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Sam has completed the quest of
"Alaskan Odyssey II" !

2nd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 1/2560 pts!

@ Snowy Mountain, Alaska

The festival was a hit. The streets of Cordova were alive with the sounds of music, laughter and the clank of metal as the black­­smith demon­­strated his craft.

While exploring Alaska, you met Miss Taken.

Sam shook paws with Miss Taken the Brown Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Miss Taken gave you 1 "Sue's Party Shack" size 10

Tries today: 113 Find points today: 113 Hunt total: 563

size 10

2nd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 2/2515 pts!

@ Fried Rice with Shrimp

Lidia had prepared a feast of local delicacies, her culin­ary skills on full display. Jօlie moved among the crowd, offer­ing com­fort and com­panion­ship to those in need, while Dash's sweet melodies filled the air.

While exploring Alaska, you met Seth Freakin'Monkey.

Sam shook paws with Seth Freakin'Monkey the Flying Monkey. They both received five silver moles!

Seth Freakin'Monkey and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 146 Find points today: 146 Hunt total: 596

Seth Freakin'MonkeySamQUEST REWARD
x 75

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 3/2515 pts!

@ Northern Lights

Dotty, ever the showstopper, had arranged a dazzling dis­play of fire­works that paint­ed the night sky with a symphony of color. The towns­folk gasp­ed in amaze­ment, their eyes reflect­ing the vibrant hues.

While exploring Alaska, you met Powder.

Sam shook paws with Powder the Snowcat. They both received five silver moles!

Powder gave you 3 "Smoky Quartz (Stone Of Power) Gem" size 7

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 629

size 7 x 3

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 4/2512 pts!

@ Fall Scene, Alaska

It was a celebration that would be remembered for genera­tions to come, a testa­ment to the friend­ship and wonder that had brought them all together.

While exploring Alaska, you met Sherlock.

Sam shook paws with Sherlock the English Bulldog. They both received five silver moles!

Sherlock gave you 1 "Jade" size 8

Tries today: 40 Find points today: 40 Hunt total: 662

size 8

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 5/2514 pts!

@ Frozen Lake

As the last spark of the fireworks faded, the friends gather­ed around a bon­fire, shar­ing stories of their advent­ures. The warmth of the flames and the camarad­erie of their new­found family chased away the chill of the night. They had come to Alaska as seven individ­uals, but they were leaving as one un­shake­able unit.

While exploring Alaska, you met Professor.

Sam shook paws with Professor the Brown Owl. They both received five silver moles!

Professor gave you 1 "Prized Peridot Gem" size 8

Tries today: 73 Find points today: 73 Hunt total: 695

size 8

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 6/2513 pts!

@ Locomotive, Alaska Railroad

The next day, as they prepared to board the Alaskan Odyssey train for their journey home, they couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. The land had captured their hearts, and the thought of leaving was almost un­bearable. But they knew that the memories they had made would stay with them forever.

While exploring Alaska, you met Dilly.

Sam shook paws with Dilly the Pistachio Green Dragonfly. They both received five silver moles!

Dilly and you found 12 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 82 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 704

x 12

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 7/2512 pts!

@ Sourdough Snacks

Once again, the seven friends assembled in the lounge car. Lidia had pre­pared a tray of open sand­wiches for the occasion, and once more, there were mock­tails for them all to enjoy.
Drive looked fondly around at the group. "This isn't goodbye," he said firmly. "It's just the end of this chapter. There's so much more to explore in this big, wild world."

While exploring Alaska, you met Belle.

Sam shook paws with Belle the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Belle and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 115 Find points today: 115 Hunt total: 737

x 75

3rd Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 8/2513 pts!

@ Marjorie Glacier

With Drive's big paws keeping an un­falter­ing grasp of the wheel, they set off, the train's whistle echo­ing through the mountains as they dis­appear­ed into the distance. The snowy land­scape rush­ed by, a blur of white and blue, a promise of advent­ures yet to come. They were bound for home, but their hearts, for­ever chang­ed by the magic of the land and the warmth of the people and creatures they had met along the way, remained in Alaska.

While exploring Alaska, you met Silver.

Sam shook paws with Silver the Bashful Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Silver and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 120 Find points today: 120 Hunt total: 742

x 3

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 9/2515 pts!

