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& Pegasus


Pegasus has completed the quest of
"Alien Escapades" !

3rd Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 1/25

Walking down the street Frudo comments to Pegasus, “That was such a great day helping out at Bob’s Scoop’s Bonanza! Who knew serving ice cream to deserving pets could be so much fun!”
Pegasus was just as excited. “Right? It was almost as good as when we helped with Joy’s Giving Sunday. And now tonight we are going to have an awesome sleepover while we sleep off this ice cream coma.”

While rocketing around, you met Silky.

Pegasus shook paws with Silky the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Silky gave you 1 "Surprised Tripple, Purple" size 7

Tries today: 540 Find points today: 87 Hunt total: 1536

size 7

3rd Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 2/25

Who were they kidding? Sleep was not going to happen at their sleep over. Arriving at Frudo’s house the pair quickly started to assemble various treats to nom down upon and movies they planned to watch. “This is going to be such a great night! Watching Alien Pet!”

While rocketing around, you met Roskaizan.

Pegasus shook paws with Roskaizan the Bashful Badger. They both received one silver mole!

Roskaizan gave you 1 "Little Pink Life-form, Worried" size 7

Tries today: 657 Find points today: 98 Hunt total: 1547

RoskaizanPegasusQUEST REWARD
size 7

3rd Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 3/25

Before they knew it time has passed and it was 3am. “I guess we should tuck in for some sleep Pegasus. Let’s sleep in our little fort. We should be safe from any alien abduction teehee.”

While rocketing around, you met Hermione.

Pegasus shook paws with Hermione the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Hermione gave you 1 "Purple Floating Crystal Gem" size 9

Tries today: 672 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 1550

HermionePegasusQUEST REWARD
size 9

3rd Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 4/25

Around 4am a bright light shone down upon Frudo’s house awakening them both.
“Urrp, grumble ugh, uck wha?”
A magical whale was floating above the house and before they knew it Frudo and Pegasus were sucked high into the sky! Was this the result of watching alien abduction movies? Were they dreaming?

While rocketing around, you met Tigger.

Pegasus shook paws with Tigger the Tiger. They both received one silver mole!

Tigger gave you 1 "Stargazer Family Complex" size 7

Tries today: 728 Find points today: 111 Hunt total: 1560

size 7

3rd Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 5/25

“What’s going on Pegasus? Where are we?” 
They both looked around in disbelief. No longer were they cozy snug in their fort but they were inside the belly of a SPACEWHALE 
 “I think I drank too much soda last night.” moaned Frudo.

While rocketing around, you met Ada.

Pegasus shook paws with Ada the Astonishing Helper Ant. They both received one silver mole!

Ada and you found 5 "Exotic Sandstorm" size 4.

Tries today: 787 Find points today: 120 Hunt total: 1569

x 5
(size 4)

4th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 6/25

“Welcome aboard!” chirped an unknown voice! 
Both Frudo and Pegasus looked around. Before their eyes popped a strange being from out of this world. 
 “My name is Pogo and I am here to welcome you aboard. We have been searching the galaxy for people as special as you two and we are excited to have you here!” 
Frudo and Pegasus stared at one another. What was going on? Where were they? And more importantly why were they there when they should be sleeping? 
 “I don’t think we are in Petsville anymore!”

While rocketing around, you met Lady Thea.

Pegasus shook paws with Lady Thea the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Lady Thea and you found 5 "Galactic Mothership" size 4.

Tries today: 35 Find points today: 11 Hunt total: 1592

Lady TheaPegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

4th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 7/25

“So, ummm, Pogo…why are we here?” asked Pegasus. 
“Well that is very simple. We needed assistance with the annual Spaceball tournament after our normal volunteers pulled out sick with space sickness. So we have been travelling the galaxy trying to find two benevolent souls who would be willing to help out.” Pogo explained with ease. 
“Help out?!?! Umm you pet-napped us from our sleep!” exclaimed Frudo. 
“Technically, yes…but we have seen how willing you have been in Petsville to help out with various events and we knew you would not let us down. It has been a couple years since we have been able to host the tournament and everyone is so looking forward to it. Please help us. Please.”

While rocketing around, you met Professor.

