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& Loki


Loki has completed the quest of
"Alaskan Odyssey II" !

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 1/2511 pts!

@ Alaskan Brown Bear

A new morning in Alaska! What was in store for the next part of their Odyssey? The seven friends pack­ed up their kit, thorough­ly rested after an un­forgettable night on the beach. They had roast­ed marsh­mallows on sticks over the bonfire, while potatoes baked in the embers.

While exploring Alaska, you met Fiona.

Loki shook paws with Fiona the Purple Fireworks Butterfly. They both received five silver moles!

Fiona and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

x 75

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 2/2511 pts!

@ Aerial View of Alaskan Valley

Using their alter ego names of Josh, Dotty, Suzanne, Dash, Lidia and Drive (Jօlie preferred keep­ing her real name) they had made up stories about their supposed past lives, reaching the heights of absurd­ity, whether it was Dotty in her altern­ate persona of an inter­national fashion buyer, Lidia, as a famous Italian-American TV chef, or tiny Dash, with her exploits at a top-secret Bletchley Park type crypto­logical establish­ment.

While exploring Alaska, you met Spotless.

Loki shook paws with Spotless the Young Giraffe. They both received five silver moles!

Spotless gave you 1 "Oyster Eye Gem" size 8

Tries today: 26 Find points today: 26 Hunt total: 26

size 8

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 3/2512 pts!

@ Denali National Park

Now it was time for a new adventure. Soon they were board­ing a helicopter—which Josh claimed to have designed, and for which he out­lined for their amuse­ment several novel features, including individual eject buttons—for a breath-taking tour of the remote wilderness.

While exploring Alaska, you met Petal.

Loki shook paws with Petal the Purple Fireworks Butterfly. They both received five silver moles!

Petal and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 59 Find points today: 59 Hunt total: 59

x 75

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 4/2511 pts!

@ Juneau Glacier

They soared over vast expanses of untouched snow, the wind whipping the pure white­ness into troughs and peaks.

While exploring Alaska, you met Rhodo.

Loki shook paws with Rhodo the Lovely Pink Kitty. They both received five silver moles!

Rhodo gave you 3 "Oyster Eye Gem" size 7

Tries today: 92 Find points today: 92 Hunt total: 92

size 7 x 3

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 5/2515 pts!

@ Mount Foraker

Below, they spotted caribou herds moving grace­fully across the tundra, their antlers cast­ing shadows on the pristine white land­scape. The pilot, Larry, pointed out the majestic peaks of the Chugach Mountains, their jagged sil­houettes a stark contrast against the azure sky.

While exploring Alaska, you met Gordybebe.

Loki shook paws with Gordybebe the Young Grey Horned Owl. They both received five silver moles!

Gordybebe gave you 1 "Joshua the Brave Lion" size 10

Tries today: 125 Find points today: 125 Hunt total: 125

size 10

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 6/2514 pts!

@ Siberian Sled Dog

The helicopter ride ended at a glacial lake, where they were met by a team of sled dogs eager to show them the ancient art of mushing. Jօlie, her heart swell­ing with love for the energetic pups, helped harness them to the sled.

While exploring Alaska, you met BRUNO.

Loki shook paws with BRUNO the Brown Bear. They both received five silver moles!

BRUNO and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 128 Find points today: 128 Hunt total: 128

x 150

30th Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 7/2565 pts!

@ Dall Sheep, Alaska

The group climbed into sleds for the ride, the wind ruffling their fur, feathers or scales as they sped across the icy surface. The dogs' panting, occasion­al bark­ing and the crunch of the sled's runners on the snow were the only sounds that broke the serenity.

While exploring Alaska, you met Choose a name.

Loki shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received five silver moles!

Choose a name and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 145 Find points today: 145 Hunt total: 145

Choose a nameLokiQUEST REWARD
x 75

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 8/2511 pts!

@ Alaskan Wilderness

Kerr y the bear, using his alter ego name Drive, feeling a pang of longing for his beloved train, was thrilled to learn of the historic Copper River and North­western Rail­way that once connect­ed Cordova to the rest of Alaska.

While exploring Alaska, you met Huntley.

Loki shook paws with Huntley the Achiever Beaver. They both received five silver moles!

Huntley and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 11 Find points today: 11 Hunt total: 161

x 2

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 9/2564 pts!

