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& Englebert


Englebert has completed the quest of
"Words to Remember" !

1st Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 1/27:
While slowly walking home from a play date, Englebert and friends were awestruck when a pickup rattled on past them, loaded to the hilt with gifts for the Christmas season.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Pekoe.

Englebert shook paws with Pekoe the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Pekoe gave you 1 "Square Tan Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 676 Find points today: 102 Hunt total: 2219

PekoeEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

1st Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 2/27:
With an unfortunate THUMP the friends watched the truck hit a little chain of potholes, and an avalanche of gifts came tumbling down into the street! OH MY!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet frisky.

Englebert shook paws with frisky the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

frisky gave you 1 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 712 Find points today: 108 Hunt total: 2225

friskyEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 3/27:
Scampering quickly, Honey, the little badger, grabbed up fallen gifts, while Englebert watched on the curb, making sure there were no other vehicles in sight. Always remember to look both ways! Some of the other friends quickly scooped up gifts as well.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet KAREN.

Englebert shook paws with KAREN the Holstein Friesian Calf. They both received one silver mole!

KAREN gave you 1 "Pokey Porcupine (Smiling)" size 7

Tries today: 43 Find points today: 24 Hunt total: 2258

(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 4/27:
Englebert yelled after the driver, however, they were blissfully unaware that they had lost their gifts. A little excited at the fortune of gifts laid out on the road before them, the friends decided that collecting them up would be better than opening them. But the temptation!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Layla.

Englebert shook paws with Layla the Black Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Layla gave you 1 "Square Tan Gift Box" size 7

Tries today: 184 Find points today: 44 Hunt total: 2278

LaylaEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 5/27:
Honey and her little friend Quillen, the porcupine, were dismayed to see that even though they collected gifts out of the road as quick as they could, one was open and damaged. Tugging gently at the ornament, the kids realized it was actually the word “GIVING”.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Ms Stinkerbelle.

Englebert shook paws with Ms Stinkerbelle the Baby Skunk. They both received one silver mole!

Ms Stinkerbelle gave you 1 "Giving Ornament" size 7

Tries today: 195 Find points today: 47 Hunt total: 2281

Ms StinkerbelleEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 6/27:
Englebert and the friends spied the quaint garden house of the neighborhood gnome close by, and careful to stay off the grass (they had been scolded before about that!), walked up to see if they could help figure out how to return the gifts.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Graham.

Englebert shook paws with Graham the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

Graham gave you 1 "Top Hat Gnome Home" size 7

Tries today: 264 Find points today: 58 Hunt total: 2292

GrahamEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 7/27:
After a sharp rap on the door, the gnome, Fred, answered it and came out to see what Honey and Quillen were talking about with all the gifts. After a sparkle of magic, there appeared word ornaments all over the outside the home. GIVING! Englebert and the friends were slightly awed by the magical signs appearing, and whispered among themselves about how it happened. Honey, being a brave badger, asked Fred about the chance of him knowing who might have had the truck of gifts. Fred, scratching his head, mentioned that he didn’t but by golly, there goes the pick up in question!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Sunshine.

Englebert shook paws with Sunshine the Dauntless Dolphin. They both received one silver mole!

Sunshine gave you 1 "Prancing Jingly Bell Gnome" size 7

Tries today: 543 Find points today: 91 Hunt total: 2325

SunshineEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 8/27:
The friends, with Fred in tow, walk out the garden gate to find the neighborhood busybody, Jed. Jed always seems to be wearing his ugly Christmas sweater, and the kids giggle at it, wishing that maybe they can have one too! Englebert asked Jed if he knows anything about the gifts and where they needed to go? Jed, scratching his head (NO, he doesn’t have fleas!) replied that he doesn’t know either but hoomans might. How to find one of those flea-shy, elusive hoomans?

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Jasper.