Pegasus shook paws with Professor the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Professor and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 103 Find points today: 28 Hunt total: 1609

ProfessorPegasusQUEST REWARD
x 25

4th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 8/25

Frudo and Pegasus looked at each other and came to a silent agreement. How could they turn them down?  After all they had had a lot of fun scooping ice cream and delivering gifts. Who knows what Spaceball would be?!?! “So Pogo, where exactly is this tournament and how are we to get there?” asked Pegasus. 
“Oh that is easy. We just use our IGPS system.” 
“The what?” 
“The IntraGalactic Positioning System. It’s quite easy. You just hit a few buttons here and… OOPS! ” 

While rocketing around, you met Visor.

Pegasus shook paws with Visor the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Visor and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 274 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 1642

x 25

4th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 9/25

OOPS?  What do you mean OOPS ? We aren’t going to be lost are we?” Frudo was getting more scared by the moment. 
“Just a little glitch, err hiccup, nothing the drop test won’t fix!” 
“ NOOO!!!!  If you break it how we will get to where we are going? Speaking of which…where ARE  we going?” 
“Oh that’s easy. I’ve been there so often I know the route like I know the back of my hand. We will have no issues navigating there. Who needs this useless IGPS? I’ve never been one for technology. Overrated. Give me the old days of maps and compasses. I do not need something constantly squealing out ‘recalculating’ and whatnot.”

While rocketing around, you met Utterly Ridiculous.

Pegasus shook paws with Utterly Ridiculous the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Utterly Ridiculous and you found 5 "Galactic Mothership" size 4.

Tries today: 290 Find points today: 69 Hunt total: 1650

Utterly RidiculousPegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

4th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 10/25

“We just need to point ourselves towards Jupiter! Or was it Saturn? Ack! Whatever. We head towards that planet over yonder and then make a quick left followed by a left and another left and a left and BOOM! There we are.” said Pogo.
Being a very smart pet Pegasus looked over, “I think you do need to recalculate. We will be right back where we began.” “Wha?!?!”

While rocketing around, you met Oliver.

Pegasus shook paws with Oliver the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Oliver and you found 5 "Glowing Jester" size 4.

Tries today: 518 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 1683

x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 11/25

Despite misdirections the crew started off heading off into the galaxy in hopes of getting to wherever they were going. Why had Pogo not said where the Spaceball tournament was? Was there even a real tournament? Were they just being abducted by aliens for random experimentation and the tournament was all a lie and cover story? Pegasus and Frudo kept exchanging worried glances as the Spacewhale zipped thru the galaxy at speed twisting and turning. This lack of gravity was hard to get accustomed to. If aliens were so smart you would think they would better create artificial gravity on their ships.

While rocketing around, you met Toby.

Pegasus shook paws with Toby the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Toby and you found 5 "Futuristic Light Speed Car, Grey" size 4.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1716

x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 12/25

“Look! There! I recognize that star! We are halfway there!” exclaimed Pogo. Shining brightly outside the Spacewhale was the brightest star Frudo and Pegasus had ever seen. Maybe Pogo was onto something. Maybe there really was a tournament they were heading for. After all they had feasted upon loads of chips and soda and gummies. And every time they have done that in the past and watched movies their imaginations went wild.

While rocketing around, you met Dancer.

Pegasus shook paws with Dancer the Reindeer. They both received one silver mole!

Dancer and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 58 Find points today: 21 Hunt total: 1736

x 25

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 13/25

“Hey Pegasus! That looks like the planet that Ms. Charmicheal taught us about in school. You know the one that was a planet and then got demoted? Poor thing. Losing its planet status. I wish I had a camera so I could take a picture to share with everyone back home. Then they could see how majestic it really is and that it deserves to be a full planet.”

While rocketing around, you met Fresco de la Reye.

Pegasus shook paws with Fresco de la Reye the Kiwi. They both received one silver mole!

Fresco de la Reye and you found 5 "Spiral Stardust Portal" size 4.

