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Mr King Kong has completed the quest of
"January Journey" !

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 1/25

@Sailing the Globe

"It's the start of a new set of adventures, Kaplan!" remarked Mr King Kong. "We're going all round the world, by the looks of it!"
"Yes—and these virtual reality travels can be just as good as the real thing, without being as tiring!" responded Kaplan. "Come on, it's time to don our VR headsets!"

While keeping warm, you met Kaplan.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Kaplan the Teal tiger. They both received five silver moles!

Kaplan and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1

KaplanMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 75

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 2/25

@Welcome to 2025!

It seems not so long ago that we were celebrating the Millennium, and here we are at the next quarter of a century! As we continue to push the boundaries of what was once thought to be the realm of science fiction, we enter a new chapter brimming with potential. Let us embrace the future with open hearts and curious minds, eager to explore the wonders that await us and create a world that is not just better for us, but for generations to come. Happy 2025, and here's to another year of discovery, achievement and collective prosperity!

While keeping warm, you met Devin.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Devin the Cute Elf. They both received five silver moles!

Devin and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 17 Find points today: 17 Hunt total: 17

x 2

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 3/25

@Praia de Quiaios, Portugal

Located to the north of Figueira da Foz, Quiaios (pron. kway-ee-oass) Beach is long and flanked by grassy sand dunes. The ocean waves can be danger­ous at this point, being very strong. This, however, makes the place popular with surf­ers and body­boarders taking part in competitions here.

While keeping warm, you met Olivia.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Olivia the Pearl White Peacock. They both received five silver moles!

Olivia and you found 3 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 34 Find points today: 34 Hunt total: 34

OliviaMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 3

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 4/25

@Early Fog

"What's the difference between fog and mist, Mr King Kong?" queried Lambchops, as they arrived at the next exhibit.
Mr King Kong gave this his best consideration. "Fog is worse than mist," he said.
The Met Office video confirmed this was the case, albeit couched in more technical language.

While keeping warm, you met Lambchops.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Lambchops the Little Lovable Lambee. They both received five silver moles!

Lambchops and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 63 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 63

LambchopsMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 75

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 5/25

@Beach in Winter, Guernsey

Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands located off the north-western coast of France, takes on a distinctly differ­ent character compared to its vibrant summer persona. The air is crisp and cool, often with a slight nip of salty sea breeze. The beach is less crowded, offering a serene and peace­ful environ­ment for those who dare to venture out during the off-season. The sky can range from shades of slate grey to dramatic bursts of winter sun­light, casting long shadows on the sand and sea. The sand is a mix of pale gold and silver, reflect­ing the soft winter light. The waves are typically more vigor­ous, crash­ing onto the shore with a rhyth­mic intensity that is both invigor­ating and soothing. The tide may be higher, reaching closer to the dunes and cliffs that line the coast.

While keeping warm, you met Alex.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Alex the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Alex and you found 75 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 88 Find points today: 88 Hunt total: 88

x 75

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 6/25

@Winter Scene, Lithuania

Snow-covered fields extend as far as the eye can see, occasion­ally punctuated by the sil­hou­ettes of farmhouses and churches with their tall, pointed steeples. Frozen lakes and rivers become natural play­grounds for ice skating and ice fishing, while the forests beckon with the promise of cross-country skiing and snow­shoeing adventures.
The sun, when it appears, hangs low in the sky, casting a soft, ethereal light that paints the snow in shades of pink and gold, creat­ing a magical atmos­phere that seems to envelop the entire country. The days are short, but the nights are long and clear, perfect for star­gazing or, if you're lucky, catching a glimpse of the aurora borealis that some­times graces the Lithuanian skies with its other­worldly dance of green and purple hues.

While keeping warm, you met Slushie.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Slushie the Blushing Koala. They both received five silver moles!