Englebert shook paws with Jasper the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Jasper gave you 1 "Jack Puppy (Purple Argyle Sweater)" size 7

Tries today: 581 Find points today: 96 Hunt total: 2330

JasperEnglebertQUEST REWARD
(size 7)

2nd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 9/27:
Fred grabs up a couple carts in his gnome garden, and they load up the gifts to make it easier to tote around until they find the hooman and return these. Englebert still intrigued with the word GIVING, Honey and the kids are going to solve this mystery!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Moon.

Englebert shook paws with Moon the Midnight Happy Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

Moon and you found 5 "Long Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 644 Find points today: 105 Hunt total: 2339

x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 10/27:
Jed and Quillen realize that there are empty spots at the houses all over the little hamlet and Honey mentioned that last week when she was in Sunday School, the teacher was talking about how some pets are lonely and don’t have family to spend the holidays with. Englebert popped a twinkling eye and mentioned that maybe, just maybe, if they left gifts on the stoops of the houses, they might be helping somepet not be lonely. Quillen, smiling broadly, asked Honey if that was what her Sunday School teacher meant? Honey replied, sure was! Fred asked if maybe that was part of what GIVING means? And being the “adult” of the group, didn’t think it would be too terrible if not all the lost gifts made it back to where they came from, right?

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet BoBo.

Englebert shook paws with BoBo the Brown Mini Rex Rabbit. They both received one silver mole!

BoBo and you found 5 "Peace Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 2 Find points today: 2 Hunt total: 2350

x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 11/27:
The friends were so engrossed in giving away gifts to the houses in the hamlet and singing carols with the town square bear, who touts herself to be a wandering minstrel, that they didn’t even notice that the pick up they were searching out just drove by!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Chloe.

Englebert shook paws with Chloe the Cloud. They both received one silver mole!

Chloe and you found 5 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 11 Find points today: 7 Hunt total: 2355

ChloeEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 12/27:
MMM I smell bar-b-que! Said Fred, lifting his head high in the air, and Englebert wiped a little drool off his chin. Honey and Quillen both wander over to the picnic in the park, opting for the vegan treats. Jed, towing the cart of presents along, figures it’s snack time! Sustenance always helps when doing hard work.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Snarky.

Englebert shook paws with Snarky the Chameleon Snail. They both received one silver mole!

Snarky and you found 12 "Pink Candy Cane" (edible).

Tries today: 69 Find points today: 25 Hunt total: 2373

SnarkyEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 12 (edible)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 13/27:
Asking the picnickers politely if they could join in the repast, the little group of friends dig in. Excited to try some new dishes as well, the group realizes that their new friends are also in possession of the GIVING ornament. Wowzers! Jed gives a little yip of excitement, and asks his new friends if they know exactly what the ornament is for. The little black salamander, licking his lips, explains it’s something they just did. Honey, confused, wonders out loud and asked for more explanation. It’s simple, said Sully, you were in need and we had what you need, so we gave it to you. A little glimmer of understanding clicked in Quillen’s thoughts, and she thinks maybe, just maybe she gets this!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Bethany Baby.

Englebert shook paws with Bethany Baby the Graceful Elephant. They both received one silver mole!

Bethany Baby and you found 12 "Yellow Candy Cane" (edible).

Tries today: 102 Find points today: 30 Hunt total: 2378

Bethany BabyEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 12 (edible)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 14/27:
Collecting up their cart of gifts, the kids wave goodbye to their new friends, and decide to leave a few gifts there as well, hoping that the boxes are full of something delightful. Oblivious because of food coma, the little group missed the pickup right there parked by the cart, yet again.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Flip Flop Flap.

Englebert shook paws with Flip Flop Flap the Playful Penguin. They both received one silver mole!

Flip Flop Flap and you found 12 "Candy Cane Branch Red/White" (edible).

Tries today: 186 Find points today: 51 Hunt total: 2399

Flip Flop FlapEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 12 (edible)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 15/27:
In a bizarre twist of fate, the friends are shocked to see the pickup smack right into the cart of gifts they were trying to return. The driver, still blissfully unaware they are HER gifts she lost and now ran over, comes to a screeching halt.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet fire fox.

