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& Daisy
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Daisy has completed the quest of
"Polonaise, poppies and pierogi" !

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 1/25

@Farm Pastures

In the quiet town of Zakopane, nestled in the foot­hills of the Tatra Mountains, the group gather­ed out­side their base, a quaint bed and break­fast establish­ment. They chatter­ed excited­ly as they await­ed the start of their tour of the Tatra Mountains, each eager to explore the majestic land­scape of Poland. Their guide, a stoic badger named Boris, called everypet to attention. He out­lined the day's itinerary, detail­ing the hike they would take through the mountains. The trail ahead was a serpentine path that would lead them to breath­taking vistas, he assured them.
As they set off, the chatter grew quieter. The grandeur of the surround­ing peaks and stony crags seem­ed to demand respect. They march­ed in a loose line, the more athletic members of the group racing ahead, while Boris’s assistant brought up the rear to check nopet went missing. The air grew cooler, the scent of pine and fresh earth mingling with the crisp mountain breeze.

While visiting Poland, you met Puh.

Daisy shook paws with Puh the Silly Old Bear. They both received five silver moles!

Puh and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 33 Find points today: 33 Hunt total: 372

x 150

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 2/25

@Hiking Trail

As they climbed higher, the air grew cooler, and the scent of pine grew stronger. They all knew they were in for a day of breath-taking beauty and physical challenge. The hike grew steep­er, the trail wind­ing through a forest of ancient trees that look­ed like they had stories to tell.

While visiting Poland, you met Moriarty.

Daisy shook paws with Moriarty the Black Feisty Fox. They both received five silver moles!

Moriarty gave you 1 "Amber" size 8

Tries today: 63 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 402

size 8

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 3/25

@River Hiking Trail

The hiking trail was well-marked, leading them through a land­scape that looked like it had been pluck­ed from the pages of a fairy tale. Streams gurgled beside the path, their crystal waters dancing over rocks.

While visiting Poland, you met Chirp.

Daisy shook paws with Chirp the Mellow Yellow Birdie. They both received five silver moles!

Chirp gave you 1 "Amber" size 8

Tries today: 69 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 408

size 8

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 4/25

@Mountain Waterfall

Lakes shimmered like sapphires in the sunlight, surround­ed by a neck­lace of wild­flowers. Water­falls cascaded down the mountain­side, their mist kiss­ing their faces as they pass­ed by. The forests were a cathe­dral of green, with crags looming like silent sentinels in the distance.

While visiting Poland, you met Rosie Blush.

Daisy shook paws with Rosie Blush the Cupig. They both received five silver moles!

Rosie Blush and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 82 Find points today: 82 Hunt total: 421

Rosie BlushDaisyQUEST REWARD
x 25

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 5/25

@Mushroom and young firs

As they climbed, they stumbled upon a meadow filled with seed­lings of Christ­mas trees, their scent a sweet promise of winter. They couldn't resist play­ing among them, imagining the joy the trees would bring to families around the world.

While visiting Poland, you met Alex.

Daisy shook paws with Alex the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Alex and you found 5 "Rubber Duck Witch" size 4.

Tries today: 105 Find points today: 105 Hunt total: 444

x 5
(size 4)

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 6/25

@Five Pond Valley

The sight of Five Pond Valley took their breath away—a tranquil basin nestled in the mountains, with each pond a mirror reflecting the sky.

While visiting Poland, you met snowflake.

Daisy shook paws with snowflake the Arctic Hare. They both received five silver moles!

snowflake and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 113 Find points today: 113 Hunt total: 452

snowflakeDaisyQUEST REWARD
x 2

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 7/25

@Tatra Chamois

A Tatra Chamois, its white face and bib stark against the green, watched them from a rocky outcrop before bounding away, leaving them to admire agility of the handsome creature.

While visiting Poland, you met Miss Taken.