Slushie gave you 1 "Winter Path, Into The Ice Fog"

Tries today: 102 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 102

SlushieMr King KongQUEST REWARD

6th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 7/25

@Rural Snowy Tree

All through the spring and summer the tree staunch­ly stood up to being climbed by numerous lively pets vying to see who could get to the highest point, then swinging off its branches! Now in mid-winter, covered in snow, its only visitors are feather-light birds who leave tracks as they hop along this branch or that. But in just a few short months, the pets will be back, eager to show off their climbing skills yet again!

While keeping warm, you met Miss Taken.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Miss Taken the Brown Badger. They both received five silver moles!

Miss Taken and you found 12 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 135 Find points today: 135 Hunt total: 135

Miss TakenMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 12

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 8/25

@Orthodox Church, Moscow

The most iconic element of Russian Orthodox churches is the onion dome, which is a bulbous, taper­ing structure that sits on top of a church's main structure. These domes are often gold-plated or brightly colored, such as blue, green or white, and may be adorn­ed with orthodox crosses. They can be found in vary­ing sizes and quantities, with some churches having a single large dome while others have a series of smaller domes.

While keeping warm, you met Mystic.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Mystic the Panthera Uncia, Snow Leopard Kitten. They both received five silver moles!

Mystic gave you 3 "Chalcedony" size 7

Tries today: 18 Find points today: 18 Hunt total: 168

MysticMr King KongQUEST REWARD
size 7 x 3

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 9/25

@Husky, Finland

A husky dog in Finland is typically a well-adapted, robust and energetic canine breed known as the Siberian Husky or simply the Husky. These dogs are well-known for their thick fur coats that come in various shades, most common­ly white, grey and black, with distinct­ive blue or brown eyes. In Finland, specifically, you may find the Finnish Husky, which is a slight­ly differ­ent breed with a smaller stature and a thick­er coat tailor­ed to the harsh Arctic conditions.

Living in Finland, Huskies are accustom­ed to the cold and snowy climate. They are bred for their endurance, strength, and sled-pulling abilities. Huskies are a work­ing breed with a rich history in the region, having been used tradition­ally by the Sami people for transportation and herding.

While keeping warm, you met Blue.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Blue the Butterfly Blue. They both received five silver moles!

Blue gave you 1 "Chalcedony" size 8

Tries today: 51 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 201

size 8

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 10/25

@Sand Dunes, South Africa

Sand dunes in South Africa are a prominent feature of the country's diverse land­scapes, particularly along the coast­lines and in desert regions such as the Kalahari and Namib. These natural formations are created by the wind, which trans­ports and deposits sand grains over time, sculpt­ing them into various shapes and sizes. South African sand dunes are known for their beauty, vastness, and ecological significance.

While keeping warm, you met Lepus.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Lepus the Arctic Hare. They both received five silver moles!

Lepus and you found 5 "Christmas Bear" size 4.

Tries today: 84 Find points today: 84 Hunt total: 234

x 5
(size 4)

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 11/25

@Ireland, Cliffs at Sunset

Cliffs at sunset in Ireland present a breath­taking and dramatic spectacle that combines the raw beauty of the natural land­scape with the ever-changing colours of the sky. The most iconic of these is the Cliffs of Moher, located in the west of the country in County Clare. However, there are many other cliffs along the Irish coast­line that also offer stunning sunset views.

While keeping warm, you met Piggy.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Piggy the Cupig. They both received five silver moles!