Tries today: 72 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 1739

Fresco de la ReyePegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 14/25

“Whoa! Look at that one Frudo! It looks like the jelly beans we were munching upon last night!”
It was quite a sight to see. Who ever would have thought a planet would resemble a tasty yummy jelly bean!
“Why yes,” said Pogo. “That is Beanz. It means we are very close. It should not be much longer before we arrive at the Spaceball tournament. We best be taking care though. Traffic out here may be getting heavy as everyone is en route. They come from all across the galaxy and are VERY excited about this year’s tournament. Who knows how they may navigate.”

While rocketing around, you met Sadie.

Pegasus shook paws with Sadie the Stardust Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

Sadie and you found 5 "Futuristic Light Speed Car, Blue" size 4.

Tries today: 89 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 1745

x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 15/25

Pogo was right. Minutes after the comment about traffic things did get wild. While before they had the airspace to themselves before they knew it there were spaceships of all sorts everywhere they looked. From more Spacewhales, to funny looking flying cars and flying saucers it looked like rush hour on the Petsville’s busiest highway. Frudo and Pegasus could not believe their eyes! What did they get themselves into?!?! They could be sleeping nicely in their fort but no here they were zipping thru the galaxy. Nobody back home would ever believe the night they had.

While rocketing around, you met Davisa Joy.

Pegasus shook paws with Davisa Joy the Brown Owl. They both received one silver mole!

Davisa Joy and you found 5 "Galactic Mothership" size 4.

Tries today: 106 Find points today: 36 Hunt total: 1751

Davisa JoyPegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 16/25

“Buckle up!” Pogo stated. “We’re coming in for a landing. Since you are VIP volunteers our whale gets premium pool parking close to the arena where the tournament is taking place so it will not be a far walk. But, the landing may still be rough. Our whale is still on its training flippers when it comes to stopping and parking.” Frudo and Pegasus scrambled to find a safe place for what could be a crash landing.
Crash! Splash! Bang! Boom!
“Phew! I think we made it. Everyone out!”

While rocketing around, you met Violet Flame.

Pegasus shook paws with Violet Flame the Purple Dragon Hatchling. They both received one silver mole!

Violet Flame and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 220 Find points today: 52 Hunt total: 1767

Violet FlamePegasusQUEST REWARD
x 150

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 17/25

“Well, let’s get the two of you registered as volunteers at the desk and get things started!”
Moving up to the check in desk both Frudo and Pegasus still could not believe the immense scale of things. And they thought Petsville had a diverse population. There were 1000s of varying creatures milling about inside the arena. Once they claimed their badges they were more than excited to begin.
“So Pogo, where do we go from here?”

While rocketing around, you met Lami.

Pegasus shook paws with Lami the Mauve Koala. They both received one silver mole!

Lami and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 304 Find points today: 61 Hunt total: 1776

x 150

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 18/25

“We will start with having to assist checking in teams from all across the galaxy.” And with that Frudo and Pegasus found themselves sitting behind the checking desk looking at the various IDs from creatures big and small. Once confirmed everyone was who they said they were a stamp was applied and badges were given out.
“I cannot believe how many teams are here! This is going to be a massive event. But how exactly does one play Spaceball?"

While rocketing around, you met Sunshine.

Pegasus shook paws with Sunshine the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Sunshine and you found 5 "Exotic Sandstorm" size 4.

Tries today: 552 Find points today: 94 Hunt total: 1809

SunshinePegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

5th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 19/25

“Ahhh, come see. We were going to use you as referees but we realized being your first year you lacked the experience.”
“First year?” gulped Pegasus.
“Never mind that. Come with me.”
And so they were whisked off to watch some play inside the arena.
“Right though these doors and we will get some courtside seats and you can see two of the top seated teams battle it out in Round 3 and I will explain the sport.”

While rocketing around, you met ypmblessed.

Pegasus shook paws with ypmblessed the Blue Beautiful Unicorn. They both received one silver mole!

ypmblessed and you found 5 "Peculiar Stacked Stones" size 4.

Tries today: 653 Find points today: 101 Hunt total: 1816

ypmblessedPegasusQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 20/25

Taking their seats Frudo and Pegasus are in awe at the size of the court.
“You see it is much like basketball in Petsville. And we have 5 players on the court from each team at the same time. The idea is to get the orb into the basket at the opponent’s end of the court.”
“But how do you cope with the lack of gravity? Obviously you cannot dribble the orb like we dribble our ball…”
LASERS! Everyone on the teams gets a directional laser they can aim and use to move the orb. It truly is fascinating watching the laser wars and the orb spin out of control. Now put on your protective shades. The game is about to begin.”