Englebert shook paws with fire fox the Black Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

fire fox and you found 5 "Believe Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 218 Find points today: 56 Hunt total: 2404

fire foxEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 16/27:
Poor Quillen! Fred rushed over to help her up. Quillen, none worse for the wear despite the harrowing encounter, dusts herself off and starts gathering up the gifts and putting them back in the cart. Jed wonders if she's a little dizzy, because it didn't make much sense to put them in the cart rather than the truck, but goes along with it. Why not?

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Laila Lu.

Englebert shook paws with Laila Lu the Ragdoll Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Laila Lu and you found 5 "Square Tan Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 278 Find points today: 63 Hunt total: 2411

Laila LuEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 17/27:
Fred notices that Willamina, the hairy little gnome down the block has come out to assist the kids with their clean up efforts. Honey gives a big Thank You, because sometimes giving means not only giving a tangible thing, but it also means giving your time or talent or just a helping hand. Willamina, happy to help, is content to see the kids' cart full and shuffles back off to her house. Jed is in wonderment, this new GIVING concept is actually pretty fun!
And the driver, realizing the pets were fine, drove off without letting the kids explain they were her gifts!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Kitty.

Englebert shook paws with Kitty the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

Kitty and you found 5 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 418 Find points today: 79 Hunt total: 2427

KittyEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

3rd Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 18/27:
The kids have been wandering around town having a wonderful afternoon when Jed realizes that the sun is sliding rapidly down the horizon, and his mom will be calling him home soon. Still not sure what to do with the little cart of gifts, but off in the hills there is a little gathering of houses. Looking about, the kids realize that there are gifts stuck in strange places, how to retrieve them?

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Toto.

Englebert shook paws with Toto the Brown Lovable Labrador. They both received one silver mole!

Toto and you found 5 "Square Tan Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 688 Find points today: 95 Hunt total: 2443

x 5
(size 4)

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 19/27:
As Quillen and Honey were just about to go climbing the trees, being little experts at it, you know, there was a great fluttering of wings. Fred was a little startled by the whirlwinds swirling around. Jed looks up and sees a parliament of owls gathering up the gifts and gently placing them in the cart for the kids.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Amy.

Englebert shook paws with Amy the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

Amy and you found 150 Frank 'n' Cents!

Tries today: 10 Find points today: 6 Hunt total: 2455

x 150

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 20/27:
The kids are in awe of how quickly the help from the owls went, the cart is upright and ready to roll once again after being hit by the pickup. Honey, realized that sometimes GIVING also means receiving. Jed, scratching his head again (NO, no fleas!) in confusion, asked Honey to explain how two opposites could possibly mean the same thing.
Honey, a little tongue tied, tried to explain. OK, it's like this. See, we broke down. The gifts got tossed about and the owls helped us get the gifts and put them back. They were GIVING to us, of their time. And we got the gift. But it wasn't a gift like a box, but like a ghost. Wait, no, that's not what I mean. um, huh.
Quillen, sighed a little, and said, that maybe they should do something nice in return for the owls, and so the kids took little gifts back to the owls. A little brown owl looked wistfully at the gift and hoped it was a mouse!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet lily monet.

Englebert shook paws with lily monet the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

lily monet and you found 5 "Joy Ornament" size 4.

Tries today: 158 Find points today: 39 Hunt total: 2488

lily monetEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 21/27:
The kids finally cart the cart along to surprisingly find a hooman house! They skip quickly up the walk, knocking and are excited to find one of their own answering the door. Invited inside, the kids first explain they have a cart by the curb they need to give back and are intrigued by the GIVING sign they have been encountering all along the way.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet BLUEY.

Englebert shook paws with BLUEY the Blue Polar Bear. They both received one silver mole!

BLUEY and you found 25 silver moles!

Tries today: 281 Find points today: 57 Hunt total: 2506

x 25

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 22/27:
Fred and the kids are concerned about the trip home now that they have meandered all over town, and their host insists they come inside and talk and enjoy some warm beverages.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Flicka.