Piggy and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 105 Find points today: 105 Hunt total: 255

x 2

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 12/25

@Lingon, Finnish Forest

Lingon (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) is a common wild berry found in the forests of Finland. These berries are part of the heath family and are closely related to blue­berries and cran­berries. In a Finnish forest, lingon can be seen grow­ing in vast patches, particular­ly in the under­story of pine and birch trees. The forest floor is often covered with a dense carpet of mosses and lichens, which provides the acidic conditions that lingon prefer.
Lingon bushes are small and evergreen, with a height ranging from 10 to 40 cm (4 to 16 inches). They have tiny, glossy, dark green leaves that are arranged alternate­ly along the stems.
The lingon berries are also highly valued by humans for their tart, yet slightly sweet taste. They are rich in vitamin C and anti­oxidants, making them a popular ingred­ient in Nordic cuisine. In Finland, they are often used in jams, juices and desserts, and are served along­side tradition­al dishes such as porridge, meat­balls and reindeer. The berries can be harvest­ed in late August to early October, and it is a common pastime for Finns to go berry picking in the forest, as lingon are both abundant and easy to find.

While keeping warm, you met seema.

Mr King Kong shook paws with seema the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received five silver moles!

seema gave you 1 "Gentle Cascades Pond"

Tries today: 114 Find points today: 114 Hunt total: 264

seemaMr King KongQUEST REWARD

7th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 13/25

@January Snowdrops

Snowdrops, scientifically known as Galanthus nivalis, form a delicate and enchanting cluster, almost like a mini­ature congregation of pure white, bell-shaped flowers. Each snow­drop is an embodi­ment of simplicity and grace, with three petals and three smaller inner seg­ments known as tepals, which are also white but some­times feature a hint of green at their bases. These segments are un­furled, giving the blossom a gentle, open-hearted appearance that seems to defy the cold. A cluster of snow­drops in January is a sight of quiet beauty and anticipation. Their appearance signifies the endurance of nature and the promise of the warmth and colour that is to come, as they are often follow­ed by crocuses, daffodils, and other early spring bulbs. The sight of these early bloomers brings a touch of cheer and a sense of wonder to those who brave the chilly outdoors, serving as a gentle reminder that even in the depths of winter, life is preparing for rebirth.

While keeping warm, you met Trisha.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Trisha the Vanilla Milky Moo Cow. They both received five silver moles!

Trisha and you found 12 Travel Tokens!

Tries today: 147 Find points today: 147 Hunt total: 297

TrishaMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 12

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 14/25

@Door Duo, Ireland

These pristine, smartly painted doors, one in staid dark blue, the other in vibrant glossy red, with polished letterboxes, present a welcoming appearance. The exterior is well swept and baskets and planters of colourful flowers add to the pleasant ambiance.

While keeping warm, you met Red Clover.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Red Clover the Irish Doll. They both received five silver moles!

Red Clover and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 6 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 306

Red CloverMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 150

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 15/25

@Foggy Forest

"What was the Met Office definition of fog, Devin?" queried Mr King Kong. "I can't remember the details."
"The definition of fog? It depends whether you're a petestrian or an aircraft pilot," responded Devin, somewhat flippantly, then he read out from the brochure:
"Mist is defined as 'when there is such obscurity and the associat­ed visibility is equal to or exceeds 1000 metres.' Like fog, mist is still the result of the suspension of water drop­lets, but simply at a lower density.
Mist typically is quicker to dissipate and can rapidly dis­appear with even slight winds. It's also what you see when you can see your breath on a cold day."

While keeping warm, you met Devin.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Devin the Cute Elf. They both received five silver moles!

Devin gave you 1 "Opal" size 8

Tries today: 22 Find points today: 22 Hunt total: 322

size 8

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 16/25

@January Evergreen

A January evergreen branch is a reminder of the resilience of nature and the continuity of life, even in the harsh­est of conditions. It stands tall and proud, offering a touch of warmth and beauty to an other­wise chilly environment.
Evergreens might be from a conifer species such as a pine, spruce, fir, or cypress, which are well-known for their ever­green nature. These branches often have a pleasant, resinous scent and can be used for decorative purposes, such as in wreaths or garlands during the holiday season.

While keeping warm, you met Turbo.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Turbo the Pink Snail. They both received five silver moles!

