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Ailsa McKillop
& Shade
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Shade has completed the quest of
"Alaskan Odyssey I" !

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 1/2512 pts!

@ Anchorage, AK

In the heart of a sprawling metropolis, where steel sky­scrapers stretched to kiss the clouds, a young lion named Joshua worked tire­lessly at his office job. His fur, once a majestic mane of gold, had dulled to a sad reflection of his spirit. The fluor­escent lights above cast a sickly glow on his desk, high­lighting the end­less stream of paper­work that was his daily grind.

While exploring Alaska, you met Spotless.

Shade shook paws with Spotless the Young Giraffe. They both received five silver moles!

Spotless and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 176

x 150

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 2/2554 pts!

@ Inspirational Artwork

But every evening, as the sun dipped behind the tower­ing edi­fices, the lion would raise his eyes to the wall, where there hung a paint­ing of a river with mountains in the back­ground, the whole scene flooded with the pink glow of sun­rise, and a spark of excite­ment would flicker in his eyes. That spark grew into a wild­fire of anticipation as the day of the grand Alaskan adventure approached.

While exploring Alaska, you met Lorelei.

Shade shook paws with Lorelei the Grey Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Lorelei gave you 1 "Deedee the Happy Chick" size 7

Tries today: 8 Find points today: 8 Hunt total: 183

size 7

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 3/2566 pts!

@ Yukon Railroad, Alaska

The lion's friends, a motley crew of animal companions, had all felt the same call of the wild. There was Kerry, the burly bear with a gentle soul, who had swapped the bustle of the city for the quiet rumble of the rail­ways. As a train driver, he dreamt of navig­ating the vast net­work of Alaskan railroads that snaked through the un­touched wilderness.

While exploring Alaska, you met Powder.

Shade shook paws with Powder the Snowcat. They both received five silver moles!

Powder gave you 1 "Dorothy's Retreat"

Tries today: 34 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 209


27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 4/2512 pts!

@ Vintage Juneau

Then there was Lisa, a squirrel with a palate as refined as the silver­ware she used in her Michelin-starred restaur­ant in New York City. The thought of dis­covering new flavors from the land of the mid­night sun made her clasp her paws together as her eyes danced with delight.

While exploring Alaska, you met Boris Johnson.

Shade shook paws with Boris Johnson the Blue Eyed Scarecrow Boy. They both received five silver moles!

Boris Johnson gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Pointed Upright" size 8

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 226

Boris JohnsonShadeQUEST REWARD
size 8

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 5/2511 pts!

@ Alaskan Pipeline

Sue, a unicorn with a mane and tail as vibrant as a painter's palette, was a party planner extra­ordinaire. Her days were spent orchestrat­ing events that brought joy and wonder to the masses, but she yearn­ed for the kind of adventure that could only be found in the great outdoors.

While exploring Alaska, you met Snicker.

Shade shook paws with Snicker the Panda Cub. They both received five silver moles!

Snicker gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Full Crystal" size 8

Tries today: 55 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 230

size 8

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 6/2511 pts!

@ Alaskan Highway

Jolie, the Dalmatian, had a heart as large as the spots on her fur. Her life's mission was to soothe the worries of the world, and she saw this trip as an opportun­ity to extend her care to the creatures of the far north.

While exploring Alaska, you met Gil.

Shade shook paws with Gil the Purple Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Gil gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Pointed Upright" size 8

Tries today: 58 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 233

size 8

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 7/2511 pts!

@ Stormy Alaska

Deedee, the happy songbird, fluttered with excite­ment. Her melodies had brought comfort to count­less city-dwellers, but now she dream­ed of filling the vast Alaskan skies with her music, sharing her joy with the rugged land­­scapes and those who called them home.

While exploring Alaska, you met Bilbo.

Shade shook paws with Bilbo the Sloth. They both received five silver moles!

Bilbo gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Upright" size 8

Tries today: 79 Find points today: 79 Hunt total: 254

size 8

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 8/2574 pts!

@ Alaskan Flight

The most dauntless explorer of the band of friends was Dorothy, who enjoyed nothing more than pack­ing a small case and flying, either by commercial air­line or using her own dragon wings, to the remotest corners of the globe.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sweetie.

Shade shook paws with Sweetie the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Sweetie and you found 5 "Purple Ballerina, En Pointe" size 4.

Tries today: 94 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 269

x 5
(size 4)

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 9/2514 pts!

@ Alaska, here we come!

Together, this band of friends had saved their vacation days and meticulous­ly planned a journey that would take them beyond the concrete jungle and into the un­tamed beauty of Alaska.

While exploring Alaska, you met Tildy.

Shade shook paws with Tildy the Grey Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Tildy and you found 5 "Purple Zebra Plush" size 4.

