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Boo has completed the quest of
"Alaskan Odyssey I" !

2nd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 1/2510 pts!

@ Seaplanes, Talkeetna Lake, AK

The friends were chatting and laughing amongst themselves, their spirits high from the day's adventures and the warmth of the gather­ing. They watched as the sea-plane they had arrived in earlier glided to land grace­fully on the water, the pilot waving at them from the cockpit. Larry had offered to take them on a fishing trip the next day, and the thought of freshly caught salmon sizzling over an open fire made their stomachs rumble in unison.

While exploring Alaska, you met sugar pearl.

Boo shook paws with sugar pearl the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

sugar pearl and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 118 Find points today: 118 Hunt total: 875

sugar pearlBooQUEST REWARD
x 150

2nd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 2/2515 pts!

@ Football, Alaska

As they strolled back to the hall, they passed the tail end of a ball game taking place on the village green. Drive stopped, watch­ing the game in a puzzled way. “I don’t under­stand,” he rumbled in a disquiet­ed way. “They’re playing with a rugger ball but this isn’t like any game of rugby I’ve ever seen before!”

While exploring Alaska, you met BRUNO.

Boo shook paws with BRUNO the Brown Bear. They both received five silver moles!

BRUNO and you found 5 "Purple Rhino Plush" size 4.

Tries today: 125 Find points today: 125 Hunt total: 882

x 5
(size 4)

2nd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 3/2512 pts!

@ Foggy Alaskan Morning

As the party inside the hall grew quieter, the friends made their way back to the bed and break­fast, their laughter echo­ing through the deserted streets. The night was still, with only the occasional call of a distant owl to break the silence. They climbed the creaky stairs to their rooms, weary but satisfied.

While exploring Alaska, you met Wrex.

Boo shook paws with Wrex the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received five silver moles!

Wrex and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 158 Find points today: 158 Hunt total: 915

x 75

2nd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 4/2555 pts!

@ Fishing Boat, Alaska

The next morning, the scent of sizzling salmon woke them early. Down­stairs, Olga, the otter, had prepared a feast of fried potatoes, pan­cakes, berries, and freshly caught fish. Olga had hurried down to the harbor very early that morn­ing to bar­gain with those on boats returning with their catches.

While exploring Alaska, you met Roskaizan.

Boo shook paws with Roskaizan the Bashful Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Roskaizan gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Upright" size 8

Tries today: 161 Find points today: 161 Hunt total: 918

size 8

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 5/2510 pts!

@ Alaskan Harbour

The seven friends devoured the meal with appreciation, eager to begin the day's adventure. Larry, the pilot, was wait­ing for them at the dock, his sea­gull eyes gleam­ing with excitement.

While exploring Alaska, you met Bellini.

Boo shook paws with Bellini the Rockin' Robin the Emcee Bird. They both received five silver moles!

Bellini and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 15 Find points today: 15 Hunt total: 949

x 150

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 6/2512 pts!

@ Dutch Harbor, Alaska

The sea-plane ride was exhilarating, the aircraft dipping and rising with the con­tours of the land. They saw pods of whales in the distance, their spouts like geysers piercing the calm sea. Larry point­ed out the various fish­ing vessels scatter­ed across the water, each a testa­ment to the town's reliance on the bounti­ful ocean. The friends lean­ed out of the windows, the wind whipping their fur and feathers as they tried to spot more wildlife.

While exploring Alaska, you met CUTSIE.

Boo shook paws with CUTSIE the Brown Sea Turtle. They both received five silver moles!

CUTSIE gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Tilted" size 7

Tries today: 35 Find points today: 35 Hunt total: 969

size 7 x 3

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 7/2514 pts!

@ Canada Goose with Ducklings, Anchorage

Upon landing, they found themselves on a secluded beach, surrounded by the serene beauty of the Alaskan wilder­ness. Larry provided them with fish­ing rods and instructions, and they eager­ly set to work. The hours passed as they reel­ed in salmon, their laughter echo­ing off the surround­ing cliffs. Jolie even managed to coax a few shy seals out of the water to play, and made friends with a Canada goose with her little brood of ducklings.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sam.

Boo shook paws with Sam the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received five silver moles!

Sam and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 42 Find points today: 42 Hunt total: 976

x 75

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 8/2510 pts!

@ Salmon, Alaska

A few of the friends went forag­ing and came back with mush­rooms, which they gave Larry to give his approval for their consumption.

While exploring Alaska, you met Jema.

Boo shook paws with Jema the Flounder. They both received five silver moles!

Jema and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 75 Find points today: 75 Hunt total: 1009

x 75

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 9/2510 pts!

@ Mushroom, Anchorage

The sun climbed high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the bay. They gather­ed around a make­shift camp­fire, the salmon crack­ling and popping as it cooked over the open flame. The scent of the roast­ing fish mingled with the smoky aroma of the fire­wood, setting their mouths water­ing. As they ate, they shared stories of their lives back in the city, each one more ludicrous than the last.