Englebert shook paws with Flicka the Green Rapid Dragonfly. They both received one silver mole!

Flicka and you found 10 Copper Trolls!

Tries today: 537 Find points today: 90 Hunt total: 2539

FlickaEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 10

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 23/27:
With the help of the hooman, Englebert and friends have a quick job of loading off the cart into the pickup. Fred spied some ratchet straps in the truck bed, and after the last gift was stacked on top, asked Jed to help him tie down the gift pile. That way, if the driver thwacks some potholes again, the gifts won't topple off.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Redington.

Englebert shook paws with Redington the Red Feisty Fox. They both received one silver mole!

Redington and you found 5 "Long Pastel Green Gift Box" size 4.

Tries today: 657 Find points today: 103 Hunt total: 2552

RedingtonEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 5
(size 4)

4th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 24/27:
With the gifts safe and secure, the kids stare in awe at the hooman's house. Honey, frustrated that she wasn't really able to explain what she wanted about GIVING and hopes that the hooman can do it one better.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet frisky.

Englebert shook paws with frisky the Grey Playful Kitten. They both received one silver mole!

frisky and you found 12 "Red Candy Cane" (edible).

Tries today: 712 Find points today: 110 Hunt total: 2559

friskyEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 12 (edible)

5th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 25/27:
Sitting down and enjoying their hot cocoa, the kids listen to the hooman. GIVING is so many things, it's truly hard to explain. For giving is an act that can be done with different attitudes, and we hope that we are showing you GIVING of the heart. We collected up the gifts that you gave back to us to help provide things for people who would do without otherwise. There are hoomans who don't have a home, or burrow or nest. Some choose to live with no shelter, but they are just a tiny number. So many are in need, of so many things. These are things they need, such as warm clothes, shelters they can put up, delicious foods to take along. And my friends and I are going out later to deliver them, would you like to come along?

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet lily monet.

Englebert shook paws with lily monet the Majestic Monarch Butterfly. They both received one silver mole!

lily monet and you found 20 GOLDEN MOLES!

Tries today: 5 Find points today: 5 Hunt total: 2571

lily monetEnglebertQUEST REWARD
x 20

5th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 26/27:
The kids follow the hooman out, who's name is Jane, to the truck and help deliver all the gifts to the others in need. Honey, feeling a warm glow in her little badger heart, is happy to have been on this adventure with Jed, who began chasing his tail in the middle of everything with excitement; Fred, who left his home to explore the world outside his garden; Quillen, who despite her prickly looks, has a heart of gold and Englebert, who is a wonderful new friend. However, it's almost time to part ways and head home to celebrate Christmas in their own tradition. GIVING will always be a part of daily life, but what makes it glow in your heart, decides Honey, is when you do it with no need for something in return, that doing it for love is the best feeling ever.

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet GRIMMY.

Englebert shook paws with GRIMMY the Red Dragon. They both received one silver mole!

GRIMMY gave you 1 "Prancing Jingly Bell Gnome" FULL SIZE

Tries today: 31 Find points today: 13 Hunt total: 2579


5th Jan 2020

Englebert is questing!
Episode 27/27:
And with a tiny bit of Christmas magic, Jane gives each of the kids some special gifts for their kind and GIVING hearts, and sends each one home again. Englebert is left standing with Jane, who gives Englebert a hug, and explains that there are other journeys to go on, but that Englebert needs to give one of the other pets the opportunity to find the next one. So with that, Englebert returned home and changed to a new visitor!
Englebert has completed the quest! Please select another pet as visitor, so it can also take part!

Whilst following the trail of parcels, you meet Ivory.

Englebert shook paws with Ivory the Leopard gecko. They both received one silver mole!

Ivory gave you 1 "Top Hat Gnome Home"

Tries today: 67 Find points today: 20 Hunt total: 2586

IvoryEnglebertQUEST REWARD