Daisy shook paws with Miss Taken the Brown Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Miss Taken gave you 3 "Amber" size 7

Tries today: 127 Find points today: 127 Hunt total: 466

size 7 x 3

8th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 8/25

@Serene Lake

The group grew more adventurous as the day went on, driven by the tantalising promise of snowy peaks. They climbed higher, the trail growing steeper, the air thinner.

While visiting Poland, you met sugar pearl.

Daisy shook paws with sugar pearl the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

sugar pearl gave you 1 "Wise Old Pierogi" size 10

Tries today: 131 Find points today: 131 Hunt total: 470

sugar pearlDaisyQUEST REWARD
size 10

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 9/25

@Five Ponds Valley

Finally, they reached a breath-taking panorama that seemed to be plucked from a picture postcard. They spotted another Tatra Chamois in the distance, its graceful leaps across the rocks a silent ballet of the wild.

While visiting Poland, you met Matilda.

Daisy shook paws with Matilda the Short-Beaked Echidna. They both received five silver moles!

Matilda and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 12 Find points today: 12 Hunt total: 503

x 150

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 10/25

@Picnic in Poland

For lunch, they found a serene spot beside a babbling stream. The hotel staff had packed a feast of smoked kielbasa, tart pickled cucumbers, crusty bread and crisp apples to finish. They sat on rocks, their fur glowing in the midday sun, sharing stories of their travels and savouring the simple pleasure of good food in great company.

While visiting Poland, you met Dumpling.

Daisy shook paws with Dumpling the Squooshie. They both received five silver moles!

Dumpling and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 30 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 521

x 75

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 11/25

@Tatra Peak

The snowfall began as they reached the tree line, large, wet flakes that soon covered the ground. The group exchanged glances, some nervous, others thrilled by the sudden change in weather. Boris checked the map and adjusted their course slightly.

While visiting Poland, you met Snelly.

Daisy shook paws with Snelly the Pink Snail. They both received five silver moles!

Snelly and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 54 Find points today: 54 Hunt total: 545

x 150

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 12/25

@High Crags

They pushed through the flurries, the only sounds the crunch of snow underfoot and the occasional gust of wind. Finally, the trail opened up, and the summit lay before them, the clouds parting like a curtain to reveal the valley beneath.

While visiting Poland, you met Belle.

Daisy shook paws with Belle the Snow Cheerling. They both received five silver moles!

Belle and you found 5 "Wicked Pumpkin Patch Halloween 2024" size 4.

Tries today: 87 Find points today: 87 Hunt total: 578

x 5
(size 4)

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 13/25

@Autumnal Landscape

The sight was so stunning that even the most verbose animals were struck silent. The group gathered at the edge, their breath coming out in misty puffs as they took in the panorama.

While visiting Poland, you met Peppy ❤️.

Daisy shook paws with Peppy ❤️ the Beach Bum Happy Hippo. They both received five silver moles!

Peppy ❤️ and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 110 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 601

x 25

9th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 14/25

@Snowy Bridge

The first landmark they reached was a wooden bridge arching grace­fully over a river that gush­ed with icy water. It sway­ed slight­ly under their weight, and some of the animals held their breath as they crossed.

While visiting Poland, you met Talos.

Daisy shook paws with Talos the Snow Leopard. They both received five silver moles!

Talos gave you 1 "Amber" size 8

Tries today: 119 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 610

size 8

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 15/25

@Show Me a Sign

Boris pointed out the signpost on the other side, its wooden arms stretch­ing out to indicate various trails. "We'll be taking the path to the left," he said. "It'll lead us up to the high­lands where we might spot a white-tailed eagle or two."

While visiting Poland, you met swinger.

Daisy shook paws with swinger the Brown Funky Monkey. They both received five silver moles!

swinger gave you 3 "Amber" size 7

Tries today: 2 Find points today: 2 Hunt total: 643

swingerDaisyQUEST REWARD
size 7 x 3

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 16/25

@Two Tatra Chamois

Further along, two Tatra chamois darted across their path, their sure-footedness a marvel to the less mountain-adapted animals. Excited, Sapphire and Daisy took turns using their binoculars to get a closer look.