Tries today: 98 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 273

x 5
(size 4)

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 10/2512 pts!

@ The Alaskan Odyssey

The day of departure finally dawned, casting a soft light over the already bustling train station. The smells of diesel and metal filled the air as Kerry's train, the Alaskan Odyssey, pulled into the station. Its gleam­ing cars whisper­ed promises of advent­ure and free­dom. The group gather­ed their luggage together and climb­ed aboard, the anticip­ation in their eyes mirror­ing the excite­ment of the passengers around them.

While exploring Alaska, you met Eddy Easter Bunny.

Shade shook paws with Eddy Easter Bunny the Eggstravagant Easter Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Eddy Easter Bunny and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 131 Find points today: 131 Hunt total: 306

Eddy Easter BunnyShadeQUEST REWARD
x 150

27th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 11/2514 pts!

@ Welcome to Alaska!

They all gathered in the lounge car for a pre-travel mock­tail. “For the purposes of this trip, I want to suggest that we each use an assumed name,” said the kindly bear. “I thought it would add an aura of mystery to the whole special event! I’d like to be called Drive.”

While exploring Alaska, you met Wyatt.

Shade shook paws with Wyatt the Green Beautiful Unicorn. They both received five silver moles!

Wyatt gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Tilted" size 8

Tries today: 146 Find points today: 146 Hunt total: 321

size 8

28th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 12/2569 pts!

@ White Pass Railroad, Skagway, AK

“Ooh, what a fabulous idea!” responded the dragon, flapping her wings excited­ly. “I’ll be Dotty. We could pretend to have differ­ent identities, too! I think I’ll be an inter­national fashion buyer, just back from Milan.”
“I’ll be Josh,” stated the lion. “I design aircraft.”

While exploring Alaska, you met Imogene.

Shade shook paws with Imogene the Baby bat. They both received five silver moles!

Imogene gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Pointed, Tilted" size 7

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 343

size 7 x 3

28th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 13/2510 pts!

@ Scenic Alaska

“How about Dash Dot Dot for me?” chirped the happy songbird. “Do you get it? I’ll be a code­breaker.”
“Very clever—perhaps we’ll make it Dash for short! How about you, my favourite unicorn?”

While exploring Alaska, you met Maxx.

Shade shook paws with Maxx the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received five silver moles!

Maxx gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Large, Tilted" size 7

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 376

size 7 x 3

28th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 14/2511 pts!

@ Alaskan Fried Potatoes

“I’d like to be Suzanne,” said the party-loving, spiral-horned creature. “And I’m a racing car driver!”

While exploring Alaska, you met Gil.

Shade shook paws with Gil the Purple Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Gil gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Pointed, Tilted" size 7

Tries today: 82 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 407

size 7 x 3

28th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 15/2510 pts!

@ Alaskan Squirrel

“I’ll be Lidia,” volunteered the squirrel. “You know, after the famous Italian-American chef! It’ll be so inspiring! That just leaves you, JoƖie. What will you be?”

While exploring Alaska, you met Pebbles.

Shade shook paws with Pebbles the Lil Auk. They both received five silver moles!

Pebbles gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Upright" size 7

Tries today: 109 Find points today: 109 Hunt total: 434

size 7 x 3

28th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 16/2513 pts!

@ Harbor, Valdez Glacier, AK

Joliе pondered, her head on one side. Finally, she said, “Would you mind if I just kept my own name? I’m not sure I’d feel quite comfortable pretending to be someone else.”

While exploring Alaska, you met Choose a name.

Shade shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received five silver moles!

Choose a name and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 142 Find points today: 142 Hunt total: 467

Choose a nameShadeQUEST REWARD
x 75

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 17/2511 pts!

@ Dutch Harbor, Alaska

They all assured their friend that that was absolutely fine, and as it was almost time to start, they finished their mock­tails; Drive made his way to the front of the train and the rest went to stow their baggage and, with grow­ing excite­ment, take their places in the observation coach.

While exploring Alaska, you met Spotless.

Shade shook paws with Spotless the Young Giraffe. They both received five silver moles!

Spotless and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 15 Find points today: 15 Hunt total: 489

x 75

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 18/2512 pts!

@ Spruce Forest, Alaska

As the whistle blew and the engine thrummed into life, the friends waved good­bye to the city that had held them captive for too long. The rail­road journey began smooth­ly, the tracks un­furling like a ribbon of steel beneath the wheels. Outside the windows, the urban sprawl grad­ually gave way to a quilt of lush forests and rolling hills.

While exploring Alaska, you met Imogene.

Shade shook paws with Imogene the Baby bat. They both received five silver moles!