@ Chugach National Forest

The group decided to embark on a hike to uncover the remnants of the old track. The trail was steep and treacherous, but the promise of history fueled their determination.

While exploring Alaska, you met Jack Hughman.

Loki shook paws with Jack Hughman the Wolverine. They both received five silver moles!

Jack Hughman gave you 1 "Joshua's Pride and Joy" size 10

Tries today: 44 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 194

Jack HughmanLokiQUEST REWARD
size 10

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 10/2510 pts!

@ Reflections in Lake

The journey was fraught with obstacles, but each challenge only brought them closer together. They navigat­ed through dense forests of spruce and birch, their eyes peel­ed for any signs of the long-abandoned railway.

While exploring Alaska, you met Kiaria.

Loki shook paws with Kiaria the Snow Monkey. They both received five silver moles!

Kiaria and you found 5 "Egyptian Feather Fan" size 4.

Tries today: 77 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 227

x 5
(size 4)

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 11/2515 pts!

@ Lakeside Fir Trees

The air grew colder, and the ground grew spongier under­foot as they approach­ed the muskeg, a boggy area where the trees grew sparse.

While exploring Alaska, you met Chirp.

Loki shook paws with Chirp the Mellow Yellow Birdie. They both received five silver moles!

Chirp and you found 5 "Embalming Fluid" size 4.

Tries today: 88 Find points today: 88 Hunt total: 238

x 5
(size 4)

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 12/2512 pts!

@ Purple Iris

Finally, they stumbled upon the first signs of the railway—rusted spikes and rotting wooden ties poking through the mossy earth. The sight was both exhilarat­ing and bitter­sweet, a testa­ment to the fleet­ing nature of human ambition in the face of the un­yielding wilderness.

While exploring Alaska, you met Alex.

Loki shook paws with Alex the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Alex and you found 5 "Egyptian Papyrus Flower" size 4.

Tries today: 121 Find points today: 121 Hunt total: 271

x 5
(size 4)

31st Aug 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 13/2515 pts!

@ Moose, Denali

As they continued their trek, they encountered a mother moose and her calf, grazing peace­fully by the trail. The group froze, awed by the creature's grand­eur. The look on Drive's face was one of pure admiration. He knew the import­ance of respect­ing the wild­life that called this land home.

While exploring Alaska, you met Morri.

Loki shook paws with Morri the Arctic Feisty Fox. They both received five silver moles!

Morri gave you 1 "Miner’s Folly Gem" size 8

Tries today: 126 Find points today: 126 Hunt total: 276

size 8

1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 14/2510 pts!

@ Ferns, Alaskan Forest

The moose looked up, sensing their presence, and for a tense moment, no one moved. Then, with a grace­ful nod, she led her calf away, dis­appear­ing into the foliage. The friends watched them go, feel­ing both humbled and invigorated by the encounter.

While exploring Alaska, you met Boris Johnson.

Loki shook paws with Boris Johnson the Blue Eyed Scarecrow Boy. They both received five silver moles!

Boris Johnson gave you 3 "Chalcedony" size 7

Tries today: 9 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 309

Boris JohnsonLokiQUEST REWARD
size 7 x 3

1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 15/2510 pts!

@ Conifers in Denali

The trail grew steeper, the trees more scattered, until they reach­ed the edge of the muskeg. There, they found the skeletal remains of an old train bridge, spanning a deep ravine. The metal was twist­ed and worn, a silent sentinel to the passage of time.

While exploring Alaska, you met Tuffe.

Loki shook paws with Tuffe the Dwarf Hamster. They both received five silver moles!

Tuffe and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 16 Find points today: 16 Hunt total: 316

x 75

1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 16/2515 pts!

@ Tracy Arm Fjord

Dotty, her curiosity piqued, suggested they explore further. "Who knows what secrets this old bridge holds?" she said, her eyes gleam­ing with excite­ment. The others agreed, eager to delve deeper into the story of the lost railway.

While exploring Alaska, you met WHOIS.

Loki shook paws with WHOIS the Gibby. They both received five silver moles!

WHOIS gave you 1 "Joshua's Pride and Joy"

Tries today: 49 Find points today: 49 Hunt total: 349


1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 17/2513 pts!