While rocketing around, you met Marius.

Pegasus shook paws with Marius the Merry Mole. They both received one silver mole!

Marius and you found 5 "Garnet Stalagmite" size 4.

Tries today: 1 Find points today: 1 Hunt total: 1841

x 5
(size 4)

6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 21/25

“Here they come!”
The two teams raced to the arena floor ready to begin the game. Each player was indeed armed with their own laser as they took opposing sides. The referee floated out to midline and launched the orb and the fun began! The crowd was going wild as the teams floated from one end to the other trying to make a basket. The lasers cackled and the orb spun wildly in the air. Frudo and Pegasus were so excited watching they could not remain in their seats and like the rest of the crowd floated to their feet to cheer the teams on. They were starting to get used to this lack of gravity thing. It was kind of fun.

While rocketing around, you met Daulphine.

Pegasus shook paws with Daulphine the Dauntless Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

Daulphine gave you 1 "Surprised Tripple, Purple" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 6 Find points today: 4 Hunt total: 1844

DaulphinePegasusQUEST REWARD

6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 22/25

“Wow! That was so exciting! Spaceball is soooo much better than basketball.” The game was over and the crowds had thinned. Pogo led his charges out of the arena.
“We are greatly appreciative of your assistance in getting all of our teams registered this year. We would not have been able to do it without you both.”
“It was fun and easy. Thank you for letting us watch a game. It was so neat to see. But Pogo how will we get home? It feels as if we have been gone for days and our families will be worrying. We were just having a simple sleepover when all of the sudden we were in the Spacewhale…”

While rocketing around, you met Utterly Ridiculous.

Pegasus shook paws with Utterly Ridiculous the Strawberry Milky Moo Cow. They both received one silver mole!

Utterly Ridiculous gave you 1 "Little Pink Life-form, Worried" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 146 Find points today: 37 Hunt total: 1877

Utterly RidiculousPegasusQUEST REWARD

6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 23/25

“I guess time is ticking away up here but you need not worry. Time has paused down on Petsville while you are with us. But let us take our leave and board the Spacewhale and get you home.”
With that they left the arena and went back to the waiting whale in its pool.
“I hope it has been fed and knows how to use its flippers for a smoother take off.” said Frudo.
“Oh don’t you worry. All you need to do is board the Spacewhale and sit down in the space pod and close your eyes. The space pod is yours for future travel.Then all I will ask you to do is slowly count backwards by 3s from 100 and before you know it you will be home…”
“Last time someone asked me to do that I woke up minus part of my anatomy!”
“100, 97, 94…”

While rocketing around, you met LILJE.

Pegasus shook paws with LILJE the Blue Polar Bear. They both received one silver mole!

LILJE gave you 1 "Purple Floating Crystal Gem" size 9

Tries today: 367 Find points today: 70 Hunt total: 1910

size 9

6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 24/25

“Ugh, urk, gurgle, wha where am I?” Frudo awoke with a start. “Pegasus! We are home! Wake up!”
More rustling came from the tent as Pegasus slowly awoke from their slumber too. What happened last night?
“Did you have a weird dream too?”
“I dunno if that was a dream, look out the window! There appears to be a new playhouse outside!”

While rocketing around, you met Kitty.

Pegasus shook paws with Kitty the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Kitty gave you 1 "Stargazer Family Complex"

Tries today: 540 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 1930


6th Aug 2022
Pegasus is questing!
Episode 25/25

Frudo and Pegasus rushed outside and to their great surprise found a couple lovely gifts.
While your friends here on Petsville may not believe your adventure happened you know in your hearts that it did.
Enjoy these gifts from us as a thank you for your assistance.
See you next year!
Pegasus has completed their Alien Escapade! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

While rocketing around, you met Alex.

Pegasus shook paws with Alex the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Alex gave you 1 "Purple Flower Power Egg" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 633 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 1942