Imogene gave you 1 "Dorothy the Explorer Dragon" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 27 Find points today: 27 Hunt total: 501


29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 19/2511 pts!

@ Flag of Alaska

Lidia peered out, her nose twitching at the tantalizing aromas that wafted in from the passing land­scape. "I can almost taste the wild berries and fresh salmon," she murmured to her­self, her thoughts racing with culinary possibilities.

While exploring Alaska, you met Twinkel.

Shade shook paws with Twinkel the Sparkling Snow Foxee. They both received five silver moles!

Twinkel gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Large, Upright" size 8

Tries today: 41 Find points today: 41 Hunt total: 515

size 8

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 20/2514 pts!

@ Alaskan Brown Bear

Drive, in the front cabin of the Alaskan Odyssey, felt his spirits soar with every mile that carried them further from the city. His bear paws were steady on the controls, his eyes never leav­ing the horizon except to check his instrum­ent panel. The passengers felt so safe with Drive at the helm! The rhythmic clack­ing of the wheels against the tracks became a comfort­ing lullaby that soon had the weary travelers nodding off.

While exploring Alaska, you met Ocki.

Shade shook paws with Ocki the Purple octopus. They both received five silver moles!

Ocki gave you 3 "Jolie's Tears, Extra Large, Tilted" size 7

Tries today: 58 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 532

size 7 x 3

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 21/2510 pts!

@ Alaskan Eagle

Jօlie, ever the nurturer, made her way through the cabin, handing out steam­ing mugs of tea and sweet cookies to those who looked particular­ly tired. Her warm smile seemed to chase away the shadows of doubt that had gathered in the corners of their minds. Even the most care­worn of passengers couldn't help but feel comforted by her presence.

While exploring Alaska, you met pretty boy.

Shade shook paws with pretty boy the Orangutan. They both received five silver moles!

pretty boy and you found 5 "Cup Full of Lilac Love (Flowers)" size 4.

Tries today: 91 Find points today: 91 Hunt total: 565

pretty boyShadeQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 22/2512 pts!

@ Alaskan Lupins

As the train chugged along, the scenery grew ever more breath-taking. They saw moose lumber­ing through meadows, their antlers casting dramatic shadows. They spotted eagles soaring high above, their sharp eyes survey­ing the vast expanse below. And then there were the lupins, fields upon fields of them, their vibrant purple and blue flowers creat­ing a carpet of color that stretch­ed as far as the eye could see.

While exploring Alaska, you met Slushie.

Shade shook paws with Slushie the Blushing Koala. They both received five silver moles!

Slushie gave you 1 "Jolie's Tears, Large, Tilted" size 8

Tries today: 107 Find points today: 107 Hunt total: 581

size 8

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 23/2513 pts!

@ Sea Plane

The friends couldn't help but gasp as the first glacier came into view. It was a colossal beast of ice, frozen in time, its jagged peaks gleam­ing in the early morn­ing light. They dis­embarked at the small station of Whittier, where the scents of salt­water and fish filled their nostrils. From here, they would board a sea-plane that would take them to the remoter areas of Alaska that only the bravest of adventurers dared to explore.

While exploring Alaska, you met Maisy.

Shade shook paws with Maisy the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Maisy and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 117 Find points today: 117 Hunt total: 591

x 75

29th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 24/25

@Prince William Sound, Alaska

As they climbed into the tiny aircraft, their hearts raced with a mix of excite­ment and trepid­ation. The engine sputtered at first, then broke into a steady drone, and they took off, soar­ing over the cobalt waters of Prince William Sound. Below them, the ice­bergs floated like silent sentinels, remnants of the glaciers that had calved into the sea. The pilot, a seasoned sea­gull named Larry, pointed out land­marks with the enthusiasm of a tour guide who had never lost his love for the land he called home.

While exploring Alaska, you met Gus.

Shade shook paws with Gus the Yellow Lovable Labrador. They both received five silver moles!

Dorothy gave you a really great gift, "Alaskan Bear" FULL SIZE !

Tries today: 150 Find points today: 150 Hunt total: 624


30th Jul 2024
Shade goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 25/25

@Totem Pole, Alaska

The friends leaned out of the windows, cameras in paws and claws, snap­ping photos of the rugged coast­line that stretched out like an un­touched canvas. They marveled at the totem poles that stood tall in the small native village they flew over, their vibrant colors and intricate carvings telling stories of a culture that had thrived in harmony with the land for millennia. The wind whipped through the cabin, carry­ing with it the distant calls of whales and the salty scent of the ocean.

Shade has enjoyed visiting Alaska, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy this event!

While exploring Alaska, you met Lorelei.

Shade shook paws with Lorelei the Grey Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Lorelei gave you 1 "Alaska Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 17 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 641

size 7