While exploring Alaska, you met Belle.

Boo shook paws with Belle the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Belle gave you 1 "Lisa's Tasteful Abode" size 10

Tries today: 108 Find points today: 108 Hunt total: 1042

size 10

3rd Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 10/2567 pts!

@ Wild Berries, Alaska

Dotty, ever curious, had wandered off to explore the near­by forest. She return­ed with a pound or two of juicy berries wrapped up in a large leaf, a gift from a friendly fox she had met on her hike. The berries were a delicious surprise, their tart sweet­ness a perfect contrast to the rich salmon.

While exploring Alaska, you met Peaksy.

Boo shook paws with Peaksy the Screech Owl. They both received five silver moles!

Peaksy and you found 5 "Regal Purple Couch" size 4.

Tries today: 141 Find points today: 141 Hunt total: 1075

x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 11/2511 pts!

@ Glaciers, Alaska

The day grew long, and the shadows stretched as they packed up their gear. The flight back to Cordova was bitter­sweet, the beauty of the land­scape below a stark reminder of the adventures they had shared. As they touch­ed down, Larry spoke up, "Folks, I've got a surprise for you. There's an ice cave not too far from here, and it's a sight you won't want to miss. I’ll pick you up after break­fast tomorrow."

While exploring Alaska, you met Huntley.

Boo shook paws with Huntley the Achiever Beaver. They both received five silver moles!

Huntley and you found 1 PLATINUM PAW!

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 1091


5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 12/2510 pts!

@ Sunrise, Dutch Harbor, Alaska

The friends looked at each other, the thrill of discovery lighting up their eyes. They quickly agreed, and thank­ed the seagull.
That night, they went out to a local restaur­ant where after some discussion they all decided on fish and chips—flaky cod, fried crispy golden, accompanied by delicious chips. For pudding they had lingon­berry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.

While exploring Alaska, you met BunBun.

Boo shook paws with BunBun the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received five silver moles!

BunBun gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Large, Upright" size 7

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 1115

size 7 x 3

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 13/2514 pts!

@ Muskox, Alaska

On arriving back at their cozy bed and breakfast, they went to the lounge, where Olga served them steam­ing hot blue­berry & rasp­berry cocoa with a selection of Alaskan confection­ery. They all loved the Polar Bear Smooches: crunchy pepper­mint and creamy white chocolate drench­ed in velvety dark choco­late, and the Grizzly Bear Claws: caramel and almonds cover­ed in milk chocolate.

While exploring Alaska, you met Wheezer.

Boo shook paws with Wheezer the Dwarf Hamster. They both received five silver moles!

Wheezer and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 64 Find points today: 64 Hunt total: 1148

x 150

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 14/2513 pts!

@ Helicopter on Glacier, Alaska

The next morning, Larry guided them to a near­by heli­copter. The ride was bumpy, the chopper's blades slicing through the air as they ascend­ed into the mountains. The glacier loomed closer, its icy blue walls glint­ing in the sun. They land­ed on a precarious ice shelf, the heli­copter's blades kick­ing up a storm of snow.

While exploring Alaska, you met Mekmek.

Boo shook paws with Mekmek the Red Squirrel. They both received five silver moles!

Mekmek and you found 5 "Purple Rhino Plush" size 4.

Tries today: 69 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1153

x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 15/2514 pts!

@ Arch of Ice, Alaska

The ice cave was a marvel of nature, a cathedral of frost with walls that shimmered like crystal. The group ventured inside, their foot­steps echo­ing through the cavern. The air was cold and still, yet it hummed with a sense of life that seem­ed to reson­ate within their very souls. The light from out­side filter­ed in through the ice, cast­ing a kaleido­scope of colors across the chamber.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sweetie.

Boo shook paws with Sweetie the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Sweetie and you found 12 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 84 Find points today: 84 Hunt total: 1168

x 12

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 16/2510 pts!

@ Glacier Landscape, Alaska

Jolie, ever mindful of others, noticed the anxious glances some of the group cast at the precariousness of their surroundings. She stepped forward, her spotted fur standing out against the icy backdrop. "Let's stick together," she said gently, her voice comforting. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We're safe." Her words had the desired effect, and the tension in the group eased.

While exploring Alaska, you met Kia.

Boo shook paws with Kia the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received five silver moles!

Kia gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Tilted" size 8

Tries today: 117 Find points today: 117 Hunt total: 1201

size 8

5th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 17/2573 pts!