Turbo and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 26 Find points today: 26 Hunt total: 326

x 2

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 17/25

@Foggy Promenade

"Fog is defined as 'obscurity in the surface layers of the atmosphere, which is caused by a suspension of water droplets'.
By international agreement (particularly for aviation purposes) fog is the name given to result­ing visibility less than 1 km. However, in fore­casts for the public, this generally refers to visibility less than 180 metres."
(Met Office, England)

While keeping warm, you met KOKO.

Mr King Kong shook paws with KOKO the Blushing Koala. They both received five silver moles!

KOKO and you found 5 "Comfy Armchair" size 4.

Tries today: 29 Find points today: 29 Hunt total: 329

x 5
(size 4)

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 18/25

@Dhow Boat, Zanzibar

When visiting Zanzibar, a dhow ride is a popular tourist activity, providing a unique experience to explore the islands, watch the sunset, or even go on a snorkell­ing or dolphin-spotting adventure. The sight of these tradition­al boats with their billow­ing sails is an iconic image that represents the essence of the Swahili coast's past and present.
Dhows are not only a practical means of transport and liveli­hood for many Zanzibaris but also hold significant cultural and historical value. They symbolise the region's long­standing maritime heritage and the rich exchange of trade and culture with other parts of the Indian Ocean rim, including the Middle East, India, and Asia.

While keeping warm, you met Midnight.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Midnight the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received five silver moles!

Midnight gave you 1 "Winter Wind, Fairy" size 10

Tries today: 38 Find points today: 38 Hunt total: 338

MidnightMr King KongQUEST REWARD
size 10

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 19/25

@Luxembourg: A Winter's Tale

A snow-covered meadow in Luxembourg is a place of peace and reflection, a silent sanctuary where the harsh­ness of winter is temper­ed by the quiet grace of the natural world. It is a remind­er of the resilience and beauty that can be found even in the coldest, most barren of seasons, and a testa­ment to the enduring charm of this small but enchanting country.

While keeping warm, you met Tabitha.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Tabitha the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received five silver moles!

Tabitha and you found 5 "Christmas Bear" size 4.

Tries today: 43 Find points today: 43 Hunt total: 343

TabithaMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 20/25

@Swan Lake, Finland

On the serene surface of a misty lake in Finland, two swans grace­fully glide alongside one another. Their long, elegant necks curve with a regal poise, their snow-white feathers blend­ing seam­lessly into the soft, ethereal veil of fog that en­shrouds the tranquil waterscape. The early morning light casts a gentle, silver glow upon the scene, adding a touch of mystique to their already majestic presence. The male swan, or cob, is larger, with a slightly curved neck and a black bill that stands out against the mono­chromatic palette of the early dawn. His feathers are impeccably groomed, a testa­ment to his role as a protector and provider.

The female swan, known as a pen, is equally stunning with a straighter neck and a more rounded head. Her eyes, like two dark jewels, are ever watch­ful as they reflect the emerging daylight. The pen's bill is also black but has a hint of orange at the base, adding a subtle dash of colour to the mono­chromatic scene. Both swans paddle rhythmic­ally with their webbed feet, creating small ripples that spread out and vanish into the surrounding mist. Their movements are in perfect harmony, a dance of sorts that speaks of a deep bond forged through seasons of togetherness.

While keeping warm, you met Nutty.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Nutty the Moondust Squirrel. They both received five silver moles!

Nutty and you found 2 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 53 Find points today: 53 Hunt total: 353

x 2

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 21/25

@Rustic Shutters, Russia

Window shutters in rural Russia are often hand­crafted from natural materials such as wood, reflect­ing the trad­ition­al archi­tectur­al styles and the practical needs of the region's harsh climate. Typically, these shutters are simple in design, sturdy, and functional, serving to protect windows from harsh weather conditions, provide insulation, and offer privacy and security to the inhabitants. The most common material for rustic window shutters in Russia is wood, which is abundant and readily available in the countryside. The wood is often un­painted or stained to show­case its natural beauty and grain. Cedar, pine, and birch are frequent­ly used due to their durability and resistance to harsh winters.

