about the Terracotta Army, Squeaks? It's a collection of thousands of terracotta sculptures made in the third century BCE to protect the first Emperor of China in the afterlife."
"And discovered by accident in 1974, Draco! It's incredible to think that they were never actually intended to be seen by anyone."

While marveling at science, you meet Draco.

Squeaks shook paws with Draco the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Draco gave you 1 "Soft Sky (Crystal Cluster)" size 9

Tries today: 697 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 345

size 9

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 19/25

@ Swimming Pool Tiling
"Making pottery looks very relaxing, doesn't it, Bono?" remarked Squeaks.
"My grandpa told me that the BBC in the 1950s used to have what they called interlude films," responded Bono. "Grandpa's favourite one was called The Potter's Wheel. Interlude films would be played in intervals, or if they had to switch studios or if there was a breakdown. The potter's wheel film showed a pot being thrown, accompanied by music."

While marveling at science, you meet Bono.

Squeaks shook paws with Bono the Cockatoo. They both received one silver mole!

Bono gave you 5 "Chocolate-Caramel Candy Delight" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 357

BonoSqueaksQUEST REWARD (edible)

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 20/25

@ Terracotta Trio of Pitchers
"I'm going to buy that ceramic plantpot for my Granny, Tipu," said Squeaks.
"That sounds like a great idea, Squeaks—she’ll love it!" replied Tipu. "I'm really liking this gift shop!"

While marveling at science, you meet Tipu.

Squeaks shook paws with Tipu the Chick. They both received one silver mole!

Tipu and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 94 Find points today: 27 Hunt total: 383

x 75

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 21/25

@ Earth Tone Tiles
"I'm going to buy a framed print of that amazing optical illusion, Frost," said Squeaks. "It'll go well with my coffee pot from Turkey, and my origami crane from Japan."
"That sounds like a nice collection of mementoes, Squeaks!"

While marveling at science, you meet Frost.

Squeaks shook paws with Frost the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Frost and you found 10 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 212 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 398

x 10

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 22/25

@ Ceramic Coffee Glasses
“Wow, just look at that ceramic cat, Squeaks!” Sir Precious McPrance said. "If I bought two, I could put one each side of the fireplace. That would be great!"
“It certainly would, Sir Precious McPrance!" said Squeaks.

While marveling at science, you meet Sir Precious McPrance.

Squeaks shook paws with Sir Precious McPrance the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Sir Precious McPrance and you found 5 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 252 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 408

Sir Precious McPranceSqueaksQUEST REWARD
x 5

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 23/25

@ Ceramic Pots
“A picture of this would look lovely printed on Christmas cards, wouldn't it, Squeaks?” Sam said.
“It certainly would, Sam!" said Squeaks.

While marveling at science, you meet Sam.

Squeaks shook paws with Sam the Yellow Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Sam gave you 1 "Firestone Gem" size 9

Tries today: 320 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 417

size 9

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 24/25

@ Ceramic Fish in Green and Red
"Did you see this about the Terracotta Army, Squeaks? It's a collection of thousands of terracotta sculptures made in the third century BCE to protect the first Emperor of China in the afterlife."
"And discovered by accident in 1974, Thimbl! It's incredible to think that they were never actually intended to be seen by anyone."

While marveling at science, you meet Thimbl.

Squeaks shook paws with Thimbl the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Thimbl gave you 1 "This Rare Earth Travel Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 444 Find points today: 76 Hunt total: 432

size 7

24th Jun 2023
Squeaks views Rare Earth: Ceramics!
Sample 25/25

@ Tile Design, Bronze and Gold
Squeaks has now completed his exploration of Ceramics. As he prepares to go home, he receives a wonderful gift!

Squeaks has enjoyed his tour of Ceramics, but it is time to go home now! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy exotic materials!

While marveling at science, you meet Oliver.

Squeaks shook paws with Oliver the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Oliver gave you 1 "Ceramic Mosaic Penguin" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 518 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 438