@ Alaskan Seascape

"I think we would all feel better for a bite to eat," remark­ed Lidia. "Why don't we have some­thing from the packed lunches that Olga very kindly made for us?" The suggest­ion found favor among the group, and they were soon sitting down, sharing with Larry salmon bagels with cream cheese, and rein­deer sausages.
The ice cave was a master­piece, a place where time had frozen in a dance of crystal and shadow. The walls were adorn­ed with intricate patterns of frost that looked like the delicate handi­work of a master sculptor.

While exploring Alaska, you met Ms Stinkerbelle.

Boo shook paws with Ms Stinkerbelle the Baby Skunk. They both received five silver moles!

Ms Stinkerbelle gave you 1 "Lisa's Tasteful Abode"

Tries today: 122 Find points today: 122 Hunt total: 1206

Ms StinkerbelleBooQUEST REWARD

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 18/2515 pts!

@ Tracy Arm Fjord, Juneau, Alaska

Dash couldn't help but chirp in amazement, her song bounc­ing off the walls and creat­ing a melod­ious echo that filled the space. The music seem­ed to breathe life into the cave, and for a moment, it felt as if the ice itself was moving in time with her melody.

While exploring Alaska, you met Predator.

Boo shook paws with Predator the Shark. They both received five silver moles!

Predator gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Floating Crystal" size 8

Tries today: 4 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 1239

size 8

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 19/2569 pts!

@ Kenai Glacier, Alaska

As they ventured deeper, the air grew colder, but the warmth of their camaraderie kept them going. They saw ice form­ations that looked like myth­ical creatures frozen in time, their shapes twisted and fantastical.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sherlock.

Boo shook paws with Sherlock the English Bulldog. They both received five silver moles!

Sherlock and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 1266

x 75

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 20/2510 pts!

@ Red Fox, Alaska

Drive, ever the historian, regaled them with tales of ancient bear clans that had roamed these lands, find­ing shelter in such caves during the harsh­est winters. His deep voice reverb­erated through the cavern, adding a layer of depth to the stories that seemed to come alive in the frozen chamber. They all sat listen­ing to him, sharing a bag of Alaska Gold Nugget Birch Cream Caramels laced with pecans.

While exploring Alaska, you met Cocoa.

Boo shook paws with Cocoa the Brown Rustic Rabbit. They both received five silver moles!

Cocoa gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Pointed Upright" size 7

Tries today: 46 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 1281

size 7 x 3

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 21/2515 pts!

@ Aurora Borealis, Alaska

Lidia, inspired by the stark beauty of their surround­ings, couldn't help but imagine the culinary possib­ilities. "Imagine," she said, her eyes alight, "an ice sculpture gala right here, with dishes made from local ingred­ients, served on plates made from this very ice." The group chuckled at her enthusiasm, but couldn't deny the allure of her vision.

While exploring Alaska, you met Dilly.

Boo shook paws with Dilly the Pistachio Green Dragonfly. They both received five silver moles!

Dilly and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 53 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 1288

x 150

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 22/2515 pts!

@ National Park Glacier, Alaska

The ice cave grew quieter as they moved deeper, the only sounds the crunch of their steps and the occasional drip of melt­ing ice. Suddenly, the ground beneath them shift­ed, send­ing a low rumble through the cavern. A collect­ive gasp filled the air as a chunk of the ceil­ing broke free, shatter­ing into a million pieces that rain­ed down around them.

While exploring Alaska, you met Happy.

Boo shook paws with Happy the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Happy and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 56 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 1291

x 2

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 23/2512 pts!

@ Wall of Ice, Denali, AK

In the sudden chaos, they huddled together, their hearts racing. Josh instantly swept Lidia and Dash up in a protect­ive embrace, guard­ing them against the shards of ice falling around them.

While exploring Alaska, you met Tildy.

Boo shook paws with Tildy the Grey Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Tildy and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 89 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 1324

x 150

6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 24/25


The dust cleared, revealing an even larger chamber ahead. In the center, a frozen water­fall glow­ed with an ether­eal blue light, cast­ing a surreal ambiance across the space. The friends look­ed at each other, a mix of fear and awe etched on their faces.

While exploring Alaska, you met Pooh Bear.

Boo shook paws with Pooh Bear the Silly Old Bear. They both received five silver moles!

Lisa gave you a really great gift, "Alaskan Fox" FULL SIZE !

Tries today: 95 Find points today: 95 Hunt total: 1330


6th Aug 2024
Boo goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 25/25

@Sealion, Agattu Island, Alaska

"We should go back," Drive suggested, his bear instincts tell­ing him that the cave was unstable. But the allure of discov­ery was too strong, and they pressed on.

Boo has enjoyed visiting Alaska, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy this event!

While exploring Alaska, you met Peppy ❤️.

Boo shook paws with Peppy ❤️ the Beach Bum Happy Hippo. They both received five silver moles!

Peppy ❤️ gave you 1 "Alaska Stamp" size 10

Tries today: 110 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 1345

size 10