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& Scaredy Cat
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ask a stupid question

scaredy cat is confused and upset. he's learned that tomorrow is "ask a stupid question day" and he was told that there are no such things as stupid questions! now what is he supposed to do? it looks like some of his friends are not too sure about this either. now kaida on the other hand, seems as calm as she always is. maybe she knows what to do?

this week - the challenge is to ask that stupid question - or determine if there really is no such thing as a stupid question. does your pet really want to know why the chicken crossed the road? is there a simple answer to the query of "what is black, white and red/read all over? what is the stupid question?

for your participation, you will receive.....
here's the basics:
you must submit your art to the pnf art gallery - only entries there will be counted.
* put "ask a stupid question" in the title or description
* the entry with the most votes will be declared the winner.
* to vote, click the "vote" button - you may vote for as many entries as you want
* voting will be open immediately
* this challenge will be open from now until around 1:00am GMT october 4th (around 8:00pm tuesday night in the USA).
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