@ Fireweed by Lake

As the days passed back home, they couldn't help but reminisce about their time in Cordova. The narwhals' dance in the ice cave, the thrill of the glacial hike, and the warmth of the community's em­brace linger­ed in their thoughts. They had faced fear and danger, but they had also found joy and wonder in the most un­expected places.

While exploring Alaska, you met Seraphim.

Sam shook paws with Seraphim the Cloud Jumper. They both received five silver moles!

Seraphim and you found 5 "Egyptian Ewer" size 4.

Tries today: 3 Find points today: 3 Hunt total: 775

x 5
(size 4)

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 10/2515 pts!

@ Basking Seals

Back in the city, the friends found themselves long­ing for the simplic­ity of the Alaskan wilder­ness. The hustle and bustle of their daily lives seemed dull in compari­son to the vibrant colors of the lupins, the majesty of the glaciers, and the call of the wild.

While exploring Alaska, you met Rocker煜.

Sam shook paws with Rocker煜 the Magpie. They both received five silver moles!

Rocker煜 and you found 5 "Pharaoh Penguin" size 4.

Tries today: 7 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 779

x 5
(size 4)

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 11/2512 pts!

@ Sunny Day in Alaska

They decided to host a series of fund­raising events to preserve the lands they had come to love, shar­ing their experiences and the import­ance of conservation.

While exploring Alaska, you met Blueberry.

Sam shook paws with Blueberry the Dark Chocolate Bear. They both received five silver moles!

Blueberry gave you 3 "Jade" size 7

Tries today: 22 Find points today: 22 Hunt total: 794

size 7 x 3

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 12/2510 pts!

@ Blue Heron in Flight, AK

Their stories spread like wildfire, inspiring others to seek their own adventures. Groups from all walks of life came to listen, their eyes alight with curios­ity and long­ing. The friends realized that they had become ambassa­dors of a sort, bridging the gap between the urban jungle and the great outdoors.

While exploring Alaska, you met Happy.

Sam shook paws with Happy the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Happy and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 55 Find points today: 55 Hunt total: 827

x 25

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 13/2511 pts!

@ Seals on Ice Floe

They were living proof that even in the most remote corners of the world, friend­ship and wonder could thrive.

While exploring Alaska, you met Perth.

Sam shook paws with Perth the Purple Platypus. They both received five silver moles!

Perth gave you 1 "Sue's Party Shack"

Tries today: 88 Find points today: 88 Hunt total: 860


5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 14/2554 pts!

@ Polar Bear, AK

But the call of the wild was too strong to ignore. Before long, they found themselves planning another trip, eager to explore the vast expanses of Alaska they had only glimpsed. They dreamed of rafting down the mighty rivers, meeting the majestic polar bears of the Arctic, and discovering the secrets hidden within the ancient forests.

While exploring Alaska, you met Silver.

Sam shook paws with Silver the Bashful Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Silver and you found 5 "Egyptian Pyramid" size 4.

Tries today: 121 Find points today: 121 Hunt total: 893

x 5
(size 4)

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 15/2512 pts!

@ Lake in Wilderness, Denali NP, AK

Their hearts swelled with excitement as they boarded the Alaskan Odyssey once more, ready to conquer new challenges and forge new memories. They knew that the road ahead was long, but they were ready to face it together.

While exploring Alaska, you met sugar pearl.

Sam shook paws with sugar pearl the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

sugar pearl and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 125 Find points today: 125 Hunt total: 897

sugar pearlSamQUEST REWARD
x 75

5th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 16/2510 pts!

@ Rocky River, Alaska

For they had become more than just friends—they were a family, bound by their love of adventure and the untamed spirit of the land that had captured their souls.

While exploring Alaska, you met Choose a name.

Sam shook paws with Choose a name the Tabby Cat. They both received five silver moles!

Choose a name and you found 5 "Egyptian Necklace (Cleopatra's Favorite)" size 4.

Tries today: 147 Find points today: 147 Hunt total: 919

Choose a nameSamQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 17/2515 pts!

@ Snow Capped Peaks, AK

As the train pulled out of the station, they were filled with the certainty that no matter where their journeys took them, the wild heart of Alaska would always be a part of them.

While exploring Alaska, you met Aziza.

Sam shook paws with Aziza the Regal Egyptian Cat. They both received five silver moles!