While keeping warm, you met Thunderbolt.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Thunderbolt the Dalmatian Puppy. They both received five silver moles!

Thunderbolt and you found 5 "A Gathering Of Deer, Snow Globe" size 4.

Tries today: 86 Find points today: 86 Hunt total: 386

ThunderboltMr King KongQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 22/25

@Curious Kingfisher

A kingfisher on a branch is a picture of focused concentration and potential energy, ready to dart into the water to snatch a meal at a moment's notice. Its vivid colors and unique sil­houette make it a striking sight against the natural back­drop of foliage and water.

While keeping warm, you met BOB.

Mr King Kong shook paws with BOB the Bob the Blue Scaly Monster. They both received five silver moles!

BOB gave you 1 "Topaz" size 8

Tries today: 119 Find points today: 119 Hunt total: 419

size 8

8th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 23/25

@Winter Weather Heather

"Winter heathers are completely unfazed by winter. Snow, ice and cutting winds leave their dainty bells shining in the weak sun­shine and, unlike other heathers, they’re happy with a little lime in the soil. With wiry stems clothed in ever­green needles, usually deep green but some­times in other shades, winter heathers are usually derived from Erica carnea, which grows wild in the Alps and other cool mountainous regions."

While keeping warm, you met Tildy.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Tildy the Grey Bunny. They both received five silver moles!

Tildy and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 126 Find points today: 126 Hunt total: 426

x 150

9th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 24/25

@River Danube, Slovakia

The River Danube, as it flows through Slovakia, offers various scenic and serene stretches. One such still section is found in the Danube Bend, located in the west­ern part of the country, near the town of Gabčíkovo. This area is known for its calm waters and picturesque land­scapes that are perfect for contemplation and relaxation.

The Danube Bend is a significant natural landmark where the river makes a sharp curve, creating a U-shaped loop that is surrounded by the gentle slopes of the Little Carpathians on the north and the Pannonian Plain to the south. The river here is not as wide as in other parts, contributing to its stillness and reflective surface. The banks are lined with lush greenery, including trees such as willows, poplars, and oaks that provide shade and a natural habitat for a variety of wildlife. You can often spot birds like herons and egrets wading through the shallow waters or perched on branches, as well as fish jumping out of the river.

While keeping warm, you met Bella.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Bella the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received five silver moles!

Bella gave you 1 "Fluffy Winter Bunny" size 10

Tries today: 9 Find points today: 9 Hunt total: 459

size 10

9th Jan 2025
Mr King Kong goes on a January Journey!
Scene 25/25

@Frosty Snail

A snail in winter with frost on its shell is a sight that evokes the tranquility of the cold season. The snail itself is a small, soft-bodied creature, typically with a coiled, spiral shell on its back, which serves as both a home and a protective barrier from the elements. During winter months, the snail's body slows down significantly as it enters a state of hibernation or torpor to conserve energy.

The snail's shell, which is often a warm, earthy brown or gray color, is now adorn­ed with a delicate layer of frost. The frost crystals form a gossamer-like cover­ing over the shell's surface, adding a sparkling, almost ethereal beauty to the creature's other­wise mun­dane appearance. The shell seems to have been kissed by Jack Frost, with the intricate patterns of the frost mimick­ing a lace­work of fine detail. The frost clings to the shell's curves and edges, creating a stark contrast between the cold, frosty exterior and the warmth and protection that lies within.

Mr King Kong has enjoyed their January Journey, but it is time to go home. Please select another pet as visitor, so they can also enjoy this event!

While keeping warm, you met Billy Bear.

Mr King Kong shook paws with Billy Bear the Spirit Bear. They both received five silver moles!

Billy Bear gave you 1 "January Travel Stamp" size 7

Tries today: 20 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 470

Billy BearMr King KongQUEST REWARD
size 7