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think pink

scaredy cat is really scared!! he's buried in pink!! why pink? he's a boy!!! he doesn't do pink!! he looks at kaida for help. kaida tries to calm her friend as she explains what's happening. pink represents many things and not just girly things. it's commonly a representative of breast cancer awareness but it also has other meanings. in some cultures, pink is positively associated with love, charm, and politeness. there are pink gems and rocks. some animals are pink like pink flamingos and think about some of the tasty foods that are pink in color!! there's even a singer named "pink"!! and at the moment, i am tickled pink which means i am extremely pleased. so rejoice in the pink scaredy cat - it's gonna be ok!!

this week's theme - think pink!! there are lots of fun things to do that involves pink - eat pink cotton candy, make a valentine's card with pink hearts for your favorite pnf friend, even travel to brazil to mine for pink topaz!! the ideas are endless!! you can search through the stores for pink things using the pink search icon.

for your participation, there will be a fun pink prize that hasn't been released to the public!!

thank you Cheryl Lacharity-Miller​ for your suggestion!!

here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "think pink" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "like" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around midnight GMT october 12th (monday night in the USA).
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