Aziza gave you 3 "Oyster Eye Gem" size 7

Tries today: 30 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 952

size 7 x 3

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 18/2515 pts!

@ Alaskan Porcupine

Their first destination was the mighty Yukon River, a meander­ing life­line that cut through the rugged wilder­ness. They sign­ed up for a raft­ing trip, guided by a wise old beaver named Ben. He taught them the ropes, both literally and figurative­ly, as they navig­ated the swift currents and towering waves.

While exploring Alaska, you met Wynterlea.

Sam shook paws with Wynterlea the Reindeer. They both received five silver moles!

Wynterlea gave you 1 "Chalcedony" size 8

Tries today: 50 Find points today: 50 Hunt total: 972

size 8

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 19/2515 pts!

@ River with Forest, Alaska

The river was a force to be reckoned with, but the friends had faced worse and emerged stronger.

While exploring Alaska, you met Snowball.

Sam shook paws with Snowball the Shih Tzu, White Fur. They both received five silver moles!

Snowball gave you 3 "Miner’s Folly Gem" size 7

Tries today: 83 Find points today: 83 Hunt total: 1005

size 7 x 3

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 20/2511 pts!

@ Bear, Denali NP, Alaska

The days passed in a blur of canoeing and laughter, the river's rhythm setting the pace for their adventure. They saw moose wading through the shallows, their antlers casting long shad­ows, and bears fish­ing for salmon along the banks.

While exploring Alaska, you met Piggy.

Sam shook paws with Piggy the Cupig. They both received five silver moles!

Piggy and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 94 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 1016

x 75

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 21/2571 pts!

@ Sleeping Bear, Alaska

The nights were spent around a crackling camp­fire, sharing tales of their exploits under the vast, star-studded sky. The warmth of the flames and the companion­ship of their friends made even the chilliest nights feel like a cozy embrace.

While exploring Alaska, you met Maisy.

Sam shook paws with Maisy the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Maisy gave you 1 "Oyster Eye Gem" size 8

Tries today: 123 Find points today: 123 Hunt total: 1045

size 8

6th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 22/2551 pts!

@ Fishing Boat, Kenai River

One evening, as they sat on the riverbank, the air grew still. Dash's song grew softer, and the others followed suit, their voices hushed. In the distance, a pack of wolves began to howl, their mourn­ful melody weav­ing through the trees.

While exploring Alaska, you met paresis perry princess.

Sam shook paws with paresis perry princess the Lovely Pink Kitty. They both received five silver moles!

paresis perry princess and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 132 Find points today: 132 Hunt total: 1054

paresis perry princessSamQUEST REWARD
x 2

8th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 23/2512 pts!

@ Tree Fringed Lake

The friends listened, their hearts swelling with the beauty of the moment. It was a remind­er that they were but visitors in this ancient land, and that they were part of some­thing much larger than themselves.

While exploring Alaska, you met Petunia Pense.

Sam shook paws with Petunia Pense the Skunk. They both received five silver moles!

Petunia Pense gave you 1 "Tundra Gem" size 8

Tries today: 15 Find points today: 15 Hunt total: 1087

Petunia PenseSamQUEST REWARD
size 8

8th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 24/25

@Winter Landscape

The trip was not without its challenges, of course. They faced sudden storms that tested their mettle and had to navigate treacher­ous rapids that sent their raft spinning. But through it all, they remained stead­fast, support­ing one another with un­yielding determination.

While exploring Alaska, you met Snicker.

Sam shook paws with Snicker the Panda Cub. They both received five silver moles!

Sue gave you a really great gift, "Alaskan Beaver" FULL SIZE !

Tries today: 39 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 1111


8th Sep 2024
Sam goes on an Alaskan Odyssey!
Scene 25/25

@Akutan Island

As they approached the end of their river journey, they felt a strange mix of elation and sorrow. For they knew that the wilds of Alaska had left an indelible mark on them, a mark that could never be erased.

Sam has enjoyed visiting Alaska, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy this event!

While exploring Alaska, you met Spotless.

Sam shook paws with Spotless the Young Giraffe. They both received five silver moles!

Spotless gave you 1 "Alaska State Quarter" size 10

Tries today: 72 Find points today: 72 Hunt total: 1144

size 10