@ Remote Alaska

They approached cautiously, the planks groan­ing under their weight. The view from the bridge was dizzy­ing, the ravine a yawn­ing chasm that seem­ed to swallow the light. Dash's song grew softer, a hush­ed melody of respect for the power of the land.

While exploring Alaska, you met Snowball.

Loki shook paws with Snowball the Shih Tzu, White Fur. They both received five silver moles!

Snowball gave you 3 "Tundra Gem" size 7

Tries today: 82 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 382

size 7 x 3

1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 18/2574 pts!

@ Alaskan Black Bear

But as they reached the center, the bridge gave way with a deafen­ing crack! The world spun around them as they plummet­ed into the icy abyss, their screams lost in the roar of the wind. The fall was an eternity, a blur of fear and desperation.

While exploring Alaska, you met Belle.

Loki shook paws with Belle the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Belle gave you 1 "Chalcedony" size 8

Tries today: 115 Find points today: 115 Hunt total: 415

size 8

1st Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 19/2515 pts!

@ Owl, Alaska

And then, just as suddenly, they were caught in a fiery embrace. Dotty had managed to spread her wings, her breath of flame creating a warm cushion to break their fall. They landed with a thud, the snow around them steam­ing from the heat.

While exploring Alaska, you met Choose a name.

Loki shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received five silver moles!

Choose a name and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 148 Find points today: 148 Hunt total: 448

Choose a nameLokiQUEST REWARD
x 150

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 20/2515 pts!

@ Perching Eagles

The friends looked at each other, their hearts racing. They had cheated death once again, and their bond was strong­er than ever. They knew that Alaska was not a place to be taken light­ly, but they were deter­mined to conquer it together, one adventure at a time.

While exploring Alaska, you met Radish.

Loki shook paws with Radish the Bashful Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Radish gave you 1 "Prized Peridot Gem" size 8

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 31 Hunt total: 481

size 8

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 21/2515 pts!

@ Alaskan Fjord

They picked themselves up, brushing the snow from their fur, feathers and outer clothing, and began the trek back to Cordova.

While exploring Alaska, you met Jin.

Loki shook paws with Jin the Sugar glider. They both received five silver moles!

Jin and you found 5 "Egyptian Throne" size 4.

Tries today: 46 Find points today: 46 Hunt total: 496

x 5
(size 4)

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 22/2511 pts!

@ Fairbanks Resort

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the frozen landscape, turning the snow to gold. The air grew crisp, and their breath formed clouds in the stillness.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sapphire.

Loki shook paws with Sapphire the Blue Baby Rhino. They both received five silver moles!

Sapphire gave you 1 "Miner’s Folly Gem" size 8

Tries today: 77 Find points today: 77 Hunt total: 527

size 8

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 23/2562 pts!

@ Sealions, Juneau

As they approached the town, the scent of wood­smoke and the distant sound of laughter grew stronger. They knew that their adventure was not over yet—there was still so much of Alaska to discover.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sweetie.

Loki shook paws with Sweetie the Chocolate Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Sweetie and you found 5 "Egyptian Pyramid" size 4.

Tries today: 104 Find points today: 104 Hunt total: 554

x 5
(size 4)

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 24/25

@River Sealion

Suzanne's eyes sparkled, and she shook her glow­ing mane and tail as an exciting idea occurred to her. "Why don't we organize a festival to celebrate the town's history?" she suggest­ed. "We could bring the commun­ity together and share what we've learned."

While exploring Alaska, you met ~atticus~.

Loki shook paws with ~atticus~ the Brown Owl. They both received five silver moles!

Joshua gave you a really great gift, "Alaskan Moose" FULL SIZE !

Tries today: 108 Find points today: 108 Hunt total: 558

~atticus~LokiQUEST REWARD

2nd Sep 2024
Loki goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 25/25

@Juneau, Alaska

The group nodded enthusiastically in agree­ment, their spirits high. They had faced danger and found beauty in the most un­expected places. Now, it was time to give back to the people who had welcom­ed them with open arms.

Loki has enjoyed visiting Alaska, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy this event!

While exploring Alaska, you met Mae.

Loki shook paws with Mae the Angel Wing Butterfly. They both received five silver moles!

Mae gave you 1 "Alaska State Quarter" size 7

Tries today: 112 Find points today: 112 Hunt total: 562

size 7