While visiting Poland, you met Sapphire.

Daisy shook paws with Sapphire the Blue Baby Rhino. They both received five silver moles!

Sapphire and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 14 Find points today: 14 Hunt total: 655

x 75

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 17/25

@White Tailed Eagle

True to Boris’s prediction, as they ascended, the grace­ful form of an eagle appeared, soar­ing against the back­drop of the darken­ing sky. The group gasped in awe, their eyes track­ing the bird as it dis­appeared behind a peak. As they climb­ed higher, the snow­fall grew denser, obscur­ing their view of the world below. The animals trudged through the white, leaving a trail of foot­prints that soon filled in behind them. They passed a clear­ing where a cabin stood, which would be their base that night. Smoke was curl­ing from its chimney, and the scent of hot food waft­ed through the air. The thought of warmth and food was tempting, but Boris urged them onward. "The best view is just ahead," he promised.

While visiting Poland, you met LITTLE LOLLY.

Daisy shook paws with LITTLE LOLLY the Norwegian Fjord horse. They both received five silver moles!

LITTLE LOLLY and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 659

x 75

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 18/25

@Winter's Day

The sun had begun its descent, casting the world in a warm, golden light that paint­ed the clouds below them a fiery orange. The distant peaks of the Tatra range stretch­ed out like a jagg­ed spine, their tops kiss­ed by the sett­ing sun. The group couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplish­ment swell within them. This was a place few ever got to see, and here they were, on the very top of the world.
But the seren­ity was not to last. The wind pick­ed up, carry­ing with it a sudden, bitter chill that seemed to cut right through their fur. Boris call­ed for them to huddle closer. "We mustn't linger," he warned. "The weather up here can turn quickly." He began to lead them back down the trail, the sett­ing sun casting long shadows that danced eerily among the rocks.

While visiting Poland, you met Pearl.

Daisy shook paws with Pearl the Purple Dragonfly 2.0. They both received five silver moles!

Pearl and you found 5 "Silver Birch Tree" size 4.

Tries today: 23 Find points today: 23 Hunt total: 664

x 5
(size 4)

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 19/25

@Snow Valley

The descent was trickier than the climb, with the fresh snow making the path slippery and treach­erous. They moved slow­ly, their paws and hooves seeking out solid footing.
As they descend­ed into the valley, the air grew colder, and the light took on a surreal quality. The snowfall thickened, turning the landscape into a mono­chromatic wonder­land of white. They could no longer see the cabin, nor the bridge they had crossed so confident­ly earlier. The only sign of their previous path was the occasion­al glimpse of a foot­print, half-obscured by the relentless snowfall.
Boris remained calm and composed, his experience in the mountains evident in every step. He paused at intervals to check the compass, ensuring they stayed on course. Despite the cold, a sense of camaraderie grew among the group, each member offering a word of encouragement or a helping paw to those who slipped. The thought of the cabin below grew more tantalising with every step.

While visiting Poland, you met Silky.

Daisy shook paws with Silky the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received five silver moles!

Silky and you found 5 "Rubber Turkey Duck" size 4.

Tries today: 27 Find points today: 27 Hunt total: 668

x 5
(size 4)

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 20/25

@Aerial View

Boris took charge, his voice cutting through the wind. "We must stay together and keep moving," he instruct­ed firm­ly. "The cabin isn't far now." As they near­ed the cabin, a flick­er of light appear­ed through the swirl­ing snow. It grew bright­er and more wel­coming with each step, a beacon of warmth and safety in the relent­less white­out. The cabin was small­er than it had seemed from afar, a cosy haven nestled against the moun­tain's embrace. The door creak­ed open, and the smell of warm food and crackl­ing fire­wood waft­ed out, a heavenly con­trast to the frozen world outside.

While visiting Poland, you met Rory.

Daisy shook paws with Rory the Sea Swallow (Blue Sea Slug). They both received five silver moles!

Rory gave you 1 "Grandpa Pierogi" size 10

Tries today: 32 Find points today: 32 Hunt total: 673

size 10

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 21/25

@View from the Top

Inside, they found a room filled with wooden benches and a large table laden with steam­ing dishes. The owner, an elder­ly marmot named Anya, greet­ed them with a smile that seem­ed to warm the very air around her. She usher­ed them in, her fur fluff­ed against the cold. "Welcome, travellers," she crooned. "You've chosen a night for it, haven't you?"
They quick­ly shed their layers. The animals crowded around the fire­place, the flames cast­ing a warm glow across frost-covered fur and feathers alike. The heat was a balm, seep­ing into their chill­ed bones and restor­ing their spirits. Olga cluck­ed her tongue and bustled around, sett­ing out steaming mulled wine and plates of hot, savoury stew for each of them.

While visiting Poland, you met Moriarty.

Daisy shook paws with Moriarty the Black Feisty Fox. They both received five silver moles!

Moriarty and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 65 Find points today: 65 Hunt total: 706

x 25

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 22/25

@Tatra Mountains

As they ate and warmed themselves, they shared tales of their advent­ures so far, the dining room echo­ing with laugh­ter and the clink of mugs. They recall­ed their close en­counter with the Tatra chamois. Their eyes were alight with the excite­ment of shared experiences.

While visiting Poland, you met Shellie.

Daisy shook paws with Shellie the Blue-Green Sea Turtle. They both received five silver moles!

Shellie and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 89 Find points today: 89 Hunt total: 730

x 25

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 23/25

@Tranquil Scene

Boris, having eaten his fill, pulled a map closer and traced a line with his paw. "We've made good time today," he said. "Tomorrow, we'll head to Morskie Oko. It's a glacial lake with crystal clear waters, surround­ed by the highest peaks of the Tatra. It's a sight you won't forget." The group murmur­ed appreciative­ly, their appetites for adventure only whetted by the trials of the day.

While visiting Poland, you met Maisy.

Daisy shook paws with Maisy the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Maisy and you found 5 "Autumn Mason Jar" size 4.

Tries today: 112 Find points today: 112 Hunt total: 753

x 5
(size 4)

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 24/25

@Hiking at Altitude

The night passed quickly, filled with the comfort­ing sounds of crack­ling logs and the occasional snore from a tired animal. Morning dawn­ed with a soft light, the storm having passed during the night. The cabin's windows revealed a world transform­ed, a land­scape of un­touched snow that spark­led like diamonds in the early light. They awoke to the smell of freshly baked sour­dough bread and the sound of Olga clatter­ing around the kitchen.
After a hearty breakfast of warm bread, eggs, ham, and cheese, the group donned their cold-weather gear and stepp­ed out into the crisp air. The snow crunch­ed beneath their paws and hooves as they follow­ed Boris back onto the trail, their spirits high despite the chilly start. The climb to Morskie Oko was steep, but the promise of the lake's beauty kept them motivated.

While visiting Poland, you met Ms Stinkerbelle.

Daisy shook paws with Ms Stinkerbelle the Baby Skunk. They both received five silver moles!

Ms Stinkerbelle gave you 1 "Marmot" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 116 Find points today: 116 Hunt total: 757

Ms StinkerbelleDaisyQUEST REWARD

10th Nov 2024
Daisy goes on a Polish Adventure!
Scene 25/25

@Tatra Peaks

The path led them through a snow-covered forest, the trees bend­ing under the weight of the fresh snow. The animals marvell­ed at the way the snow clung to every branch and needle, creat­ing a world of pure white that reflect­ed the sun's grow­ing warmth. What an amaz­ing, beautiful part of the world this was!

Daisy has enjoyed visiting Poland, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also enjoy this event!

While visiting Poland, you met Talos.

Daisy shook paws with Talos the Snow Leopard. They both received five silver moles!

Talos gave you 1 "Wawel Dragon" size 7

Tries today: 119 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 760

size 7